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Teen Involved In Fatal Bangkok Tollway Crash Stressed Out : Mum

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Teen involved in fatal crash stressed out : mum

By The Nation


The 16yearold girl blamed for the fatal tollway accident on Monday has become so stressed out that she asked why she did not die, her mother said yesterday.

"Why don't they take my life? Why don't I just die?" the girl was quoted as saying.

The girl is being treated for injuries at an unspecified hospital. It was the third hospital she went to for treatment after angry threats prompted her family to move her twice to a new medical facility.

"There was an intrusion into her room at a hospital," the mother, Laddawan Thephassadin na Ayutthaya, told the "Chao Kao Khon Kon Kao Chao" TV programme.

The Thephassadin na Ayutthaya family yesterday issued a statement expressing deep condolences over the people killed and injured in the accident.

The accident, which took place after a van brushed the girl's Civic car, killed nine people and injured six others.

Many people were enraged after seeing the 16yearold girl post her comments on a socialnetworking site right after the accident.

To many, her comments seem to show no repentance.

"We would like to apologise to all the injured and killed victims and their families," Laddawan said yesterday.

She said an aunt of the girl would soon attend the funerals of the dead victims and visit the injured at hospitals.

"Our family is now suffering. We are shocked and saddened that our daughter was involved in the fatal accident. We have spent sleepless nights," Laddawan said.

She said the situation was almost too much to bear when her family members' telephone numbers and the daughter's picture were published on Facebook.

"Verbal abuse and threats have since flooded in," the mother said.

Laddawan said she understood the public sentiment. However, she explained that her daughter used her BlackBerry to chat with her friend because the Civic belonged to the friend.

"She was not playing with the device. She sought information on the car's insurance number," Laddawan said.

She said her daughter indeed drove at high speed but it was the van that tried to move into the lane she was using.

"When she signalled the light to ask for the way and [her intentions] with her lights, the van moved back to its lane. She tried to speed up but the van came back too fast. That's how the accident took place," the mother insisted.

She urged police to check all security cameras on the tollway to find out the truth.

"We are ready to let her undergo the judicial process," Laddawan said. She added that the prestigious surname did not mean her family had any influence or any special power to manipulate the case.

Also, the mother denied rumours that her daughter had fled to a foreign country.

"We cannot escape the consequences of our actions," she said.

Police have summonsed the girl to report to them at noon on January 5. She will be charged with reckless driving causing deaths and injuries, and driving without a licence.

If convicted of the first offence, she will face a jail term of up to 10 years and/or a maximum fine of Bt50,000.

"When she comes, we will arrange the negotiation sessions between her and the damaged parties too," Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano said.

If the girl fails to show up next Wednesday, police will seek an arrest warrant for her, he said.

Lawyers Council of Thailand chairman Sak Korsaengrueng said his organisation was ready to help the accident victims is asked to do so.

"The offender should be punished and forced to pay compensation," he said.

The council's secretarygeneral Wanchai Sornsiri believed the parents of the girl could be held responsible too because they failed to prevent their daughter from causing an illegal act.

"The parents may face both criminal and civil actions," he said.

Currently, each killed victim receives Bt200,000 in initial assistance from two insurance firms while each injured victim receives Bt150,000.

The Civic sedan's insurer may offer up to Bt1 million compensation for each death.


-- The Nation 2010-12-31

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How can anyone believe these reports? Now she was playing cat and mouse with the van driver after yesterdays report she 'tapped' the rear of the van. Now we have admissions she loves going fast - I mean how long has the 'prestige named' family had this lunatic at the wheel?

Then we have compensation - what a joke! 150,000 THB for injury or THB200,000 for death - doesn't get much better than that - but wait - there's more. She gets a maximum of THB50,000 fine for reckless driving causing injury and death! Oh yeah and the jail sentence of 10 years which will never occur. And BTW, words last night with someone in the 'know' says she is actually 15. Doesn't seem to matter much now does it?

But let's not forget mum's comment - she was calling her friend on the BB as opposed to yesterday she was calling the family, but this time for insurance? What other gifts of 'truth' will arise from this saga of ducking and weaving?

I must remember this as a precedent to quote in court should the same fate befall me. T.i.T. Life is cheap! dry.gif

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Any idea of what type of medical treatment the girl is receiving? In the photo, she appears to be uninjured. Not all injuries are obvious at the time of an accident, however.


The name says it all.

"Thephassadin na Ayutthaya

Negotions? After 8 years here this still dumbfounds me as to the pay offs after killing your loved ones.

"When she comes, we will arrange the negotiation sessions between her and the damaged parties too," Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano said.

Doesnt it show the absolute ignorant indifference to the law when hi so mummy darling can put her daughter right in the poo with the below comments. She still believes they are above the "common peoples law". Maybe she is correct!

She said her daughter indeed drove at high speed but it was the van that tried to move into the lane she was using.

"When she signalled the light to ask for the way and [her intentions] with her lights, the van moved back to its lane. She tried to speed up but the van came back too fast. That's how the accident took place," the mother insisted.

She urged police to check all security cameras on the tollway to find out the truth.

"When she comes, we will arrange the negotiation sessions between her and the damaged parties too," Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano said.



...........she will face a jail term of up to 10 years and/or a maximum fine of Bt50,000..............

Here we go!!


A brother?

* Published: 1/08/2010 at 12:00 AM

* Newspaper section: News

"Right on the button Television actor Nat Thephasadin na Ayutthaya has apologised to his fans after a court sentenced him to one year in jail, suspended, for breaking his former girlfriend's nose."

  • Like 1

Look at number 4.

I think her problems will be sorted out.

Thailand’s Top Army Officers—Positions, Graduating Class, and Connections

Name Position: 2009-2010 Class Connection Gen. Anupong Paochinda Army Commander-in-Chief 10 (retires 2010) Ex-Queen’s Guard Second Division Commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha Deputy Commander-in-Chief 12 (retires 2014)* Ex-Queen’s Guard Second Division Commander (close to Anupong Gen Viroj Buacharoon Chairman of the RTA advisory board 9 (retires 2010) Close to ret.Gen.Sonthi Bunyaratklin and Anupong Gen Wit Thephasadin Na Ayutthaya Assistant Commander-in-Chief 11 (retires 2011)* Close to Anupong


A brother?

* Published: 1/08/2010 at 12:00 AM

* Newspaper section: News

"Right on the button Television actor Nat Thephasadin na Ayutthaya has apologised to his fans after a court sentenced him to one year in jail, suspended, for breaking his former girlfriend's nose."

The "other" English newspaper seems to say he's her "step brother".

*But Thais often confuse "step brother" with "half brother".


The Civic sedan's insurer may offer up to Bt1 million compensation for each death.

Surely the Civic's insurance is null and void if the driver doesn.t possess a valid driver licence???


Any idea of what type of medical treatment the girl is receiving? In the photo, she appears to be uninjured. Not all injuries are obvious at the time of an accident, however.

She apparently received lacerations to the bottom from broken glass according to clippings on the other thread which was (apparently) why she was leant up against the barrier...


Look at number 4.

I think her problems will be sorted out.

Thailand's Top Army Officers—Positions, Graduating Class, and Connections

Name Position: 2009-2010 Class Connection Gen. Anupong Paochinda Army Commander-in-Chief 10 (retires 2010) Ex-Queen's Guard Second Division Commander Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha Deputy Commander-in-Chief 12 (retires 2014)* Ex-Queen's Guard Second Division Commander (close to Anupong Gen Viroj Buacharoon Chairman of the RTA advisory board 9 (retires 2010) Close to ret.Gen.Sonthi Bunyaratklin and Anupong Gen Wit Thephasadin Na Ayutthaya Assistant Commander-in-Chief 11 (retires 2011)* Close to Anupong

Agree with you.


If I read this about this accident, then I wonder why they dont arrest the friend of her as well whom gave her the keys of her car to this young girl.

All the discussions are nice but she is not allowed to drive at all as she is to young and has no driving license. Also as the mother is telling that she is driving fast??? I never read that the mother is telling that her daughter is stupid to drive any way. I think if we made a crash like this without a driving license and without insurance that we can not walk away by a accident like this as we will go straight to the police station so why is this girl just walking away? If the girl is wrong what could be seen on the cameras (If this will not be deleted by accident) then in my opinion you cant give her a very high punisment as she is not old enough to release what she is doing. For me I find that they need to arrest her friend whom gave the keys to her and put her in jail, if she didnt gave the keys to her then this accident was probably not happening. I hope this will solved on a proper way and will not end under the carpet. So I hope justice will do their job. I really find it very sad for the family of the people whom are killed.

Maybe more speed control, higher fines not the laughing 400B, no insurance you loose your car, no driving license 2 years not allowed to drive a car, if they caught you straigh one month in jail.


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.


It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

feeding frenzy? 19 posts!

This is a place for speculation and discussion. It is the bread and butter for sites such as TV.

Yes its not uncommon here in Thailand for this type of incident to happen.

Just reading mummy darlings comments makes me vomit in my mouth.


"When she comes, we will arrange the negotiation sessions between her and the damaged parties too," Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner MajGeneral Amnuay Nimmano said.

This is the way things are done at pretty much any level of society. In Isan villages, for example, if someone gets hurt in a drunken brawl at a festival, the headman will bring the parties together and work out appropriate compensation. There would be a massive outcry if this didn't happen.


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

Yes, it would be good to wait for the Police to investigate this matter thoroughly before jumping to conclusions.

You say that there is a 'strong likelihood' that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error. Perhaps you are saying that there may be more than one imput into the cause of the collision, there normally is, in some cases there is multiple. The real issue shouldnt just revolve around if one driver changed lanes at the wrong time, what needs to be considered is if 'anyone' was driving in a dangerous/reckless manner just prior to or at the time of the collision.

Currently, each killed victim receives Bt200,000 in initial assistance from two insurance firms while each injured victim receives Bt150,000.

The Civic sedan's insurer may offer up to Bt1 million compensation for each death.

Suprised any insurance company would pay up.. Surely they have a clause where they don't have to based on reckless driving and/or driving without license.

praewa: sigh my car hit the van

her friend: send the pic of ur car on fb pls

praewa: done uploading my car pic and the van just like what happened in the move u know

her friend: are u done now? could u pls be hurried and come see me?

praewa: almost done. my dad is clearing thing up with the journalists

this is the english translation of her bb message after the crash to her friends


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

Neither the insurance company who are talking big bucks nor the police who will help decide the level of compensation (no doubt for a commission fee) are waiting for investigation reports. Why should others?


Would be possible sure but on the face of she is just another example of a litle spoiled over indulged rich kid and the parents inmy view are the guilty ones


I would agree with Geriatrickid usually, but in this situation, I think a feeding frenzy might not be all that bad. These are the situations that get side-stepped and laws are subverted. The public attention may serve some good to put the police, the judicial system and the elites in the country that they have to tow the line.

For many of those gifted with a name granted through the highest institution, it's not only an honor, but it is also a responsibility.

As sad and tragic as this situation is, it might just make a few people drive a little slower, a little soberer, take that rest they need and some lives might be saved. I don't hold a lot of hope for that, but just maybe....


It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.

There have been several posts on other threads indicating that the 39-year-old female professional driver killed in the van was NOT a reckless driver, one saying that he preferred to wait so as to use her vehicle. The Honda driver is not only unlicenced, she is also underage, by driving the vehicle has invalidated its insurance, and by her mother's admission was speeding.

But she might not be at fault, and pigs might sprout wings and fly.


I am glad the girl is stressed out. atHe families of those hurt and injured are too no doubt. On the other hand I do not want to see a young girl's life totallh ruined for ever. She can hardly be blamed for taking advantage of the privaleges bestowed on her by her doting parents. Maybe 5 years working as a volunteer nurse's aid in the accident ward of a large hospital with the requirement that she travels there by public transport would help.


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

That's how it is in Thailand? Maybe a little feeding frenzy might bring about some change then, and the rich and influential will be held responsible for their actions.

"There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error." Is there really? In who's mind besides yours and her mother's? It has been suggested that the girl is actually only 15, so how young can you be to drive a car involved in a 9 person fatality, and still not be at fault? 13? 11? 9? 3?


I don't have a lot of sympathy for her, bless her little cotton socks. Understanding that there are consequences for one's actions can be tough.

I wonder if she ever burnt her hand on the stove? I wonder if she even knows what a stove looks like?

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