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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl

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Just out of curiousity, if the girl was driving legaly would it make a difference to the way many of you view this person? It seems quite a hate mob has formed..... I must be missing something but why is it her fault? Most mini bus drivers over here are insane: maybe it was the mini bus drivers fault?

She is a 16 year old kid involved in a road accident yet most people here seem to hold her in the same bracket as a serial killer.

And all this talk of using twitter is total crap. There could be a hundred reasons why she was using the phone. Calling/texting her parents springs to mind as the most obvious.

One poster even condemed her because she had the clarity of mind to grab her bag from the car. What on earth is wrong with that? She probably needed her bag to grab her phone for christs sake!

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And what did she "twitter" ?

^quote name='zappalot' timestamp='1293593695' post='4115492']

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...



No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...

if i am involved into an accident i would try to help help help and not call some stupid insurance or the parents or my best friend. they cant help at this time.

but good she saved her bag, hmm? better to take care the bag than the victims... OMG

Almost every accident I hear about in Thailand it is reported that "The driver ran away . . ." Perhaps for self survival from angry mobs and/or Thai police, the first thing Thai people do is make sure someone that can help them knows about the accident and where they are??? Then help others as one can. At least she didn't "run away" as so many others do. Thailand is MUCH different than a western country regarding mobs, police, and the like. This is no defense at all for her driving without a license and underage (if all of that is true), but it would explain her not immediately rushing to help. Also if she is in shock, she might not even think of helping someone else.

She didn't have to run away. There is no chance at all she will face anything more than a slap on the wrist. People without "Na Ayuddaya" at the end of their names go to prison for such offenses. The poor people who run and can't call daddy, know they are facing jail time.

As it stands, I'm quite certain she was calling someone for advice. Anyone who has spent any time in the states knows that you don't offer to assist someone if you aren't trained. You could make things worse. And even something as innocuous as helping to push a car out of traffic can lead to a long battle over whether your injuries were sustained in the accident or doing some unnecessary good samaritan acts. I think I would have done exactly what this girl did until someone came along to advise me on the best way to proceed.

I am not a trained medic. I could not have helped anyone that needed assistance. Best to stand back and get out of the way so those who know what to do can help without your interference.


TAWP: I am going to take your word that it's a fake. I can't imagine anyone being in a serious crash and having their wits together enough to twitter anything. Relatively minor crashes can be fairly traumatic; a crash like that one would no doubt leave a person pretty disoriented for a time.

It isn't the girls twitter-account. The real accounts data has even been posted by her haters.

The above on is someone trying to stir something bad up...


As it stands, I'm quite certain she was calling someone for advice. Anyone who has spent any time in the states knows that you don't offer to assist someone if you aren't trained. You could make things worse. And even something as innocuous as helping to push a car out of traffic can lead to a long battle over whether your injuries were sustained in the accident or doing some unnecessary good samaritan acts. I think I would have done exactly what this girl did until someone came along to advise me on the best way to proceed.

I am not a trained medic. I could not have helped anyone that needed assistance. Best to stand back and get out of the way so those who know what to do can help without your interference.

And in a complete surprise move out from the left field we finally see a well-thought out post in the thread.

- Don't help unless you know what you are doing

- Call for assistance and advice from those that can help


Just out of curiousity, if the girl was driving legaly would it make a difference to the way many of you view this person? It seems quite a hate mob has formed..... I must be missing something but why is it her fault? Most mini bus drivers over here are insane: maybe it was the mini bus drivers fault?

She is a 16 year old kid involved in a road accident yet most people here seem to hold her in the same bracket as a serial killer.

And all this talk of using twitter is total crap. There could be a hundred reasons why she was using the phone. Calling/texting her parents springs to mind as the most obvious.

One poster even condemed her because she had the clarity of mind to grab her bag from the car. What on earth is wrong with that? She probably needed her bag to grab her phone for christs sake!

There was a series of pics of the CCTV that appear to show her changing lane into the rear of the mini bus causing it to lose control.


As it stands, I'm quite certain she was calling someone for advice. Anyone who has spent any time in the states knows that you don't offer to assist someone if you aren't trained. You could make things worse. And even something as innocuous as helping to push a car out of traffic can lead to a long battle over whether your injuries were sustained in the accident or doing some unnecessary good samaritan acts. I think I would have done exactly what this girl did until someone came along to advise me on the best way to proceed.

I am not a trained medic. I could not have helped anyone that needed assistance. Best to stand back and get out of the way so those who know what to do can help without your interference.

And in a complete surprise move out from the left field we finally see a well-thought out post in the thread.

- Don't help unless you know what you are doing

- Call for assistance and advice from those that can help

to hold the hand of an injured can never be wrong.

to check if someone is still breathing cant be false and is not false. some people seriously think they can do something wrong trying to reanimate someone who stopped breathing or whose heart stopped moving?

for me its a crime to leave a bleeding victim on the street alone instead of at least trying to speak/establish a contact to the injured.

but what do i talk, it seems many dont know what they are doing...


Just out of curiousity, if the girl was driving legaly would it make a difference to the way many of you view this person? It seems quite a hate mob has formed..... I must be missing something but why is it her fault? Most mini bus drivers over here are insane: maybe it was the mini bus drivers fault?

She is a 16 year old kid involved in a road accident yet most people here seem to hold her in the same bracket as a serial killer.

And all this talk of using twitter is total crap. There could be a hundred reasons why she was using the phone. Calling/texting her parents springs to mind as the most obvious.

One poster even condemed her because she had the clarity of mind to grab her bag from the car. What on earth is wrong with that? She probably needed her bag to grab her phone for christs sake!

"Most mini bus drivers over here are insane: maybe it was the mini bus drivers fault?"

Given that that the mini-van driver is a 39-year-old female professional driver, with a licence one would assume, and one poster has indicated that she was a reasonable driver, who has suffered a high speed impact to the rear of her vehicle resulting in her death, said impact being caused by a 16-year-old unlicenced driver of a vehicle with much higher braking capability than the van, then yes, I will give the van driver the benefit of the doubt unless it can be proven that she reversed into the Honda.

Have a look at the picture of the Honda - this was no tap.

How many serial killers score 8 victims?


Obviously this girl needs to have some consequences but there is a reason why the laws are different for minors regardless of their parent's income. The people that need to see the biggest consequences from this is the adult who gave her the keys to the car.

Keep in mind too that this picture was likely taken after emergency responders were at the scene and if not she very well could be making a call to them or her parents. This would be a very overwhelming experience for anybody let alone a 16- year old. I don't think any of us know if she helped anybody or not for sure or how long it took emergency vehicles to arrive on the scene or even if she needed help getting out of her vehicle. The fact is there is a lot of speculation going on here and regardless of it being her fault or not it probably would be a lot to ask for a 16-year old in this situation to help anybody. She probably had little recollection of what even happened to cause the accident and if she did she probably thought she was not at fault as most people do immediately after an accident and many down the road after it is clearly determined they are at fault.

Just because the girl comes from a certain family doesn't mean the laws and views need to be applied differently and it seems few people are waiting for facts before assuming she is going to get off without any punishment. She may be a selfish girl who cares little about this incident but she may also be suffering greatly now and for the rest of her life because of it ... how can we know what is going on in her head then or now?


Just because the girl comes from a certain family doesn't mean the laws and views need to be applied differently and it seems few people are waiting for facts before assuming she is going to get off without any punishment. She may be a selfish girl who cares little about this incident but she may also be suffering greatly now and for the rest of her life because of it ... how can we know what is going on in her head then or now?

Not to disparage what you have said, as I agree with most of it. If I had been the one driving and caused such horrific devastation I doubt I would have behaved any differently than the 16 year old girl, and we can all be careless and make mistakes. There but for the grace of God go I and all that. However, don't get overly generous here. I think it is extremely unlikely this person will suffer any serious consequences for her behavior. We can wait to be sure, but please don't start trying to convince any of us that someone like this is going to receive the same treatment that your or me or the average Somchai would receive in this situation. She may or may not have the moral character to feel bad about what she has done. We will probably never know.

But I can essentially guarantee that neither she nor whoever authorized her to drive that vehicle will be severely punished for that reprehensible act. There is a 2 tier justice system in this country, like it or not. And if she isn't personally devastated about what she has done, it means that there will be no justice for the victims. I don't like it, but that is the way it is. You are mistaken if you think this is not true.

That is something that should be mentioned, because such a cultural reality is a blight on this country. It is not an overreaction by a bunch of curmudgeons on Thai Visa.


it would seem that the twitter i posted was a re-tweet. PureloveNUT has admitted that.

PUREloveNUT is not the girl involved in the accident.

Whether the tweet is real or not. i do not know having not seen the original.


Personally i believe the parents or owner of the car (sister) should be held accountable. They made the vehicle available.

The report said she had just come back from the US. I believe the minimum age for driving in the US is 16. But here in Thailand it is 18 (OVER 15 FOR MOTORCYCLE UP TO 110CC)


Once again the Thai media, it's translation and the online translation of that translation feeds the speculative chain.

So to recap, we have the hi-so 16 year-old sister behind the wheel of her older hi-so 18 year-old sister's 'boy racer' souped-up Honda, playing face-saving road-rage high-speed chicken with another female driver of a packed minibus during prime-time rush hour.

Have I missed anything? Apart from the 8 RIP's of course?

PS. I can hardly wait for the first 'if the Honda driver was a farang' post... unless that's been done in the original news story already.

I think you missed the part where she was (as most Thai women do) either chatting or texting on her mobile, didn't see the van in front break, and jack knifed the poor people in the van up in to the air... Only possible explanation really


It would be interesting to see her phone records (or phone) if the 16 year old was texting during driving. As with any well-known Thai name, she'll probably just jump ship with the help of her family and flee to another country in proper Thai fashion. Guilty or not.

Tragic. RIP to all.


What saddens me is that these are the new generation who in due time will be running the monkey show. Good luck.


Just because the girl comes from a certain family doesn't mean the laws and views need to be applied differently and it seems few people are waiting for facts before assuming she is going to get off without any punishment. She may be a selfish girl who cares little about this incident but she may also be suffering greatly now and for the rest of her life because of it ... how can we know what is going on in her head then or now?

Not to disparage what you have said, as I agree with most of it. If I had been the one driving and caused such horrific devastation I doubt I would have behaved any differently than the 16 year old girl, and we can all be careless and make mistakes. There but for the grace of God go I and all that. However, don't get overly generous here. I think it is extremely unlikely this person will suffer any serious consequences for her behavior. We can wait to be sure, but please don't start trying to convince any of us that someone like this is going to receive the same treatment that your or me or the average Somchai would receive in this situation. She may or may not have the moral character to feel bad about what she has done. We will probably never know.

But I can essentially guarantee that neither she nor whoever authorized her to drive that vehicle will be severely punished for that reprehensible act. There is a 2 tier justice system in this country, like it or not. And if she isn't personally devastated about what she has done, it means that there will be no justice for the victims. I don't like it, but that is the way it is. You are mistaken if you think this is not true.

That is something that should be mentioned, because such a cultural reality is a blight on this country. It is not an overreaction by a bunch of curmudgeons on Thai Visa.

You are probably right but there is a 2 tier system almost everywhere but just not as obvious. Also in Thailand your punishment weighs heavily on the compensation to the victims and in a sense their buying them off. In this case the families of the dead will see more compensation then they would if it was an average Thai. Also, there is actually 3 tiers of justice here ... you forgot the one about the foreigners always being in the wrong ;-)

**What would possibly stop a double standard here is the public outcry that is already being heard. In the US a celebrity almost always doesn't receive equal treatment ... either they are treated more harsh to set an example and help a judge look good or they are able to buy the best lawyers and experts o get off.


PM on the van accident (re: the prominent last name). "no one has a privilege and no one is above the law." /via@jeerapong_nna /via@veen_NT

Money is above the law. "This is Thailand."


The 15 year old daughter of a resident in our village drives her mother and younger brother around our city. I was more than stunned to see this happen. But she comes from a very wealthy family who thinks they can do anything and get away with it.

I wonder whether the 16 yo girl in that sedan that caused this accident on the freeway had a driver's license. They should the parents for letting an under aged person to drive on the freeway.

The same in our village I see young kids driving cars all the time to and from school and some children as young as 10 riding motor bikes. Traffic laws in Thailand don't really mean a lot.


Only way to fix a Hiso is to send them to jail.. it worked with paris hilton after 10 years of crazyness

Yeah, she used to be an irresponsible, talentless idiot.

Now she's a talentless idiot.


The 15 year old daughter of a resident in our village drives her mother and younger brother around our city. I was more than stunned to see this happen. But she comes from a very wealthy family who thinks they can do anything and get away with it.

I wonder whether the 16 yo girl in that sedan that caused this accident on the freeway had a driver's license. They should the parents for letting an under aged person to drive on the freeway.

The same in our village I see young kids driving cars all the time to and from school and some children as young as 10 riding motor bikes. Traffic laws in Thailand don't really mean a lot.

The laws are there but the BiB are not. WHERE ARE THEY, THE QUESTION, WHERE ARE THEY, some times dozens are at the traffic light ambush once a week so where are they the other 6 days. ?????????????????? :huh:


The 15 year old daughter of a resident in our village drives her mother and younger brother around our city. I was more than stunned to see this happen. But she comes from a very wealthy family who thinks they can do anything and get away with it.

I wonder whether the 16 yo girl in that sedan that caused this accident on the freeway had a driver's license. They should the parents for letting an under aged person to drive on the freeway.

The same in our village I see young kids driving cars all the time to and from school and some children as young as 10 riding motor bikes. Traffic laws in Thailand don't really mean a lot.

No they don't yesterday I was in Doi Mai Salong and I saw a 7 year old riding a motor bike the police didn't take any notice. I hope that if this girl is found responsible that she does some hard jail time, the deceased deserve Justice!


As it stands, I'm quite certain she was calling someone for advice. Anyone who has spent any time in the states knows that you don't offer to assist someone if you aren't trained. You could make things worse. And even something as innocuous as helping to push a car out of traffic can lead to a long battle over whether your injuries were sustained in the accident or doing some unnecessary good samaritan acts. I think I would have done exactly what this girl did until someone came along to advise me on the best way to proceed.

I am not a trained medic. I could not have helped anyone that needed assistance. Best to stand back and get out of the way so those who know what to do can help without your interference.

And in a complete surprise move out from the left field we finally see a well-thought out post in the thread.

- Don't help unless you know what you are doing

- Call for assistance and advice from those that can help

There is three very important steps when your first at the scene of an accident.

1. Secure the location. This includes getting a overview on injuries, but more important making sure other drivers are made aware of the hindrance. Someone need to take charge. Why not you? If your alone, in my country you are bound by law to take charge.

2. Call emergency services. Where are you, what happened, injuries etc.

3. First aid. This is where I suspect Thai educational system fails. In my country they teach it several times during school. And its also part of getting a drivers license. You don't need to know what your doing to check if people are breathing. It takes 5 minutes to learn lung&heart saving procedures.

If your not alone, delegate. Get diffrent persons to do 1 and 2, and start step 3 as soon as possible. Step 3 save lifes!

So first consciousness. A conscious person is by definition breathing and getting blood to the brain. Talk, look for injuries, if possible and the person can move by him/herself, down on the ground and feet high. But keep talking to prevent/lessen/stabilize shock.

If you cant get a response its a serious injury, further steps are needed.


Someone not breathing will die in minutes. Someone unconscious in a car, typically bent forward will have a hard time breathing. If someone not breathing, start Artificial respiration (kiss of life). Trouble breathing, try to get them in a position where they can breath more freely. This is where you can consider waiting for professional help, but if not breathing you can't. You cant worry about further injuries on a person not breathing! Listen for breathing for 10 seconds. Also you can use a mirror to check for breathing (mirror fogging)

No pulse is a no-brainer, hearth-lung-rescue. Even if you've never done this on a training dummy,

* head back on the injured person (to give better chance if breathing)

* Hold the persons nose, blow 2 times into his/her mouth. Each blow should last for about 1 second. Think about how your breathing when relaxed to get a good rhythm.

* Do 30 hearth compressions. Its also pretty intuitive. Use both hand one top of each other about center between the breasts. With training you will know a more precise technique, but no training is no reason for not trying. Rate should be 100 a minute, so 30 in between 15 and 20 seconds, or about 2 a second. Most people do this too slow, its a faster rhythm then you think. Chest should be compressed about 5 cm, so you need to push pretty hard. Hard, fast, rhythmic.

Keep doing 2:30 until professional help arrives.

By reading these steps you know how to save a life. Use a couple of minutes visualizing yourself in situation where you need this, and chances increase you will act fast, correct and with confidence.

If person starts breathing again, keep him/her on her back for about 1 minute while monitoring, then move into stable position (sideways, one arm under and behind body, other arm in front, top leg bent over bottom leg for stability, head slightly backward for keep free airways.


Check patient for external bleeding and try to stop them.


There is no law to be applied to her, therefore she has committed no offence so how can she be punished?

The law does need to be changed.

More importantly, existing laws do need to be applied.

This story simply serves to remind us what a backward country this is and how the elite will be protected, compensation or justice denied the injured, dead and their famililies.

Alarmingly, the very same can happen again and again, despite our understanding and concern that something should be done.

But that is civilised educated logic rather than Thai twisted save face, never mind non-logic.

Drive safely for others clearly can't , won't or don't have to as the law doesn't apply to them.


It's been nearly 48 hours since this tragic event occurred. Has anyone seen even the slightest remorse from this hi-so girls family or is it they don't feel they owe anything to those they perceive below them? Looks like another Moo-Ham situation.

Frankly, I hope the girl is dealt a very harsh sentence for the killings of these eight people and the parents lose every stinking baht they own thorough a fair court trial. Yes, I'm dreaming, hi-so girl will somehow become the victim and some will pity the little darling. She'll probably get her groupies much like Moo-Ham did. Mom and dad will continue to deny anything happened, not show any remorse, and continue to live their life of luxury, while the families of eight killed will remain empty for the rest of their lives. Sad.


According to a Thai website the 16 year old driver's big shot policeman daddy arranged for her to get off with a B400 fine for driving without a licence and spirited her out of the country until things cool down.

What's the basis for saying a 16 year old is not culpable of homicide or manslaughter under the Thai Penal Code? Under 18 year olds can't legally be sentenced to death or incarcerated in an adult prison but there are reform schools full of kids aged 13-17. A few years ago there was a dramatic mass escape from a boys' reform school that prompted a media outcry as some of the escapees told journalists before they were recaptured that had escaped due to appalling conditions including inhumane treatment by the warders and gross overcrowding. No doubt nothing was done apart from even more severe beatings for those who "grassed" to the media.


As Arkady has said her Dad is a big Police Chief and her brother is a very famous TV Actor (Devahastin Na Ayuthaya). Her nickname by the way is Pear (Miss 16 year old).



for information the Facebook page opened for her after the accident, to show the disgust about what happened has now got 164,400 friends.


As Arkady has said her Dad is a big Police Chief and her brother is a very famous TV Actor (Taebasadin Na Ayuthaya).

so that's the end of justice then :(

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