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Girlfriend Doesn'T Ask For Money


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It's going to be hard mate. I'll admit it. There's just so many worthies. It's a bit like one of those 10 baht games in the Kid's Play Area at Tesco Lotus where you have to whack those moles that keep popping up with a mallet. So many targets, so little time. :D

Edited by mca
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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:

Yes with you

Some people are nice to sleep with, some it has to be a job.

Dont put everyone in the job category. Some humans are better than others.

There's 3 categories in thailand

Those who pay because they want to (like old timer up there) they are very rare.

Those who pay because they have to (you and most)

Those who find someone equal to them

I wonder how my gf who left her last rich boyfriend for me when i was broke is expecting to drain me of my estate now that she is paying for with her job now that the kid is old enough to not need her full time.

Mongers are crazy, seriously.

The irony being that your gf is the monger.

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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:

Yes with you

Some people are nice to sleep with, some it has to be a job.

Dont put everyone in the job category. Some humans are better than others.

There's 3 categories in thailand

Those who pay because they want to (like old timer up there) they are very rare.

Those who pay because they have to (you and most)

Those who find someone equal to them

I wonder how my gf who left her last rich boyfriend for me when i was broke is expecting to drain me of my estate now that she is paying for with her job now that the kid is old enough to not need her full time.

Mongers are crazy, seriously.

The irony being that your gf is the monger.

Nope, im a 6.5 she's a 9.5

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they learn how to close you to a yes. its your business to learn to counter their close. its just business. but if you confuse business with romance, you'll lose any power you ever thought you had.

Loz is right!

Somehow or another they do get thier way. The part that I had trouble with was the lie /lies to get anything were not even good lies!

At least be a good lier if your going to do it. I knew many were just plain storys and I still gave in because I suppose I felt, it they needed it that bad, then it must really be needed. One thing I have learned is, that if you say no, you don't have the money, then sonwhow they seem to get it somewhere else. I finally figured out it was just the family member/members trying to get me to pay it rather than themselves. If it works good for them. But if not, then they still have to pay it but are a little less in thier pocket. They have the money but it is just easier to try and get me to pay with a sob story. I finally told my wife to sell the truck. She has always said no one else drives it because it is "ours" and she doesn't drive and I don't use it either. It is her parents and brothers that use it. I just said we can't afford to pay for something that just sits there. Her theory to tell me that "ok i will sell it" didn't work because I said good idea..hmm she had to come up with another story. I refused to pay and now it is fixed and in the parents driveway.

The thing was, the truck is an older one and needed brakes and I told her to wait and I will fix it myself when I return since it is an easy fix and I am good at mechanical things and know how to do these things and save the $ that a garage would charge. And since she told me no one was driving it, why should I send money to get it fixed. Well, she told me her father wanted it all fixed good for "ME" when I get back and he put it in the shop. I asked what is your father doing making decisions with our truck for? and he can just go ahead and pay for it then because I said to wait!! Now, of course this truck is her familys truck and the father wanted it fixed and not for me but for them duhhh ...It was just a story to try and get me to pay for it...same with all the emergency money storys., ..ughhhh...you'll be amazed at what storys will pop out of thin air with the guise of I didn't want to upset you before is the reason I wasn't told about this new imaginary bill that needs paid.

I have sat on my butt waiting and letting her stew intil she decides who it is that is making the decisions. When I am told a story, she gets a story back. I just use the same thing " I didn't want to upset you" I am just trying to be more Thai and be the same as Thai people, dear!, Isn't that how you want me to be? like a thai? ..Last week the story was she needed an extra 5k for life insurance on her brother(maybe sick) She also has 4 other brothers.. I never heard a word before about that bill. She explained it is 25000baht per year and it is due now. I asked why would I be paying for life insurance on her brother when I don't even pay near that much for mine.

She explained that I (me) am the benificiary...ya me!!.:annoyed:..now I suppose that is to make me fork it over so I can get rich when he dies.(lucky me) The thought of that kind of (VULCHER) thinking is over the pail for me. I can't imagine what kind of mind would think I would be pleased with that and pay up the cash. I truly believe that these people think that the "stupid falang" is true, although, I imagine it would be easy to confuse generosity with stupiditty in Thai culture soooo yes, we are surely seen as stupid when we give or help with money, even when the lie is a whopper to get it....it works for a little while but after you understand them,. It is a different story!

Some of us, it takes more time to come to our senses and quit being duped while others just keep paying and giving.....That is the sad fact. ..When a thai lady specifically wants a falang, be on your guard at all times. When she gets you hooked, the family thinks they found thier golden goose and they all want an egg!!(golden) This Goose needs to keep laying golden eggs all the time until your too old to lay eggs anymore. Then she will find a new goose. Consider yourself to have been Goosed too long.!!!!!....write a book about it! (Insert whatever word you wish for goosed)

Now, if indeed there was an insurance policy being paid for, it surely would be mine!!! I don't think the idea of paying for my own demise is in my best interests. But it was a sweet thought on her for my behalf. right?:blink:. Ahh the storys are actually entertaining sometimes but will give you pause or even a little or lot of fear for what is real and what isn't real. Gee, can anyone guess why I have not returned yet?....she can't understand why "I leave her long time"....duh....

Personally, at this time, I will put my own toothpaste on my own brush!!!!!!! .....kawp khun plup maak maak

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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


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It's going to be hard mate. I'll admit it. There's just so many worthies. It's a bit like one of those 10 baht games in the Kid's Play Area at Tesco Lotus where you have to whack those moles that keep popping up with a mallet. So many targets, so little time. :D

By the sounds of your language ,it does sound like someone who would be playing whack the mole game! Please try and clean up your language a little and that might give a little more credance to your comments. No one ever blamed "all thai's" for anything. Most people just give thier own experiences. Why don't you try reading a little more and learn a few things before commenting on something you know nothing about. happy new year to you too, Buddy! bessame' coula!

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In 14 years of living in Thailand i'm still waiting for the first farang friend or acquaintance that tells me his lady isn't after his money or is happy to go to work and contribute to paying the incoming bills.

It's a fact that unless you buy them a business which many idiots do (mostly bars) 99% per cent of our tilacs wouldn't bring shame on themselves with having to work for a living and put some money into the bill paying pot.

Are there any exceptions to that?

Let's say i've yet to meet one.

My lady once helped me in my Guesthouse business in Phuket and her friends asked her why she was working when she has a rich farang, where all her gold was and how much was I paying her every month.

Need to find a wife from Nakhon Sawan then...everyone that I know from the area has a wife that is working...my old lady works our farms; notice the plural because she had land before we met....

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Nope, im a 6.5 she's a 9.5

Pics or GTFO. ;)

Don't hold your breath. This is the guy that in another topic about businesses in Phuket says that he has a very good business making as much in half a day as a teacher makes in a month and is looking at buying other businesses. But I also note that he can't stand Phuket and is leaving. Go figure.

He makes it sound like his gf has plenty of money (fleeced from the rich guy no doubt) and she looks after him, kinda like a pet. Seems like a real tightass to his gf considering his great business prowess.

But then again, which one of his personalities is true.

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It can sometimes be a little demeaning when one has a rich Thai girlfriend, for example when we eat daily in only the top restaurants in Bangkok when it comes to paying the bill she will spin her platinum card on to the waiters silver tray then at the same time mover her hair from left to right erratically like a shampoo advert of a Thai /Chinese woman who's family own gold shops in china town.

This woman has never asked me for anything but just keeps on spending her extreme wealth on me. She did ask once for a 5 baht coin so she could use a public toilet, i said go screw yourself what do you think i am your walking ATM? sheesh the cheek!!!!

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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


Sigh.. What does your experience as an old guy with a young girl from a bar has to do with real life?

if i move to las vegas when im 60 and marry a 28 yo stripper. im not gonna expect anything but being used.

Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

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Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

Who gets to define what ones league is (You, feminists, the church, etc.)?

Or are you one of those who just knows (presumably by divine insight)?

Edited by pjclark1
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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


Sigh.. What does your experience as an old guy with a young girl from a bar has to do with real life?

if i move to las vegas when im 60 and marry a 28 yo stripper. im not gonna expect anything but being used.

Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

Listen Fellaor MZ, I am one handsome man and NEVER had to look for a lady, they came to me!! I went to thailand because my wife died of cancer and I wanted a change in everything AND my wife was not a bar girl, she was a college educated woman and not as you say 28...she is in her mid 40's and someone who would not look twice at you, ok?(I'm sure)....send your picture and I'll send mine and let the people say...I have never ever gone to the bar side of towns in any place in Thailand and i avoided that crap. obviously you are one of themor the other L, the ones that make Falang a bad word in Thailand. What an idiot to assume something like that!...now we know why they say "stupid falang".....I am an educated and attractive man and you are stuck with that stupid stigma of every man that comes to thailand can't get a woman in his own country....well, I left because I had too many wanting what I had and who I am, and wanted more than I was willing to give there!........I wanted something different.....if you ever had a good wife and good everything, would not you be here making judgments on someone you know nothing about>????..........talk about stupid falang!!!..........

you are one of those that judge before knowing anything!!.....I can afford to live in both countrys if I please....can you?...or are you stuck in a hole in khao sahn road with your p-3 judging people.....no, obviously not....you';ve never even been to thailand because that is the attitude of many ignorant people that are just plain jealous of the fact that some can afford to do those things...sorry, bud or mz....probably a mz because I have heard that same sound from some women in the USA too....wow...jealous!!!....you definitly are a woman!!!!!!!....whatza matter? can't find a guy in your country because they are tired of your kind of talk??.and looks?..yep!!!

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<br />Usually those that use 'tirak' DID meet their girls in a less proper setting. Not because there is a cause and effect, but because less educated girls might not be fluent in English and use the word themselves to their 'man' etc.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Me and my wife use 'honey' or 'darling' when we speak English, 'älskling' when we speak Swedish and 'tii rak' when we speak Thai.

I would say a better class marker is whether people say 'same-same' or not. :)

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Okay this personal attack clearly means you are overcompensating and actually very poor. Good job trying to hide your wedding with a bar girl.

Educated woman, lol. Most working girls are studying at the same time.

Btw, faLang is the way mongers write that word because they've never met a woman with a proper thai pronunciation :jap:

im not gonna get in the money debate because i am half your age and even though i make more than you, i dont see this has a proof of anything in life. Work is work (except english-teaching as a career obviously)

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<br />Usually those that use 'tirak' DID meet their girls in a less proper setting. Not because there is a cause and effect, but because less educated girls might not be fluent in English and use the word themselves to their 'man' etc.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Me and my wife use 'honey' or 'darling' when we speak English, 'älskling' when we speak Swedish and 'tii rak' when we speak Thai.

I would say a better class marker is whether people say 'same-same' or not. :)

that is fine, but using tirak in public after speaking english sounds really tacky. Almost as bad as those guys who keep saying Na, Na, Na, Na, after every sentence. Same Same is fine IMO if you use it with a funny connotation. In a serious conversation, you are now under nigerian scammers in social standings

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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


Sigh.. What does your experience as an old guy with a young girl from a bar has to do with real life?

if i move to las vegas when im 60 and marry a 28 yo stripper. im not gonna expect anything but being used.

Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

Listen Fellaor MZ, I am one handsome man and NEVER had to look for a lady, they came to me!! I went to thailand because my wife died of cancer and I wanted a change in everything AND my wife was not a bar girl, she was a college educated woman and not as you say 28...she is in her mid 40's and someone who would not look twice at you, ok?(I'm sure)....send your picture and I'll send mine and let the people say...I have never ever gone to the bar side of towns in any place in Thailand and i avoided that crap. obviously you are one of themor the other L, the ones that make Falang a bad word in Thailand. What an idiot to assume something like that!...now we know why they say "stupid falang".....I am an educated and attractive man and you are stuck with that stupid stigma of every man that comes to thailand can't get a woman in his own country....well, I left because I had too many wanting what I had and who I am, and wanted more than I was willing to give there!........I wanted something different.....if you ever had a good wife and good everything, would not you be here making judgments on someone you know nothing about>????..........talk about stupid falang!!!..........

you are one of those that judge before knowing anything!!.....I can afford to live in both countrys if I please....can you?...or are you stuck in a hole in khao sahn road with your p-3 judging people.....no, obviously not....you';ve never even been to thailand because that is the attitude of many ignorant people that are just plain jealous of the fact that some can afford to do those things...sorry, bud or mz....probably a mz because I have heard that same sound from some women in the USA too....wow...jealous!!!....you definitly are a woman!!!!!!!....whatza matter? can't find a guy in your country because they are tired of your kind of talk??.and looks?..yep!!!

Totally agree and good idea if DL changes his forum name. as a picture has been painted in such a short time. :bah:

( but XX, bit less of the handsome man eh, we are all handsome here.:D )

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no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


Sigh.. What does your experience as an old guy with a young girl from a bar has to do with real life?

if i move to las vegas when im 60 and marry a 28 yo stripper. im not gonna expect anything but being used.

Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

It has a lot to do with reality just not your reality. I lived with an 18 year old Los Vegas stripper (Tampa actually). From when she was 18 till she was 25. She met a Brit DJ at 25 and he got her involved in drugs and she went downhill fast. A couple of years of the high life backstage, meeting everyone who was anyone in the music business and then she crashed. Ended up in a hospital having her heart restarted with those electric paddle things. Her mom called me up and apologized for not supporting our relationship. Said she didn't realize when her daughter was well off.

I came to Thailand to shake off the broken heart from my US stripper 6 years ago. I switched to older women (over 26).

Sure it is reality. Us doddering old guys still have a few miles left on the treads.

It is a nice day today. Light breeze blowing in off the Gulf and I am listening to Willie Nelson and translating “She's a good hearted woman in love with a good timing man.” The band at the local club wants to play it in Thai Wednesday night. First I'll translate it and then teach them how to sing it.

The female lead singer, an older woman (26) is sprawled on my couch mouthing the words of the song. I play the CD and then strum the chords as she sings.

If you got the money honey I got the time. Khun me satang Chan me wayla. That's the next track and oh is it appropriate.

If you got no more money honey I got no more time. I really like Willie Nelson, the East coast of Thailand and “what's her name” in the chair singing country songs.

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It has a lot to do with reality just not your reality. I lived with an 18 year old Los Vegas stripper (Tampa actually). From when she was 18 till she was 25. She met a Brit DJ at 25 and he got her involved in drugs and she went downhill fast. A couple of years of the high life backstage, meeting everyone who was anyone in the music business and then she crashed. Ended up in a hospital having her heart restarted with those electric paddle things. Her mom called me up and apologized for not supporting our relationship. Said she didn't realize when her daughter was well off.

I came to Thailand to shake off the broken heart from my US stripper 6 years ago. I switched to older women (over 26).

Sure it is reality. Us doddering old guys still have a few miles left on the treads.

It is a nice day today. Light breeze blowing in off the Gulf and I am listening to Willie Nelson and translating "She's a good hearted woman in love with a good timing man." The band at the local club wants to play it in Thai Wednesday night. First I'll translate it and then teach them how to sing it.

The female lead singer, an older woman (26) is sprawled on my couch mouthing the words of the song. I play the CD and then strum the chords as she sings.

If you got the money honey I got the time. Khun me satang Chan me wayla. That's the next track and oh is it appropriate.

If you got no more money honey I got no more time. I really like Willie Nelson, the East coast of Thailand and "what's her name" in the chair singing country songs.

Good post, Mark. I agree.

As an old guy I ain't in it for love any longer. I WANT to pay the gals a fair price for their time. That way when the attraction (whatever it is) wears off then they or I can leave with no regrets.

They young-ns who believe that all love lasts forever are living in Dreamland. Occasionally, it actually happens, but not very often. I LISTEN to my "so called" happily married friends complaining. That goes for both the wives and the husbands.

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It has a lot to do with reality just not your reality. I lived with an 18 year old Los Vegas stripper (Tampa actually). From when she was 18 till she was 25. She met a Brit DJ at 25 and he got her involved in drugs and she went downhill fast. A couple of years of the high life backstage, meeting everyone who was anyone in the music business and then she crashed. Ended up in a hospital having her heart restarted with those electric paddle things. Her mom called me up and apologized for not supporting our relationship. Said she didn't realize when her daughter was well off.

I came to Thailand to shake off the broken heart from my US stripper 6 years ago. I switched to older women (over 26).

Sure it is reality. Us doddering old guys still have a few miles left on the treads.

It is a nice day today. Light breeze blowing in off the Gulf and I am listening to Willie Nelson and translating "She's a good hearted woman in love with a good timing man." The band at the local club wants to play it in Thai Wednesday night. First I'll translate it and then teach them how to sing it.

The female lead singer, an older woman (26) is sprawled on my couch mouthing the words of the song. I play the CD and then strum the chords as she sings.

If you got the money honey I got the time. Khun me satang Chan me wayla. That's the next track and oh is it appropriate.

If you got no more money honey I got no more time. I really like Willie Nelson, the East coast of Thailand and "what's her name" in the chair singing country songs.

Good post, Mark. I agree.

As an old guy I ain't in it for love any longer. I WANT to pay the gals a fair price for their time. That way when the attraction (whatever it is) wears off then they or I can leave with no regrets.

They young-ns who believe that all love lasts forever are living in Dreamland. Occasionally, it actually happens, but not very often. I LISTEN to my "so called" happily married friends complaining. That goes for both the wives and the husbands.

Depends I guess if you wish to continually view sex as a commodity, or as an enhancing part of meaningful, caring, sharing, relationship.

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Good post, Mark. I agree.

As an old guy I ain't in it for love any longer. I WANT to pay the gals a fair price for their time. That way when the attraction (whatever it is) wears off then they or I can leave with no regrets.

They young-ns who believe that all love lasts forever are living in Dreamland. Occasionally, it actually happens, but not very often. I LISTEN to my "so called" happily married friends complaining. That goes for both the wives and the husbands.

You are a hypocrite Ian

You constantly play the self righteous one by claiming that you just let others to live their lives as they want, yet you claim that people in genuine relationships are living in a dreamland just because they don't share your sleazy values. What a great way to insult so many here, male and female, whom are happily married.

Just because it may be your experience it doesn't mean it is the same for everybody else. Although I think you know that already and you are just trying to justify your actions.

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Good post, Mark. I agree.

As an old guy I ain't in it for love any longer. I WANT to pay the gals a fair price for their time. That way when the attraction (whatever it is) wears off then they or I can leave with no regrets.

They young-ns who believe that all love lasts forever are living in Dreamland. Occasionally, it actually happens, but not very often. I LISTEN to my "so called" happily married friends complaining. That goes for both the wives and the husbands.

You are a hypocrite Ian

You constantly play the self righteous one by claiming that you just let others to live their lives as they want, yet you claim that people in genuine relationships are living in a dreamland just because they don't share your sleazy values. What a great way to insult so many here, male and female, whom are happily married.

Just because it may be your experience it doesn't mean it is the same for everybody else. Although I think you know that already and you are just trying to justify your actions.

Read what I said, Moonrakers, not what you THINK I said. I've been around a lot longer than you and I've seen all the so called "good" marriages go sour... including both my own. And, I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. It just happens. Many people don't do anything wrong, it's just that very often they don't do some things right.

You don't know the meaning of hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does the opposite. Many Catholic and Anglican priests are an example of that. I've always stood by my values and I don't lie. Unfortunately, some people can't handle the truth.

What you are obviously saying is that by telling the truth and living by high standards is being sleazy. If that is the case then I'll keep being sleazy. In my world everyone gets paid for their services, they all go home happy and no harm is done to anyone. I don't need to lie to get someone into bed.

I've always had admiration for couples who stick together in a loving relationship for many years. But that is not the norm in today's world. There are lots of unhappy couples living in long term relationships. If they are doing it for their children's sake then more power to them. And, it you've ever READ my posts instead of making false assumptions, then you would know I'm basically an old fashioned family man with high standards. If a couple is truly happy for even 5 years then they are lucky people. Anything after that is a bonus.

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I know what a hypocrite is thanks.

Your whole assumption that those in 'normal' relationships are living in a dream-world is wrong. You are generalising and making incorrect assumptions about why people are in the relationships they are. I can read, I read your post. It is still there and I read it again. It always seems to be your posts that appear to be wide open in their interpretation and that statements are not really statements at all, but sometimes they are......

You go swanning about in bedlam and other parts of TV trying to say how you don't judge people. You say you don't judge people yet whenever there is an issue that does not agree with how you want to live your life, you do exactly that, you judge. Once you have judged you then try to claim that you didn't even though your original text is still there.

Always with the hypocrisy and contradictions.

Edited by Moonrakers
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It has a lot to do with reality just not your reality. I lived with an 18 year old Los Vegas stripper (Tampa actually). From when she was 18 till she was 25. She met a Brit DJ at 25 and he got her involved in drugs and she went downhill fast. A couple of years of the high life backstage, meeting everyone who was anyone in the music business and then she crashed. Ended up in a hospital having her heart restarted with those electric paddle things. Her mom called me up and apologized for not supporting our relationship. Said she didn't realize when her daughter was well off.

I came to Thailand to shake off the broken heart from my US stripper 6 years ago. I switched to older women (over 26).

Sure it is reality. Us doddering old guys still have a few miles left on the treads.

It is a nice day today. Light breeze blowing in off the Gulf and I am listening to Willie Nelson and translating "She's a good hearted woman in love with a good timing man." The band at the local club wants to play it in Thai Wednesday night. First I'll translate it and then teach them how to sing it.

The female lead singer, an older woman (26) is sprawled on my couch mouthing the words of the song. I play the CD and then strum the chords as she sings.

If you got the money honey I got the time. Khun me satang Chan me wayla. That's the next track and oh is it appropriate.

If you got no more money honey I got no more time. I really like Willie Nelson, the East coast of Thailand and "what's her name" in the chair singing country songs.

Good post, Mark. I agree.

As an old guy I ain't in it for love any longer. I WANT to pay the gals a fair price for their time. That way when the attraction (whatever it is) wears off then they or I can leave with no regrets.

They young-ns who believe that all love lasts forever are living in Dreamland. Occasionally, it actually happens, but not very often. I LISTEN to my "so called" happily married friends complaining. That goes for both the wives and the husbands.

Depends I guess if you wish to continually view sex as a commodity, or as an enhancing part of meaningful, caring, sharing, relationship.

Here is the rub George. Certainly I could fall in love with a wonderful, educated, kind hearted woman of 25 years of age or maybe even 35 or 40.

But if I did chances would be very slim she would be in it for anything but security of some kind. She might be able to fake it until my death and I might never know.

It has always been a source of amazement to me that I never ask for sex, not even a hint and these gorgeous 20 something women ask me. Or even demand it. You would think they would save up all their sexual energy for the Thai boyfriend. They also play at sex with a touch or double meaning joke or during the night in their sleep when they reach over and grab something to hang on to during a bad dream.

I can see how some old guys might think this is love and confuse it with a meaningful relationship. It is hard not to. The young guys who haven't figured out how much they are paying yet would be even more susceptible to thinking there was something more than a physical relationship involved.

All you young guys, do you think there is any way a beautiful young woman could possibly perform all the fantastic lovemaking things she does with you with a with an old man? How could she possibly kiss his leathery old lips and caress his bony shoulders? And hold his age spotted hands?

For me, realistic love would come with mature woman of my own age whose experiences somewhat match mine. I mentioned before that I had slept with a particular women a few months ago that I had also slept with the first time I came to Thailand in 1969. It was a novelty but not behavior I would want to repeat.

One has to have a much better imagination than I to transpose a 20 year old gymnasts body with a 65 year old bookkeeper.

It also has something to do with experience. The curator of a fine museum at first treats all the paintings as priceless masterpieces. After a while when the security, humidity, and worry about safety take over he begins to think of the works of art as commodities. To be protected and cherished to be sure but not in quite the same way as when he was new at the job.

If I had had one wife instead of 3 and one mistress instead of 20 and 1 girlfriend instead of 500 I might be a little more impressed with the concept of female love.

So let me share something with you. For every time you are supremely happy there will also be a time you are supremely sad. I am like the old circus performer who has walked the high wire without a net a thousand of times. I know when to quit. I know when to stop falling in love.

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