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Bright Floor Lamps, Where ?


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We've had this same problem and looked all over town. Part of the problem is that many of the light fixtures are set up for bulbs of limited wattage and can't handle a brighter bulb. In the end we got some table lamps with nice long arms at Central KSK, rated for higher wattage bulbs, which they also sell. Their lighting department is near the toilets on the second floor, not near the other housewares.

During our first visit to Central we looked all around the home appliance area for lamps and the clerks said they didn't have any. So we continued to look all around town in vain. I found Central's lighting dept quite by accident while visiting the toilet there. Why they have the lighting department tucked behind the auto supplies is a mystery.

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Nancy, very same experience

Part of the problem is that many of the light fixtures are set up for bulbs of limited wattage and can't handle a brighter bulb.

In the end we got some table lamps with nice long arms at Central KSK

Gee, went one time only into that dreary building. Will overcome my bias and search for lamps. Thanks for hint!

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Index has what you want, and by the standards of Index prices, quite reasonably. They have simple modern floor lamps for 700-800B, depending on whether you just want a bright upward pointing light or both this and a downward pointing light. The upward light is rated to 100W. This may not sound as much as you want, but just use an energy saving bulb. I have a 24W bulb in one of mine and it puts out light equivalent to a 150W regular bulb, which should be bright enough. I've never seen a 100W energy saving bulb, but it would probably look like a small sun! Wattage limitations are not a factor. Index is on the Superhighway, close to Carrefour.

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WHat you need is a Brighter Bulb which say 100watt but is LUX is 3000-5400 .

WA Lai is where you get the Sat walk Street .

if you come form chiangmai Gate . you will spot the Lamp Shop on the right hand side of the narrow roads.

the shop is always pack and i am sure tehre got what you needs. i was doing some video for fun at home and i got special bright lighting blud from that shop too .


you can get one of those 100watt energy saving blud there also .

i think there is 2-3 brand .

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

For clarification:

Khun TA22 is speaking of Wua Lai Road (wua as in meaning "ox") which branches south-west off Chang Lo (the sourthern outer moat boundary road) just after you've passed Chiang Mai Gate (Pratu Chiang Mai) on your right as you proceed west.

We haven't sent the light shop ourselves, but it sounds worth checking out.

Those of you interested in Chiang Mai history may notice on the left (eastern side) of Wua Lai at one point as you head toward out-of-town-south is a shrine with a team of oxen. This relates to the original migration of the Mon silver workers who fled here seeking a "better deal" under the Chiang Mai King than under the predatory Avan Burmese (see "Chiang Mai Chronicles" by Aroonrut and Wyatt for more detail). The refugee Mon silver workers were given land that was "marginal" at the time, malarial, prone to flooding, and were not allowed in the inner city at night, and they were expected, demanded, to remain active in their artisanal careers: they, like the 200 families of metal workers extorted from Ava by King Mengrai by threat of war (and relocated to Chiang Saen), were economic assets of the state

This voluntary migration, as in the case of the Mon potters to the island of Koh Kret up from Bangkok (also transliterated 'Kred), is a notable exception to the massive raiding and warfare specifically for population, and most highly-prized of all: artisanal workers) which is a dominant characteristic of the bloody history of Lanna, ancient Burma, the Kingdom of Ayudhya, etc.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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