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Why Do You Stay In Thailand If You Think Your Country Is Better?

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The question is a false construct and way too simplistic.

Most rational people would find some things they find better in their home country, and some things better in Thailand.

Bashing? What does that mean? Criticism? Comments about reality that aren't all positive pablum? Yes I know what real bashing is, but I think most of the comments here about Thailand are reality based, so therefore not bashing.


Most people would always strive to make the best of where ever they are, highlighting flaws in the country you reside in does not mean you are unhappy, perhaps only that you are aware everything is seldom perfect.


It is like gossiping, if you look into it it is usually done to make oneself feel better.

Sad really because there are a lot of people around who obviously need that. Boredom, feeling lost, the inability to entertain oneself, and by bashing or criticizing you will very easily have people agreeing with you.


Why do people stay if they find so much wrong with Thailand?

I lived in Thailand for about a year-and-a-half, and had intended to live there permanently. Of course, I saw things that were "wrong" (your word), and I could always balance things by honestly saying, "Okay, so that is wrong, or not acceptable, but on the other hand there is this and this and this about Thailand that is good." But then -- and this is just for me -- the events of May 19 (and the days immediately preceding and following it) put things so out of balance, that I could no longer find enough on the positive side to stay. So, I returned home.

It is a question, in my view, of where one finds the balance...the tipping point.

But another thing that I find disgusting, regardless of where it pops up...and it seems to be what you're saying is the "love it or leave it" philosophy.


I am usually the first one to jump ,in defense, when I see Thai people unfairly criticized.

And I don't mean to defend all those that have nothing better to do than to belittle Thai people.


Even though your heart might be in the right place, I am afraid your premise is wrong.Many people have deferent reasons for complaining,no all bad.

It is the Premise of " Love it or leave it"

and even thought that might be a choice,It is usually not the best choice.

Running away is not a courageous choice, if every time some one did not like a system took his toys and went home, nothing will ever change.

If you really love something you stay and fight for it.

But you do so , in a civil, and courteous way.


Why do people stay if they find so much wrong with Thailand?

I'd say most of them don't stay. They've been robbed blind by the bar girl they married and fled home, bitter and angry enough to post non stop internet tirades about the evils of Thailand for years to come (decades for the younger ones). Some are too poor to go home and are living in the equivalent of an Alabama trailer park filled with meth heads and obviously won't see anything good to say. Others live in certain tourist resorts, I'd probably be angry a lot too if I lived there.


Just wondering what a hypocrite is composed of.

On Thai Visa its usually those that are overprotective of Thailand and the criticism of the bad points of living in Thailand,

whilst never having a good word to say about their own Country,which I find very strange.

In short they are selectively blinded to the obvious faults in Thailand, a Country which will give them nothing.

But the same people are not averse to denigrating their own Country,which has given them everything in the past,including the wherewithal to reside here. But that does not stop them from constantly slagging off their own Country.

So should there be a censorship on discussion,where Thailand is concerned? to placate the Rose Tinted spectacle Brigade?

My take on a hypocrite in this instance.

Yes I know! (sigh) when you can't deny what you see is wrong with Thailand with your own eyes, then don't complain or discuss it on TV.............."just go home" ......which this Post will surely descend to!


A lot of the natives are keen to know the answer to the same question that

you have asked. However, many think it is rather rude to ask such a direct

question to outsiders. "Moaning and groaning" seems to be endemic among

farangs. It is a chronic malady that cannot cured. It is just something that

they cannot live without; it is part of their existence in their own little

farang world. Scientifically, this phenomenon is not yet delineated and

explainable. It might be just an intractable mental issue. I know where you are

coming from. For us Thai people, it is relatively easy to just walk away from

an environment that we don't like. For example, when I come across an overly

smelly farang who is incapable of showering, I simply deal with this problem by

walking away. Whereas, to a lot of these aliens, they seem to have no clue what to do.

I think it is far too easy for them to just complain and blame

their unhappiness on other people instead of addressing the issue practically.

Criticising them for being overly querulous – or for anything - is unacceptable

too. It is only they –according to their way of thinking- who have the moral

high ground to bitch about anybody. Can you imagine if the locals were to set up an

internet forum where anyone could slag foreigners off on a daily basis? I think

it would be a hit, but I don't think they would stoop to that level.

My advice is not to take what these farang whiners cavil about too

seriously. Don't acknowledge them and try your very best to avoid having social

interaction with these people, but if the worst comes to the worst when it is

unavoidable, you need to make sure that you sanitise yourself as quickly as possible afterwards.


A lot of the natives are keen to know the answer to the same question that

you have asked. However, many think it is rather rude to ask such a direct

question to outsiders. "Moaning and groaning" seems to be endemic among

farangs. It is a chronic malady that cannot cured. It is just something that

they cannot live without; it is part of their existence in their own little

farang world. Scientifically, this phenomenon is not yet delineated and

explainable. It might be just an intractable mental issue. I know where you are

coming from. For us Thai people, it is relatively easy to just walk away from

an environment that we don't like. For example, when I come across an overly

smelly farang who is incapable of showering, I simply deal with this problem by

walking away. Whereas, to a lot of these aliens, they seem to have no clue what to do.

I think it is far too easy for them to just complain and blame

their unhappiness on other people instead of addressing the issue practically.

Criticising them for being overly querulous – or for anything - is unacceptable

too. It is only they –according to their way of thinking- who have the moral

high ground to bitch about anybody. Can you imagine if the locals were to set up an

internet forum where anyone could slag foreigners off on a daily basis? I think

it would be a hit, but I don't think they would stoop to that level.

My advice is not to take what these farang whiners cavil about too

seriously. Don't acknowledge them and try your very best to avoid having social

interaction with these people, but if the worst comes to the worst when it is

unavoidable, you need to make sure that you sanitise yourself as quickly as possible afterwards.

I guess we should not take the Thai too seriously who are not too happy with their lot either, or is it somehow acceptable for indigenous people to highlight issues, but foreign visitors to continually wear blinkers.


OP you simplistic statement appears to be nothing more than trolling, is there a reason for you to make this statement?


Why do people stay if they find so much wrong with Thailand?

Some are too poor to go home and are living in the equivalent of an Alabama trailer park filled with meth heads and obviously won't see anything good to say.



Why do people stay if they find so much wrong with Thailand?

Don't take it so seriously. This is a get it off your chest moan box. None of these people are really like this.


Some are too poor to go home and are living in the equivalent of an Alabama trailer park filled with meth heads and obviously won't see anything good to say.

That's REALLY funny :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I stay here cos its hot and sunny and nice

It's easy to avoid the moaning ferrang, just stay out the expat bars..... :jap:


What I find suprising is the amount of people who have come here from whichever country they originate, to moan , grumble, criticise, nitpick and gripe on forums, apparently for hours most days. If they are housebound, manically-depressed alcoholics, they have my sympathy, but if they are not, why not switch off the computer, go outside and enjoy life? To be in a fulfilling relationship, to pass your time productively, with positive thoughts, works wonders for creating a better feeling about the place in which you live, wherever you are. This thought always comes to me whenever I read posts from people saying how crap things are.


What I find suprising is the amount of people who have come here from whichever country they originate, to moan , grumble, criticise, nitpick and gripe on forums, apparently for hours most days.

Most of those people would do that, even if they were living in Utopia. ;)


why stay? same reason one drives an audi while knowing a bentley is better. its just good enough for now. should things change, one can review one's choices. as evidenced by the fact one is here now, no?


Why do people drink and wake up with a hang over? Bit like Thailand for some, come for a good time but if your not careful you get a big headache.


I think the posters demanding to know why others don't leave Thailand are invariably those who are only aspirationally resident in Thailand. They dream of it, and since it cannot be achieved, they gain a certain jouissance from finding doubt in others.

I have never met any farang who complained of being here. Indeed, many have a rather giddy smile on their faces.

It is of no surprise that the OP does not live here. I only hope that while flipping burgers in Burnley Whimpeys he can find solace that I live my life with the personal assistance of a personal cook, a cleaner, a lovely city view, and great deal of smiley people.

I came to Thailand with no high of expectations. I have lived most of my adult life abroad. Thailand has exactly matched my expectations. I feel no affinity to such people as the OP simply because we have similar skin colour and are categorised as Farang. The Thais also have little trouble distingushing the Burger Flipper from Burnley and the educated man. Perhaps the OP should head to Alabama for his next holidays. I hear the Meth prices are jolly good at this time of year.


I believe it has a lot, if not all, to do with the reason why they came to live here in the first place.


I stay here just so I can keep looking at your avatar, nothing more, nothing less. :lol:

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