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Predictions For Thai Visa Forum 2011


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2011 Thai Visa predictions

-TV members will continue to distort all discussions into a red vs yellow issue.

-There will be 5 or more threads asking if 'farang' is a negative term.

-There will be 5 or more threads asking how much you should pay your girlfriend and or family

-The CBR 250 thread will make 100 pages

-"If you don't like it why don't you leave", will continue to be the mantra of apologists, newbies and those with nothing intelligent to say

-Jingthing will start polls

-Ulysses will continue to be the most relevant food critic in Chiang Mai

-Mark45y will continue his hotly contended memoirs

-Ian Forbes will have a photo for every topic

-Moonrakers will keep up his rapier wit

-Naam will be unwandelbar

any more?

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There will be a few ones where we can bash all other foreigners and their behavor (how they speak, dress, etc) in Thailand.

There will be plenty opportunities for members'to show off their superior skills in the local language and knowledge about the kingdom.

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People who really wish they could move to Pattaya but are too afraid their friends and family will think they are a pervert, will continue to pop up on the Pattaya topics and threads only to bash Pattaya and anyone who lives or visits there.

More psychiatrists will become specialists in treating Pattaya Derangement SyndromeTM (described above).

Edited by Jingthing
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I predict there will be more Thai visa members just like the OP who take these forums far too seriously.

Thai visa is like watching television, if you don`t like what is showing on one channel, you can switch over and see what`s on another channel or in this case, threads.

I can`t think of anywhere better to get insulted, verbally abused and ridiculed just for airing an opinion.

I enjoy most of the threads and contributions on Thai visa, there are some real characters on here, bless em, it`s all good clean fun and most times very entertaining.

Loads of laughs, abuse, fights and insults, remains me of my nights out in the pubs back home.

Love it, love it and please keep it as it is, don’t change anything.

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quote name='Moonrakers' timestamp='1293887068' post='4122800']

Neverdie will come out of the closet!


i was going to go more a long the lines of which part of NDs anatomy will he put out of action first this year rakers.

thumb, elbow, back, wiener ! crying.gif bet hes already had a close shave already and we haven't even got to the end of the first day yet ! laugh.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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In your paranoid farang little world, you people will continue moaning and bitching about Thailand and Thai people, thinking that the locals are against you. In a way, it is very good entertainment for us to laugh about!

Pedants will continue to try to score points by pointing out there should be no 'e' in "Whinging"

as well as ridiculing generalising posts based on predjudiced stereotypes


This whole thread is just a re-post, isnn't it?

Can no-one imagine that the future might be different from the past?

I reckon, in 2011, intellectual debate will take place entirely through euphemism and double-entendre, and Frankie Howerd quotes will become 'de rigeur'

(nudge nudge wink wink)


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i was going to go more a long the lines of which part of NDs anatomy will he put out of action first this year rakers.

thumb, elbow, back, wiener ! crying.gif bet hes already had a close shave already and we haven't even got to the end of the first day yet ! laugh.gif

Actually, Ive been quite unwell today, thanks for your concern. :lol: Ps: the hole in my leg was the year before last & I can't remember when the massive finger injury was :lol: . :ph34r:

edit to add my predictions:

1. A new snot or two will be born and sent to annoy us.

2. A new snot or two will be banned from the forum for annoying us.

3. I'm not staying for long either :lol: :jap:

Edited by neverdie
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People who really wish they could move to Pattaya but are too afraid their friends and family will think they are a pervert, will continue to pop up on the Pattaya topics and threads only to bash Pattaya and anyone who lives or visits there.

More psychiatrists will become specialists in treating Pattaya Derangement SyndromeTM (described above).

Jingthing will not start working for Pattaya's tourism authority, and will continue his honest appraisals of Pattaya on TVF.

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2011 Thai Visa prediction

- 90% of all new threads will cover nothing new

- Remaining 10% of all threads will be based on stuff found via Google, Wikipedia, BKPost and the Nation which ironically often contains information gleaned from Wikipedia.

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Us old guys have simplified our variety...


I'm disappointed that theres no 'virtual fishing' button :lol: .

ps: it appears that the text on your 'porn' key is starting to wear off :cheesy: (filthy animal)

:lol: :lol: :jap:

I only posted the bland photo for Canuckamuck's attention. I guess it was too risky for some people.

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Us old guys have simplified our variety...


I'm disappointed that theres no 'virtual fishing' button :lol: .

ps: it appears that the text on your 'porn' key is starting to wear off :cheesy: (filthy animal)

:lol: :lol: :jap:

I only posted the bland photo for Canuckamuck's attention. I guess it was too risky for some people.

We love your photos Ian, keep on trukin'

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As a matter of fact, I see that my post count is increasing at an alarming rate.

Am I turning into that creature as shown in the photo below?

This is becoming sad now, is there a psychologist in the house?


Edited by Beetlejuice
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Us old guys have simplified our variety...


I'm disappointed that theres no 'virtual fishing' button :lol: .

ps: it appears that the text on your 'porn' key is starting to wear off :cheesy: (filthy animal)

:lol: :lol: :jap:

I only posted the bland photo for Canuckamuck's attention. I guess it was too risky for some people.

We love your photos Ian, keep on trukin'

What does the music button do?

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