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Louts On Baht Bus


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I was on a baht bus earlier today,a farang man,aged probaly in 40 s got on with a boy ,probaly around 11 or 12yo,who i could see resembled him .half thai farang boy.

Unfortanetely when I got on the baht bus earlier there was 3 young farang guys already on ,probaly coming back from their night out.

I was going to get off but decided to stay,apart from them pretending to slide down the seats,drinking,swearing,coughing up phlegm,singing i come from the land down under song, etc i just minded my own business until the farang got on with the boy and that's when they started on him,asking him if he was a pedophile and he pretended to smile at them and he seemed to be a bit scared.

Anyway we started to head towards Jomtien and it obviously them shouting out to passersby as well as one of them holding a beer bottle staring straight in the farang guys eyes opposite them ,he decided to get off,i also thought about it but decided not to let them win.

As he got off they joked about him being a pedophile and obviusly they knew it was his son but kept up the abuse.

These guys one had his shirt off were fit looking probaly in their twenties,Australian and immature.

Anyway as we got further towards Jomtien one of them poured beer on the seat and they all laughed so i pressed the bell to get off,unfortanetely one of them had moved closer to the exit so when i went to get off he was about to foot push me in the backside but i turned as he was going to do it.

Anyway this is where the problem also starts also,because the baht bus driver and his wife/gf in the passenger seat knew what was going on and used this to their opportunity and demanded 100 baht for what is i usually pay 20 baht trip.

I said no and handed 20 baht,and i believe on purpose raised his voice and demanded 100 baht or the bus doesnt move,this made the guys in the bus angry at me and started shouting at me and the bus driver gets out of the door and the guys in the back started cheering egging him on to fight me.

I walked away and then he started to walk around to me and then i heard them now shouting at him."get back in the bus ya chink" or we will smash ya" etc etc,and he seemed scared of them did and they drove away.

I wasnt concerned about the baht bus drivers behaviour towards me,but the young farangs behaviour towards the farang and his son was shocking.

I couldnt imagine having a young son or daughter in Pattaya only to be subjected to that type of behaviour when you go out with them.

Obviously I wouldnt be walking in any bar areas with them,but is this common perception of people/tourists to suspect because you are walking with a young man or girl that you are a pedophile,actually its something i would never perceive or think about myself if i saw this as i did but some people really cannot be civil.

Edited by actiondell4
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Yes it is disgusting but it happens. Pattaya is not a normal society, you should have got off the bus as soon as they got on or when you saw that they were drunk. No, you can not refuse to be intimidated by them, in that state they need to be avoided just as you would avoid a rabid dog. There is a barbaric gene in the English stock, it needs booze; you had to be drunk at Waterloo and Trafalgar and they were, without a real war these heart of oak have to make one.

Edited by tgeezer
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Yes it is disgusting but it happens. Pattaya is not a normal society, you should have got off the bus as soon as they got on or when you saw that they were drunk. No, you can not refuse to be intimidated by them, in that state they need to be avoided just as you would avoid a rabid dog. There is a barbaric gene in the English stock, it needs booze; you had to be drunk at Waterloo and Trafalgar and they were, without a real war these heart of oak have to make one.

the Op said they were Australian and despite the myths not every Australian is descended from ''English stock''

nor is every Englishman bloodthirsty

as to the OP's actions he did what was right for him

he stood his ground a much as he wanted to and walked away, head high and physically intact

had he wanted to be a little more pro active , i can recommend pepper spray

its a great equalizer......

PS actiondell i for one applaud your courage & tenacity

Edited by timekeeper
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Yes it is disgusting but it happens. Pattaya is not a normal society, you should have got off the bus as soon as they got on or when you saw that they were drunk. No, you can not refuse to be intimidated by them, in that state they need to be avoided just as you would avoid a rabid dog. There is a barbaric gene in the English stock, it needs booze; you had to be drunk at Waterloo and Trafalgar and they were, without a real war these heart of oak have to make one.

Get off the bus- that is the right course of action, even if you have to pay again for another bus. It's not worth getting beaten up for nothing except their stupidity.

Unfortunately, there is a rottenness in many youths today, but nothing new. I've seen such all my life. Difference now is that authority is too PC to deal with them as they should be.

A caning like they have in Singapore would be a good start. They didn't have much public bad behaviour when I lived there because thugs knew they would be punished if they got out of order.

I doubt there is an answer so long as governments in the west are PC wooses, so the only solution I can think of is avoidance.

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Yes it is disgusting but it happens. Pattaya is not a normal society, you should have got off the bus as soon as they got on or when you saw that they were drunk. No, you can not refuse to be intimidated by them, in that state they need to be avoided just as you would avoid a rabid dog. There is a barbaric gene in the English stock, it needs booze; you had to be drunk at Waterloo and Trafalgar and they were, without a real war these heart of oak have to make one.

the Op said they were Australian and despite the myths not every Australian is descended from ''English stock''

nor is every Englishman bloodthirsty

as to the OP's actions he did what was right for him

he stood his ground a much as he wanted to and walked away, head high and physically intact

had he wanted to be a little more pro active , i can recommend pepper spray

its a great equalizer......

PS actiondell i for one applaud your courage & tenacity

I would expect them to be of English stock based on their behavior. My advice is as much for their sake as the sober passenger, they are just drunks until they do some damage, minimising the opportunity for them to do something they will later regret is a public duty.

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Yes it is disgusting but it happens. Pattaya is not a normal society, you should have got off the bus as soon as they got on or when you saw that they were drunk. No, you can not refuse to be intimidated by them, in that state they need to be avoided just as you would avoid a rabid dog. There is a barbaric gene in the English stock, it needs booze; you had to be drunk at Waterloo and Trafalgar and they were, without a real war these heart of oak have to make one.
the Op said they were Australian and despite the myths not every Australian is descended from ''English stock'' nor is every Englishman bloodthirsty as to the OP's actions he did what was right for him he stood his ground a much as he wanted to and walked away, head high and physically intact had he wanted to be a little more pro active , i can recommend pepper spray its a great equalizer...... PS actiondell i for one applaud your courage & tenacity
I would expect them to be of English stock based on their behavior. My advice is as much for their sake as the sober passenger, they are just drunks until they do some damage, minimising the opportunity for them to do something they will later regret is a public duty.

as someone who is clearly so politically correct, i would not expect you to be so racially prejudiced against the English as a nation

so in your opinion its better to do and say nothing in your own defence in an effort to save the <deleted> from themselves?

good luck with that public duty strategy, i am confident it will end in tears one day and i have no doubt they will be yours........

Edited by timekeeper
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The usual fare to Jomtien is 10 baht. Not 20 baht. It would be 20 baht for longer rides, for example deeper into Jomtien or if you happened to get on the bus to Jomtien north of Pattaya Tai, for example Royal Garden. Always expect the driver may be aggravated as many are on drugs or have rage issues, so the best way to pay fares is to KNOW the fare, have the exact change, pay it quickly, and avoid eye contact, and rapidly walk away preferably in the opposite direction of the bus (it's called being proactive). Sometimes they will grab onto your hand, don't let them, avoid touching their hand, and drop the money in quickly. Avoid arguing with a driver. If there is legit grey area (sometimes there is between 10 and 20 baht as noted above) and the driver is raising his voice, etc. pay the 20; it would be very rare that they seriously expect 100 for a 10 baht fare if you didn't make the mistake of TALKING to the driver about the destination before boarding. Yes sometimes there are drunken groups of louts on the bus, and yes, they are sometimes scary and unpredictable. Riding baht buses is situational, and yes, sometimes the best idea is to just get off. As far as people riding with their children, not sure what they are supposed to do exactly, carry family photos?

Edited by Jingthing
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I am ashamed they are from Australia (nothing to do with poms). I doesn't surprise me though, our country is going to the dogs because of the behavious of the young that think they have all the rights in the world without the responsibilities.

Not all us aussies are bad, sorry for their pathetic behaviour.

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I have said this over and over and over again and no one does it...


You can get it anywhere around town and it does not permanently damage anyone. It is a temporary solution to save your bum in a potentially violent situation.

The alternative is to walk away and hope you don't get attacked as you do, or fight them. Choice is yours.

It's saved my bum on more than one occasion.

As to why ANYONE brings children to Pattaya or lives with children in Pattaya.... no idea. It is not a healthy environment for them.

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The louts will mess with the wrong Thai guy who will be an ex-Muay Thai fighter & he will sort them out real quick.

One second they will be out drinking & carousing & the next thing they will remember is waking up in some ICU. HOLIDAY OVER!!! ding ding ding.

Avoid louts from wherever.

Edited by powderpuff
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The louts will mess with the wrong Thai guy who will be an ex-Muay Thai fighter & he will sort them out real quick.

One second they will be out drinking & carousing & the next thing they will remember is waking up in some ICU. HOLIDAY OVER!!! ding ding ding.

Avoid louts from wherever.

Best advice for the day ..... and you can add trolls to it .. maybe even start a list ....

Avoid louts from wherever.
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I have said this over and over and over again and no one does it...


Right, and there's three of them. Good luck with that. I think when you feel you need to carry a weapon (defensive and non-lethal it may be) you need to wonder if you're in the right place and/or going about life in the right way.

As to why ANYONE brings children to Pattaya or lives with children in Pattaya.... no idea. It is not a healthy environment for them.

I bring children to Pattaya just fine. Thais in the hospitality industry are great with kids. I wouldn't take them near bar areas of course, but it is indeed a possibility to be on the baht bus between Pattaya and Jomtien, for example coming back from Central Festival, from dinner, etc.

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I am ashamed they are from Australia (nothing to do with poms). I doesn't surprise me though, our country is going to the dogs because of the behavious of the young that think they have all the rights in the world without the responsibilities.

Not all us aussies are bad, sorry for their pathetic behaviour.

I would second that.

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I think the OP was right. Why should we look at the floor and walk the other way when some young txxts are acting up? Maybe thats the problem now days, too many people allow these thugs to get away with it all the time, these idiots think you'll back down and will continue to do it again and again.

I have never backed down from these people and never would they are bullies and when they've had a few beers and in a group they think they can take on the world. I see this behaviour all the time in England, even when I walk to our local shop in an evening its only 300 yards away and there's always a gang of youths hanging around outside drinking and smoking cannabis and just causing a nuisance, I see people walking to that shop, usually older folk who get close to the store and turn round and walk away because they are scared to approach them, they know that they are going to get agro from the youths, whether thats verbal or physical. They only ever had a go at me once, I stood my ground, perhaps a little OTT looking back now but it worked, they stand aside and let me enter.

One chap posted on here and recommended carrying pepper spray, I quite agree a brilliant idea, we can't use it in PC britain, it results in a section 5 firearms offence unfortunately, I would carry it in Thailand thats a certainty. You have a right to go where you please with out fear from arseh@les I just think everyone should stand up for themselves, putting my head down and walking the other way is not an option.

Just my oppinion of course


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I am ashamed they are from Australia (nothing to do with poms). I doesn't surprise me though, our country is going to the dogs because of the behavious of the young that think they have all the rights in the world without the responsibilities.

Not all us aussies are bad, sorry for their pathetic behaviour.

I would second that.

Hear ! Hear ! I totally agree & I have seen similar on Public Transport in Perth , Sydney Boozed & Drugged up Aussie Youth & Females also .


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This is exactly why I have decided to return to my country and have my daughter live and study there. Pattaya if so full of these low lives and a great deal live here permanently. This is no city to bring up a child, especially a little girl with mixed blood. Her mother is apprehensive about moving but for the sake of the Child we are happy to make the move. What a shame as we love living here, Golf, great restaurants, magnificent inexpensive hotels, as we love to travel around, and many friends who have children her age to play with.

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I have said this over and over and over again and no one does it...


Right, and there's three of them. Good luck with that. I think when you feel you need to carry a weapon (defensive and non-lethal it may be) you need to wonder if you're in the right place and/or going about life in the right way.

As to why ANYONE brings children to Pattaya or lives with children in Pattaya.... no idea. It is not a healthy environment for them.

I bring children to Pattaya just fine. Thais in the hospitality industry are great with kids. I wouldn't take them near bar areas of course, but it is indeed a possibility to be on the baht bus between Pattaya and Jomtien, for example coming back from Central Festival, from dinner, etc.

you have obviously never used pepper spray

pepper spray would disable a crowd of ten in a confined area

it would do just fine for three 'persons' on a baht bus

in countries all over the world people carry weapons much more serious than pepper spray

in Alaska, 6 out of 10 people carry a gun

does it make Alaskans bad people or the USA a bad country or that they are all living life in a paranoic manner?

i don't think so.......

(Sarah Palin would be a notable exception)

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I think the OP was right. Why should we look at the floor and walk the other way when some young txxts are acting up? Maybe thats the problem now days, too many people allow these thugs to get away with it all the time, these idiots think you'll back down and will continue to do it again and again.

I have never backed down from these people and never would they are bullies and when they've had a few beers and in a group they think they can take on the world. I see this behaviour all the time in England, even when I walk to our local shop in an evening its only 300 yards away and there's always a gang of youths hanging around outside drinking and smoking cannabis and just causing a nuisance, I see people walking to that shop, usually older folk who get close to the store and turn round and walk away because they are scared to approach them, they know that they are going to get agro from the youths, whether thats verbal or physical. They only ever had a go at me once, I stood my ground, perhaps a little OTT looking back now but it worked, they stand aside and let me enter.

One chap posted on here and recommended carrying pepper spray, I quite agree a brilliant idea, we can't use it in PC britain, it results in a section 5 firearms offence unfortunately, I would carry it in Thailand thats a certainty. You have a right to go where you please with out fear from arseh@les I just think everyone should stand up for themselves, putting my head down and walking the other way is not an option.

Just my opinion of course


i agree totally Patrick, the more people let it slide then the more empowered bullies become

contrary to another politically correct poster earlier in this thread, who thought it was your public duty to do nothing and save these people from themselves by not creating a problem with them

i think exactly opposite, i think its your public duty to stand up and not roll over.

bullies are only bullies because people allow them to be.........

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Someone said pattaya is scary. Its not scary at all. There are places far worse than pattaya. St anns in nottingham is a scary place after dark and in the day time. The smack heads want to knife you for their next fix. The blacks won't let you walk down certain roads because your a differant colour. If you haven't got a guard dog your going to get burgled. No one pays any attention to alarms anymore. I don't lock my car any more because I'm fed up with having to replace windows and locks. Pattaya is not scary. Every city has its problems, so what pattaya has a few rowdy yobs and drug issues. I feel safer in pattaya than I do in nottingham.

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Someone said pattaya is scary. Its not scary at all. There are places far worse than pattaya. St anns in nottingham is a scary place after dark and in the day time. The smack heads want to knife you for their next fix. The blacks won't let you walk down certain roads because your a differant colour. If you haven't got a guard dog your going to get burgled. No one pays any attention to alarms anymore. I don't lock my car any more because I'm fed up with having to replace windows and locks. Pattaya is not scary. Every city has its problems, so what pattaya has a few rowdy yobs and drug issues. I feel safer in pattaya than I do in nottingham.

God that sounds terrible. Where about in Phuket do you live?

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