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Pheu Thai To Seek Reopening Of Democrat Dissolution Cases

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Pheu Thai to seek reopening of Democrat dissolution cases

By The Nation

The Pheu Thai Party will on Monday seek to reopen the official inquiry into two cases of alleged campaign fraud punishable by the disbandment of the rival Democrat Party.

The main opposition party is confident that the Democrats will not be lucky enough to escape punishment a second time, Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said yesterday, in reference to the judicial decisions to dismiss the two cases on legal technicalities.

"Pheu Thai is certain of securing a conviction of the Democrats," he said.

Prompong said that after reopening of the two cases, the political party registrar would not repeat the mistake of failing to draw a conclusion before petitioning for a judicial review, hence the high court would be obligated to render its opinions on two factual issues - whether the Democrats misused a Bt29-million state fund and the alleged laundering of a Bt258-million campaign contribution.

He said the opposition would not be deterred by a reprisal attack from the Democrats, who have threaten to launch a counter-suit for Pheu Thai disbandment on grounds of raising bogus charges.

In a related development, Democrat MP Wiratana Kalayasiri issued a rebuttal of a Pheu Thai allegation of inconsistent judicial opinions.

Pheu Thai had filed a petition for the National Anti-Corruption Commission to probe four Constitution Court judges who formed the majority decision to acquit the Democrats. The petition contends that the judges did not address the role of the political party registrar before ordering disbandment of the Farmer Force Party.

Wiratana said the comparison of that ruling to the two cases involving the Democrats was unfair. Farmer Force did not bother to defend the charges against it, prompting the political party registrar to recommend disbandment, he said, adding that the high court subsequently gave its endorsement after the party failed to comply with judicial summonses.


-- The Nation 2010-12-25


.................Pheu Thai is certain of securing a conviction of the Democrats. ..............., who have threatened to launch a counter-suit for Pheu Thai disbandment ...................

It's MY ball and, no, you can't play with it. I'm going home and going to scream, shout and jump up and down till I'm sick so yah boo to you!!


It would be much more sensible to concentrate on the elections next year and if they and the people think they are good enough they can remove the Dems that way.


<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><FONT size=3 face=Calibri>Isn’t so funny big businesses and most of people go on with their work/life and get things done the way they want regardless of what government doe. The government is just a big ongoing SOP and people just enjoy watching but can turn off whenever they are tired of it.


Has the Pheu Thai ever ssugested some thing good for Thailand.

Seems to me there only purpose is to discredit the Government and espouse the Patriotism of the red shirts.:(


They will use the charges they are trying, yet again, to instigate as part of their campaign spiels. You can't scream about double standards and injustice by your enemies if there isn't something big and global to throw at them. Plus they can't get free riegn to pillage the shophouse with the Dems as full strength adversaries in opposition, if it goes that way, they need to remove them if they can, since the PTP looks so ineffective in comparison.

The only chance to make PTP look a viable party, between now and the TRT 5 year bans being lifted, is if the comparison is neutered and removed from play.

This is politics by other means.


Has the Pheu Thai ever suggested some thing good for Thailand.

Seems to me there only purpose is to discredit the Government and espouse the Patriotism of the red shirts.:(

Yes, that is the over-riding issue. They have no track record except persistent divisiveness.

The only halfway capable player is Minkwan and he is king of Rice Pledging infamy,

and other pro-pooyai and anti-poor, government schemes.

And he is also deemed a threat to Thaksin control, so he is being marginalized


Sawasdee Khrup,

Better to see the National Psychodrama played out in the Courts ... or on the streets ?



Let's face it. Who among us can honestly say with their hand on their heart, if we saw a court case (any case) that we had an interest in for a conviction thrown out for the reasons ( legal though it may be) given in the Dems dissolution case, would simply say " Fair enough it's the law "?


PT should just rest the matter. Everyone else in Thai (including Farang) has. Dem won fair and square in Thai court.

A kangaroo court...


PT should just rest the matter. Everyone else in Thai (including Farang) has. Dem won fair and square in Thai court.

A kangaroo court...

Except when they win.


I thought Pheu Thai's focus was now on the election. They seem to repeatedly change their minds after having already publicly announced their plans or intentions. They cannot be trusted to keep to their promises.


Pheua Thai should remember the words of their beloved after the Constitution Court found him not guilty of hiding millions of bahts worth of assets in his gardener, maid and driver's names by a vote of 8-7. Of the 8 votes in his favour, 4 refused to review the case saying Thaksin had already left office when he filed his assets. A technicality!

And what did he say?-'It's over, the decision is final,(there's no appeal in the Constitution court),it's time to move on'.

The wheel of karma turns.


Pheua Thai should remember the words of their beloved after the Constitution Court found him not guilty of hiding millions of bahts worth of assets in his gardener, maid and driver's names by a vote of 8-7. Of the 8 votes in his favour, 4 refused to review the case saying Thaksin had already left office when he filed his assets. A technicality!

And what did he say?-'It's over, the decision is final,(there's no appeal in the Constitution court),it's time to move on'.

The wheel of karma turns.

Precisely. And how many of Thaksin's supporters were crying "kangaroo court" then?


Pheua Thai should remember the words of their beloved after the Constitution Court found him not guilty of hiding millions of bahts worth of assets in his gardener, maid and driver's names by a vote of 8-7. Of the 8 votes in his favour, 4 refused to review the case saying Thaksin had already left office when he filed his assets. A technicality!

And what did he say?-'It's over, the decision is final,(there's no appeal in the Constitution court),it's time to move on'.

The wheel of karma turns.

Precisely. And how many of Thaksin's supporters were crying "kangaroo court" then?

And don't forget that one of the 8 judges who voted in his favor said later: "How could I vote any other way when he (thaksin) had just won an election".

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