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Grim New Year's Eve Sees 72 Killed On Roads In Thailand

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Grim New Year's Eve sees 72 killed on roads

By Piyanuch Thamnukasetchai

The Nation


New Year's Eve was grim for some with 72 people killed and 716 others injured in road accidents.

The first three of the "Seven Dangerous Days of New Year holidays" have seen 1,696 accidents, with a total of 151 deaths and 1,811 people injured.

Phirapat Booncharoen, an assistant to the Justice Minister, reported yesterday that the Road Safety Centre found drunk driving was the primary cause of road accidents - 47 per cent - and the large majority of them also involved motorcycles (84 per cent).

About 59 per cent of road accidents happened on straight roads and over half (56 per cent) of road accident victims were of working age.

Chiang Rai had the most accidents - 34 - and the highest number of injured people, while the most deaths were in Chiang Rai and Phetchaburi, which both had five fatalities.

Nearly 70,000 officials manned some 2,500 checkpoints nationwide on December 31. They checked more than 840,000 vehicles and arrested 89,630 people for traffic violations - 31 per cent of whom were motorcyclists riding without helmets, while 30 per cent were drivers without licences.

From December 29 to 31 there were 1,696 accidents, which was 128 less than last year. Some 1,811 people were injured, which was 177 down from 2009, with 151 people killed, which was 17 less than the same period last year.

Chiang Rai had the most accidents over the three days with 71, followed by Roi Et with eight. Phetchaburi had the most deaths (nine) followed by Roi Et with eight. Chiang Rai had the highest number of injured motorists (76), followed by Chiang Mai with 62.

Phirapat said many people were expected to remain in their hometowns and celebrate the New Year. Last year there were many accidents on January 2 on rural roads in villages and communities as a result of drunk driving after people celebrated in their communities in the provinces. So checkpoints would be set up on minor roads to try to prevent casualties.

Besides drunk drivers, riders without helmets and speeding motorists, officials were also on the watch for young motorists without driving licences. Adults or vehicle owners who allow young people to drive without a driver's licence could face up to three months in jail and/or a fine of up to Bt30,000.


-- The Nation 2011-01-02


Bear in mind those figures are grossly under reported as the UN estimate the death toll on Thai roads is approximately twice that officially reported as official figures are purported only to include those that die at the scene and not those that later die of their injuries.


Regarding driving a car without a license, it is indeed a real problem especially among young people. Real life example: I have niece in her mid twenties (daughter of my Thai wife's sister) who bought her first car a few weeks ago...a brand new Mazda at around 600,000 baht. Now the niece has been driving the car around town (a provincial medium sized town) day and night, going to work with it, her mom and dad and her two older brothers are fully aware of it but still let her drive the new car....even one of the brothers is co-signer on the car loan. Mom, dad, and the co-signer brother have even went on some trips around town with the daughter driving the car. The dad's and mom's response is along the lines of the daughter will get her license soon and all that can really happen is a 1000 baht fine if daughter gets stopped by the police. Even the wife and I have told the niece several times (latest time yesterday) of the dangers and possible results if in an accident, but you just get a smile and the response of she'll soon get her license and she drives safely. The wife is going to try to convince the dad and mom and brothers today (again) they need to take the car keys away from his daughter/sister (the daughter still lives with mom and dad) until she gets here license, but the expected success level is close to zero. And the brother who is the loan co-signed definitely has a financial vested interest in this issue, but the no driver's license thing don't seem to bother him to much either. Guess everyone thinks nothing can really happen...no need to get concerned about things like this, nothing is going to happen, worst case a 1000 baht fine, etc. Makes a person feel like they are beating their head against the wall in trying to convince someone of the dangers. This just another example of the attitude many Thai's have about driving and the reason police issue so many tickets for driving without a license.


New Year traffic mayhem update

234 dead, 2,656 injured in road accidents during first four days of "Seven Dangerous Days", most deaths reported in Lopburi /MCOT


Day 1:- 24 dead, 425 injured, 400 accidents

Day 2:- 55 dead, 634 injured, 600 accidents

Day 3:- 72 dead, 752 injured, 700 accidents

New Year traffic mayhem update

234 dead, 2,656 injured in road accidents during first four days of "Seven Dangerous Days", most deaths reported in Lopburi /MCOT

Day 4:- 83 dead, 845 injured, ??? accidents.

The trend continues.

Makes a person feel like they are beating their head against the wall in trying to convince someone of the dangers.

Yes you are right. And you didn't mention that insurance won't pay for if a non-licensed driver is driving. Not that that will make a difference either.


There were actually seat belts on the bus I took from Krabi yesterday. I was the only one on the bus to wear one. Couldn't convince my thai gf to wear one either.


Any hate-groups started on FB yet? No? Guess none of the drivers had hiso names so some people could push the agenda...


Any hate-groups started on FB yet? No? Guess none of the drivers had hiso names so some people could push the agenda...

And your point is?

This is a thread about the appalling Thai New Year accident statistics.

There is another thread about the young Thai lady involved in the collision with the minibus, why not grind your axe there.


Any hate-groups started on FB yet? No? Guess none of the drivers had hiso names so some people could push the agenda...

And your point is?

This is a thread about the appalling Thai New Year accident statistics.

There is another thread about the young Thai lady involved in the collision with the minibus, why not grind your axe there.

I thought we all wanted the traffic-conditions to improve - but some just want to use some deaths as tools in their little political 'class-war'.


Road accidents kill 234 on first four days of 'Seven Dangerous Days' of New Year holiday

BANGKOK, Jan 2 - The death toll from road accidents reached 234 and 2,565 people were reported injured from Dec 29 to Jan 4, the first four days of the 'Seven Dangerous Days' of the New Year's holiday, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.

The most deaths -- 12 -- were recorded in the central province of Lopburi while the northern province of Chiang Rai reported the higher number of injured at 92. The total number of road accidents was 2,473.

Dr Chatree Charoencheewakul, Secretary-General of the Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand, who chaired a news conference Sunday, said that 777 road accidents occurred on Jan 1 with 83 deaths and 845 people injured, higher than on Jan 1 last year when there were 686 road accidents, 70 deaths and 737 injured.

The highest number of road accidents -- 86 -- occurred in the northern province of Chiang Rai, followed by 79 accidents in Chiang Mai.

Major causes of the accidents or 52.6 per cent were drunken driving followed by speeding at 19.82 per cent. Motorcycles are vehicles mostly involved in the accidents.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Director General Vibul Sanguanpong said that as the major cause of the road accidents was drunken driving, officials would increase the number of checkpoints with blood alcohol tests on minor roads and community roads. The department has worked with rescue units and ambulances around the clock to quickly help the injured. (MCOT online news)

Road accidents kill 234 on first four days of 'Seven Dangerous Days' of New Year holiday


-- TNA 2011-01-02


Day 1:- 24 dead, 425 injured, 400 accidents

Day 2:- 55 dead, 634 injured, 600 accidents

Day 3:- 72 dead, 752 injured, 700 accidents

Day 4:- 83 dead, 845 injured, 770 accidents.


Any hate-groups started on FB yet? No? Guess none of the drivers had hiso names so some people could push the agenda...

And your point is?

This is a thread about the appalling Thai New Year accident statistics.

There is another thread about the young Thai lady involved in the collision with the minibus, why not grind your axe there.

I thought we all wanted the traffic-conditions to improve - but some just want to use some deaths as tools in their little political 'class-war'.

Of course we would all like to see the traffic carnage in Thailand cut back. Especially my Thai MIL who lost a teenage son to a drunk driver.

And if your talking about class war then Thais will always have a regimented class system in place.

As for the FaceBook page I was under the impression that was started by a Thai, please correct me if I'm wrong. The vast majority of postings there seem to be from Thais and I see no evidence of mass contributions from any expats.


Regarding driving a car without a license, it is indeed a real problem especially among young people. Real life example: I have niece in her mid twenties (daughter of my Thai wife's sister) who bought her first car a few weeks ago...a brand new Mazda at around 600,000 baht. Now the niece has been driving the car around town (a provincial medium sized town) day and night, going to work with it, her mom and dad and her two older brothers are fully aware of it but still let her drive the new car....even one of the brothers is co-signer on the car loan. Mom, dad, and the co-signer brother have even went on some trips around town with the daughter driving the car. The dad's and mom's response is along the lines of the daughter will get her license soon and all that can really happen is a 1000 baht fine if daughter gets stopped by the police. Even the wife and I have told the niece several times (latest time yesterday) of the dangers and possible results if in an accident, but you just get a smile and the response of she'll soon get her license and she drives safely. The wife is going to try to convince the dad and mom and brothers today (again) they need to take the car keys away from his daughter/sister (the daughter still lives with mom and dad) until she gets here license, but the expected success level is close to zero. And the brother who is the loan co-signed definitely has a financial vested interest in this issue, but the no driver's license thing don't seem to bother him to much either. Guess everyone thinks nothing can really happen...no need to get concerned about things like this, nothing is going to happen, worst case a 1000 baht fine, etc. Makes a person feel like they are beating their head against the wall in trying to convince someone of the dangers. This just another example of the attitude many Thai's have about driving and the reason police issue so many tickets for driving without a license.

You have my sympathy in your hopeless crusade -- you are indeed beating your head against the wall -- Thai people simply do not believe that a license is important.

If it is any consolation to you, I believe that the percenatge of licensed drivers/motorcy riders shrinks as the towns get smaller. In our area, almost no one has a license - and many motorcycles don't have plates -- those that have plates only paid their insurance the first year, and never renewed.

I tried for years to persuade my Thai wife to get her license -- she loves to drive our car, and is a very good and cautious driver -- another hopeless crusade. No one cares -- she signed up for a police sponsored course to get her license at the Amphur office -- she was the first on the list and many signed up. They have never called and the course has never started -- that was more than a year ago !


Re: PIB Post #5

Having a license or not has no relevance to ones ability to drive. There are far too many useless drivers that have licenses but still don't know what they are doing. The license issue is just another way for the Government to extract more taxes from the sheep. The laws of Physics and Evolution will prevail.

The Useless drivers will be culled preventing them from reproducing offspring with the same lack of common sense and eventually we will have a pool of competent individuals. I'm sure before that happens we will have cars that drive themselves so it will all be irrelevant in another 25 years or so anyway.

Too much regulation is what has screwed up the world to the point we are in now. Don't need any more and the more people that refuse to conform the better off we will be as a whole. Man would be much better off being governed by the laws of nature rather than by the dictators we now allow to run our lives. REVOLT!!!!

Regarding driving a car without a license, it is indeed a real problem especially among young people. Real life example: I have niece in her mid twenties (daughter of my Thai wife's sister) who bought her first car a few weeks ago...a brand new Mazda at around 600,000 baht. Now the niece has been driving the car around town (a provincial medium sized town) day and night, going to work with it, her mom and dad and her two older brothers are fully aware of it but still let her drive the new car....even one of the brothers is co-signer on the car loan. Mom, dad, and the co-signer brother have even went on some trips around town with the daughter driving the car. The dad's and mom's response is along the lines of the daughter will get her license soon and all that can really happen is a 1000 baht fine if daughter gets stopped by the police. Even the wife and I have told the niece several times (latest time yesterday) of the dangers and possible results if in an accident, but you just get a smile and the response of she'll soon get her license and she drives safely. The wife is going to try to convince the dad and mom and brothers today (again) they need to take the car keys away from his daughter/sister (the daughter still lives with mom and dad) until she gets here license, but the expected success level is close to zero. And the brother who is the loan co-signed definitely has a financial vested interest in this issue, but the no driver's license thing don't seem to bother him to much either. Guess everyone thinks nothing can really happen...no need to get concerned about things like this, nothing is going to happen, worst case a 1000 baht fine, etc. Makes a person feel like they are beating their head against the wall in trying to convince someone of the dangers. This just another example of the attitude many Thai's have about driving and the reason police issue so many tickets for driving without a license.


As for the FaceBook page I was under the impression that was started by a Thai, please correct me if I'm wrong. The vast majority of postings there seem to be from Thais and I see no evidence of mass contributions from any expats.

Yes, ofcourse the wast majority of the posters are Thai. Some however are not and some of the bigger propaganda-posters online are westerners. For example two British 'gentlemen' (I use the term loosely) that live back in UK but are very active in the Red Shirt campaign of disinformation while being - according to themselves - superiorly informed than anyone living here.


As for the FaceBook page I was under the impression that was started by a Thai, please correct me if I'm wrong. The vast majority of postings there seem to be from Thais and I see no evidence of mass contributions from any expats.

Yes, ofcourse the wast majority of the posters are Thai. Some however are not and some of the bigger propaganda-posters online are westerners. For example two British 'gentlemen' (I use the term loosely) that live back in UK but are very active in the Red Shirt campaign of disinformation while being - according to themselves - superiorly informed than anyone living here.

Oh the outrage, a tiny minority of the posters are westerners and happen to agree with the vast majority of Thais.


As for the FaceBook page I was under the impression that was started by a Thai, please correct me if I'm wrong. The vast majority of postings there seem to be from Thais and I see no evidence of mass contributions from any expats.

Yes, ofcourse the wast majority of the posters are Thai. Some however are not and some of the bigger propaganda-posters online are westerners. For example two British 'gentlemen' (I use the term loosely) that live back in UK but are very active in the Red Shirt campaign of disinformation while being - according to themselves - superiorly informed than anyone living here.

Oh the outrage, a tiny minority of the posters are westerners and happen to agree with the vast majority of Thais.

Majority? Red Shirts are no such thing.


Re: PIB Post #5

Having a license or not has no relevance to ones ability to drive. There are far too many useless drivers that have licenses but still don't know what they are doing. The license issue is just another way for the Government to extract more taxes from the sheep. The laws of Physics and Evolution will prevail.

The Useless drivers will be culled preventing them from reproducing offspring with the same lack of common sense and eventually we will have a pool of competent individuals. I'm sure before that happens we will have cars that drive themselves so it will all be irrelevant in another 25 years or so anyway.

Too much regulation is what has screwed up the world to the point we are in now. Don't need any more and the more people that refuse to conform the better off we will be as a whole. Man would be much better off being governed by the laws of nature rather than by the dictators we now allow to run our lives. REVOLT!!!!

Regarding driving a car without a license, it is indeed a real problem especially among young people. Real life example: I have niece in her mid twenties (daughter of my Thai wife's sister) who bought her first car a few weeks ago...a brand new Mazda at around 600,000 baht. Now the niece has been driving the car around town (a provincial medium sized town) day and night, going to work with it, her mom and dad and her two older brothers are fully aware of it but still let her drive the new car....even one of the brothers is co-signer on the car loan. Mom, dad, and the co-signer brother have even went on some trips around town with the daughter driving the car. The dad's and mom's response is along the lines of the daughter will get her license soon and all that can really happen is a 1000 baht fine if daughter gets stopped by the police. Even the wife and I have told the niece several times (latest time yesterday) of the dangers and possible results if in an accident, but you just get a smile and the response of she'll soon get her license and she drives safely. The wife is going to try to convince the dad and mom and brothers today (again) they need to take the car keys away from his daughter/sister (the daughter still lives with mom and dad) until she gets here license, but the expected success level is close to zero. And the brother who is the loan co-signed definitely has a financial vested interest in this issue, but the no driver's license thing don't seem to bother him to much either. Guess everyone thinks nothing can really happen...no need to get concerned about things like this, nothing is going to happen, worst case a 1000 baht fine, etc. Makes a person feel like they are beating their head against the wall in trying to convince someone of the dangers. This just another example of the attitude many Thai's have about driving and the reason police issue so many tickets for driving without a license.

We can all hope that you achieve your dream of finding a society, where there are no laws and all is "governed by the laws of nature" . I sincerely hope that you are fit and well equipped for your own survival, and that you are not truly a "no brainer". Good luck in your quest !


Re: PIB Post #5

Having a license or not has no relevance to ones ability to drive. There are far too many useless drivers that have licenses but still don't know what they are doing. The license issue is just another way for the Government to extract more taxes from the sheep. The laws of Physics and Evolution will prevail.

The Useless drivers will be culled preventing them from reproducing offspring with the same lack of common sense and eventually we will have a pool of competent individuals. I'm sure before that happens we will have cars that drive themselves so it will all be irrelevant in another 25 years or so anyway.

Too much regulation is what has screwed up the world to the point we are in now. Don't need any more and the more people that refuse to conform the better off we will be as a whole. Man would be much better off being governed by the laws of nature rather than by the dictators we now allow to run our lives. REVOLT!!!!

And you are already revolting?

Wasn't a Ph.D amongst the victims of the tollway disaster? So much for the weak in the head being weeded out. The very idea of a master race as you seem to be advocating, even if it is by natural (accidental?) selection, was tried 70 - 80 years ago. It wasn't very popular I seem to remember.

If you cannot instill a little self discipline and favour an anarchistic lifestyle why not take yourself off to a barrio in one of the South American republics? The only rule to be obeyed there there is survival! You'd soon be advocating a return to law and order and crying out for police action - and probably Mummy.

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