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Poster Of The Month!


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As a reasonably newcomer to Thaivisa I've had a great time reading and contributing(minimally) to the daily events of Thaivisa. I usually jump on at least once a day to catch up on what people have to say, and I think it's a far better read than that of the negative news of the BP etc.

After time you start to see patterns in peoples comments and learn of the different personalities participating. Some positive, some negative, some constructive, some ###### funny!

So I thought.....why don't we have a vote on this months best poster? Who's taken your attention of late? why should they be "poster of the month"?

I'll start the voting:

for me.....I vote for "Peace Blondie". I see the name around the rooms a bit and sometimes on Ajarn.com, but Blondie always seems to give good constructive arguments and often offers reliable info, someone who keeps a chat forum worth reading.

Before you start quabbling.......no I don't know this person, but would like to know, are you male or female Blondie?

Anyone? :o

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As a reasonably newcomer to Thaivisa I've had a great time reading and contributing(minimally) to the daily events of Thaivisa.  I usually jump on at least once a day to catch up on what people have to say, and I think it's a far better read than that of the negative news of the BP etc.

After time you start to see patterns in peoples comments and learn of the different personalities participating.  Some positive, some negative, some constructive, some ###### funny! 

So I thought.....why don't we have a vote on this months best poster?  Who's taken your attention of late? why should they be "poster of the month"?

I'll start the voting:

for me.....I vote for "Peace Blondie".  I see the name around the rooms a bit and sometimes on Ajarn.com, but Blondie always seems to give good constructive arguments and often offers reliable info, someone who keeps a chat forum worth reading.

Before you start quabbling.......no I don't know this person, but would like to know, are you male or female Blondie?

Anyone? :o

Blondie is a male and a good constructive poster.

You want some IRS info - he's the 'go-to' guy! :D

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for me.....I vote for "Peace Blondie".  I see the name around the rooms a bit and sometimes on Ajarn.com, but Blondie always seems to give good constructive arguments and often offers reliable info, someone who keeps a chat forum worth reading.

Before you start quabbling.......no I don't know this person, but would like to know, are you male or female Blondie?

Anyone? :o

I'd vote for peaceblondie too.

He's had an interesting and varied life; no spring chicken; has experienced more pain on a personal level than most - but uses his experiences wisely here on TV.

Lousy motorcycle driver.

Yeah, he'll go to Heaven - if it was my choice.

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There are far too many people I want to vote for on here. Prob be out of Bambi, Boo, Khall, Sbk, Totster, Mrbojangles, Thaibebop, Davethailand, Baht&Sold. And the list could prob go on forever. I've deffo missed people out though, but I'm going off the top of my head.

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There are far too many people I want to vote for on here. Prob be out of Bambi, Boo, Khall, Sbk, Totster, Mrbojangles, Thaibebop, Davethailand, Baht&Sold. And the list could prob go on forever. I've deffo missed people out though, but I'm going off the top of my head.

Cheers Icey,

You have done some great posts on here and show a mind more mature than your years.

As you say, there are obviously many more to add to your list. For instance the specialists, i.e. Scouser, Meadish etc. who give great advise. And all rounders, like Jai Dee, Boon Mee, GU22, britmaverik, Tornado, Neeranam and many more etc. etc.

My award for the "Giggle Gong" though, would definately go to Bambina. Even if i'm in a foul mood after work, i'll look through TV and you can bet your bottom dollar one of her posts will have me giggling to myself. Do you never get in a bad mood Bambina? :o

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First of all I want to thank you for admin to give me a chance for join in TV forum (now i feel like Miss Universe's vow):o

george, huski and  Dr.PP
for me its hard to say who is the best poster here..all TV memb who post ,some are fun some give me good infomation.

anyhow for now ,TOP POSTERS for me are

Jeff1, Boo,Wolfie,sbk, tytus,

britmaveric, Ice Maiden, stumonster, davethailand,Kat

Lovely Cutie,Siamesekitten,Milk_l,dereklev,Boon Mee


meom,buadhai,thomas merton,gburns57au

Iampart10,,TizMe,The Dude, chownah, Thomas_Merton,

loong,totster, Jai Dee ,Thetyim,Kayo,khall64au


meadish_sweetball,daleyboy,The Gentleman Scamp


methinks i might miss somebody for my appreciate poster ....too many ...sorry

Bambi :D:D:D:D:D:D

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:o

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:D

Don't worry Tuky, I always get forgot too, the b@stards. :D

Perhaps you could start handing out some suspensions. :o:D

Ah, The Moog was typing when I started this, he wont forget me. :D

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:D

Don't worry Tuky, I always get forgot too, the b@stards. :D

Perhaps you could start handing out some suspensions. :o:D

Ah, The Moog was typing when I started this, he wont forget me. :D

I voted for you! :D

Mrboj - Your welcome.

Yeah carn't forget people like Jai Dee, Britmaveric, The Dude, Bkkmadness. There are way too many people I'd vote for.

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Ah, The Moog was typing when I started this, he wont forget me.

Bkk Madness is the righter of wrongs on the board. He is Captain Beaky.

The bravest animals in the land are Captain Beaky and his band

That's Timid Toad, Reckless Rat, Artful Owl and Batty Bat

They march through the woodlands singing songs

That tell how they have righted wrongs

Once Hissing Sid, an evil snake, kept the woodland folk awake

In fear and trembling every night

In case he gave someone a bite

Said Artful Owl, 'We'll lie in wait

And one of us will be the bait."

Said Captain Beaky, "Have no fear!

For I alone will volunteer!"

"No, make it me!" Said Reckless Rat

I'll stand there in my reckless hat

When Hissing Sid picks up my trail,

I'll just lasso him with my tail!"

"Oh, good idea" said Timid Toad,

"We'll hide a long way down the road.

And when you've overcome resistance,

We'll rush along to your assistance."

Said Batty Bat, "I've got a wheeze!

I'll fly and hide up in the trees!

If Hissing Sid should slither by

I'll drop a boulder from the sky!"

Said Artful Owl, "The idea sound…how will you lift it off the ground?"

Poor Batty Bat just scratched his head,

"I hadn't thought of that," he said.

Said Owl, "The rest of us hold back. There's only one that he'll


Said Timid Toad, "I like your plan."

"Good luck," said Owl, "For you're the man!"

So Timid Toad, his eyes a-popping,

Into the woodland night went hopping

Captain Beaky waved his hand, followed by his trusty band

That's Artful Owl and Reckless Rat, and above the trees flew Batty


"Stop!" Said Beaky, "I hear squeaking!"

"It's Batty Bat" said Owl, "He's speaking!"

"It's all in code," said Reckless Rat

Said Owl, "I'll just decipher that."

"A dash, a dot, two short, two long…

I rather think we've got it wrong.

It reads 'can clearly see the road,

Hissing Sid has captured Toad!'"

"Quick men!" said Beaky, "No delay!

"You mustn't let him get away!"

And leaping off, said "Follow me!"

And ran head first into a tree.

"Dot dot dot" squeaked Batty Bat.

Said Beaky, "Quick! Decipher that!"

Said Reckless Rat, "Perhaps we're gaining?"

"No," said Owl. "He says…it's raining"

Oh, how they ran to save poor Toad,

For they must find that snake's abode

Guided by old Batty Bat

Dot dot go this way dash, go that!

Then Hissing Sid's lair they spied

Were they too late? Was he inside?

Said Reckless Rat, "I'll get a pole

And stop him going down his hole!"

Then into sight the snake came hopping,

Right past his hole, no sign of stopping

Said Reckless Rat, "That's rather funny,

"There's something jumping in his tummy."

Said Captain Beaky, "Well I'm blowed!

Hissing Sid has swallowed Toad!"

And as the snake hopped out of sight,

Off they chased into the night.

At last they found him, tired and dizzy

And pulled out Toad, who said "Where is he?

For left alone, I felt quite sick,

And hopped into a hollow stick

Said Owl, "A clever step to take!

You jumped into that slippery snake."

"That was brave of Toad", said Rat

"That's just my sort of plan!" said Bat

Said Captain Beaky to his men,

"Well we'll not see Hissing Sid again!"

And as they marched off down the road,

They sang in praise of Timid Toad

Above them flew ol' Batty Bat,

With his wings stretched out, like that

Owl's idea, the clever fella

To have a flying um-ber-ella

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And of course everyone forgets tukyleith, who is one of the top ten posters (4000+ posts)...however he remains quite forgotten. However he does help a lot of people, he tries to steer threads in the right direction, he answers questions, he helps to resolve conflicts.

But, like many other extremely valuable members he is not that funny, or contraversial, so as with the aforemention quiet members he is easily forgotten...:D

Don't worry Tuky, I always get forgot too, the b@stards. :D

Perhaps you could start handing out some suspensions. :o:D

Ah, The Moog was typing when I started this, he wont forget me. :D

I voted for you! :D

Mrboj - Your welcome.

Yeah carn't forget people like Jai Dee, Britmaveric, The Dude, Bkkmadness. There are way too many people I'd vote for.

cool, cheers Icey, looks like Tuky is the only one with no friends then. :D

and since I'm now in the 'cool gang' time to bully those that are not..........

all together now "tukys got no mates, tukys got no mates" :D

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Bkk Madness is the righter of wrongs on the board.
I liked the start of this post, the "righter of wrongs".

Kind of went downhill when the LSD kicked in though didn't it Moog? :D

He is Captain Beaky.


Right, offskis to bed, at a net cafe coz my computer died and its doing my head in. :o

On the other hand though, met a fellow TV poster in the cafe tonight, nice girl. :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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I will go with Bambi as number 1 poster, sometimes confusing but always a giggle.

Totster can be very dry humour

Ice Maiden, at times the most argumentative, closely followed by Davethailand :D, although today (uk) or Yesterday (Los) Mr Farang would take that award. :D

The "Lost the plot award" goes to........... well nearly everybody :D

As for the "I don't have a life outside of TV" must be Dr Pat Pong :D Sorry Dr P. only joking, but for sheer dedication, you deserve an award.

Most modest poster...............MEEEEE :o

Actually I think the best poster changes daily and everyone will have their own 15 minutes of fame.

Round of applause to EVEEERYONe :D:D:D

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Right, offskis to bed, at a net cafe coz my computer died and its doing my head in.

You're in an Internet Cafe at 1.25 am writing on Thai visa?

Yep, just had a korean BBQ and jumped on the net to check a few things before going home. I'm a night owl, I wont be asleep until 5am.

Korean BBQ was awesome tonight though, first one I have ever been to where they have salmon on the buffet menu amongst all the usual meats.

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Ok, it is true...

tuky's got no mates...he didn't appear in a kids poem...one that he has not heard for perhaps 20 years, what a load of memories that one brought back eh? :o

hissing sid and artful owl hehehehehehehe...

Anyway, tuky still has the "button" so now how many mates does tuky have?



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