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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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It has been awhile since I visited the forum. I see the same dribble is being posted by the same folks. Funny how that does not change.

It is no different then meeting any nice women in any country. Be polite. Smile. Be fun and respectful. Dress nice. Look presentable and have a F'n personalty. Having $$$ and are willing to buy drinks does not mean you have a personality.

Living in or near Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Sumai, Hua Hin, Nana etc lends itself to bar girls and any man can get anything he wants for a price. I cannot understand why this continues to be a topic of discussion. I recently laughed as I had a Western friend move here not to long ago. He read that assnine book "Thailand Fever". That book made me laugh as I skimmed it. It was geared to the typical scum bag foreigner who met GF in a bar and after she did him well, now he wants to marry her. So for those few, pick up the book it has all the answers. ;)

Here are a few of my rules of the thumb.



3) Rule of thumb # 1

4) Rule of thumb # 2

At the end of the day use your common sense, why would you believe it is any different here than where you moved from. I recommend you steer clear of where the foreigners congregate. Join the Thai society. Learn the language. My GF and I laugh when we see the 50+ year old guy with the 20 year old gal. For some reason it is perceived that it is OK here to have a GF 30+ years younger...well let me tell you, in the groups of people I associate with here, it is not. They may not say it out loud but trust me they are as disgusted with it as the people are in the country you came from. Thai folks typically are quiet and avoid confrontation but do not kid yourself if you think they embrace your pedophile activity.....;)

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I'm thinking that your lack of self-confidence and femininity may be leading many to think that your gay.

Perhaps your gay and don't realize it yet. Women are very astute at detecting it.

This could be a big reason for your social disability with the opposite sex.

Try going to some gay bars and check out the vibe.

Might work for you. Good luck.

Mighty kind of you to point that out. :lol:

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It has been awhile since I visited the forum. I see the same dribble is being posted by the same folks. Funny how that does not change.

It is no different then meeting any nice women in any country. Be polite. Smile. Be fun and respectful. Dress nice. Look presentable and have a F'n personalty. Having $$$ and are willing to buy drinks does not mean you have a personality.

Living in or near Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Sumai, Hua Hin, Nana etc lends itself to bar girls and any man can get anything he wants for a price. I cannot understand why this continues to be a topic of discussion. I recently laughed as I had a Western friend move here not to long ago. He read that assnine book "Thailand Fever". That book made me laugh as I skimmed it. It was geared to the typical scum bag foreigner who met GF in a bar and after she did him well, now he wants to marry her. So for those few, pick up the book it has all the answers. ;)

Here are a few of my rules of the thumb.



3) Rule of thumb # 1

4) Rule of thumb # 2

At the end of the day use your common sense, why would you believe it is any different here than where you moved from. I recommend you steer clear of where the foreigners congregate. Join the Thai society. Learn the language. My GF and I laugh when we see the 50+ year old guy with the 20 year old gal. For some reason it is perceived that it is OK here to have a GF 30+ years younger...well let me tell you, in the groups of people I associate with here, it is not. They may not say it out loud but trust me they are as disgusted with it as the people are in the country you came from. Thai folks typically are quiet and avoid confrontation but do not kid yourself if you think they embrace your pedophile activity.....;)

I am 65 and my GF is 35. I am a pedophile? Time to change your dribble. Your ageist sexist fun personality is showing through.

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That's a silly comment above... Sure, dating web sites have more than their fair share of bar girls and gold diggers...

But they also have, varying by site, their share of regular Thai women looking for a decent man for a good relationship....

It's up to the guy to learn and discern the difference between the two (bar girl/gold digger vs. regular Thai woman)...

But for any guy who's not working in the school or office environment, dating web sites, used with caution, are a good resource.

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I'm thinking that your lack of self-confidence and femininity may be leading many to think that your gay.

Perhaps your gay and don't realize it yet. Women are very astute at detecting it.

This could be a big reason for your social disability with the opposite sex.

Try going to some gay bars and check out the vibe.

Might work for you. Good luck.

Mighty kind of you to point that out. :lol:

He's got a point. If you can't find what you're looking for, maybe you need to look the other way...

I hope the OP is not offended, and even if he is, that he can laugh it off like a good Christian and turn the other cheek


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I am 65 and my GF is 35. I am a pedophile? Time to change your dribble. Your ageist sexist fun personality is showing through.

There are basically 3 explanations for his attitude:

1. He is old and his wife/GF is of similar age.

=> Pure envy

2. He is young and his GF is of similar age.

=> she is probably not very good looking. Pure envy

3. He is young and his GF is good looking

=> he imagines how she will look like when he is 60. Pure envy.


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I am 65 and my GF is 35. I am a pedophile? Time to change your dribble. Your ageist sexist fun personality is showing through.

There are basically 3 explanations for his attitude:

1. He is old and his wife/GF is of similar age.

=> Pure envy

2. He is young and his GF is of similar age.

=> she is probably not very good looking. Pure envy

3. He is young and his GF is good looking

=> he imagines how she will look like when he is 60. Pure envy.


I'm thinking he is a poor person and can't afford to have one he wants, cos us old rich guys have taken them all. Pure envy!

or as my much younger lady says

"He very young and handsome man, he think he doesn't have to pay, he surprised nobody want him". Pure envy!

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That's a silly comment above... Sure, dating web sites have more than their fair share of bar girls and gold diggers...

But they also have, varying by site, their share of regular Thai women looking for a decent man for a good relationship....

It's up to the guy to learn and discern the difference between the two (bar girl/gold digger vs. regular Thai woman)...

But for any guy who's not working in the school or office environment, dating web sites, used with caution, are a good resource.

If you are a paying member of a website and the girl is not paying does that make her a prostitute? You are paying for her to talk to you after all? Right?

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Mark, it's Sunday, so you really shouldn't be drinking so much....

When a guy joins a dating web site, he's paying for an introduction service....gaining the ability to meet and talk with women he might not otherwise meet or know...

What happens after that, in most cases leading to any kind of normal relationship, has absolutely nothing to do with P4P....

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Mark, it's Sunday, so you really shouldn't be drinking so much....

When a guy joins a dating web site, he's paying for an introduction service....gaining the ability to meet and talk with women he might not otherwise meet or know...

What happens after that, in most cases leading to any kind of normal relationship, has absolutely nothing to do with P4P....

I thought everybody got on free but if you wanted to communicate you had to pay. So some of the women pay and some don't. If you communicate with a woman who pays fine. But if you pay and communicate with a woman who does not pay isn't that the same as P4P?

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I thought everybody got on free but if you wanted to communicate you had to pay.

I'm hardly an expert on this subject, and the practices can vary from site to site...

But from what I've seen, most sites seem to allow anyone to join for free... But to initiate direct person to person communication with someone, the initiating person usually has to have a paid account. That could be a guy or a woman... But in most cases in Thailand, it's likely to be a guy...

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I thought everybody got on free but if you wanted to communicate you had to pay.

I'm hardly an expert on this subject, and the practices can vary from site to site...

But from what I've seen, most sites seem to allow anyone to join for free... But to initiate direct person to person communication with someone, the initiating person usually has to have a paid account. That could be a guy or a woman... But in most cases in Thailand, it's likely to be a guy...

That is what I thought. Same old thing. If you want to play you have to pay. What difference the price? P4P is still P4P.

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Mark, it's Sunday, so you really shouldn't be drinking so much....

When a guy joins a dating web site, he's paying for an introduction service....gaining the ability to meet and talk with women he might not otherwise meet or know...

What happens after that, in most cases leading to any kind of normal relationship, has absolutely nothing to do with P4P....

Mark knows that. He is just throwing out a baited hook to see what bites.

I hate to keep repeating myself but, I've seen all sorts of relationships work that shouldn't by the western standards of hypocritical, church going people. I've known many marriages that failed, but SHOULD have worked using western standards, but didn't. And I've seen more than a few May-November marriages that are working very well after 10 years. There is no logical explaination for either, other than the couple have worked out an arrangement that works for them. And, it's still nobody's busness but the couple themselves.

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I thought everybody got on free but if you wanted to communicate you had to pay.

I'm hardly an expert on this subject, and the practices can vary from site to site...

But from what I've seen, most sites seem to allow anyone to join for free... But to initiate direct person to person communication with someone, the initiating person usually has to have a paid account. That could be a guy or a woman... But in most cases in Thailand, it's likely to be a guy...

So that is pretty much the same deal as the bar fine in a go go bar, right?

My understanding is that prostitution is illegal in Thailand


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Yes, Western women are not only as thick as sh.t, but avoricious too.

Whilst Thai women are incredibly intelligent and have absolutely no interest in money.

Meanwhile male friends really give you the support you need in everyday life....

thai women don't have interest in money???? i hope that was a joke because the whole sin sod thing might blow that idea out of the water. A lot of girls i have met all over thailand that are in their 20's and have degree's are looking for providers; even the ones the females that prefer girls have said that about qualities in another girl.

yes, F1fanatic WAS joking... and sarcastic also... for good reason.

ok, i am not good at identifying sarcasm on the internet :/

Rule #1: If it is on the internet, it is sarcastic



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Mark, it's Sunday, so you really shouldn't be drinking so much....



So what days is it OK to drink? Are you a presbyterian or what?

And you may recall, Mark is teetotal, in the hope of making up for his ancestors - or so he claims, and who am I to doubt?


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Equating Internet dating sites with bar fines and prostitution...


So that is pretty much the same deal as the bar fine in a go go bar, right?

My understanding is that prostitution is illegal in Thailand


I think you'll find that in both cases, you pay money to a third party so that a gentleman can meet a lady and sort out a private arrangement.

To be honest, the bar fine is a fairer arrangment, in my view, since the gentleman sorts out the arrangement with the lady first, and then, if an amicable arrangement has been reached, bearing in mind the constraints of the law, the bar fine is paid and they enjoy an evening of social accompaniment.


EDIT: Sorry - I think you may have misunderstood the intent of the post; I wanted to make clear that bar fines were not prostitution (or worse still, pimping, which is illegal even in far more liberal societies such as the UK). Of course, internet dating sites do not encourage or support prostitution, since that would be illegal. Now it may be that a web-based site could get away with that by being based off-shore, but of course a gogo bar could not.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I hesitate to continue on this point...

But in truth, I suppose a bar fine is not prostitution (the selling of sex for money) per se, but rather, payment to an employer to compensate them (supposedly) for taking one of their employees away from the workplace....and in turn kind of obligates the employee to spend the time with the customer instead.

A person could perfectly well pay a bar fine to take out a bar employee, and then proceed to do nothing related to prostitution at all... like dinner, or dancing or bowling, etc... Though one might assume that situation is the exception rather than the rule...

How any of that relates to Internet dating site participation, however, remains a mystery to me. Internet dating site memberships are like paying to be a member in some club.

Unlike paying a barfine, being an Internet dating site member doesn't give you the right to do anything with anyone, except I suppose to send the other person a message. And it certainly doesn't in any way obligate the other person to spend time with someone or have anything to do with them, unless they choose to...and they certainly aren't getting paid to do so.

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I hesitate to continue on this point...

But in truth, I suppose a bar fine is not prostitution (the selling of sex for money) per se, but rather, payment to an employer to compensate them (supposedly) for taking one of their employees away from the workplace....and in turn kind of obligates the employee to spend the time with the customer instead.

A person could perfectly well pay a bar fine to take out a bar employee, and then proceed to do nothing related to prostitution at all... like dinner, or dancing or bowling, etc... Though one might assume that situation is the exception rather than the rule...

How any of that relates to Internet dating site participation, however, remains a mystery to me. Internet dating site memberships are like paying to be a member in some club.

Unlike paying a barfine, being an Internet dating site member doesn't give you the right to do anything with anyone, except I suppose to send the other person a message. And it certainly doesn't in any way obligate the other person to spend time with someone or have anything to do with them, unless they choose to...and they certainly aren't getting paid to do so.

And nor does the bar fine.

It is a contract betwween the customer and the bar owner to release the member of staff from their work obligations for the evening.

I understand that normally,the member of staff would be expected to spend time with the customer, but I think that it would be prudent to enter into an agreement with the lady concerned, since she is under no obligation so to do.


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Equating Internet dating sites with bar fines and prostitution...


So that is pretty much the same deal as the bar fine in a go go bar, right?

My understanding is that prostitution is illegal in Thailand


You go on a website and post your picture and some information about yourself and what you are looking for in a woman. You come back to the site after a couple of weeks and a woman has seen your photo and read your profile and sent you a letter of intent. But you can't read that letter and get in touch with the woman unless you give the website 1000 baht. OK. You give the website 1000 baht and talk to the lady and arrange to meet. She is from Ubon Iwantafalangwattani and you send her the bus fare. You hit it off and she spends the night (which you knew because she does not have the money for a hotel room). The next morning you wake up sober and she does not look as good as the night before. So you politely thank her and send her on her way. Your cost? 1000 baht website, 500 bus fare, 500 baht dinner. Total 2000 baht.

Sounds very much like a 1000 baht bar fine to me. In both cases you could not get to know the woman unless you paid a third party some money.

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Mark, I'm going to let you and Cowboy regale each other on this point.. It's not a subject worth pursuing, nor are your arguments on it worth any more time in refuting....

i forget who first suggested internet dating sites as an alternative to bars, but it was not me. In principle, I prefer the real world to the virtual on grounds of honesty.

'I am not a bar girl'' is unlikely to gain much credence from a gogo dancer....unless you don;t meet her in her bar


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Mark, I'm going to let you and Cowboy regale each other on this point.. It's not a subject worth pursuing, nor are your arguments on it worth any more time in refuting....

To be honest I didn't read the post where you refuted the argument before I posted. I was writing. Sorry. Your point about them not being paid to spend time with someone is certainly valid.

How many women does a guy normally meet in person through through Thai INTERNET dating sites that he does not sleep with? What percent end up going home with the guy? Since I have never done it I don't know.

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A person could perfectly well pay a bar fine to take out a bar employee, and then proceed to do nothing related to prostitution at all... like dinner, or dancing or bowling, etc... Though one might assume that situation is the exception rather than the rule...

You may be surprised - but exactly that happens more often than what you'd think!

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Mark, I'm going to let you and Cowboy regale each other on this point.. It's not a subject worth pursuing, nor are your arguments on it worth any more time in refuting....

To be honest I didn't read the post where you refuted the argument before I posted. I was writing. Sorry. Your point about them not being paid to spend time with someone is certainly valid.

How many women does a guy normally meet in person through through Thai INTERNET dating sites that he does not sleep with? What percent end up going home with the guy? Since I have never done it I don't know.

There is no obligation to sleep with men that a lady meets over the internet, nor in a gogo bar. That would be pimping. Which is illegal. I understand - though I have never talked to one personally - that many men use the internet to find ladies to have sex with; I think that they would be better served going to gogo bars, where they could establish the lady.s intent before they forked out the 'introduction' fee, but that really is just a "real world - virtual world" prejudice,

Each to their own...


PS Anyway, would you give your girlfriend less money if she was not a prostitute? That must be demotivating...

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Mark, I'm going to let you and Cowboy regale each other on this point.. It's not a subject worth pursuing, nor are your arguments on it worth any more time in refuting....

To be honest I didn't read the post where you refuted the argument before I posted. I was writing. Sorry. Your point about them not being paid to spend time with someone is certainly valid.

How many women does a guy normally meet in person through through Thai INTERNET dating sites that he does not sleep with? What percent end up going home with the guy? Since I have never done it I don't know.

There is no obligation to sleep with men that a lady meets over the internet, nor in a gogo bar. That would be pimping. Which is illegal. I understand - though I have never talked to one personally - that many men use the internet to find ladies to have sex with; I think that they would be better served going to gogo bars, where they could establish the lady.s intent before they forked out the 'introduction' fee, but that really is just a "real world - virtual world" prejudice,

Each to their own...


PS Anyway, would you give your girlfriend less money if she was not a prostitute? That must be demotivating...

When my GF was a prostitute I didn't give her any money. She was making twice what I was. I paid the rent and she paid for booze and food. When I went to see her where she danced she paid my tab. I left a tip though.

My last GF was a DJ. I didn't give her any money to begin with. One night she came home dead drunk and I had to help her go the the bathroom. Choy doi, ching chong. She was very embarrassed about it the next day and quit her job. So I started paying her expenses since she didn't work. Maybe it was a con. I don't know.

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We kind of strayed off topic a bit, but that is only natural. Having been all over the world I don't think Thailand is any more or any less a place to start a relationship. It would certainly help to learn the language of the country you are living in. There's no question that the Thai language is hard to learn for westerners, but it can be done. But, even not knowing the Thai language, it's easy to meet women (or men) here providing you stay around the so called "bar" scene. There are LOTS of good women working in bars, or cafes nearby, who are not for rent or sale. That doesn't mean they aren't "approachable" for the right person. I could be married 10 times over if I wanted to go that route, and I'm an old fcuker.

Personally, I have no interest in Facebook or any of the dating sites, but if they work for some people then by all means try it out. You've got nothing to lose but a little bit of money. And, if you don't have enough money to provide the basics then you aren't going to have much chance of ANY relationship ANYWHERE.

However, how long a relationship lasts is another topic entirely. That all depends on the couple involved. Nothing is certain or forever. Just enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts. Enjoy the good and accept the bad. With the tiniest bit of effort the good usually outweighs the bad. When and if it ends then just move on with a smile on your face.

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We kind of strayed off topic a bit, but that is only natural. Having been all over the world I don't think Thailand is any more or any less a place to start a relationship. It would certainly help to learn the language of the country you are living in. There's no question that the Thai language is hard to learn for westerners, but it can be done. But, even not knowing the Thai language, it's easy to meet women (or men) here providing you stay around the so called "bar" scene. There are LOTS of good women working in bars, or cafes nearby, who are not for rent or sale. That doesn't mean they aren't "approachable" for the right person. I could be married 10 times over if I wanted to go that route, and I'm an old fcuker.

Personally, I have no interest in Facebook or any of the dating sites, but if they work for some people then by all means try it out. You've got nothing to lose but a little bit of money. And, if you don't have enough money to provide the basics then you aren't going to have much chance of ANY relationship ANYWHERE.

However, how long a relationship lasts is another topic entirely. That all depends on the couple involved. Nothing is certain or forever. Just enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts. Enjoy the good and accept the bad. With the tiniest bit of effort the good usually outweighs the bad. When and if it ends then just move on with a smile on your face.

My children made me get a face book site. Girls are quite chatty you know. The strangest thing happened. My ex wife's family has started writing me. I have been divorced for 15 years and she re married. My x and her family were farmers when I met her, rice farmers from Arkansas. I had no idea my in-laws liked me. Quite a surprise actually.

As I share experiences about rural Thailand and what the people are like and my daily activity. The in laws respond, “why uncle Mark it sounds just like Arkansas. You sitting on the porch drinking sweet tea and paw drinking moonshine, smoking his hand rolled cigarettes and maw in the kitchen cooking chicken for dinner.” They call all the female relatives sissy (sister) just like the Thais call all the females sister. There is a drunk brother in jail for murder and the local sheriff steals tractors and runs them across the border to re sell in Mexico. Face book is interesting. I know it is not going to be too long before some good old boys show up on my doorstep in cowboy boots and Stetson hats. “now lets see this here Issan place.”

They plant rice with helicopters and bulldoze levees with laser guidance systems. It will be interesting to see their take of Thai rice farming.

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