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What do farangs think they have that is better tha


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oh dear, sorry Nara, your sarcasm got missed....there should be a smiley face for that

I should have realised anyway, you coming from USA!!!

Sorry about that.....Ok, just so you won't misinterpret anything else in this post.... :D:D:D

all the girls said that US guys were the nicest (oh no, no sarcasm intended) but were hopeless in bed :D  :D

What a mixed compliment!

I wonder, for a woman, what is better or worse, Being with a guy that is super nice and hopeless in bed, or being with one who is a rude and obnoxious drunk, but great in the sack? :o:D

Uhmm....By the way, may I ask you where and what kind of bar did you interview these Thai ladies about this?


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While generally farang is a neutral word, it can be used as an insult depending on its context.

That reminds me.......

I have heard a person referred to as "Kwai" (Buffalo) as an insult

I have also heard the term "Kwai Farang" as even more insulting

What have the Buffalo ever done to deserve that :o:D


Yeah, I've had worse compliments then some of these 'insults'

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A rhinoceros's penis in erection it can extend up to 4 feet in length. 

And even more impressive...mating can last an hour and half and can involve 60 (SIXTY) ejaculations....  amazing!

Joys of having the horn at both ends! :o

Seriously (ish), from reading the posts above: I see, and have seen many times in the past, that only poor Thai girls and/or girls with chequered pasts are interested in farangs for partners. Granted that poorer girls are more likely to have money as a higher priority in a match and would be more likely to get involved in a relationship with someone just on finances. Howvere, this is not the whole story, because it is 'known' that poor girls etc tend towards Farang given a choice, it is looked down upon in the higher echalons of society - in the same way that dark skin is. It is seen as 'status lowering'. Society families, the world over, tend to put more pressure on their children to 'marry right'. This has to skew any statistics too. Basically, I think there are too many variables, too many differences up the social ladder, to be comparable.

I think, also, that often Thai girls have the same perception of Thai men as we hear too. That they are lazy, wife beating drunks who will cheat on you and dump you with all the kids as soon as they are bored - or have given you some unmentionable disease. Some say there is no smoke without fire, and that is true. However, we all know it happens the globe over. The difference is, we are better at hiding the smoke perhaps. I know Farang men that have beaten their wives. I know Thai men that love their wives and would not dream of hurting them. I know Thai men that cheat, gamble, beat their wives and basically follow the steriotype to form. That does not make it a true pattern for the Thai male, it just makes it important that we get to know a partner properly before marriage and hope they don't change significantly - whatever their race.

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Being hung like an Orang Utan has never hindered one's progress.


Actually Tiz, that is the thing my wife likes least about me (ouch), however I do believe initially it was the hope that I could provide a secure future. Now, after X amount of years my wife thinks it is love above anything else.

There you go Bambi, love is a contributing factor sometimes :o:D


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While generally farang is a neutral word, it can be used as an insult depending on its context.

That reminds me.......

I have heard a person referred to as "Kwai" (Buffalo) as an insult

I have also heard the term "Kwai Farang" as even more insulting

What have the Buffalo ever done to deserve that :o:D


Yeah, I've had worse compliments then some of these 'insults'

My buffalo NEVER says ( it/she ) I LOVE YOU (discuss)

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as a farang girl with a thai boyfriend (and several ex farang boyfriends) i can say confidently that neither is better or worse than the other. it totally depends on the guy.

Nice post!

Just one little point. Does a farang mean "western" man?

If so, could a "farang" come from Lebanon or Lithuania? Scotland or Slovenia? Panama or Puerto Rico? Talk about cultural differences!

How can you compare all these people with Thai's?

Farang, sometimes pronounced falang, is the generic Thai word for a white foreigner. Africans or African-Americans will be occasionally referred to as farang dam (black farang). While generally farang is a neutral word, it can be used as an insult depending on its context. For instance, the expression "farang ta nam khao" (literally means farang with rice-milk-colored iris) would be considered an insult.


Farang normally refers to caucasian doesn't it? i.e. white european, although as said in the definition above it is very generic... Don't think Lebonese, puerto rican etc. would be labelled farang.

I'm African-American, and I've been called Farang many times by Thais. Never Farang Dam ( White- Black? :o:D ).

I guess the word "Farang" is gradually becoming used in similar usage as the Japanese word "Gaijin" ( outside - person ) for "Western forienger".

As for the examples mentioned above, a Puerto Rican or any Hispanic would most likely be referred to as Farang, since they are obviously from a "Western" Culture, while Lebonese , since they are not from a Western Culture, a Middle Easterner ( Krek (sp? ) ) :D

But I guess until there is a large influx of non-white westerners in Thailand, for the time being, the Thai label "Farang" will usually be considered to mean " White European" person... :D

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I have to admit that i don't like the term farang. I know it's a generic term and there's probably little malice meant when it's used by Thai people, but it's very divisive.

An example. I was in Suan Lum Night Bazaar recently, walking through the stalls. As I walked past one stallholder, I heard her say 'Farang hom mak' (Farang smells nice) to her friend. I know she meant it in a nice way, but I'm curious as to why she didnt say 'Kao hom mak' (he smells nice) instead.

I'm probably being oversensitive. Does it rankle anyone else?

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after read many threads in TH forum ... we have some Questions why TH gal like farang  guy

some  reasons are

1 farang guy takecare woman better

2 farang guy doesnt cheat ...1 girl in one  time (really?) :D

3 farang guy is cute

4 farang guy know how to treat woman (sex stuff)

5 farang guy has nice box  :D

6 farang guy never cared about girl's past

7 farang does good in bed  :o

so i ask you guys farang ...what do u think u have more advantage  from Thai guy?


ps ..if you ask me who i like  Farang or TH  guy ...i  will say I like  a good  guy even  he  is  farang or  thai

but ..for now i think farang guys are cute lol

Ability to get things done.

Ability to take charge of a situation.

Ability to handle finances.

Ability to drive down the road in the correct direction. :D

Ability to be able to drink 3 bottles of Chang and not have the desire to beat the shit out of somebody, especially your wife. :D

Ability to love. :D

Ability to understand others.

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I'm African-American, and I've been called Farang many times by Thais. Never Farang Dam ( White- Black?  :o:D  ).

I guess the word "Farang" is gradually becoming used in similar usage as the Japanese word  "Gaijin" ( outside - person ) for "Western forienger".

As for the examples mentioned above, a Puerto Rican or any Hispanic would  most likely be referred to as Farang, since they are obviously from a "Western" Culture, while Lebonese , since they are not from a Western Culture, a  Middle Easterner ( Krek (sp? ) )  :D

But I guess until there is a large  influx of non-white westerners in Thailand, for the time being, the Thai label "Farang" will usually be considered to mean " White European" person... :D

Hi Narachon,

Just been chatting to my wife about this and yes she said Thai's would speak "farang" to an African-American but in conversation between Thai's may refer as negro as Thai's use the word "negro". Same as Japanese are called "nippoon".

My friend is Lebanese and he is definately called farang in Thailand. My wife reckons any one with a "big nose" is called farang! :D

Cheers BF

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For instance, the expression "farang ta nam khao" (literally means farang with rice-milk-colored iris) would be considered an insult.

Well, i for one, wouldn't be bothered about that as an insult. Certainly wouldn't cause me to want to have "knuckle dusters at dawn" anyway. :D Is that the best they can come up with :D

If i remember rightly, the Chinese (roughly translated) call us "Ghost People", Whaooow, knock me down with a feather, i'm really upset now :D:D

Kwai implies you are slow and stupid.

And in Mandarin at least, the word for foreigner directly translates to "outsider" or "person from outside".

Being called Farang doesn't bother me, it is a description when someone doesn't know my name. Just like I tell the girls in the kitchen to give the pat thai to the "big guy" or the girl with the long hair (since they are all farang). What I do dislike is when a wedding invitation is addressed to my husband and his farang wife :o . If they can't figure my name out by this time then we are definitely not going (has only happened once tho).

And as for the posters who think that Thai men are more violent, beat their wives more, cheat more etc, perhaps you should check out the statistics of your own country first? Stereotyping people is ugly and doesn't make you look any better.

There are good and bad from everywhere.

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after read many threads in TH forum ... we have some Questions why TH gal like farang  guy

some  reasons are

1 farang guy takecare woman better

2 farang guy doesnt cheat ...1 girl in one  time (really?) :D

3 farang guy is cute

4 farang guy know how to treat woman (sex stuff)

5 farang guy has nice box  :D

6 farang guy never cared about girl's past

7 farang does good in bed  :o

so i ask you guys farang ...what do u think u have more advantage  from Thai guy?


ps ..if you ask me who i like  Farang or TH  guy ...i  will say I like  a good  guy even  he  is  farang or  thai

but ..for now i think farang guys are cute lol



You seem from what I've seen you post before to be a preety smart woman.

My Thai Girlfriend (had her for over 20 years now) was married before to a half Austrailan/half Thai man.

She had 3 children with him.

The marriage ended when he:

1. Started drinking most of the time. Spent all the money on booze.

2. Made her live and feed the children on about 30 baht a day.

3. Came home one night,drunk, and beat up his the 4 year old daughter.

Last time I heard about this guy he was back in Aussie land.

4. A few years ago I had to get pasports for my GF and her children to take them to Singapore for a vacation. At that time the FATHER had to approve the passport requests. At that time women had few rights compared to the father.

The law is much better now, but the man has the preference compared to the woman in Thailand.


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For instance, the expression "farang ta nam khao" (literally means farang with rice-milk-colored iris) would be considered an insult.

Well, i for one, wouldn't be bothered about that as an insult. Certainly wouldn't cause me to want to have "knuckle dusters at dawn" anyway. :D Is that the best they can come up with :D

If i remember rightly, the Chinese (roughly translated) call us "Ghost People", Whaooow, knock me down with a feather, i'm really upset now :D:D

Kwai implies you are slow and stupid.

And in Mandarin at least, the word for foreigner directly translates to "outsider" or "person from outside".

What I do dislike is when a wedding invitation is addressed to my husband and his farang wife :o . If they can't figure my name out by this time then we are definitely not going (has only happened once tho).

Yeah, i know about Kwai but what is offensive about "farang ta nam khao" (farang with rice-milk-colored iris), that's not insulting is it? Or am i being a Kwai :D

Your right about Mandarin outsider which is a catch all term but the term i heard and was in relation to "whites".

And as for the wedding invitation to "farang wife" :D I could understand if it was hard to pronounce like "Cecillia" or something but that is rude. IMHO

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Mr. Farang:

Thai people are very, very practical and very smart people who will sacrifice themselves for better social-economic conditions for their families. This includes "putting up" with some very undesirable circumstances in the interest of better (sometimes long term future) economic conditiions.

They will sacrifice for family but not all of them consider sacrificing for future generations. They spend farang money on material goods within their own lifetime rather than building a warchest to be passed on for generations.

Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

aughie said:

Why would a woman do it? She figures thats her best option, it's the only option or it's the easiest option to improve her lot and the lot of her bloodline. Some women do it for their offspring/bloodline.

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Yeah, i know about Kwai but what is offensive about "farang ta nam khao" (farang with rice-milk-colored iris), that's not insulting is it? Or am i being a Kwai  :D

"farang ta nam khao" (farang has light eyes's color) can be insult or not , it depend on the context :o

example from google (not insult way)

มิสเตอร์ แอนดรู บิ๊กส์ ฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว หัวใจไทยแลนด์

(Mr. Andrew Biggs ,farang ta nam khao ,Hau Jai Thailand )

= Mr. Andrew Biggs ,farang ta nam khao with Thai's heart

โจนัส แอนเดอร์สัน และ คริสตี้ กิ๊บสัน ฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว ที่รักในเสียงเพลงลูกทุ่ง

Jonus Anderson Lae Christie Gibson,farang ta nam khao ,tee ruk nai seang pleang look tung

= Jonus Anderson and Christie Gibson,farang ta nam khao..who love Look Tung Song

anyhow i wont give the example of insult way


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Your comments re Thai men being violent to their women.

I have to say that I live in a village and it is quite common.

Thai/Thai arguments seem to be very volatile and easily slip into physical violence. Mind you, violence comes from the women as well as the men.

Possibly, in Thailand, domestic violence is common knowledge. Whereas in farangland it is usually kept behind closed doors.

BTW I notice you have edited my previous post, but can't see what you have actually changed. Did I do something against the rules?

I once saw a middle aged Thai woman beat her drunk husband all the way down the street with a large stick for about 200 meters till she got him home, where the beating continued inside the house. He died about a week later, probably from years of alchohol abuse.

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Yeah, i know about Kwai but what is offensive about "farang ta nam khao" (farang with rice-milk-colored iris), that's not insulting is it? Or am i being a Kwai  :D

anyhow i wont give the example of insult way


Awww, go on Bambi, pleeeeeeeeeeease. I need to know now :D We're all adults and will take it purely as information :D

I can't see how "rice milk coloured iris" can be insulting. I might just have thick skin :o

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Yeah, i know about Kwai but what is offensive about "farang ta nam khao" (farang with rice-milk-colored iris), that's not insulting is it? Or am i being a Kwai  :D

anyhow i wont give the example of insult way


Awww, go on Bambi, pleeeeeeeeeeease. I need to know now :D We're all adults and will take it purely as information :D

I can't see how "rice milk coloured iris" can be insulting. I might just have thick skin :o

ok .. here you go ..

(imagine my ironic voice)

ดูซิ เจ้าฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว ชื่อ มิสเตอร์บ็อจมาขอให้แบมบี้ ยกตัวอย่างให้ฟัง น่าเบื่อมาก

doo si , chao farang ta num khao cheu Mr.Boj ma kor hai Bambi yoke Tua Yang Hai Fung , Nah Beou Mak

look, farang ta num khao name Mr Boj is begging Bambi for give him some examples...toooooo boring

hahahahah L-O-L.gifL-O-L.gif

Bambi wavey.gif

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An example. I was in Suan Lum Night Bazaar recently, walking through the stalls. As I walked past one stallholder, I heard her say 'Farang hom mak' (Farang smells nice) to her friend. I know she meant it in a nice way, but I'm curious as to why she didnt say 'Kao hom mak' (he smells nice) instead.

Maybe she was talking about the friut 'Farang' (guava)? :o

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This is a funny topic :D

Many many times I have read on here from farang guys how crap thai men are but I would doubt that a majority of them have even had a proper freindship with one & their opinions are based on what their wives or g/f's have told them.

Now, those women may have had a bad experience with thai men or else they could just be massaging the ego of the farang? I hear a lot of, my wife told me, so it's mostly 2nd hand info & of course, a good husband will listen to his wife, but to base his whole ideas about a race & gender of people on the one expereince of another is quite sad :o Imagine, if I were to say " my friend is married to a thai women who used to be a prossie & she is a big money grabing bitch so therefore all thai women are like that"

Wouldn't be right would it?? So why, do a lot of you need to generalise about thai men int he same way?

The usual rubbish is spouted about drink too much or beating women, where are they seeing these thai guys, bars, tourist areas, out in the sticks with low levels of education & antiquated ideas?? Seen plenty of farang give their thai g/f or ST/LT's a wallop in samui too :D

My husband is polite, doesn't drink to excess, would prefer to stay at home instead of going on a bender or to bars with his mates, helps around the house, is a great in bed & I would trust him with my life. He understands modern women & disliked the needy side of the thai women he dated in the past (his experiences) I prefer him to any other guy I dated (thai/farang) but will tell you this, I had a fair few thai b/f's before him & none were as most of you presume, they were ALL hard working, good in bed, well hung & kind & not one of them would dream of raising their hand to a women :D I can't say that about all my previous farang b/f's but I won't generalise. :D

Here Here making sweeping genrelizasions is always offensive. People are good and bad no matter what "group" they belong to. I ask my GF why she not want a thai BF she said because she love me and i so handsome, bahk wahn for sure. But my answer to why i want thia gf and not fallang is pretty much that she is thai and i love HER, this does not mean i think thai lady's r better than fallang ladys it just means the lady i happened to meet and fall in love with was thai.

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This is a funny topic :D

Many many times I have read on here from farang guys how crap thai men are but I would doubt that a majority of them have even had a proper freindship with one & their opinions are based on what their wives or g/f's have told them.

Now, those women may have had a bad experience with thai men or else they could just be massaging the ego of the farang? I hear a lot of, my wife told me, so it's mostly 2nd hand info & of course, a good husband will listen to his wife, but to base his whole ideas about a race & gender of people on the one expereince of another is quite sad :D Imagine, if I were to say " my friend is married to a thai women who used to be a prossie & she is a big money grabing bitch so therefore all thai women are like that"

Wouldn't be right would it?? So why, do a lot of you need to generalise about thai men int he same way?

The usual rubbish is spouted about drink too much or beating women, where are they seeing these thai guys, bars, tourist areas, out in the sticks with low levels of education & antiquated ideas?? Seen plenty of farang give their thai g/f or ST/LT's a wallop in samui too :D

My husband is polite, doesn't drink to excess, would prefer to stay at home instead of going on a bender or to bars with his mates, helps around the house, is a great in bed & I would trust him with my life. He understands modern women & disliked the needy side of the thai women he dated in the past (his experiences) I prefer him to any other guy I dated (thai/farang) but will tell you this, I had a fair few thai b/f's before him & none were as most of you presume, they were ALL hard working, good in bed, well hung & kind & not one of them would dream of raising their hand to a women :D I can't say that about all my previous farang b/f's but I won't generalise. :D

Here Here making sweeping genrelizasions is always offensive. People are good and bad no matter what "group" they belong to. I ask my GF why she not want a thai BF she said because she love me and i so handsome, bahk wahn for sure. But my answer to why i want thia gf and not fallang is pretty much that she is thai and i love HER, this does not mean i think thai lady's r better than fallang ladys it just means the lady i happened to meet and fall in love with was thai.

Good post and nice summation Tripper :o

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Hi everyone,

Well... can't say I read every single posts on here as there are loads of them. I noticed some stuff from Pantip.com. I read them sometimes too.

As for the topic, I find it difficult to say anything, really.... Farang.... Thai.... After years of being with people from around the world, studying with them, playing with them, working with them, growing up with them..... I find people are just people and that's that.

The different characteristics anyone may have, in my opinion, come from the way they were brought up, their background, the environment they were growing up in rather than them being a farang or a Thai.

I think it also depends from person to person what quality matters to them most in a partner. Some think it's the financial security his/her partner can provide; some focus on looks; some put more importance on social status.

For me... as I've said before... the most important thing is compatibility. I wouldn't say my partner is better than a Thai as such. He's a lovely guy. He's hard working. He's intelligent. The list goes on. But the most important thing here is 'we fit'.

A lot of the things some people said farangs are better than Thais (and vice versa) are just myths, in my own experience. :o

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I AM going to generalise here, as my comments do fit the MAJORITY of Thai men. From my own experience, and all my friends.

I would not go with a Thai man again, unless he was not like this (and I was not still married!!)

Thai men do not see women as equal, they do not want to be equal, they want to control them too much.

A woman has her place, but it is lower than a man.

I have found this many times, and I cant stand it!!

any comments, but remember I am generalising, not 100% Thai men are like that

maybe 99%!! :o:D

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my 2 cents...

stereotyping at times can be considered a form of racism.

I usually try to stay away from people who engage too much in this activity because they don't have the mental capacity to see the error of their thinking.

I can just imagine all the pain and suffering they inflict on the individuals they meet in their daily encounters.

every now and then, I met thai girls here in thailand who don't believe that I'm an american. in their eyes, americans are all white. suffice to say, I usually don't bother to see them again after the first encounter.

since I don't enjoy s/m, I don't see the point of doing so.

it's like the guys who think all thai girls are just wh#res, ...where do these people come from????

sounds like it would be a perfect match. put the white guys who think all thai girls are all wh#res with the thai girls who think all thai guys are bad. they deserve each other.

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I AM going to generalise here, as my comments do fit the MAJORITY of Thai men. From my own experience, and all my friends.

I would not go with a Thai man again, unless he was not like this (and I was not still married!!)

Thai men do not see women as equal, they do not want to be equal, they want to control them too much.

A woman has her place, but it is lower than a man.

I have found this many times, and I cant stand it!!

any comments, but remember I am generalising, not 100% Thai men are like that

maybe 99%!! :o  :D

I may have missed this in a previous post of yours, but are you a Thai lady?

( Oh I forgot....Here is my Smiley...... :D )

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I may have missed this in a previous post of yours, but are you a Thai lady?

( Oh I forgot....Here is my Smiley......  :D  )

It's Ok, you can keep your smiley

and you obviously did miss that. I am a Thai woman.

...sheesh.... that has all the subtlety of a Yao Ming (Houston Rockets) slam rejection block of a fadeaway shot by Anfernee Hardaway of the New York Knicks.... blasting the ball into the 15th row of Madison Square Garden....


Edited by sriracha john
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I may have missed this in a previous post of yours, but are you a Thai lady?

( Oh I forgot....Here is my Smiley......  :D  )

It's Ok, you can keep your smiley

and you obviously did miss that. I am a Thai woman.

...sheesh.... that has all the subtlety of a Yao Ming (Houston Rockets) slam rejection block of a fadeaway shot by Anfernee Hardaway of the New York Knicks.... blasting the ball into the 15th row of Madison Square Garden....


well....it sounds good?!!

is it anything like a full blast, first-time legover swing from Frank Lampard 100 metres out from goal?

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i miss farang guys when i want someone to relate to. i think i could really only fall in love with a farang guy because thais are just too different in nature (and though it should balance out it does not always). but both cultures have a lot to share with each other and just the novelty inherent in a relationship like this is enough to keep it interesting.

it happened to me too, but vice versa...

i miss thai guys.. when i miss their soft and exotic manners.. i miss their 'kraeng jai' consideration/sympathy/kindness

winds that blow from whether west or east, they are just the same wind, sometimes chill sometimes warm, only just make different comfort

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