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Will I Know If I Have Been Blacklisted?

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g'day everyone, just a quick question that i am hoping one of you can help me with.

i recently went to phuket and once we landed i was escorted off the plane by security for reasons i will no disclose (nothing too bad) . Anyway, they sat me down for a lil then put me through immigration and said id have to pay a fine (1000bht) at the police station. so they put me in a taxi and i sat there for about 5 mins, security then took me out of the taxi and said i was free to go to my hotel. no fine, no nothing.

so my question is, is it posible that i have been "blacklisted" and donnot know about it?, i know its a wierd question since they let me into the country. im just worried i might have trouble when i go back and pass through immigration next time. I only have arrival and departure stamps in my passport, no PNG stamp or anything like that. just trying to make sure, so any help and i would be very grateful.



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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

And which air line was this?

Before I shout Troll.

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

Well, you may be blacklisted from that airline now but since they didn't arrest and deport you then not likely blacklisted from Thailand. ;)

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

And which air line was this?

Before I shout Troll.

it was only jetstar...

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

Well, you may be blacklisted from that airline now but since they didn't arrest and deport you then not likely blacklisted from Thailand. ;)

well i went back home on jetstar and they just said im not allowed to drink on that flight....

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

Well, you may be blacklisted from that airline now but since they didn't arrest and deport you then not likely blacklisted from Thailand. ;)

And who knows what kind of 'watch-list" they might have been added to? But I agree, not black-listed from Thailand (yet).

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

And which air line was this?

Before I shout Troll.

it was only jetstar...

I just find it almost amazing that oen can get away with telling off and ignoring the air crew these days.

A loud fart without a pre-warning on an air plane these days, and one is behind bars for days without any rights.


what exactly is stamped in your pass port?

Have you been here before?

Finally, did you ask why you were supposed to be fined 1000 Bt at the police station, for something which happened on an air plane?

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Well me and my brother smuggled on a few of the lil duty free bottles of spirits and got intoxicated, a stwardess found the bottles and started crappen on so i basicly told her where to go and yeah, we landed and u know the rest

And which air line was this?

Before I shout Troll.

it was only jetstar...

I just find it almost amazing that oen can get away with telling off and ignoring the air crew these days.

A loud fart without a pre-warning on an air plane these days, and one is behind bars for days without any rights.


what exactly is stamped in your pass port?

Have you been here before?

Finally, did you ask why you were supposed to be fined 1000 Bt at the police station, for something which happened on an air plane?

1, arrival stamp, departure stamp

2. that was my first time

3. no, but since it was in thailand airspace that question did not enter my mind....

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It was and probably still is an offence to be drunk on an aircraft. Carriers may also refuse to carry people who it is considered have imbibed past their limit. I'd qualify that by saying that my experience was gathered when there was a certain cache about travelling by air and wearing a suit and collar and tie was considered good form. Of course these days the airlines are just airborne bus companies.

In your case it is reasonable to assume that the Captain of the aircraft radioed ahead and arranged for the plane to be met by the BiB. Maybe the airline didn't want any adverse publicity and declined to press charges. If you were told that alcoholic beverages would not be made available to you on your return trip you can be that that will apply on any future journey that you undertake with them.

I have no doubt that the 1K baht was meant as a voluntary donation to the Thai Police Orphans Fund - and then I come to my senses.

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Try flying with Air Brunei next time. They don't sell alcohol but if you are discrete they allow you to drink some of your duty free. One of the stewardesses even provided me with a corkscrew to open my red wine.

I drank a full bottle of red and also drank some of my baileys. I also had a carton of beer to take through customs but I knew I was over the limit for duty free with it. The guard looked at my duty free slip and was scratching his head, then he went in to see his boss for a minute or so. His boss came out, had a look at the booze and, I imagine, what was missing. He just told me that a carton was too much to take in, only a dozen was allowed, next time don't take so much. That was it.

Jetstar are terrible, I flew domestic with them once and never again. Saw a guy about 60, seemed a bit of a country lad with the boots and hat etc, he asked for a beer after takeoff and duly received. He then asked for another and was told he couldn't have one as the plane was decending for landing. Jeez we were still 40 minutes out. Other guys were knocked back as well, but not a girl that asked for a coke.

Actually, British Airways were bad too. Used them on a flight to from Brisbane to Bangkok. 4 hours into the flight I decided I'd have a beer. I hit the button but no one came. After about 7 or 8 minutes I just got up and wandered up to where the stewardesses were gasbagging. I asked if I could have a beer and was told they were out. OUT!!! Jeez they really are trying to cut costs.

There is a new airline starting soon, should have a look at them. I think they are called 'Strategic'. I think they are offering some cheap fares to Thailand as a start up. May be the beginning of another price war for us aussies wishing to hit the LOS.

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Try flying with Air Brunei next time. They don't sell alcohol but if you are discrete they allow you to drink some of your duty free. One of the stewardesses even provided me with a corkscrew to open my red wine.

I drank a full bottle of red and also drank some of my baileys. I also had a carton of beer to take through customs but I knew I was over the limit for duty free with it. The guard looked at my duty free slip and was scratching his head, then he went in to see his boss for a minute or so. His boss came out, had a look at the booze and, I imagine, what was missing. He just told me that a carton was too much to take in, only a dozen was allowed, next time don't take so much. That was it.

Jetstar are terrible, I flew domestic with them once and never again. Saw a guy about 60, seemed a bit of a country lad with the boots and hat etc, he asked for a beer after takeoff and duly received. He then asked for another and was told he couldn't have one as the plane was decending for landing. Jeez we were still 40 minutes out. Other guys were knocked back as well, but not a girl that asked for a coke.

Actually, British Airways were bad too. Used them on a flight to from Brisbane to Bangkok. 4 hours into the flight I decided I'd have a beer. I hit the button but no one came. After about 7 or 8 minutes I just got up and wandered up to where the stewardesses were gasbagging. I asked if I could have a beer and was told they were out. OUT!!! Jeez they really are trying to cut costs.

There is a new airline starting soon, should have a look at them. I think they are called 'Strategic'. I think they are offering some cheap fares to Thailand as a start up. May be the beginning of another price war for us aussies wishing to hit the LOS.

Yes, even in economy they provide parachute and goggles. :huh::D

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There is a new airline starting soon, should have a look at them. I think they are called 'Strategic'. I think they are offering some cheap fares to Thailand as a start up. May be the beginning of another price war for us aussies wishing to hit the LOS.

Strategic are a WA based airline, they do a lot of charter flights to the mines in the Pilbara, they also fly to Bali from Perth. Very much a no frills airline. Did not know they were operating outside of WA.

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There is a new airline starting soon, should have a look at them. I think they are called 'Strategic'. I think they are offering some cheap fares to Thailand as a start up. May be the beginning of another price war for us aussies wishing to hit the LOS.

Strategic are a WA based airline, they do a lot of charter flights to the mines in the Pilbara, they also fly to Bali from Perth. Very much a no frills airline. Did not know they were operating outside of WA.

I googled them a couple of weeks ago and they are soon flying from Brisbane to Phuket and it was $299 one way in April. Though return fare is more. I've never liked how airlines advertise a cheap fare 1 way but then inflate the return flight cost which makes them not as cheap as you originally think.

Reason for edt: Change BKK to Phuket

Edited by Wallaby
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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone help me.....

I have been blacklisted from Thailand for a minor offence. To get back in the country, can i change my name and get a new passport....I need to know if it will work....So if any1 can help me please let me know.


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