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Teen Involved In Fatal Bangkok Tollway Crash Stressed Out : Mum

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It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.

No reasonable person would disagree with what you say and one would have to be crazed to believe anybody's status makes them "at fault".However the context behind the wide spread anger is that people of this "station" in Thailand get away with motoring crimes on a regular basis through influence (to use a charitable expression).What's fascinating is that the climate is changing and even the PM has felt it necessary to point out the law is blind.Thais seem no longer prepared to tolerate the abuse of a privileged background.Still I suggest we make a diary note to check the status of this incident in say 12 months time.How the investigation plays out, to use your expression, will be fascinating.To date amidst the welter of speculation, much of it very foolish, nobody - apart from the police officers responsible - really has the faintest idea of the relevant facts.If I could single out one particularly stupid criticism of the poor girl it would be that she hasn't shown sufficient empathy for the victims.

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In just a few days time, the report has changed from the 16 year old Honda Civic driver slamming into the rear of the Minivan to the Minivan swearving into the path of the Honda Civic. Why am I not surprised. :angry:


How can anyone believe these reports? Now she was playing cat and mouse with the van driver after yesterdays report she 'tapped' the rear of the van. Now we have admissions she loves going fast - I mean how long has the 'prestige named' family had this lunatic at the wheel?

Then we have compensation - what a joke! 150,000 THB for injury or THB200,000 for death - doesn't get much better than that - but wait - there's more. She gets a maximum of THB50,000 fine for reckless driving causing injury and death! Oh yeah and the jail sentence of 10 years which will never occur. And BTW, words last night with someone in the 'know' says she is actually 15. Doesn't seem to matter much now does it?

But let's not forget mum's comment - she was calling her friend on the BB as opposed to yesterday she was calling the family, but this time for insurance? What other gifts of 'truth' will arise from this saga of ducking and weaving?

I must remember this as a precedent to quote in court should the same fate befall me. T.i.T. Life is cheap! dry.gif

having seen the way these minivans / people carriers are driven i came to the conclusion long ago that they have bets with friends other drivers to see who can do a set journey the quickest

i think cameras if working will show the van driver at fault here


It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.

Wrong! Driving without a licence means that you don't know what you are doing, and in any accident that you are involved in, legally it has to be your fault, unless of course licences are now superfluous. Moreover she was too young to be driving in this country. Investigation or no! Unless it is going to be suddenly discovered that she has a special dispensation to drive at the age of 16 along with special training.


Yes, it would be good to wait for the Police to investigate this matter thoroughly before jumping to conclusions.

And if the police report, as does happen with regularity, is full of holes so large you could walk through them ....... what then?


It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.

Wrong! Driving without a licence means that you don't know what you are doing, and in any accident that you are involved in, legally it has to be your fault, unless of course licences are now superfluous. Moreover she was too young to be driving in this country. Investigation or no! Unless it is going to be suddenly discovered that she has a special dispensation to drive at the age of 16 along with special training.

In Thailand, driving with or with out a license says nothing about knowing what you are doing. I have seen ten year olds drive better than some people on Thai roads.

The girl is guilty of driving without a license, but that doesn't mean she caused the accident.


It's not like reckless Van drivers are unknown in Thailand. The girl looks like she's for certain guilty of driving without a licence, but neither that, nor her parents' station makes her at fault for the accident. Let the investigation play out.

Wrong! Driving without a licence means that you don't know what you are doing, and in any accident that you are involved in, legally it has to be your fault, unless of course licences are now superfluous. Moreover she was too young to be driving in this country. Investigation or no! Unless it is going to be suddenly discovered that she has a special dispensation to drive at the age of 16 along with special training.

In Thailand, driving with or with out a license says nothing about knowing what you are doing. I have seen ten year olds drive better than some people on Thai roads.

The girl is guilty of driving without a license, but that doesn't mean she caused the accident.

True to some extent but there has to be a semblance of the law otherwise we end up in Hobbsian like chaos, short and brutish!


The Civic sedan's insurer may offer up to Bt1 million compensation for each death.

Surely the Civic's insurance is null and void if the driver doesn.t possess a valid driver licence???

The insurance company is required by law to cover the damages and the compensation to the dead and injured. And if the insured car's owner is found to be at fault, there will be a regress.

Regress means it will be a recourse against the perpetrator of an insurance loss. The insurance company attracts a claim against the offender who has liability insurance in case he violates the conditions of insurance.


Stressed out?

She should be. She's a mass murderer.

the Karma and Sin will follow her forever.

Daft post.

Nobody knows what ACTUALLY happened yet. <_<

Trans maybe, but 9 people have lost their lives through this incident and someones irresponsibility.

The way some members are posting here you would think its been a little shunt on the expressway.

I understand that but this poster would have her strung up now when nobody has yet come up with what actually happened. If it were the girls in the car that were killed what would posts like that be saying, the van driver is a murderer.


How can anyone believe these reports? Now she was playing cat and mouse with the van driver after yesterdays report she 'tapped' the rear of the van. Now we have admissions she loves going fast - I mean how long has the 'prestige named' family had this lunatic at the wheel?

But let's not forget mum's comment - she was calling her friend on the BB as opposed to yesterday she was calling the family, but this time for insurance? What other gifts of 'truth' will arise from this saga of ducking and weaving?

Sad to say in thailand the elites, rich and powerful can always get away with murder... :angry:


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

That's how it is in Thailand? Maybe a little feeding frenzy might bring about some change then, and the rich and influential will be held responsible for their actions.

"There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error." Is there really? In who's mind besides yours and her mother's? It has been suggested that the girl is actually only 15, so how young can you be to drive a car involved in a 9 person fatality, and still not be at fault? 13? 11? 9? 3?

This van is from a continuous shuttle service between Thammasat Rangsit campus and Tar Pra Cha Campus on the river. It's operated by one company who have some sort of contract to run the shuttle service between the two campuses many times every day, most vans are full, the passengers are all teachers / students.

I've used this service many times and it's professionaly operated. I cannot comment on the driver in this case but i do know, from my own experience using the service, that the drivers employed by the contractor are professional, careful, and courteous, they don't drive at recklesss speeds and they don't weave in and out of the traffic. They are much more professional than your average roht doo drivers. And the performance of the shuttle operator is monitored closely.


Bit of a feeding frenzy here.

Would it be possible to wait for the investigation reports?

There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error.

Yes, I know an unlicensed driver should not be behind the wheel, but that's how it is in Thailand.

The mother is doing what any mother would do, defending her child.

There are plenty of events like this that occur on a weekly basis. The difference is that the drivers often flee or lack the means of compensation.

That's how it is in Thailand? Maybe a little feeding frenzy might bring about some change then, and the rich and influential will be held responsible for their actions.

"There is a strong likelihood that the van driver was responsible for the fatal error." Is there really? In who's mind besides yours and her mother's? It has been suggested that the girl is actually only 15, so how young can you be to drive a car involved in a 9 person fatality, and still not be at fault? 13? 11? 9? 3?

This van is from a continuous shuttle service between Thammasat Rangsit campus and Tar Pra Cha Campus on the river. It's operated by one company who have some sort of contract to run the shuttle service between the two campuses many times every day, most vans are full, the passengers are all teachers / students.

I've used this service many times and it's professionaly operated. I cannot comment on the driver in this case but i do know, from my own experience using the service, that the drivers employed by the contractor are professional, careful, and courteous, they don't drive at recklesss speeds and they don't weave in and out of the traffic. They are much more professional than your average roht doo drivers. And the performance of the shuttle operator is monitored closely.

To correct you on one part: The van is loaded outside of NSTDA (Science Park) inside of Thammasat Campus Rangsit. If the van is not fully loaded, the van drives out and looks for more passengers. It droves slowly by the AIT entrance and will then make a next stop at Bangkok University campus. After that, it then proceeds to the tollway. The first stop after the tollway is near Central Lad Praw. The final stop is at Moh Chit BTS/MRT terminal. As for the driver of the van. I have driven with her five separate times and have nothing but good to say about her driving and her personality. I have always felt safe while driving with her.


Heres a thread where a couple of peopel are out of control.

People really need to take a deep breath and wait to see what comes out of the Police investigation before getting so riled up about 'Murder' and things of the like. :blink:

The online behaviour of plenty of users on things like facebook & whatever the other ones are called is disgusting.

Despite what you might think about this girl, her family or anyone else is highly irrelevant, 99% of the population involved in an incident like this would be 'extremely stressed' and I can imagine that with all this other online nonesense and shenanigans going on this would be overwhelming.

People need to grow up and let the official course of action take place & wait to see what is actually fact and not the made up rubbish of some vilian online.


^where did that come from boater? Are you sure its real, not a fake?

it is from the Facebook Page set up by the Thai's in Discuss of this Girl ( reported from a Thai Paper and translated )


^where did that come from boater? Are you sure its real, not a fake?

it is from the Facebook Page set up by the Thai's in Discuss of this Girl ( reported from a Thai Paper and translated )

So basically, its highly unreliable. I really think people should stop posting attachments from things that can't actually be confirmed. Theres people out there maliciously trying to make this alot worse than it actually is.....if thats at all possible.

Of course my understand of (reported from a Thai paper/translated) is that they are reporting whats on the facebook page?


^where did that come from boater? Are you sure its real, not a fake?

it is from the Facebook Page set up by the Thai's in Discuss of this Girl ( reported from a Thai Paper and translated )

So basically, its highly unreliable. I really think people should stop posting attachments from things that can't actually be confirmed. Theres people out there maliciously trying to make this alot worse than it actually is.....if thats at all possible.

Of course my understand of (reported from a Thai paper/translated) is that they are reporting whats on the facebook page?

not to sure Neverdie, all in Thai ....

but i do agree with you in most parts, but the fact she was 16 and DRIVING illegally , she should have the full force of the Law thrown at her... and i do admire the fact the Thai's ( which i have never seen do before ) are actually standing up and shouting ( as they are aware of her background and that back handers WILL be paid to get her out of this ) ...


^as usual tho boater, we go from being all meek and mild Thai, putting up with this that and the other with the mai bpen rai attitude and then we go to the next step of launching an all out Nuclear War. Theres nothing in between, its all or nothing.

I understand people want to see the right thing being done here but creating rumour and false documents, tweets or whatever they call that stuff is just so unnecessary and doesnt help a soul.


The Civic sedan's insurer may offer up to Bt1 million compensation for each death.

Surely the Civic's insurance is null and void if the driver doesn.t possess a valid driver licence???

That would be the case; but thai law has no rules....

I won I court judgement, no punishment applied to the criminal....


I can't believe some of the comments here.

Sure this accident was terrible and 9 people where killed.......but.....on the same day 27 people where killed (including this 9 unfortunately people) in accidents on the streets and nobody cares about them.

It's all about going after a young girl, making things up like boater, creating chatter and rumors, maybe she do this and maybe she's gone already.....

Did someone think that this Girl is a human being too ?

Yes, she did a big mistake and caused a horrible accident, but that doesn't justify such a witch hunt. There is a law in place and that law will handle this case.

Remember, the next one causing a terrible accident could be you and than you sure hope things going different than in this case.

She said her daughter indeed drove at high speed but it was the van that tried to move into the lane she was using.

"When she signalled the light to ask for the way and [her intentions] with her lights, the van moved back to its lane. She tried to speed up but the van came back too fast. That's how the accident took place," the mother insisted.

So even the mothers biased story is she simply flashed 'get out of my way' at the van and then hit it ??

Hardly much of a way to avoid blame.

"Right on the button Television actor Nat Thephasadin na Ayutthaya has apologised to his fans after a court sentenced him to one year in jail, suspended, for breaking his former girlfriend's nose."

Yeah thats the family..


I can't believe some of the comments here.

Sure this accident was terrible and 9 people where killed.......but.....on the same day 27 people where killed (including this 9 unfortunately people) in accidents on the streets and nobody cares about them.

It's all about going after a young girl, making things up like boater, creating chatter and rumors, maybe she do this and maybe she's gone already.....

Did someone think that this Girl is a human being too ?

Yes, she did a big mistake and caused a horrible accident, but that doesn't justify such a witch hunt. There is a law in place and that law will handle this case.

Remember, the next one causing a terrible accident could be you and than you sure hope things going different than in this case.

The issue is.. Without the witch hunt.. The laws way of handling this is to sweep it all away..

Hence the outrage.


Heres a thread where a couple of peopel are out of control.

People really need to take a deep breath and wait to see what comes out of the Police investigation before getting so riled up about 'Murder' and things of the like. :blink:

The online behaviour of plenty of users on things like facebook & whatever the other ones are called is disgusting.

Despite what you might think about this girl, her family or anyone else is highly irrelevant, 99% of the population involved in an incident like this would be 'extremely stressed' and I can imagine that with all this other online nonesense and shenanigans going on this would be overwhelming.

People need to grow up and let the official course of action take place & wait to see what is actually fact and not the made up rubbish of some vilian online.

ND, I think you are missing the value of this online outrage.

Without it, this crime could easily be swept under the rug by persons of influence. I am actually heartened to see this level of outcry over what happened. Several people are dead, and if people don't continue the pressure against this very influential family it is highly likely they will fall into the standard practice of using status and influence to sweep it all under the rug.

Of course let the official course of action continue as you say. But in the mean time, continue under the assumption that it is the girl's fault. (Don't forget it likely is. We may not be omniscient, but we aren't stupid.) Keep up the pressure on the family and the authorities. Don't give them a chance to treat this horror the same way they have all the others.

In the future, if official facts come to light that show the girl was not at fault, then everyone can modify their behavior at that time. But given the propensity of influential Thais to escape punishment for their crimes, I think it is not helpful to "let the official course of action" take place in a vacuum. This pressure and outrage is extremely helpful.

I hope everyone is able to keep it up.

However, I will agree with you that making up false evidence is not helpful, and that aspect of the outrage should be stopped.


Any idea of what type of medical treatment the girl is receiving? In the photo, she appears to be uninjured. Not all injuries are obvious at the time of an accident, however.

She apparently received lacerations to the bottom from broken glass according to clippings on the other thread which was (apparently) why she was leant up against the barrier...

Is that why they did not "spank her".........angry.gif


I can't believe some of the comments here.

Sure this accident was terrible and 9 people where killed.......but.....on the same day 27 people where killed (including this 9 unfortunately people) in accidents on the streets and nobody cares about them.

It's all about going after a young girl, making things up like boater, creating chatter and rumors, maybe she do this and maybe she's gone already.....

Did someone think that this Girl is a human being too ?

Yes, she did a big mistake and caused a horrible accident, but that doesn't justify such a witch hunt. There is a law in place and that law will handle this case.

Remember, the next one causing a terrible accident could be you and than you sure hope things going different than in this case.

The issue is.. Without the witch hunt.. The laws way of handling this is to sweep it all away..

Hence the outrage.

my point exactly, and hence the facebook groups being set up ...

making things up like boater

i did not make this up, i merely quoted from another source


Why this case is getting so much attention:

1. The van is part of a major van route between Moh Chit and Rangsit and taken by thousands of people per week.

2. The photo of the 16 year old on her cell phone and her not helping the injured who were calling for help and water.

3. The victims were part of a growing educated class that is establishing itself in Thailand

4. Persons associated with Thammasat University, NSDTA, and AIT were injured or killed as a result of the accident.

5. It brings to attention the excess speeding that occurs on the tollway.

6. Safety of the vans (no use of seat belts).

7. Privilidged class possibly not getting penalized for their illegal actions.

8. Censorship of the media when an elite is involved.

9. Use of social networking sites where pictures and information can spread. Also a place where people can unite behind a cause.


^where did that come from boater? Are you sure its real, not a fake?

it is from the Facebook Page set up by the Thai's in Discuss of this Girl ( reported from a Thai Paper and translated )

So basically, its highly unreliable. I really think people should stop posting attachments from things that can't actually be confirmed. Theres people out there maliciously trying to make this alot worse than it actually is.....if thats at all possible.

Of course my understand of (reported from a Thai paper/translated) is that they are reporting whats on the facebook page?

not to sure Neverdie, all in Thai ....

but i do agree with you in most parts, but the fact she was 16 and DRIVING illegally , she should have the full force of the Law thrown at her... and i do admire the fact the Thai's ( which i have never seen do before ) are actually standing up and shouting ( as they are aware of her background and that back handers WILL be paid to get her out of this ) ...

I have seen numerous comments by the haters about her good looks, the way she stood in the photo, her name, her skirt, her parent's occupation as well as numerous imagined assumptions about her upbring, thought process and so on which to any person with common sense are coming out of jealousness and not any thoughts or concerns with the Thai Justice System.

The truth is that rich or elite people in all countries can get away with more than the poor and that any reasonable person will want to defend themselves against criminal charges to the best of their ability and means. This family so far has showed they are responsible, are not running away from responsibility and are very concerned about there daughters actions and the consequences. It also appears the daughter is highly regretful for her actions and is having to deal with a lot more right now than somebody without her last name in the same position. It sounds like this is a good family where the daughter, as all kids, made a serious error in judgement but in this case the results were tragic.

As for the hate filled and dishonest internet postings they may help to make sure things weren't swept under the rug but more likely then not they will make this girl suffer more than a poor adult Thai in the same boat.


Why this case is getting so much attention:

1. The van is part of a major van route between Moh Chit and Rangsit and taken by thousands of people per week.

2. The photo of the 16 year old on her cell phone and her not helping the injured who were calling for help and water.

3. The victims were part of a growing educated class that is establishing itself in Thailand

4. Persons associated with Thammasat University, NSDTA, and AIT were injured or killed as a result of the accident.

5. It brings to attention the excess speeding that occurs on the tollway.

6. Safety of the vans (no use of seat belts).

7. Privilidged class possibly not getting penalized for their illegal actions.

8. Censorship of the media when an elite is involved.

9. Use of social networking sites where pictures and information can spread. Also a place where people can unite behind a cause.

10. Many people are jealous of what they perceived to be a girl who has led a rich and privileged upbringing and they are unhappy with their own life.

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