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Cheated By Thai Police


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Not currently Visa related so it's off to General for now.

As far as getting a police officer fired, highly unlikely to happen, do you have substantial evidence of the wrongdoing?

Without significantly more information from the OP this thread is going nowhere.

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Since things below any major crime (murder, drug dealing) doesn't get a cop fired here I doubt someone cheating you out of money will gain much traction in that aspect.

But please fill in the details as to what he did.

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1st post from a newbie?......and not a single reply from him. Has April fools day come early?

It took him almost 3 years to make his first post, so we might be waiting a while for the second. :lol:

PS: Surely he must be mistaken, i mean his allegation is just too 'out there'

Edited by neverdie
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I was cheated by the Thai police once.. I was given a 400 baht ticket for riding my motorcycle directly across the moat road in Chiang Mai. He took my driver's license and said I had to go to the police station to get it back after I paid the fine. I went with a Thai girl friend and she got the fine reduced to 200 baht. I was back an hour later with a different girl friend who had to pay her 200 baht fine for not wearing a helmet. I got funny looks from the guy at the station.

I sure learned my lesson.. :lol: :lol: :lol: I felt so cheated! :lol:

In Canada all fines start about $200 (6000 baht) and go upwards. ;)

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don't mess with the police over a few hundred baht. you'll be wasting your time.

I wouldn't mess with them for any amount of money. They've got all the power and the more you argue the worse it will get. Just nod, smile and pay the fine. I was just kidding about getting cheated. The fines are so small it's hardly worth worrying about.

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i knew you were kidding, ian.was talking to the o p.

I used to have a very good book called "In the bed and out of trouble". I had it until I loaned it to a friend who didn't return it. It was full of useful information that dealt with just about every conceivable problem farangs have in Thailand. It covered dealing with a new Thai spouse on just about every level imaginable, and dealing with her family and all the subsequent issues like sin sod. It talked about starting a business and all the processes you have to go through. It mentioned the police and the bribery issue. The book said it would ALWAYS get worse if you contested an issue with a Thai policeman... even if you were legally right. The more you argue the more it's going to cost in the long run.

The book had a section on useful questions and answers written in both Thai and English. On one page the question was written in English and on the other it was written in Thai. A couple could go over the questions together and get a reasonable answer by comparing replies. I haven't seen the book recently, but I'd pick up another copy if I could find one. It originally cost about 700 baht, but I don't know what it would cost today.

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I used to have a very good book called "In the bed and out of trouble". I had it until I loaned it to a friend who didn't return it. It was full of useful information

You don't loan books (unless you're a library). Give them away if you want, but if they are valuable to you, they should not leave your house.

I guess you know that by now, though.

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don't mess with the police over a few hundred baht. you'll be wasting your time.

I wouldn't mess with them for any amount of money. They've got all the power and the more you argue the worse it will get. Just nod, smile and pay the fine. I was just kidding about getting cheated. The fines are so small it's hardly worth worrying about.


I once run a red light in Sri Racha ( yellow-redish...) and got stopped by the police.

l just confessed, yes, I did run the red light but it would've be too difficult/ dangerous to break and stop at the line because I was speeding.

They weren't that convinced but after I told them I just got fined for speeding in Laem Chabang and paid my last 160 ฿ to the police there,they show some consideration and let me go unfined...

Speaking Thai helps...

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I got stopped for speeding on the way back from BK.

We pointed out to the officer that we were in a hurry to get back as my wife had had her handbag stolen at a service station en-route and we had spent several hours at a police station filing the report.

Once he saw the police report he appologised for stopping us and let us on our way...I thought he would have at least given us a police escort :D

But it goes to show that some of them DO have hearts, in the UK I would not have got away with that, it would just be bad luck and stump up the cash ;)

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1st post from a newbie?......and not a single reply from him. Has April fools day come early?

Probably so bright he has forgotten how to switch on the computer.

Or maybe he just sit and have laugh now, watching the respons to his post.

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I was pulled by the BIB on the 107 out of Chiangmai in Mae Rim, just under the walkover bridge, police station on the left, market on the right. They had stopped all the traffic in the direction I was travelling at the above mentioned foot bride. As I filtered though on my bike to the front, the Man in Brown pointed at me and then pointed to the curb! Oops, took my licence and then told me to go to the police station, long story short, the charge was riding on back wheel (wheelies) and speeding, Fair enough, it was a monster of a wheelie, at least 300 meters and yes a tad fast, I was on a 250/2 2008 motocrosser.

Fine; 200 Baht for speeding........and a warning, apparently the pulling of wheelies can only be done on the “superhighway” Fair enough! Oh, and the speeding ticket was good for the rest of my trip home to Mae Taeng, (I had a pass to speed home....No wheelies) When I got my licence from the Man in brown outside, he was now grinning and trying to get me to pull a wheelie as I left! There not all bad. In the UK I would have been hot branded a “baby killer” and I would have been crucified from the nearest flyover.

It's not all bad with the BIB. That is the only run-in I've ever had with them in 5 years, I judge as I find.

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All these troll thread about the police always end up the same way (and this is also my experience)

- the traffic police is not that bad

- They usually never stop you for an offense you haven't committed

- The fine is always a fraction of the fine you would get in your home country for a similar offense

Then regarding some earlier posts, could someone please tell me in which country it's considered a smart idea to argue with a policeman ?

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Speak thai.

Plead stupidy. Not knowing the law.

Be apologetic.

Be very polite.

Act like it's the first time you've been pulled over for such an offense, and genuinely didn't know.

This often gets me away without a fine nor tea money.

I agree. Many people tell me to pretend that I don't speak Thai. Speaking Thai with them has gotten me out of several situations.

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