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Bomb hits Thai school ahead of rally: official

BANGKOK (AFP) -- A bomb exploded in the Thai northeast Saturday, damaging a school named after the king's top aide in the heartland of the anti-government "Red Shirt" protesters, an intelligence official said.

The early morning explosion in Khon Kaen province, which caused no injuries, came ahead of a Red Shirt rally in Bangkok on Sunday to demand the release of protesters jailed after an army crackdown on their demonstrations last year.

The bomb damaged the library at the school named after General Prem Tinsulanonda, the head of the king's privy council and a former prime minister whom the "Red Shirts" believe masterminded the coup that deposed their hero, Thaksin Shinawatra, in 2006.

A government intelligence official in Khon Kaen, who declined to be named, said the home-made bomb appeared to be "symbolic" as it destroyed a sign bearing 90-year-old General Prem's name.

"The preliminary assumption is that it was to incite political unrest," he told AFP, after inspecting the scene along with police.

The Reds' rally in April and May last year, brought to a bloody end with an army assault on the group's base, saw street battles between protesters and troops that left more than 90 people dead and nearly 1,900 injured.

Sunday's rally is expected to attract thousands from the movement calling for the release of fellow demonstrators who have since been jailed, especially a group of their leaders being held on terrorism charges.

The Red Shirts have already staged several rallies in the capital despite a state of emergency that banned gatherings of more than five people and which was lifted last month.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-01-09


Blast at Prem school in Khon Kaen

By Sompoch Sombat

The Nation on Sunday


A bomb exploded at the Prem Tinsulanonda School library building in Khon Kaen's Nam Phong district early yesterday, causing damage to doors and windows. No injuries were reported.

The incident, which occurred on National Children's Day, caused the school to cancel all its activities for the day.

The school director said he feared that more sabotage might occur if the programme proceeded.

The explosion went off around 3am. Police said the explosive had yet to be identified. The school is located about 300 metres away from a cavalry camp that is also named after Prem, the head of the Privy Council.

The damaged property including a black metal plaque on the wall of the library with Prem's signature and a motto: "One must return debt of gratitude to the Land".

Initial police investigations suggest the blast was not done with any intention to harm anyone but rather to "create a political situation" as the bomb went off late at night. Investigators initially suspected the bomb was TNT or C4 explosive, given the strength of the explosion. But these materials are not easily obtainable.

Police would also investigate if the culprits were the same people or group that early last year planted a bomb to destroy the school sign on two separate occasions.

Meanwhile Prem's secretary, Vice Admiral Pachun Tampratheep, said his boss was told about the incident and asked if anyone was injured. He said Prem had not given any instruction because police were responsible for investigating what happened.

Asked if the bomb was related to plans to establish a third Cavalry Regiment, which has been considered by the Defence Council recently, Pachun replied that people should not think that far ahead.

Second Army Commander, General Thawatchai Samutsakhon, said that he received a report about the bomb but they would leave it to police to investigate because the attack was not directed at Thai troops.


-- The Nation 2011-01-09


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

Are there other groups in Khon Kaen that might have a problem with Prem?

"The preliminary assumption is that it was to incite political unrest," ... and which group doesn't like Prem?

If it walks like a duck .........

It may have been just a pissed individual (most likely red shirt supporting, given the location) causing a bit of havoc ... except for:

"Police would also investigate if the culprits were the same people or group that early last year planted a bomb to destroy the school sign on two separate occasions."


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

Confirmed, the 'Prem Center' has become the 'PTIS International School' at the 'Traidhos Three-Generation Community for Learning', closer to the original name from the start-up days, and it's impressive if somewhat expensive.

Blowing up a library, which helps poor Thais to better educate themselves, whatever next ... burning of books that the reds don't like ? There has always been a strange (to me as a farang) tendency for schools to burn-down here, happily so far the Thaksin University sites seem to be immune or fire-proof ? Who could possible see a political gain in this behaviour ? :(:angry:


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

Name changed to PTIS some time ago.


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

Didn't see or hear of anything along those lines during the school-provided tour of the campus.

Conversely, they seemed very proud of his association with the school as his image and name is everywhere and his involvement was mentioned repeatedly.


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

Name changed to PTIS some time ago.

the acronym of which, stands for....

Prem Tinsulanonda International School


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

That is exactly what it means - someone is trying to hit him where most people here hurt most - the wallet. This was apparently not the first time that a bomb has been planted there - last year there where two separate bombing attempts at the same school.

Who would sent his children to a school owned by a man who has potentially half or more of the population in this country as an enemy? A name change would not help either - it is common knowledge who is associated with these schools.

This is what these cowards are counting on - and which parent would not consider the safety of their children first?

Evil but clever plan there is no shortage of those on all different sides of the political spectrum in this country - luckily no one was hurt.


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

Wake up mate


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

Wake up and smell the common sense. Deductive reasoning. Who do you think is behind it, Osama Bin Laden? C'mon.

This is the red's stomping grounds with a place that has a name they despise. They have proven their nasty reputation and have well earned accusations to further discredit them.


I am a-political .......... however I think Abhisit has done outstandingly well to show himself to be human in an arena of inhumanity....... blowing up a kiddies school the day for kiddies day, spoiling it for all the kiddies........... that is just dispicable, whever politically motivated or otherwise.

I don't "like" the yellow side, but I am beggining to dislike the red side more and more.......... I don't care if it is 1% of lunatics giving 99% a bad name...... the 99% aren't exaclt coming out and condemning it, are they? If this indicent was, or was not actually red related, it is a simple matter that if you play is a septic tank you will stink of sh!t, and this stinks to high heaven of the bull headed backward MO of that gang.......

I wish them, their families, and all those sympathetic to them the worst of luck, the most horrible future, and zero forgiveness from whatever God they follow on reckoning day.


That is the raisin in the pudding...'they' don't come out and decry the actions done (in their name or anonymously).

Do you know why?

Since even if it was only lip-service to the news-media, some of their hard-core fans might believe that they actually decried their actions and think the party had turned their back on them...


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

Wake up and smell the common sense. Deductive reasoning. Who do you think is behind it, Osama Bin Laden? C'mon.

This is the red's stomping grounds with a place that has a name they despise. They have proven their nasty reputation and have well earned accusations to further discredit them.

Sorry but my common sense tells me people donot do things that hurt themselves to get at others. What harm does this bombing do to hurt anyone but the people who live in that area.It hurts them in 2 ways my common sense tells me.One it destroys a school second it brings unwanted and maybe unwarranted publicity, to the area. Until there is proof of who did this I personally will keep an open mind and assume nothing. I see no good coming from judging actions by anonymous individuals as acts by certain parties.


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

as they rightly shud've long time ago...


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

To a hammer everything is a nail... :bah::bah:



the acronym of which, stands for....

Prem Tinsulanonda International School

Strange why only Prem School.....likewise why almost all the western world hate Osama Bin Laden... :unsure:


Aren't these people pathetic? Low life individuals who probably have little or no education and they destroy our children's abilities through the stupid selfish act or expressing their political attitude. It was probably a good idea at the time over a bottle of whisky. What <deleted>' idiots. And with the elections looming they are really showing the Reds best face to garner votes. Keep it up. I hope no one votes for these morons and the PTP party as the puppet party of Thaksin.

It amazes me how people jump to conclusions, with no evidence or proof. There is nothing in what happened here that gives any indication this act was done by the red shirts. The way it is written is to give the idea it was tied in with the red shirts but it may in reality may have nothing to do with red shirts. It maybe something totally none related something we arenot aware of. To assume it was redshirts is one thing , to state is was them without proof is slander.

To a hammer everything is a nail... :bah::bah:

I've gotta write that down, and remember it! Brilliant! :lol: It describes the mentality better than I have ever heard it before!

Pride is a funny thing in that it can be a highly admirable quality, or it can be pure pig-headed stubborn arrogance. In this context, Thai price (as I understand it) ...... in the mind of these idiots's to allow the name of an arch-rival to remain above the door of a public building after all the things he has allegedly done to "their people" is tantamount to treason........

It's pretty scary stuff really...... we farangs gauge things in terms of sense, reason, and logic (well not all of us, but most have some semblence of it)....... we are not comparing like for like when trying to imprint our sets of attitudes and values of that of rural red-shirt thais...... and of course the same applies visa-versa.

For these guys to entertain the possiblity they might be wrong about something (much less admit or realise it) is impossible! For example, if you get onto a taxi bike and say "Bai Airport Link Khrap" they look at you like your thick..... say A-po-ling and they get it in one. It would never occur to them that an english person, speaking english, would know better how to pronounce an english word written in english text....... nope..... to them it is "ha ha, idiot farang, he cannot even speak his own language properly".......... in the context of that type of mentality, it is easy to see how these <deleted> could see blowing up a school because of its name is a worthy means to progress thir politcal agenda........

Really guys, its Monthy-Python stuff................


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

as they rightly shud've long time ago...

Why, he is a respected elder-statesman, and former PM, who has no commercial connection with the school ?


I hope this doesn't mean that other schools associated with him are under threat.

I just recently visited Prem International School in Chiang Mai and was quite impressed by it.

I heard they may be changing the name because of the association with Prem, rumour or confirmed anyone know?

as they rightly shud've long time ago...

Why, he is a respected elder-statesman, and former PM, who has no commercial connection with the school ?


So the school in Chiang Mai is now essentially called PTIS International School? Prem Tinsulanonda International School International School? So "International School" is in the name of the school twice?


Politics Not Ruled Out in School Blast

Investigators have not ruled out politics as the motive in the case of Saturday's bomb attack at a school sponsored by the Privy Council chief, but said existing evidence is still not enough to identify any potential suspect.

Khon Kaen Police Commander Police Major General Nikom Incherdchai said he has dispatched an investigation team to Nam Pong district to seek more evidence in the case of Saturday's bomb attack at a library of the Prem Tinsulanonda School.

Nikom said the investigation team still has not ruled out politics or the attempt to stir chaos as the motive for the attack.

He added existing evidence is still not enough to implicate a potential suspect, but his agency is still waiting for results of the effort to identify the explosive used in the attack.

The commander said he has deployed more police officers to oversee security at the school alongside staff from the 14th Cavalry Battalion, which has set up a post in the area.

Before Satuday's incident, the school was attacked twice in March and October last year, but no suspects have been arrested so far.


-- Tan Network 2011-01-10



So the school in Chiang Mai is now essentially called PTIS International School? Prem Tinsulanonda International School International School? So "International School" is in the name of the school twice?

Yes, the school just outside Chiang Mai is called PTIS International School, try www.threegeneration.org for further details, and it's several hundred km from from the school whose library was bombed, that one's in Isarn not Lanna.

Welcome to the forum, you'll get used to this sort of thing here after a while, indeed Bernard Trink (aka 'Night Owl') coined the catch-phrase "just another case of This-is-Thailand" to cover them. :rolleyes:


By 2Bangkok.com


From Matichon, January 10, 2011

The caption reads: Bombing Pa’s School ["Pa" refers to Prem Tinasulanonda, head of the Privy Council] - The damage condition of the Rakmuangthai 31 Library building inside the Prem Tinasulanonda School in Nampong District in Khon Khen Province after the bomber threw a TNT grenade at 3 am on 8 January. Previously, the school has experienced two bomb attacks.


From Daily News, January 10, 2011

The caption reads: Defiance to Pa - Police from Nampong Police Station in Khon Khen Province inspect the area where a bomber placed a bomb in front of the library of the Prem Tinasulanonda School, causing damage to school’s equipment. However, there is no report of injury. This is the third time that a bomb attack has taken place at the school.


Politics Not Ruled Out in School Blast

Investigators have not ruled out politics as the motive in the case of Saturday's bomb attack at a school sponsored by the Privy Council chief, but said existing evidence is still not enough to identify any potential suspect.

Nikom said the investigation team still has not ruled out politics or the attempt to stir chaos as the motive for the attack.

Before Satuday's incident, the school was attacked twice in March and October last year, but no suspects have been arrested so far.


-- Tan Network 2011-01-10


Wow, such keen analytical skills from the BiB.

Still it is more than overdue to change the name of the school, surely?

After all there is plenty of precedent in Thailand. I seem to remember the name of Central World Plaza in bangkok used to be called "World Trade Center" before September 2001......

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