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Denied Tourist Visa In Laos.

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I agree with Kuhn Z. above: The Thai Immigration laws do not make sense ... if one has sufficient funds and guarantees a minimum expenditure, one should be allowed as an extended tourist in the Kingdom. BTW the only country that I know has such a policy is the Kingdom of Bhutan where the minimum expenditure is $US 250 per day ... maybe those responsible persons in the Kingdom of Thailand should take note.

Thats gotta be bit tounge in cheek Jazzbo?? :D

I thinks you might upset a few of the self righteous with talk of a minimum US$250 per day spend idea.

After all, a few of the self righteous (those who lecture us long stay tourists) are making ends meet by being english teachers here, and its well known a lot of them earn not much more than US$250 PER MONTH!!

Oh, and while on the subject of financial matters, consider this:

Does anyone else find it a little ironic that the people who are lucky enough to get a legal work permits (surviving on their drawing BHT30k of Thai money per month) are doing all the skwarking, yet tourists who can actually afford to stay here and spend money (dollars coming from outside of Thailand ), without having to work, seem to get the short end of the stick


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Yes, next time I'm at one of the shopping malls standing in line behind a bunch of Thais to get into a restaurant, or a movie theater, I'll be sure to remind them how important long term tourists are to they're economy.

Edited by beechguy
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TIC or not -- although I am now on retirement extension -- my first 3+ years stay in Thailand was on 2 - 'B' visas which I obtained via a sponsorship letter due to special skills I brought to the Kingdom -- so there are ways other than the conventional to able to stay if one is willing to make an effort...

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I agree with Kuhn Z. above: The Thai Immigration laws do not make sense ... if one has sufficient funds and guarantees a minimum expenditure, one should be allowed as an extended tourist in the Kingdom. BTW the only country that I know has such a policy is the Kingdom of Bhutan where the minimum expenditure is $US 250 per day ... maybe those responsible persons in the Kingdom of Thailand should take note.

Thats gotta be bit tounge in cheek Jazzbo?? :D

I thinks you might upset a few of the self righteous with talk of a minimum US$250 per day spend idea.

After all, a few of the self righteous (those who lecture us long stay tourists) are making ends meet by being english teachers here, and its well known a lot of them earn not much more than US$250 PER MONTH!!

Oh, and while on the subject of financial matters, consider this:

Does anyone else find it a little ironic that the people who are lucky enough to get a legal work permits (surviving on their drawing BHT30k of Thai money per month) are doing all the skwarking, yet tourists who can actually afford to stay here and spend money (dollars coming from outside of Thailand ), without having to work, seem to get the short end of the stick


please dont generalise - some of us with work permits are employed by multinational companies and dont survive on the minimum salary requirements. We also have to go through the correct visa and work permit requirements every year, a pile of paperwork everytime, then present ourselves every 90 days. Like other posters have said there are other options available to people wanting to stay long term such as education visas.

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The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited."

As of this definition i am clearly a tourist. Not being a resident of one country does not mean i am a resident of another country. someone permanently traveling to enjoy place by place is a tourist.

and again: where is the thai law saying tourism is limited to 2, 4, 6... months? so far no answer from anyone.

The world tourism organization is just another rep for the corporations.

No body has the right to define who a tourist is or is not or how long they are required to stay to be defined a tourist.

I got a ten year tourist visa for India, how does that fit in y'alls world view?

Anyway we dont even use the word tourist anymore we use the world traveller.

A traveler can go where he pleases and stay as long as he wants maybe even ends up in jail who knows but that would be part of the experience of the traveling.

A tourist is a wallet with a plane ticket.

Edited by devaram
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please dont generalise - some of us with work permits are employed by multinational companies and dont survive on the minimum salary requirements. We also have to go through the correct visa and work permit requirements every year, a pile of paperwork everytime, then present ourselves every 90 days. Like other posters have said there are other options available to people wanting to stay long term such as education visas.

:) Please don't generalize. Some of us here just show up at Immigration annually and have the staff do our 90 day reporting. I sign about 20 things a year and show up once ;) The funny thing about it is, unless you are a teacher or a reporter ... ozzieoverseas just doesn't have the income thing down at all ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

. Instead they take them to the Cambodian border (where they stay at a hotel for 2 days) and run the passports to Phnom Penh via courier to get a tourist visa. Both companies also said that so far there haven't been any problems with going this route.

With that Cambodian option available I'm surprised that anyone living in the Bangkok - Pattaya area would bother going to Vientiane.

Did the agent mention if he can get double entry tourist visas out of Phnom Penh?

Did you find out? I need to know ASAP if I can get a double entry visa for Thailand in Phnom Penh.

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. Instead they take them to the Cambodian border (where they stay at a hotel for 2 days) and run the passports to Phnom Penh via courier to get a tourist visa. Both companies also said that so far there haven't been any problems with going this route.

With that Cambodian option available I'm surprised that anyone living in the Bangkok - Pattaya area would bother going to Vientiane.

Did the agent mention if he can get double entry tourist visas out of Phnom Penh?

Did you find out? I need to know ASAP if I can get a double entry visa for Thailand in Phnom Penh.

It's tricky as it seems one minute they do them, the next they don't.

It has been a while since I've contacted anyone about it as I've been on a retirement extension since the middle of last year, but you could try calling this lady (Asia travel, I don't remember her name - she's Filipino) to ask. She mainly organises visa runs for Filipinos, but she'll know if they are issuing doube entries. 0897481477

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here my experience with TR visa.

1st TR visa issued in geneva 1 entry

2 nd TR visa issued in ventiane 2x

3 rd TR visa issued in savanakhet 2x

4 th Had to leave back to switzerland for 2 months, new TR visa issued in Bern 2X

5th ??? guess what will happen to me?. I except as I came back to my country, in Lao they will will issue me a new visa I hope.

I am under 50,Swiss, don't work, can not get a decent job in europe since crisis.

have enough money for myself. I consider my self tourist as I have no home, no car, no motobike and don't pay income tax in Thailand and I will leave thailand as soon I got a job.So I am tourist or not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any updates on vientianne since the free visa's stopped?

I arrived on a single entry TV Feb 2010 , then at vientiane got a double TV,and again at vientienne taking me thriugh to Jan this year. Since then i have gone to KL and return on visa exemption 3 times [ Jan, feb, march, and i need to do something by the 24 this month.As airasia doesnt seem to have promos to KL anymore it is very expensive way of doing business.

What do you think my chances are of obtaining a double TV this time?

What im looking at, is ,seeing that i haven't actually got Two back to back TVs since last year, would this qualify me to get my double TV now, or would the 3 visa exemptions effect the plan?

Thanks in advance people..

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Just returned from Vientienne

I too was refused a Tourist visa (single or double)

Too many back to back

That is the bad news

Here is the good news lol

The exact same reason I was refused a tourist visa is the same why I qualified for a non immigrant single entry visa

So instead of panicking just get a new form and apply for a non o

My guess is that the non o costs 2000bt and the embasssy have to make their money somehow lol

In the end it will cost only 100bt more for 3 months

Tourist Visa(60 days) free plus extention (30 days) 1900= 1900

Non immig O 2000 (90 days)= 2000

Btw You won't get a non imm multi entry i tried that and i had the gf with me so that helped

You tend to get the multi-entry one's in your country of origin...

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Based on what did you qualify for a non-O visa?

Funnily enough for all the reasons I failed to get a tourist visa lol

Like I said I did have the TGF with me and that helped

so having too many back to back tourist visas qualifies you for a non-imm O visa?

It must do, as you can get the long-stay foreigner visa, also known as the Non-imm O Single Visa for visiting 'friends and family' :)

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I don't know of ANY country in the world that allows you to stay indefinitely as a perpetual tourist.

Maybe Thailand should be the first to issue an "S" class visa for Slackers.

Try the Philipines, Cambodia, Malaysia... the list goes on...

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  • 2 months later...

please dont generalise - some of us with work permits are employed by multinational companies and dont survive on the minimum salary requirements. We also have to go through the correct visa and work permit requirements every year, a pile of paperwork everytime, then present ourselves every 90 days. Like other posters have said there are other options available to people wanting to stay long term such as education visas.

:) Please don't generalize. Some of us here just show up at Immigration annually and have the staff do our 90 day reporting. I sign about 20 things a year and show up once ;) The funny thing about it is, unless you are a teacher or a reporter ... ozzieoverseas just doesn't have the income thing down at all ;)

As is the case with another poster earlier, I am wondering if anyone can advise on the latest situation at Vientane since the visas stopped being free??

I guess you could assume things are back to normal seeing how there hasnt been much hoo-haa lately...havent seen a thread on the double entry allocation issue for some time

JDinasia, yes, and old post, but im not sure what you meant by saying i dont have the income thing down at all?? :huh:

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As is the case with another poster earlier, I am wondering if anyone can advise on the latest situation at Vientane since the visas stopped being free??

I guess you could assume things are back to normal seeing how there hasnt been much hoo-haa lately...havent seen a thread on the double entry allocation issue for some time...

2011-03-31 end of free tourist visas

2011-06-06 Vientiane issues tourist visa with red warning stamp: http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__4477818

See this list (pinned topic) of "Latest Reports Of Getting A Visa In The Region"

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please dont generalise - some of us with work permits are employed by multinational companies and dont survive on the minimum salary requirements. We also have to go through the correct visa and work permit requirements every year, a pile of paperwork everytime, then present ourselves every 90 days. Like other posters have said there are other options available to people wanting to stay long term such as education visas.

:) Please don't generalize. Some of us here just show up at Immigration annually and have the staff do our 90 day reporting. I sign about 20 things a year and show up once ;) The funny thing about it is, unless you are a teacher or a reporter ... ozzieoverseas just doesn't have the income thing down at all ;)

As is the case with another poster earlier, I am wondering if anyone can advise on the latest situation at Vientane since the visas stopped being free??

I guess you could assume things are back to normal seeing how there hasnt been much hoo-haa lately...havent seen a thread on the double entry allocation issue for some time

JDinasia, yes, and old post, but im not sure what you meant by saying i dont have the income thing down at all?? :huh:

Go back and read the posts in their original positioning (Campbells was referring to a post from you)

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Can anyone help please?

I got a single entry TV (issued UK) in december and then a double entry in march at laos but had the red stamp saying may be denied next time. My gf (same scenario) did not get the red stamp. A bit harsh on me really as only 2nd visa and from what Ive seen other people only getting the red stamp after 3 or 4 doubles.

What are my chances of getting another tourist visa, maybe from a different consulate. Failing that would I be able to get an Ed visa with the red stamp in my passport or do I basically have to leave Thailand come August (when my current visa will expire).

My gf has a job now and is on a non imm b with work permit. I am studying distance learning online and want to stay here till december. I have plenty of money to live and can show bank statements if necessary.

So 2 main points 1. Am I likely to get another TV? (if I argue that I have only had 2 TVs before)

2. Can I get an Ed visa even with red stamp in passport?

Any other suggestions?

Any help appreciated.


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I was denied a SINGLE entry tourist visa in Vientianne yesterday. The lady said I had too many visas in my passport. They were spread out over 5 years from several consolates in the region and were NOT consecutive. She wasn't interested in hearing any kind of story from me.

If you got a lot of visas in your passport, I wouldn't recommend trying your luck!

Edited by thaiman
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I was denied a SINGLE entry tourist visa in Vientianne yesterday. The lady said I had too many visas in my passport. They were spread out over 5 years from several consolates in the region and were NOT consecutive. She wasn't interested in hearing any kind of story from me.

If you got a lot of visas in your passport, I wouldn't recommend trying your luck!

This is worrying news. I've got non-refundable flights booked to Udon Thani and back in 3 days time, and was planning on getting a double entry tourist Visa in Vientiene.

My passport had a multiple O for "visiting friends" that has now expired - since then, I've flown to KL twice for 30 day extensions and bussed it to Ranong twice for 15 day extensions.

If anybody could give me some advice on how to maximise my chances of getting granted "any" kind of 3-month visa your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I have a UK passport, am under 50 and don't have a Thai wife. I've been in Thailand for 18 months now.

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I was denied a SINGLE entry tourist visa in Vientianne yesterday...

At the end of March this year somebody who applied for a double-entry tourist visa in Vientiane was given a single-entry visa only:

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I was denied a SINGLE entry tourist visa in Vientianne yesterday. The lady said I had too many visas in my passport. They were spread out over 5 years from several consolates in the region and were NOT consecutive. She wasn't interested in hearing any kind of story from me.

If you got a lot of visas in your passport, I wouldn't recommend trying your luck!

This is worrying news. I've got non-refundable flights booked to Udon Thani and back in 3 days time, and was planning on getting a double entry tourist Visa in Vientiene.

My passport had a multiple O for "visiting friends" that has now expired - since then, I've flown to KL twice for 30 day extensions and bussed it to Ranong twice for 15 day extensions.

If anybody could give me some advice on how to maximise my chances of getting granted "any" kind of 3-month visa your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I have a UK passport, am under 50 and don't have a Thai wife. I've been in Thailand for 18 months now.

Go and study, doesn't have to be Thai language.

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here my experience with TR visa.

1st TR visa issued in geneva 1 entry

2 nd TR visa issued in ventiane 2x

3 rd TR visa issued in savanakhet 2x

4 th Had to leave back to switzerland for 2 months, new TR visa issued in Bern 2X

5th ??? guess what will happen to me?. I except as I came back to my country, in Lao they will will issue me a new visa I hope.

I am under 50,Swiss, don't work, can not get a decent job in europe since crisis.

have enough money for myself. I consider my self tourist as I have no home, no car, no motobike and don't pay income tax in Thailand and I will leave thailand as soon I got a job.So I am tourist or not?

Sorry, N O

Thailand does not like to have people under 50 years, who like to stay for longer hollydays! TiT

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  • 3 months later...

I was denied a SINGLE entry tourist visa in Vientianne yesterday. The lady said I had too many visas in my passport. They were spread out over 5 years from several consolates in the region and were NOT consecutive. She wasn't interested in hearing any kind of story from me.

If you got a lot of visas in your passport, I wouldn't recommend trying your luck!

Had the same problem from presumably the same "lady". Solution? I got a new passport - no problem with getting a double TR B)

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  • 4 months later...

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