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Ham And Cheese Sandwich


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I've had a similar situation from Tesco's in the UK, tiny blob of filling right on the (displayed through the packaging) edge and nothing beyond,

Another UK scam, which I haven't seen here (yet), is selling wraps - thin tortilla bread wrapped around various sandwich fillings - which appear to be a 20cm long continuous tube of goodness. BUT the label covers all the way around the centre of the wrap which is in fact the heavily folded ends of the cut wrap placed together in the hidden centre, eliminating about 50% of the apparent filling capacity.

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Yes, it's commonly LOD country here (Land of Disappointments) when one seeks out western food. I stopped in a little Isaan eatery a few years ago, and was delighted to see "Potato Salad" on the menu, and promptly ordered it, licking my chops. I heard the sound of something being deep fried, and then it came to my table: French fries with a dollop of mayo on top. sick.gif

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Yes, it's commonly LOD country here (Land of Disappointments) when one seeks out western food. I stopped in a little Isaan eatery a few years ago, and was delighted to see "Potato Salad" on the menu, and promptly ordered it, licking my chops. I heard the sound of something being deep fried, and then it came to my table: French fries with a dollop of mayo on top. sick.gif

"Belgium fries" aloi maak maak!

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No matter how much you paid for it, this is priceless :-)

At least they already announced that despite the overtaking by Big C, the services would remain unchanged so in future you will not have any less slices of tomato ...

"The services would remain unchanged" what a shame ,was looking forward to shopping there ,well never mind. :(

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Once ordered a pizza from Pizza Company via delivery.

Opened it up and noticed that something just did not look right but couldn’t quite figure out what (might have been because of the hangover)…then it hit me….there was NO cheese!

How can you make a pizza but forget to put cheese on it (which was their excuse)!?!

A year later, ordered from them again.

Large pepperoni pizza….double cheese and double pepperoni.

They tell me they don’t have.

<deleted>?!?! Put double the amount of cheese and pepperoni on the pie!

Their response…..”Oh, you must order large pepperoni pizza with EXTRA cheese and pepperoni.

OK, what ever.

The pizza arrives and it has TWO…count ‘em…TWO pieces of pepperoni on it.

Amazing Thailand. :)

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A man at my friends bar ordered a hamburger from a nearby restaurant, and the barmaid called in the order.

Barmaid asked if he wanted cheese, he said no, and she repeated the same into the phone.

Burger arrives and it has cheese.

Man tells delivery waitress that he order a hamburger, not cheeseburger.

Delivery waitress: “Oh sorry miser, no hab hamburger”.

Man takes his knife and scrapes off the cheese and the ask her “So what do you call this?”

Delivery waitress: “That cheeseburger, no cheese”.

We laughed or asses of about that one.

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Isn't it heartining though, in all our home countries we would have made a big fuss, got lots of stress, and been occupied for days trying to seek 'justice'.

Here we all have a laugh and say '<deleted> it, I'll try somewhere else tomorrow'.

A big reason why most of us live here? For me YES

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I looked long and hard at the OP's picture. I see ham and I see cheese. I also see some lettuce and tomato which he got for free.

Is there a problem here?

There's always one. :rolleyes:

In defense your honour, there was nothing misleading on the packaging - it said ham.....and cheese.....which was delivered. I am sure there was no mention of quantity :lol:

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Once ordered a pizza from Pizza Company via delivery.

Opened it up and noticed that something just did not look right but couldn't quite figure out what (might have been because of the hangover)…then it hit me….there was NO cheese!

How can you make a pizza but forget to put cheese on it (which was their excuse)!?!

Believe it or not, I had this happen to me once in Pizza Hut in the US! When I called them they didn't believe me - I had to bring it back for them to give me a new pizza.

Crazy! :blink:

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Not just in LOS. I was recently in Ireland, and while at the Dublin Rail Station bought a "smokey bacon burger" from a well known takeaway chain.

When I opened the burger, I could barely see the bacon!

Unfortunately, the train had left the station, so unable to go back and make a scene.

I was thinking that with rip offs like that, it's no wonder Ireland is in the deep doo doo, and no sympathy either.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I think you are making a fool of yourself here. Look at the picture again. There is a tiny sliver of ham and cheese, that is the problem. If you can't see that you need glasses.

how much did it cost phil? ( not the sandwich but your humour bypass) B)

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I think you are making a fool of yourself here. Look at the picture again. There is a tiny sliver of ham and cheese, that is the problem. If you can't see that you need glasses.

Umm... humour Phil, try some humour. Or do I have to subscribe to the school of emoticon users?

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