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Blackmailed Then Falsely Accused!?


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So my friend responded to a dating advert online here in Bangkok. He is married (I know, not good), but he thought this was a chance to meet someone interesting, especially as he's on the rocks with his wife anyhow. That said...

They swapped photos, SHE told him when they would meet (didn't ask), and he showed up at a StarBucks, and outright told him something like "This is a setup. Your wife hired me. I'm a pro. Do you understand this?" He replies, ok, what's my wife's name, phone number and what does she look like? The blackmailer (hereunto referred as BM) says it's confidential and my friend.. mhmm She says now if you do that, I may have to cause a seen, tell the police you grabbed my boobs or even raped me. That wouldn't go over so well for your wife would it?' He asked what are you trying to do? She says the 'wife' (whom she doesnt know the name etc), paid her 10k to 'cause him harm' and that she doesnt cross that line so she'd prefer to be on 'his' side. If he'd go to the ATM right now and pay the balance of like 40k she'd be on her way.

So he gets up and walks away, she starts yelling, he walks with his new 'shadow' all around the big mall, outside to find traffic police just direct him to other stations. Finally he ends up at a proper police station and SHE presses charges of 'boob grabbing' or whatever the charge is! By the time my friend's lawyer gets there her 'lawyer/dad' is on the phone saying he'll make a deal to just forget everything and we can all go home' They started walking away and she comes out and throws a fit saying IM AN ADULT MY DAD OR LAWYER CANT DROP CHARGES etc. So she presses the charges and he's got to go view mall security footage to vindicate himself. Meanwhile, she's made an ass of herself at the PD throwing tantrums etc. Even when the final papers of the night were 'done' and they could go home she, instead of trying to act normal, like a victim, CONTINUED TO SHADOW HIM OUTSIDE THE PD WITH ALL THE POLICE WATCHING HIM SHUFFLE FROM RIGHT - LEFT - FWD - BACKWARD to demonstrate his stalker. They did nothing.

So he gets into his lawyers car and guess who JUMPS INTO THE BACK SEAT??! ?? YES! HER! She just passively carjacked his lawyer's 6mb car and refused to get out because she 'WILL at all costs shadow my friend until she hunts down his wife'. Finally the lawyer calls a police buddy and requests an escort, and it was enough to get her out of the car. He told him to get in lets gooooogogogogo as she was already darting for a moto-taxi to continue her stalking!

What kind of scammer acts like this? So far she's guilty of blackmail, stalking, false accusations and we're not even lawyers. God knows what other laws she's broken. Plus he's spent a shitload on legal feeds and this is only on the first day. He's fighting for principle here. He probably could have paid her 10k and she'd have f'cked off but he's adamant about not being scammed like this.

Has anyone had any experiences like this? He'll follow what his Thai lawyer tells him to do, but should he involve his embassy? Should he just go to court and counter file all of these highly felonious charges against her, use the cops outside the PD as witnesses who saw her stalking him even after she filed charges?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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You can't just post uncorroborated photo's,

He obviously can.  The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I wonder if she will sue? Watch this space.

I don't think the issue is regarding will she sue, but regarding anybody can put up a picture and write a story, be it true or fabrication.

Is everybody comfortable with anybody posting a picture of anybody they have met and writing an uncorroborated story, ..... Daily Star here we go.

My old friend down the chip shop swears he's Elvis, but he is deluded, .....................

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Photo of accused has been removed

Its against Thai law to spread rumors, false or true, until a court ruling exists.

So the subject of the Op's story should sue the girl for libel, without his wife knowing of course.

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Your friend could mark it down as getting off on the wrong foot with a potential squeeze. One good thing, she did not bite him so no shots are required, yet. He could try a reconciliation and see if the next meeting goes any different. Maybe bring the wife along and let the two of them hammer out a payment and visitation schedule.

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You can't just post uncorroborated photo's,

He obviously can. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I wonder if she will sue? Watch this space.

I don't think the issue is regarding will she sue, but regarding anybody can put up a picture and write a story, be it true or fabrication.

Is everybody comfortable with anybody posting a picture of anybody they have met and writing an uncorroborated story, ..... Daily Star here we go.

My old friend down the chip shop swears he's Elvis, but he is deluded, .....................

A very cryptic accusation indeed!

For the benefit of the OP who might not yet have taken the offence to which he might be entitled -

I believe the quote you are looking for is

"There's a guy worsk down the chip shop swears he's elvis

(just like you swore to me that you'd be true)

There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's elvis

But he's a liar and I'm not sure about you"

Anyway, thanks to the OP for reminding us of the dangers of mixing virtual and reality - there are several second-rate films on this topic as well...


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So my friend responded to a dating advert online here in Bangkok.

Here in Bangkok? You seem to be posting from Prague in the Czech Republic.

Im currently in prague but my friend asked me to post his story. Whats the big deal? Just looking for advice..

This is a wind up. Right? Looking for advice? Go see a lawyer. There are plenty of 'bush lawyers' here but I'm not sure how much use they are.

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So my friend responded to a dating advert online here in Bangkok.

Here in Bangkok? You seem to be posting from Prague in the Czech Republic.

LOL .... what is that I see lurking under a bridge? Oh ... a whimsical story :)

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Your friend could have lost the stalker by jumping into a canal, most thai girls cant swim ... and definitely not in a Bangkok canal.

In 2001, I drove over the foot a guy that refused to move out of my way at that old bar area before soi cowboy, I think its a condo now.

farangs and thai girls dont scare me in Thailand, I am only worried about the Somchais.

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Enter, Stage left......................"Benny Hill" and that little bald guy, doing the high speed conga :blink:

Top Non-Sequitor!

That made my day, that did, just thinking about the big-breasted ladies in short skirts running round in stop motion

Jackie Wright, by the way,


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A very cryptic accusation indeed!

For the benefit of the OP who might not yet have taken the offence to which he might be entitled -

I believe the quote you are looking for is

My apologies if it was too cryptic, I thought it was blatantly obvious and as for the quote, yours was not what I was looking for, I posted exactly what I wanted to.

As for the OP being entitled to be offended, extraordinary, I accept he should be allowed to post the story, even if it has been filled so full of flak even Douglas Baader would struggle to fly this crate home, but the picture is unacceptable.

More likely an ex who dumped him for his Walter Mitty life style.

I see little point in shouting 'Troll', it gets rolled out too quick, too often and certainly without justification on many occasions, however, Elvis works just fine for me.

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