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Thai Auto Industry Records Highest Sale Ever

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Thai auto industry records highest sale ever

By The Nation


All signs are showing that Thailand's automobile industry is getting closer to recording its highest sales ever.

At this year's Thailand International Motor Expo, held at Muang Thong Thani in Bangkok from December 1 to 12, 33,058 orders were placed for new vehicles, the highest ever achieved at the event which marks the yearend auto-buying season. Last year, about 25,000 orders were placed.

Auto companies are expecting 750,000 to 800,000 new vehicles to be sold this year thanks mainly to the new models, mostly small and fuel-efficient city cars, as well as an easier financial environment.

According to show organiser Kwanchai Paphatphong, more than Bt36 billion is being circulated due to sales of new vehicles, used vehicles, commercial vehicles, car accessories and audio systems.

"The show this year was very successful and this reflects the potential of the event and the right timing," he said. Kwanchai's initial prediction was that about 20,000 orders would be placed.

"This is the highest number of orders ever placed at the Motor Expo," he added.

The top 10 companies that got the most orders were, Toyota with 8,309 orders, Honda 3,919, Isuzu 2,902, Nissan with 2,879, Mazda 2,727, Mitsubishi 1,930, Chevrolet 1,681, Ford 1,232, Proton 1,173 and Hyundai 832 orders.

"The yearend period offers a golden opportunity for auto companies to wrap up sales and every company competes in offering attractive promotions," Kwanchai said. "We have been organising the Motor Expo for 27 years now and are proud to help generate sales for the industry by serving as a meeting ground for automobile companies and consumers."


-- The Nation 2010-12-14


Funny and the people are complaining that the economy is bad and they are out of cash, but the first thing they do is buy a new cars. Hmmmm,,,,,

True true, i believe in Thailand its called having a good face ;)

No bed to sleep in, but have a new car


You cannot believe those figures...100% bull sh-t. made up numbers.

The companies make up the figures to look as tho they have had success. I know because Ive been involved in similar shows in the past. No company is going to admit to NO sales are they?? And that also goes even more so for the organisers....they want show success to get the exhibitors back next year!!!

Ask for the proof.....where are the signed deposit paid order forms???

Any person showing a little interest is reagrded as a "buyer" by the sales team and addded to the total of "sold" sales results. The same person probably unknowingly (sales team tally) has bought several cars by the time he / she leaves the show!!

But agree....a lot to do with "Face" Drive a car you cannot afford and sleep in a hovel!!! Oh..and have the latest greatest mobile too.....

I was once involved in marketing.....driving an "average car" I replaced that with a flashy sports car..... and my sales doubled overnight!!! So maybe there is some merit in buying a car you cannot afford???


The Detroit of the East is living up to its reputation. I also laugh and agree with the 'face' issue. No money but have to buy new cars, hate the neighbours to see a bucket in the driveway! My wife has been at me for a new vehicle and finally saw the error in losing 20-30% they day you buy one. And women make the majority of decisions in household purchases including vehicles. I'll stick to 5 year old cars and minimise financial losses over time. rolleyes.gif


The title of this thread indicates that Thailand has an auto industry. It doesn't. The best it has is subcontractors which make parts for overseas manufacturers. Why title it "Thai Auto Industry....."? Why not title it "Thai car show....," or "Thai Auto sellers...."

I'd like to say glowing things about Thai manufacturing prowess, but here's the sobering truth: Thai companies cannot even make a water squirt gizmo that works. I jest not. I've bought water quirt nozzles (used mainly for Thai-style toilets) from several different Thai and Chinese companies. Result: NOT ONE OF THEM WORK PROPERLY. Same for power strips - you know the simple extension cords to plug in electric things. I've bought about nine types - each one from a different Thai or Chinese manufacturer AND NOT ONE OF THEM WORKS WELL.

We know all mechanical innovations emanate from western countries and Japan, but come on Thailand - if you can't figure out how to make functioning copies of the simplest mechanical things - how can you ever hope to make complex machinery?! ....and this is a country which is planning several nuclear power plants!


My neighbor is a sr. exec in a factory making AC units for cars. He said it is crazy busy. Can't find workers, orders are booming and biz is fantastic.

I was driving around Chonburi the other day and you would be amazed at the number of new housing developments oriented towards Thais. Unreal.

Biz is booming in Thailand...believe it or not...


My neighbor is a sr. exec in a factory making AC units for cars. He said it is crazy busy. Can't find workers, orders are booming and biz is fantastic.

I was driving around Chonburi the other day and you would be amazed at the number of new housing developments oriented towards Thais. Unreal.

Biz is booming in Thailand...believe it or not...

Yes I agree Biz is booming - the streets here in Chiang Mai are crammed with shiny new 'Jazzes' 'Hiluxes' etc it looks like cars will be outnumbering bikes

here if they're not already.


I once bought a new car here on finance.........25% down ,which was actually part of the money I got for my used car ,and a signature from a girl who had nothing to her name as guarantor was all I needed.And of I drove with my brandnew car.Do I have to explain further????????


I once bought a new car here on finance.........25% down ,which was actually part of the money I got for my used car ,and a signature from a girl who had nothing to her name as guarantor was all I needed.And of I drove with my brandnew car.Do I have to explain further????????

Same with me. 25% down and wifey signed for it. But it is amazing how many new luxury cars I see on the roads. Somebody's making bucks here in LOS! And it ain't me!!!! :(


I once bought a new car here on finance.........25% down ,which was actually part of the money I got for my used car ,and a signature from a girl who had nothing to her name as guarantor was all I needed.And of I drove with my brandnew car.Do I have to explain further????????

Same with me. 25% down and wifey signed for it. But it is amazing how many new luxury cars I see on the roads. Somebody's making bucks here in LOS! And it ain't me!!!! :(

And what happens to those who don't pay all the payments with %? Are there repo men in Thailand? I assume there are such thankless jobs, but I would also bet VIPs are somehow exempt from such obligations. ...wouldn't want any big shots to lose face, would we?

BTW, I don't know how much this relates, but there seems to have been a doubling of vehicles on the roads in my town of C.Rai in the past couple weeks. Traffic that was backed up a hundred meters (a month ago), is now backed up 300 or 400 meters at the same intersections. At the same time, all but the largest main roads don't have public transport (buses) - though I've heard these sorts of problems are much worse in C.Mai. At this rate, C.Rai will be as bad of a gridlocked miserable smoghole as C.Mai is now ....in a couple years.


I once bought a new car here on finance.........25% down ,which was actually part of the money I got for my used car ,and a signature from a girl who had nothing to her name as guarantor was all I needed.And of I drove with my brandnew car.Do I have to explain further????????

Same with me. 25% down and wifey signed for it. But it is amazing how many new luxury cars I see on the roads. Somebody's making bucks here in LOS! And it ain't me!!!! :(

And what happens to those who don't pay all the payments with %? Are there repo men in Thailand? I assume there are such thankless jobs, but I would also bet VIPs are somehow exempt from such obligations. ...wouldn't want any big shots to lose face, would we?

BTW, I don't know how much this relates, but there seems to have been a doubling of vehicles on the roads in my town of C.Rai in the past couple weeks. Traffic that was backed up a hundred meters (a month ago), is now backed up 300 or 400 meters at the same intersections. At the same time, all but the largest main roads don't have public transport (buses) - though I've heard these sorts of problems are much worse in C.Mai. At this rate, C.Rai will be as bad of a gridlocked miserable smoghole as C.Mai is now ....in a couple years.

Don't worry there will be another 1997 like wake up call soon.And if you wonder about the those who don't pay take a look at the countless auction,mostly held in the bigger city's,and the stocks at the secondhand dealers which by the way are also rising out of the ground like mushrooms these days.


Lots of Thais are doing very, very well right now. Things may change, but no different than in the West. Look at the problems in Ireland, USA, England, etc. For now, the Thai economy is booming and locals are doing great....at least those who are not focusing on the tourism industry. :(


I once bought a new car here on finance.........25% down ,which was actually part of the money I got for my used car ,and a signature from a girl who had nothing to her name as guarantor was all I needed.And of I drove with my brandnew car.Do I have to explain further????????

Same with me. 25% down and wifey signed for it. But it is amazing how many new luxury cars I see on the roads. Somebody's making bucks here in LOS! And it ain't me!!!! :(

And what happens to those who don't pay all the payments with %? Are there repo men in Thailand? I assume there are such thankless jobs, but I would also bet VIPs are somehow exempt from such obligations. ...wouldn't want any big shots to lose face, would we?

BTW, I don't know how much this relates, but there seems to have been a doubling of vehicles on the roads in my town of C.Rai in the past couple weeks. Traffic that was backed up a hundred meters (a month ago), is now backed up 300 or 400 meters at the same intersections. At the same time, all but the largest main roads don't have public transport (buses) - though I've heard these sorts of problems are much worse in C.Mai. At this rate, C.Rai will be as bad of a gridlocked miserable smoghole as C.Mai is now ....in a couple years.

Don't worry there will be another 1997 like wake up call soon.And if you wonder about the those who don't pay take a look at the countless auction,mostly held in the bigger city's,and the stocks at the secondhand dealers which by the way are also rising out of the ground like mushrooms these days.

The anecdotal evidence here suggests a bubble ok, the rise of the SET supports it. The question of how and when it will be deflated remains to be seen, other countries have managed to avoid serious problems using higher interest rates and strict regulation but it's anyone's guess what will happen under the next Thai government.

Wow ... Toyota is smoking them all!!! 
  Which model is the best selling?

Well it isn't Naomi Campbell for starters. She should have medals for delusions of grandeur.  


The bitch that used to live next door to me who used to brag about her husband earned 1 million baht every month (in Saudi) lost the lot to the bank. The house for which she wanted 5.5 million was sold to my new neighbours for 2.8 million. Two humvees, oops SUV's, a Toyota car and some premises  round the corner were also sequestered. The poor old bugger that had been married to this bitch for 30 years arrived home on holiday to find that he was skint, potless. He is in his sixties and all that he had worked for had gone up in smoke. What chance has he now of a comfortable retirement?

She drank to excess at times, paid at least two young men to keep her wheels regularly oiled  (one of whom was also gay for pay) and was known to gamble. At the end her interest payments were higher than my monthly budget.

For houses read wheels and we may have a replay of the financial disaster we are now climbing out of.

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