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35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide


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Does anyone know where to get 35% Food-Grade hydrogen peroxide in Pattaya? In an earlier thread someone mentioned a company called Vidhyasom Co. Ltd. in Phrakanong, Bangkok, but the explanations were vague. Anyone using hp highly dilluted?

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  • 5 months later...

You cannot get 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in Thailand but you can purchase it online.

One of the best suppliers IMHO is a UK-based company.


In reply to my question about possible confiscation by Thai customs they said:

"We have shipped to Thailand on many occasions and have not experienced any problems. Shipping usually takes around 1-2 weeks."

FYI I found this company whilst on another website:


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  • 1 month later...

You cannot get 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in Thailand but you can purchase it online.

One of the best suppliers IMHO is a UK-based company.


In reply to my question about possible confiscation by Thai customs they said:

"We have shipped to Thailand on many occasions and have not experienced any problems. Shipping usually takes around 1-2 weeks."

FYI I found this company whilst on another website:


What are the normal shipping costs?

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I purchased a 30 ltr drum from this company.


Make sure you specify FOOD GRADE. I had to go to the factory office to collect. Unfortunately, it's too complicated to direct you. Get a Thai speaker to call the company and get directions.

I use it diluted down to 3% or less, for teeth cleaning, vegetable washing, counter cleaning, shoe spraying, spraying on eczema, ear cleaning, to remove warts @35%. I don't use it on my teeth every day. Only for a maximum of 30 days. For ears, it's once every 6 months. If that.

I've experimented with 3% HP foot soaks, for 30 minutes, to try and cure arthritic joints. There was a 'tingling' in the joints so, clearly, something was happening. I believe this was due to 'oxidation'. The ends of toes also became sore but this cleared in a couple of days.

I've inhaled a mist of 2% HP and added drops to water and drank it. I found it a bit harsh so I stopped. Weaker dilutions may be okay but I have moved on and haven't had time to revisit it.

If you experiment with it please mark any container CLEARLY so that no-one drinks it or spills it by accident. 35% will BURN your skin. Anyone reading this should also not jump in and start drinking it at 3% and then wonder why their throat is raw. This is rash.

IMO don't experiment with this internally without having as clear an understanding as possible as to the risks.

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If you experiment with it please mark any container CLEARLY so that no-one drinks it or spills it by accident. 35% will BURN your skin. Anyone reading this should also not jump in and start drinking it at 3% and then wonder why their throat is raw. This is rash.

This will happen if you drink bleach/ rocket fuel.....:whistling:

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If you experiment with it please mark any container CLEARLY so that no-one drinks it or spills it by accident. 35% will BURN your skin. Anyone reading this should also not jump in and start drinking it at 3% and then wonder why their throat is raw. This is rash.

This will happen if you drink bleach/ rocket fuel.....:whistling:

But not if you drink very diluted HP and use a little common sense. It is alarming that some people need to be told to stop doing something that is clearly harming them. I expect similar comments from those who will quite happily mock people who experiment with this, even while munching away on disease-causing, de-natured, 'Junk' and industrialized food.

Verily, before thou point to the splinter in your neighbour's eye, thou must first remove the plank from your own. :)

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If you experiment with it please mark any container CLEARLY so that no-one drinks it or spills it by accident. 35% will BURN your skin. Anyone reading this should also not jump in and start drinking it at 3% and then wonder why their throat is raw. This is rash.

This will happen if you drink bleach/ rocket fuel.....:whistling:

But not if you drink very diluted HP and use a little common sense. It is alarming that some people need to be told to stop doing something that is clearly harming them. I expect similar comments from those who will quite happily mock people who experiment with this, even while munching away on disease-causing, de-natured, 'Junk' and industrialized food.

Verily, before thou point to the splinter in your neighbour's eye, thou must first remove the plank from your own. :)

As far as I am aware, there is no scientific/medical basis for any health benefits from drinking HP.....hippy dippy/new age rubbish......which every way you try to spin it.....Hydrogen peroxide is bleach or used in rocket fuel....so common sense dictates you should not be ingesting it...:rolleyes: .....it is not a "natrual" product and the stuff you are buying is produced by industrial process'

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I've inhaled a mist of 2% HP and added drops to water and drank it. I found it a bit harsh so I stopped. Weaker dilutions may be okay but I have moved on and haven't had time to revisit it.

Of all the illadvised applications of this substance, inhaling it must be rated as the most dangerous of all. Please DON't try this!! It is a very strong oxidising agent and WILL damage the delicate lining of the lung. Worst case scenario would be an acute, and very serious, chemical pneumonitis. Used over a longer term, it is likely to cause lung fibrosis with irreversible and potentially very severe complications. The damage to the sensitive endothelial lining of the lung by the oxidative process will heal with fibrosis; you can not replace the normal lining!!

PLEASE DON'T attempt this!!

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Of all the illadvised applications of this substance, inhaling it must be rated as the most dangerous of all. Please DON't try this!! It is a very strong oxidising agent and WILL damage the delicate lining of the lung. Worst case scenario would be an acute, and very serious, chemical pneumonitis. Used over a longer term, it is likely to cause lung fibrosis with irreversible and potentially very severe complications. The damage to the sensitive endothelial lining of the lung by the oxidative process will heal with fibrosis; you can not replace the normal lining!!

PLEASE DON'T attempt this!!

Your warning shows your genuine concern but do you have actual evidence that anyone has injured their lungs in the way you suggest? I agree there is a risk but I have never heard or read of anyone suffering injury. 'likely to' does not mean 'will do'. If you inhale the recommended dose of less than 0.5% in a spray mist, the chances of you harming yourself are small. The quantity of liquid used is miniscule. I'm not advocating anyone inhale HP but I know that if they do any research they will come across those who do, which is why I mentioned it.

The idea that 'hippy dippy/New Age' people are blindly drenching their lungs with 'rocket fuel' and dying in torment, lungs forever damaged, is irrational. It is little different to taking Ibuprofen or any number of pharmacological preparations, many of which are far more hazardous to health, in excess. As you will know, adverse drug reactions kill thousands of people around the world every year. That's just the prescribed dose. Where are the alarms and 'worst-case scenarios' for these? I rarely see them.

There was a post on here recently about 'Lamisil', used for eczema. Lamisil is a 'highly toxic' mix of Ammonia, Chlorine and propylene, ingredients I might expect to find in Drain Cleaner. This is not something with the potential to cause harm. It is actually doing harm, with 'many reported side effects'. At a low 1% solution it's 'worst-case scenario' is death. Liver damage and failure are serious reported effects. So where is the dire warning? Or are these warnings reserved only for the 'competition'?


As far as I am aware, there is no scientific/medical basis for any health benefits from drinking HP

Depends whose 'science' you are reading.

While I understand concerns may be genuinely felt, you destroy your own position by resorting to insults. The fact is, 'modern' medicine does not have an answer to the many chronic and degenerative disorders that exist today. It has failed spectacularly. As a result people feel compelled to investigate alternatives. Instead of the profession showing a little humility and saying, 'look, we are sorry, we tried our best but just don't understand enough about the human body. Let's all work together and come up with a solution." We get arrogance and insults. Those fantastic minds, expensive educations and eminent qualifications can't cope with grandma and her spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar. It just won't do.

And herein lies the problem.

'People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

You can huff and puff all you like but you have lost your credibility. Insults and mockery will not restore it.


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