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Student Accountability On The University L


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As educators, we often teach more than English. However, how do we encourage and promote accountability for a "Freshman Univeristy students" English Majors to accept this concept as it relates to turning in assignment.

Perhaps, it might be a Thai concept to do EXTRA CREDIT or MAKE UP Credit. for a missed assignment.

My course outline indicates NO MAKE UP.. You show up on the day of the quiz.

HINT: Come to class.

It is the student's responsibility to see the instructor about the possibility of a make up, depending on the reason.. Waking up late for a final, comming into class and disrupting the other does not make it..

And so, trying to help this student, I offer because it is the Final. Come back at the next section and take it with the other class..

A note is written in English, she is an English Major, and given to her. So this is a no Brainer.. Second section of the FINAL.. Again the student is late and disrupts the class. Luckly it is PART 1 of 2.. and we are at the break, so trying to AVOID, the hassle, and using a Jai yen approach, she is allowed to take part 2.. and takes part 1 in 30 minutes..

The student scores 2/20 on Part 1; Part 2 23/90.

I seemed to recall when I was a student, when you missed a final time, that was pretty Lame.. but to do it twice in the same day.. DOUBLE LAME..

And this is a problem with the Freshman.. Adaptation and Transistion Accountability.

YET, I'm faced with teaching this student a different lesson, and her goal is the MRS degree...

In the end, she will receive the grade she earned. I have documented all her class appearances and work.. and ready for the parents for when they come and say: I have not taught their daughter well.. AND they have wasted their money.

TOO bad you can't get a refund. :o

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Sounds like you had a bad student and you will fail her. Of course this might be noteworthy since it doesn't happen often (the failing her part) in Thailand but I really would like to know if there is some reason you have decided to post this information on Thaivisa. Is it to encourage others to do the same? Is it to show that you are the type of person who sticks to their principles? What's the message here and what, if anything were you expecting as a response?

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Of course this might be noteworthy since it doesn't happen often (the failing her part) in Thailand but I really would like to know if there is some reason you have decided to post this information on Thaivisa. Is it to encourage others to do the same? Is it to show that you are the type of person who sticks to their principles? What's the message here and what, if anything were you expecting as a response?

A response like this is a starter.. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
My course outline indicates NO MAKE UP.. You show up on the day of the quiz.

HINT: Come to class.

It is the student's responsibility to see the instructor about the possibility of a make up, depending on the reason.. Waking up late for a final, comming into class and disrupting the other does not make it..

If you give the students make up tests, why tell them that you don't give make ups? Mixed messages, mate.

(Failing students is not at all uncommon at university level.)

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You sound unfair and too serious. The theme of Thialnd is having fun. I can tell you made this post in a furor and you probably need a new keyboard. I used to teach freshies and the lateness never bothered me while other teachers self-destructed. These students are adults and it's UP TO THEM if they wanna come on time or even at all. Did you come to teach here because you are actually serious about teaching or you had the bright idea to stay in Thailand? If it is the first reason, you are better off in another country.

I don't understand one part: you talk about quizzes then waking up late for the FINAL. At my old university the school proctors and administers the final, so it is up to them how to handle that. As for quizzes I already know they will cheat and I won't let it get to my head. You should relax.

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Well, thinking back to my own time at UNiversity, the first year I showed up at basically all afternoon classes drunk; I frequently showed up to exams late; missed a few and had to come up with cock and bull stories as to why.

I failed a few papers as a result; but eventually pulled my finger out and managed to be, what is that latin word, valour dictorium or something.

A few failures are a learning experience - don't be scared to fail someone or give a bad grade and they learn....otherwise they will be all soft pali style all their life.

University is for adults; if you want to pay the fees and then waste your time, well that is up to each individual.

Lucky for me, I learned something. Pity I had already spent so much money against the stainless steel wall playing darts.

Well, I guess I did get good at darts as well though :o

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The OUT Phrase: THE possibility of a Make-up.. For the ADM folks.. If the student broke their leg, crashed their motorcycle...family emergency.. That type of thing. .BUT not for the slackers who over slept or decided to stroll on in a half hour late...

HAD TO PUT the fear of the Almighty.. with the CLASS RULES and TESTING Policy... And put up with the NO F policy... BITE THE BIG ONE STRUTH :o

And yes a bit... POed .. that day.... BUT All is well in the LOS

Just one of the things..a hot button... of the day..

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As educators, we often teach more than English.  However, how do we encourage and promote accountability for a "Freshman Univeristy students"  English Majors to accept this concept as it relates to turning in assignment.

Perhaps, it might be a Thai concept to do EXTRA CREDIT or MAKE UP Credit. for a missed assignment.

My course outline indicates NO MAKE UP.. You show up on the day of the quiz.

HINT: Come to class.

It is the student's responsibility to see the instructor about the possibility of a make up, depending on the reason.. Waking up late for a final, comming into class and disrupting the other does not make it..

And so, trying to help this student,  I offer because it is the Final. Come back at the next section and take it with the other class..

A note is written in English, she is an English Major,  and given to her. So this is a no Brainer..  Second  section of the FINAL.. Again the student is late and disrupts the class.  Luckly it is PART 1 of 2.. and we are at the break, so trying to  AVOID, the hassle, and using a Jai yen approach, she is allowed to take part 2..  and takes part 1 in 30 minutes..

The student scores  2/20 on Part 1; Part 2  23/90.

I seemed to recall when I was a student, when you missed a final time, that was pretty Lame.. but to do it twice in the same day.. DOUBLE LAME..

And this is a problem with the Freshman.. Adaptation and Transistion  Accountability.

YET, I'm faced with teaching this student a different lesson, and her goal is the MRS degree...

    In the end, she will receive the grade she earned.  I have documented all her class appearances and work.. and ready for the parents for when they come and say:  I have not taught their daughter well.. AND they have wasted their money.

TOO bad you can't get a refund. :o

Rhys I seem to remember reading this same scenario in the past! Is this another case or did you just want to air the problem again? :D

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