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Star Sports. Outrageous Behaviour; Again!


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Thought net ball was a game for girls schools mainly

And it's rugger not ruggers!

Along with rugby 7's, basketball is one of the most physically exhausting games I've ever played. It's not a hard game in the way of getting hurt, but their fitness and athletism can not be questioned

Why does the amount they get paid bother you? Football generates massive sums of money, yes? Take away the 22 people on the pitch, and you aren't left with much in the way of entertainment. So who should the money go to?

Furthermore, i don't see football players getting any more than tennis players, F1 drivers, basketball players, golfers etc. I take it you have a problem with all sports stars who earn big money?

It doesn't bother me, it's none of my business, but footballers do get payed way too much. To say the game generates massive sums of money, that's true, but it doesn't stop the vast majority of clubs being run at a loss!

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It doesn't bother me, it's none of my business, but footballers do get payed way too much. To say the game generates massive sums of money, that's true, but it doesn't stop the vast majority of clubs being run at a loss!

When someone generates money because of a skill they have that others don't, that money, or at least a sizeable percentage of it, belongs to them, in my opinion, and whether it be 10 quid they generate or 10 million, it makes no difference, it's still theirs. They have more claim to it than anyone else.

Regarding clubs running at a loss, that is a problem they have to answer for, not players.

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It doesn't bother me, it's none of my business, but footballers do get payed way too much. To say the game generates massive sums of money, that's true, but it doesn't stop the vast majority of clubs being run at a loss!

When someone generates money because of a skill they have that others don't, that money, or at least a sizeable percentage of it, belongs to them, in my opinion, and whether it be 10 quid they generate or 10 million, it makes no difference, it's still theirs. They have more claim to it than anyone else.

Regarding clubs running at a loss, that is a problem they have to answer for, not players.

You gave the answer, that 'football generates a lot of money' to validate the amount of money the players make. I'm simply pointing out, for that to be a good argument, the money they were paid would need to be directly related to the clubs success and as a football team, and as a business.

Like I said, it's not one of the things that bothers me, but I fully understand how it upsets others. Like the people who's season tickets go up every year, even though the team get worse!!

Football clubs have for a long time now, been mere play things and a hobby for the super rich. Players have been taking advantage of this and have managed to get themselves in to a clever position, where they can demand what is undoubtedly more than they are truly worth. (By true worth I am referring to logic and in the business sense) Obviously there is the old adage, that something is worth whatever someone is prepared to pay for it, which is why I said, it's their business (very bad business) not mine, and why it doesn't upset me personally.

P.S I think you'll find 98% of football fans agree with me, especially the fans that buy tickets each week.

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Try that fall down and fake an injury bu$^%hit in a game of basketball, baseball (as Derek Cheater recently learned) or American football and you will not only become a huge target by media and other players, but you'll get laughed off the "pitch".

Naw, the way those basketball players flop frequently during a game is accepted by commentators, audience and other players, just to get an offensive foul. And there was some talk about Jeter, but in general nothing overly negative, at least not during other games.

Still, as a European, way prefer basketball over ruggers or cricket.

"While the 80's and 90's had notable floppers like Bill Laimbeer, John Stockton, Vlade Divac and Reggie Miller, flopping has never been more prevalent in the NBA than in today's game.

Some attribute the increase to the influx of European players, players that learned how to dive in soccer as young boys. While a fairly high percentage of the league's most notorious floppers may be European, that is only one reason why flopping has become so ubiquitous.

Another reason why flopping has become more accepted in today's game has to do with the new rules in place today. In the past, if a player habitually flopped, the toughest player on the team would foul him hard to let him know that those shenanigans would not be allowed."


Source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/574888-nba-all-flop-team-manu-ginobili-and-basketballs-five-biggest-floppers

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You gave the answer, that 'football generates a lot of money' to validate the amount of money the players make. I'm simply pointing out, for that to be a good argument, the money they were paid would need to be directly related to the clubs success and as a football team, and as a business.

I never stated: 'football generates a lot of money' to validate the amount of money the players make. I stated that footballers generate money because of the skill they have, just like any other sportsperson for that matter. The exact amount that is depends on the club they play for and how much they offer to the player. It should obviously be a sum that the club can afford to pay, and if it's not, that's a fault of the club, not the player.

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You gave the answer, that 'football generates a lot of money' to validate the amount of money the players make. I'm simply pointing out, for that to be a good argument, the money they were paid would need to be directly related to the clubs success and as a football team, and as a business.

I never stated: 'football generates a lot of money' to validate the amount of money the players make. I stated that footballers generate money because of the skill they have, just like any other sportsperson for that matter. The exact amount that is depends on the club they play for and how much they offer to the player. It should obviously be a sum that the club can afford to pay, and if it's not, that's a fault of the club, not the player.

Skill? Rooney? you can wonder why England don't win much these days

at soccer.

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Skill? Rooney? you can wonder why England don't win much these days

at soccer.

To be more accurate, England don't win anything at all these days, but i'm not really too sure where you are going with all of this, besides the usual sad and bitter moanings that so often emanate for some reason, from those who don't follow the sport.

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To be more accurate, England don't win anything at all these days,

Because the clubs the England players play for don't give enough time for the England team to practice together.

There's not just one reason why England don't win anything, there are a number, the most important being that we simply aren't good enough. What this has to do with the discussion though, i'm not sure.

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