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I have a question as to why my estranged thai wife(I'm a US citizen) would be filing some sort of paper with the .thwww.humanrights.ago.go.th/index.php

I happen to come across this on a search(google). As far as I can tell it was with a special prosecutor at that website. I left her in Thailand and we are legally married. I just decided I had had enough of being scammed and threatened and nothing in return. Her email address was attached to this form on that website in the last 6 weeks....help?..

That website, does anyone know or have an idea of what it could be that she filled out something there and I am fairly sure it has to do with me or a visa for her which I don't want her coming to the USA, at least not until we rectify the lying.

I read at the bottom on that page it has to do with a special prosecutor from the Humanright.ago.org.th............does anyone know what this office is for or what it has to do with?

I am a little anxious as to what it was she was trying to accomplish there......I asked her and she more or less blew if off as she was looking for work etc. Nothing that made any sense. She is angry at me for not being back yet after 7 months.

I am a little worried as I am legally married and am wondering what she has in store for me. I am sure it has something to do with money in some way. ....please, if anyone has any idea of what this office does for people married to foriegnors.....i.e. helping with visa to usa for her or perhaps a made up charge of some kind in an attempt to extract some money from me....I belive she knows I am done with this relationship!! unless she does some BIG changing about lying and being truthful.

Her threats to me when she is angry are beyond the pail....axample "I die soon".....now, what kind of "good thai girl" would say something like toher husband that because I have not returned because of her dishonesty?.....I am worried that her and her brother may be trying to concoct some sort of charges on me for $....we are legally married.....please if anyone knows what this office of human rights and special prosecutor is for let me know....I do have a lifetime pension....in the USA,,,,,I am worried.....:(

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Site is working fine for me from KSC in Bangkok.


Now this is interesting. I'm in England for a few weeks at the moment and it's not working from here nor from a server I have elsewhere in Europe.

I wonder if they're filtering foreign IP's for some reason.

Could be, it won't work from my corporate VPN that emerges in France.

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Site is working fine for me from KSC in Bangkok.


Now this is interesting. I'm in England for a few weeks at the moment and it's not working from here nor from a server I have elsewhere in Europe.

I wonder if they're filtering foreign IP's for some reason.

Could be, it won't work from my corporate VPN that emerges in France.

Don't work from CM (tot)

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Logged on from the bustling metropolis of Patong and see that it is a quasi legal aid facility.

One of the main functions of the OAG is to protect civil rights, liberties and public interest including providing legal aid and advices to the people according to the Ministerial Regulation for Organization of the Office of the Attorney General 2546 B.E.(2003) Article 3 (24). Nowadays, there is the number of Thai people living and working abroad. Many of them are laborers working for the construction jobs and housemaids. Some of them are restaurants’ owners and some are married with foreigners

Some of them have faced legal problems, for example, the problem of juristic acts and contracts signed with labor agents, the problem of family rights after getting married with foreigners, the problem with the employers while working abroad, and particularly the problem of begin prosecuted abroad.

Authorities and Functions

Providing legal knowledge, answering questions and giving legal advice to Thai nationals married with foreigners, foreigners visiting, working or residing in many provinces of Thailand , and to the Thai nationals abroad in the form of law clinic in many foreign countries where a number of Thai nationals working or having resident.

If you left Thailand and she is now destitute this is how she is securing legal advice.

As an aside, it is also available to foreigners.

-Acting as the law clinic in Thailand where foreigners being able to walk in and asking for legal advice

Two sides to every quarrel and it seems she is doing the right thing by seeking legal advice.

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Logged on from the bustling metropolis of Patong and see that it is a quasi legal aid facility.

One of the main functions of the OAG is to protect civil rights, liberties and public interest including providing legal aid and advices to the people according to the Ministerial Regulation for Organization of the Office of the Attorney General 2546 B.E.(2003) Article 3 (24). Nowadays, there is the number of Thai people living and working abroad. Many of them are laborers working for the construction jobs and housemaids. Some of them are restaurants' owners and some are married with foreigners

Some of them have faced legal problems, for example, the problem of juristic acts and contracts signed with labor agents, the problem of family rights after getting married with foreigners, the problem with the employers while working abroad, and particularly the problem of begin prosecuted abroad.

Authorities and Functions

Providing legal knowledge, answering questions and giving legal advice to Thai nationals married with foreigners, foreigners visiting, working or residing in many provinces of Thailand , and to the Thai nationals abroad in the form of law clinic in many foreign countries where a number of Thai nationals working or having resident.

If you left Thailand and she is now destitute this is how she is securing legal advice.

As an aside, it is also available to foreigners.

-Acting as the law clinic in Thailand where foreigners being able to walk in and asking for legal advice

Two sides to every quarrel and it seems she is doing the right thing by seeking legal advice.

No quarrel, she just wants to get money, as the old storys go!....I'm just a falang, you know....rich!...oh sure she still calls eveyday and keep the connection going so I send the required amount. She gets very sweet the closer to pay day. Then after the money is recieved by her she can go back to the "f--you's and " hope I die soon" etc . because I haven't returned yet. He lies are explained as

"I didn't think it a lie , I just didn't want worry you"......that was her mistake saying that after asking her 10 times "are you sure that is truth" she answer....yes yes.......blatant lies.........and she can not figure why me and my atm are not back....duuhh ...TRUST

I have surely not left her destitute. Have send her aproxmatly 16k every month and she lives in her parents home because she is not welcome at her x's house to visit her daughter anymore. I can not log into that site from out of thailand either. I found it while searching "google also. It just happened to pop up with her email address. She turned out to be a "gold digger" and very good at it.

Everyhting was based on her lies and her only intention is to get some cash from a falang. I was very naive and stupid for sure. But she will surely not want to have the judge read some of her MSN history where she threatens my life "I die soon" and of course F You ,you many times where I have never used any type of language with her like that...Yes, I think she is trying to find a way to get some money from my pension, sadly to say...but it's the old storys you read about...Stupid falang's......there is only one good side of this stroy....mine!....I probably have been helping pay for my own finacial demise by sending her money out of jai dee or stupidity. Always giving the benefit of doubt. I think it is time I do the same at this point.

By sending money every month I am establishing a precedent for to say she relys on me for support althoughI left after her 1000th lie and then of course finding out she did have a child. which she brought me to thailand to meet her on the guise of never married before nor had any children. She is looking for a way to get rich and be able to support her daughter. Nothing to care about my welfare in any way. I can die and go away as long as she get the money!!....she couldn't care less it seems with her actions and lies. I was stupid for sure. But I do have an ace in the hole!!....just life in LOS. she recently wanted money for life insurance for one of her brothers(she says)...you think it could be a policy on me?....duhhh.....I wonder why I haven't returned yet...gee.........there is no quarrel She just wants money ....at any cost!

I just hope a thai divorce court can not order spousal support and have that adhere in the US although the marriage is recognized in both countrys as legal. I am the victim "again" I came to meet her after 7 months of contact every day with an honest open mind. I found out the storys I should have listened to, I should have! These type of women are very very convincing to a FOB naive foriegn man. They are profesionals at decieving for $....sad but true.....it is rampant in Thailand sadly to say....

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She seems to be seeking legal advice and assistance, as is her right - You should do likewise.

I have been doing just that. It is not easy doing this from another country and basically a lawyer in the US would be just a third party and a third cost again. Although there should be a way of doing this without rerturning for health reasons or safelty reasons since "read other post" ....but, yes I should have started proceeding quickly on returning to the Us as the one year point is coming quick. We only lived together a few months before finding all the truth(some) or enough for me.

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Contact your nearest men's rights group as a first step. They have lots of experience with greedy ex wifes and their advice is usually free.

Next, get a divorce as soon as possible. Offer her a modest amount of money if she does it on consent.

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Contact your nearest men's rights group as a first step. They have lots of experience with greedy ex wifes and their advice is usually free.

Next, get a divorce as soon as possible. Offer her a modest amount of money if she does it on consent.

This is correct.

And don't do it again!!!

(Never understand blokes that do this twice, thrice . . . four times! Fifth marriage? Well, he just likes wedding cake must be the reason :huh: )

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Just keep away from her area in Thailand , Its another Scam from a money grabber. As they say you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.How would she get anything from you , if you did not want to pay, In the UK you can take anyone to Court in the Small Claims courts for £60 pound ,If the other party Ignores your case against them you have won , now comes the good part , it does not mater how you win , if the other party will not pay the fine you have to go back to court which costs more money to win your case again and get damages awarded to you , then the process starts again , they do not or will not pay , so back to Court you go , and on and on you go,Just put your money in another bank account and don't have any visible assets.Or just Put a claim in against her for damages and loss of property and dignity.See if she pays .

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Just keep away from her area in Thailand , Its another Scam from a money grabber. As they say you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.How would she get anything from you , if you did not want to pay, In the UK you can take anyone to Court in the Small Claims courts for £60 pound ,If the other party Ignores your case against them you have won , now comes the good part , it does not mater how you win , if the other party will not pay the fine you have to go back to court which costs more money to win your case again and get damages awarded to you , then the process starts again , they do not or will not pay , so back to Court you go , and on and on you go,Just put your money in another bank account and don't have any visible assets.Or just Put a claim in against her for damages and loss of property and dignity.See if she pays .

The problem is, I do have a visible pension on early retirement from 50 yrs old. And that is hard to hide. Although only thing is my pp shows I left in May of 2010. now that makes it only 3 months we lived together. But of course she will say anything to make it look as though she quit her job for me etc. My private investiagtion shows that she never worked for the company she claimed nor made 35,000baht per month anywhere as a manager there. This is her excuse to make me send her that much every month. Her job is unknown before I met her except that she said she resigned for me( falang fleecing) job is most likely the job!...ohhh surre......I have been complying with half of that until I figure out how to get this done WITHOUT having to return to Thailand.....how stupid I am!....wedding cake..haha...how could I affford the wedding cake when it was all spent on yellow gold??...and loans to her bro?...yeppers purdy smart fella I am....duuhhh...I will say one thing.....She is one good actress!!...

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Contact your nearest men's rights group as a first step. They have lots of experience with greedy ex wifes and their advice is usually free.

Next, get a divorce as soon as possible. Offer her a modest amount of money if she does it on consent.

This is the best idea I have heard to date. Thank you! now hmm where is a mens right group that deals with international problems...:unsure:

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Site is working fine for me from KSC in Bangkok.


Now this is interesting. I'm in England for a few weeks at the moment and it's not working from here nor from a server I have elsewhere in Europe.

I wonder if they're filtering foreign IP's for some reason.

It doesn't work for me either here in the US, although it does have an English link.

I believe it has been filtered so only people in Thailand may log in.

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You've been married three months and have no children with this woman, I don't think she has any claim to make.

I suggest you do anything that's possible to ensure she never gets a visa to the US.

Yes, I am in the process of informing ICE or immigrations just to make sure.

I believe you are right! I checked on my pension and my state statutes on that are: Pensions are a personal asset that are non disposable to division upon divorce if it was proccured before your marriage or even during for me.. Also with the short span of time involved I am not too worried. my Pension is also from a medical early pension from my company which also is considered disability pension along with SS which is also considered personal assets. Whew!!!!...close one!.....I hope anyone else that reads these posts can learn from them what could be at stake.

Even if she did enter, there is nothing she can lay claim to now. But I know she is trying! I never revealed all my information because of just this type of issue. She has been trying to get me to keep a steady tranfer of funds to her account so she can show my support.

I never did that for the simple fact I didn't want that paper trail for her to use against me.....I've had too many experiences with this type before. they are called women!:blink: but thai women take the cake!...(in my experience)...notice, I put in my experience to all that want to paint that picture of ALL THAI's...nooo noo..

I don't believe she can get a visa without the afidavit from me for financial support form 146 i think. No way will I sign something like that as it will make me liable for a lifetime as long as they stay in the US whether divorced or not. Including all medical they get from the gov. and everything up to 125% of the so called poverty rate in the US + all medical, food etc. The government can sue you for it all for years and years(life)....even if you get divorced, YOU are responsible for that person!!=do not sign that affidavit of support! unless you absolutely sure of her intentions, which no one can be! Not in Thailand. or the philipnes as far as that goes.

Live in Thailand, if you can! It's safest as far as your life savings and assets.

There is a form or affidavit that you can have them sign and is called a "safety( ???)"....that will protect you upon something happening between the both such as divorce which will provide she sign she will leave the country upon divorce with you. This I would reccommend to anyone wanting to bring thier wife to the UK or US. to protect yourself from what happens all too often...the ones that use you for support and green card etc....comes and then go thier own way while you pay for them for life....ughhh always get that safety form....I will try and post the name of the affidavit that you can have them sign to protect yourselves,.if you want your wife to enter your country, that is! Just make sure and get GOOD legal advice to protect your assets.

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There is a form or affidavit that you can have them sign and is called a "safety( ???)"....that will protect you upon something happening between the both such as divorce which will provide she sign she will leave the country upon divorce with you.

You can avoid all this nonsense by just not marrying anyone in the first place. This way each time you get fed up or tired with them you can just send them on their way.

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There is a form or affidavit that you can have them sign and is called a "safety( ???)"....that will protect you upon something happening between the both such as divorce which will provide she sign she will leave the country upon divorce with you.

You can avoid all this nonsense by just not marrying anyone in the first place. This way each time you get fed up or tired with them you can just send them on their way.

Nonesense or not ,things happen, and they always will ,but I agree!

Think enough's been said about this one anyway!.....closed session!

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There is no such thing as 'spousal support' in Thailand. You can be bullied into signing a contract to give it anyway if you lack legal representation or you want her to do a quick divorce etc - but unless you don't mind being married on paper (she still cannot get anything from you) you don't have to accept any extortion-attempts to have her sign.

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There is no such thing as 'spousal support' in Thailand. You can be bullied into signing a contract to give it anyway if you lack legal representation or you want her to do a quick divorce etc - but unless you don't mind being married on paper (she still cannot get anything from you) you don't have to accept any extortion-attempts to have her sign.

Yup. Always lawyer up. Most of these people are terrified by anything that represents authority and will usually fall at the first hurdle, remember you're not up against the well educated here.

Just in the past 30 minutes I have informed my 'wife' of 9 years that I'm filing this month. She had a child with some Thai bloke about 6 months ago and I was quite happy to support the whole shabang, for the stability and welfare of the kids. Can't let the kids down, if anything as a real man you are measured on your compassion towards the vulnerable. Been ripping me off for years, treats me like you would not believe, quite evil . . . but I stuck around to support the children.

But she took to beating my dog this afternoon and has persisted with this line that she's a bad dog so must be sold for meat. So that was the final straw.

In my telephone she is listed as Col. WE Kurtz.

I am minded of Kurtz whenever I think of her.

It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. You must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.

Gotta laugh at these people, they really are pathetic creatures. They're about to get a severe lesson in good manners.

Edited by MJP
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