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Why is it when people here go on the offensive they always ramble about their education?

Really? Who still thinks and talks about college?

Sure, after graduation and a few years afterwards, but...

It is odd that an "experienced" man would even consider another ones education level.

Same when people talk about the Thai's inevitably someone will have to mention how uneducated they are.

Are people really that wrapped up?


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.

How can you ascertain what type of person your dealing with based on their education level?


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.

How can you ascertain what type of person your dealing with based on their education level?

In general people with a higher education are a bit smarter and think things through. I have had conversations with people in construction and with those in higher schooled fields. I can tell you there is a difference.

I am taking here in general there will always be exceptions.


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.

How can you ascertain what type of person your dealing with based on their education level?

In general people with a higher education are a bit smarter and think things through. I have had conversations with people in construction and with those in higher schooled fields. I can tell you there is a difference.

I am taking here in general there will always be exceptions.

Hmmm. Interesting. I have never experienced this. I mean, I know when I'm talking to a dumbass, but I never thought " This guy is uneducated"

I understand were just generalizing for the sake of simplicity.


Hmmm. Interesting. I have never experienced this. I mean, I know when I'm talking to a dumbass, but I never thought " This guy is uneducated"

I understand were just generalizing for the sake of simplicity.

I think being a dumbass and being uneducated CAN go hand in hand. You will find more dumbasses under construction workers then under lawyers. You need a certain level of intelligence to get a degree (in general)

But im sure there are smart guys too who work in construction who only do it because they like it but could have done much more with the brain they have. Only they are a minority.


University is a filtering mechanism. Just like any filter it will filter only what enters the top end, and then imperfectly. In other words - people that went to uni and got a good degree (or went on to an advanced degree) obviously have at least the minimum amount of intelligence to get a degree; those that fail possibly do not. Filters trap good stuff too - and intelligent people drop out of uni. Many people never enter higher education at all for many reasons (financial and family commitments being the most common I would suggest) and thuis are unfiltered - and may be either a dumb arse or another Stephen Hawkin.

I left school at 18 with A Levels that allowed me to get my ideal job (as it was at the time) - so I didn't see the need to "waste" four years at Uni. As it was a few years later I studied with the OU and then went on to a masters program - whilst still working. So, did I suddenly gain 20 IQ points because I got an MSc? I still had the same job (directly related to my degree) and the same principles and beliefs (although I did become a veggie during my BSc). Paperwork made little difference to me as a person or on a job front (experience was all I needed) - It helps here more than it ever did in the UK actually.

It is true that professions show intelligence better than eduication though - intelligent people often can not cope long doing menial or repetative work. However, right at the top (the Genii supreame) it actually often flips and they DO need to do menial things just to shut their brains up for a minute.

I think its OK though to mention Thai's being uneducated, because is is a slur on their eduication system (which is generally lousy) NOT on intelligence. Of course the nother end of your comment, regarding boasting really, just shows that the person is in need of bolstering their arguemnt with reasons to be trusted outside of the content of their arguement - which actually says less about them in my opinion.


University is a filtering mechanism. Just like any filter it will filter only what enters the top end, and then imperfectly. In other words - people that went to uni and got a good degree (or went on to an advanced degree) obviously have at least the minimum amount of intelligence to get a degree; those that fail possibly do not. Filters trap good stuff too - and intelligent people drop out of uni. Many people never enter higher education at all for many reasons (financial and family commitments being the most common I would suggest) and thuis are unfiltered - and may be either a dumb arse or another Stephen Hawkin.

I left school at 18 with A Levels that allowed me to get my ideal job (as it was at the time) - so I didn't see the need to "waste" four years at Uni. As it was a few years later I studied with the OU and then went on to a masters program - whilst still working. So, did I suddenly gain 20 IQ points because I got an MSc? I still had the same job (directly related to my degree) and the same principles and beliefs (although I did become a veggie during my BSc). Paperwork made little difference to me as a person or on a job front (experience was all I needed) - It helps here more than it ever did in the UK actually.

It is true that professions show intelligence better than eduication though - intelligent people often can not cope long doing menial or repetative work. However, right at the top (the Genii supreame) it actually often flips and they DO need to do menial things just to shut their brains up for a minute.

I think its OK though to mention Thai's being uneducated, because is is a slur on their eduication system (which is generally lousy) NOT on intelligence. Of course the nother end of your comment, regarding boasting really, just shows that the person is in need of bolstering their arguemnt with reasons to be trusted outside of the content of their arguement - which actually says less about them in my opinion.

Well put. I agree completely.


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.

How can you ascertain what type of person your dealing with based on their education level?

In general people with a higher education are a bit smarter and think things through. I have had conversations with people in construction and with those in higher schooled fields. I can tell you there is a difference.

I am taking here in general there will always be exceptions.

Careful, Rob, someone's bound to bring up Bill Gates (even though he did attend Harvard). It seems that we had this conversation not so long ago. Most folks with university degrees felt it was worth something and those without felt it was worthless. But when asked whether they would send their kids to a uni if they could afford it, pretty much everyone agreed that they would. I think that pretty much sums it up.

As for folks who feel a need to bring up their education in forum discussions....I suppose there are times when it's relevant. A medical opinion from a doctor would have more credibility than an opinion from someone without a medical degree, wouldn't you say? Of course, there are folks who feel a need to brag about such things. I guess it's similar to folks who feel a need to brag about how many women they've shagged. Or how much money they make/have. Or how gorgeous their wife is. Or how much smarter and more honest they are than the Thais. Probably has more to do with insecurity than anything else.


Education level does say something if its in the field that is being discussed. Other then that its only relevant to see what kind of person your dealing with. In most cases it shows you what kind of person it is. There are always exceptions though.

Being higher educated as an other does not make you right in a discussion. Good arguments do.

How can you ascertain what type of person your dealing with based on their education level?

In general people with a higher education are a bit smarter and think things through. I have had conversations with people in construction and with those in higher schooled fields. I can tell you there is a difference.

I am taking here in general there will always be exceptions.

Careful, Rob, someone's bound to bring up Bill Gates (even though he did attend Harvard). It seems that we had this conversation not so long ago. Most folks with university degrees felt it was worth something and those without felt it was worthless. But when asked whether they would send their kids to a uni if they could afford it, pretty much everyone agreed that they would. I think that pretty much sums it up.

As for folks who feel a need to bring up their education in forum discussions....I suppose there are times when it's relevant. A medical opinion from a doctor would have more credibility than an opinion from someone without a medical degree, wouldn't you say? Of course, there are folks who feel a need to brag about such things. I guess it's similar to folks who feel a need to brag about how many women they've shagged. Or how much money they make/have. Or how gorgeous their wife is. Or how much smarter and more honest they are than the Thais. Probably has more to do with insecurity than anything else.

Your right. I think it is grandstanding.

Rob, I agree with you.

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