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Plans For Bangkok Vendors, Motorcycle Taxi-Drivers

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Plans for vendors, motorcycle taxi-drivers

By The Nation


Street vendors will be allowed to sell goods at 201 sites around Bangkok and the registration of new motorcycle taxis and stands will open in about two weeks, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday.

The Royal Thai Police would boost security at 300 spots prone to crime by improving lighting and landscapes, the premier said after meeting yesterday with related agencies to follow up on progress in regard to street hawkers, motorcycle taxis and people's security.

People wishing to work as motorcycle taxi-drivers or to set up a new stand could register from February 15-25, while those already working as motorcycle taxis could confirm their status for entitlement from February 15 to March 15 at the district office near their home or workplace.

The meeting was also told a project to allow "off-system" workers to get loans would be launched on February 14, the Government House website (www.thaigov.go.th) said.

At the meeting, police officials reported that since the national reform plan was launched, average figures from last year (2010) showed they had reduced crime by 40 per cent compared to 2008.

Police also had adjusted landscapes and put up lights at 209 locations, cleared 169 wooded and abandoned spots and 300 crime-prone locations. The next meeting will be held on February 7.


-- The Nation 2011-02-01


"Street vendors will be allowed to sell goods at 201 sites around Bangkok and the registration of new motorcycle taxis and stands will open in about two weeks, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday. ... police officials reported that since the national reform plan was launched, average figures from last year (2010) showed they had reduced crime by 40 per cent compared to 2008. ... Police also had adjusted landscapes and put up lights at 209 locations, cleared 169 wooded and abandoned spots"

the pm running municipal office now, on top of the head of the country and chasing after street vendors - the idea of the street vendor is to go to every street, directy to the customer, so restricting them to 201 sites is a sheer utopia.

police, and repeating them also the pm, are telling lies about reduced crime by 40% - on top of reported crime there is also unreported crime, because victims don't bother/are scared to go to police. Police is ineffective, busy with clearing wooden and abandon spots and similar - jobs usually done by the municipal gardening department


"Street vendors will be allowed to sell goods at 201 sites around Bangkok and the registration of new motorcycle taxis and stands will open in about two weeks, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday. ... police officials reported that since the national reform plan was launched, average figures from last year (2010) showed they had reduced crime by 40 per cent compared to 2008. ... Police also had adjusted landscapes and put up lights at 209 locations, cleared 169 wooded and abandoned spots"

the pm running municipal office now, on top of the head of the country and chasing after street vendors - the idea of the street vendor is to go to every street, directy to the customer, so restricting them to 201 sites is a sheer utopia.

police, and repeating them also the pm, are telling lies about reduced crime by 40% - on top of reported crime there is also unreported crime, because victims don't bother/are scared to go to police. Police is ineffective, busy with clearing wooden and abandon spots and similar - jobs usually done by the municipal gardening department

Thank you for your post; I agree. I have gotten to the point where I do not believe one word the politicians/rich/police etc. say. Why bother to print such b/s i.e. hub this crack down that???????? GEEZE This is not a country of Rule of Law. It's only a circle jerk of pigs sucking the money and life blood from Thailand. There is little if any love for the country but only opportunists wanting to gain more and more money and power.

Thailand will continue its downward spiral.


"Street vendors will be allowed to sell goods at 201 sites around Bangkok and the registration of new motorcycle taxis and stands will open in about two weeks, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday. ... police officials reported that since the national reform plan was launched, average figures from last year (2010) showed they had reduced crime by 40 per cent compared to 2008. ... Police also had adjusted landscapes and put up lights at 209 locations, cleared 169 wooded and abandoned spots"

the pm running municipal office now, on top of the head of the country and chasing after street vendors - the idea of the street vendor is to go to every street, directy to the customer, so restricting them to 201 sites is a sheer utopia.

police, and repeating them also the pm, are telling lies about reduced crime by 40% - on top of reported crime there is also unreported crime, because victims don't bother/are scared to go to police. Police is ineffective, busy with clearing wooden and abandon spots and similar - jobs usually done by the municipal gardening department

Thank you for your post; I agree. I have gotten to the point where I do not believe one word the politicians/rich/police etc. say. Why bother to print such b/s i.e. hub this crack down that???????? GEEZE This is not a country of Rule of Law. It's only a circle jerk of pigs sucking the money and life blood from Thailand. There is little if any love for the country but only opportunists wanting to gain more and more money and power.

Thailand will continue its downward spiral.

What a garbage post. Do you know anything about Thailand? Thailand isn't spiralling downward at all. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd in the wrong places. Maybe your life is spirally downwards. Leave if you don't like it here. Do something constructive with your life instead of wasting your time making nonsense comments.

Some people are actually trying to improve things. Maybe they're not perfect, but at least they are trying. And what is your contribution? A bunch of pathetic comments!


Walking down the upper parts of Silom where no vendors are allowed, I thought what a horribly dull place Thailand and specifically Bangkok, would be without them. Sure they clog up pavements, but it's virtually impossible to walk long distances on the bad paving and having to run for your life at each and every road crossing anyway. And I like the fact I can find a motosai taxi virtually anywhere.

If you don't like it ... And do STOP all this whinging!


Bangkok would become very boring and a horrible place to live without the plentory of street stalls, particularly food stalls!

I am not sure how crime could be related to the vendors? Seems like another distraction of the public to me: make everyone think the government is doing something about 'problems', meanwhile scams and police exploits go on and on, while the poor who make Bangkok as colorful as it is and who help to distract of the bad smell from black clouds of exhaust fumes are cracked down.


What a garbage post. Do you know anything about Thailand? Thailand isn't spiralling downward at all. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd in the wrong places. Maybe your life is spirally downwards. Leave if you don't like it here. Do something constructive with your life instead of wasting your time making nonsense comments.

Some people are actually trying to improve things. Maybe they're not perfect, but at least they are trying. And what is your contribution? A bunch of pathetic comments!

I await to read with interest why you think Thailand is not going down hill fast?? Whats hanging out with crowds got to do with anything. ....... Personally I think the poster you was critising made some valid points and not nonsense comments..... Who is trying to improve things here???

Here is where i am coming from. My thoughts on Thailand and its downward spiral.

I have a Sports bar (a successful one i may add) in Phuket, and 3 other businesses in bangkok. The governor of phuket has decided in his wisdom to close all bars at 1am!!! During high season when there are many guys wanting to party on holiday........ where is the sense in that???

Many tourists are now leaving phuket or thailand and going elsewhere to spend there money...... great for the thai economy..... that means hotels lose out, restaurants, shops and bars......... where is the improvement there???

Why does the government not weaken the baht a little bit to help bring business to thailand.

Everything this government /country does at the minute is aimed at keeping business away from thailand.......... ranging from the exchange rates to visas. I went a couple of weeks back to get a new Non imm B visa........... with all the paperwork i usually have to be told i now need to have a receipt for my paperwork from either a lawyer or the labour office........... so i had travelled from phuket to penang for nothing other than wasting 3 days........... and then had to go to the labour office and literally a 30 second visit for a piece of paper with a stamp and a tick on it!!!!!!!!!!!! And you say they are being contructive!!!!! B/S

Its about time you and a few others took your head out your backside and acutally looked around and saw what is going on in a once fantastic country............ and guess what......... i along with quite a few other businessmen in thailand are selling up and moving to places that actually want us to work, employ local staff and make money for ourselves and the country........... unlike thailand.......... too blinkered to see what is actually happening


What a garbage post. Do you know anything about Thailand? Thailand isn't spiralling downward at all. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd in the wrong places. Maybe your life is spirally downwards. Leave if you don't like it here. Do something constructive with your life instead of wasting your time making nonsense comments.

Some people are actually trying to improve things. Maybe they're not perfect, but at least they are trying. And what is your contribution? A bunch of pathetic comments!

I await to read with interest why you think Thailand is not going down hill fast?? Whats hanging out with crowds got to do with anything. ....... Personally I think the poster you was critising made some valid points and not nonsense comments..... Who is trying to improve things here???

Here is where i am coming from. My thoughts on Thailand and its downward spiral.

I have a Sports bar (a successful one i may add) in Phuket, and 3 other businesses in bangkok. The governor of phuket has decided in his wisdom to close all bars at 1am!!! During high season when there are many guys wanting to party on holiday........ where is the sense in that???

Many tourists are now leaving phuket or thailand and going elsewhere to spend there money...... great for the thai economy..... that means hotels lose out, restaurants, shops and bars......... where is the improvement there???

Why does the government not weaken the baht a little bit to help bring business to thailand.

Everything this government /country does at the minute is aimed at keeping business away from thailand.......... ranging from the exchange rates to visas. I went a couple of weeks back to get a new Non imm B visa........... with all the paperwork i usually have to be told i now need to have a receipt for my paperwork from either a lawyer or the labour office........... so i had travelled from phuket to penang for nothing other than wasting 3 days........... and then had to go to the labour office and literally a 30 second visit for a piece of paper with a stamp and a tick on it!!!!!!!!!!!! And you say they are being contructive!!!!! B/S

Its about time you and a few others took your head out your backside and acutally looked around and saw what is going on in a once fantastic country............ and guess what......... i along with quite a few other businessmen in thailand are selling up and moving to places that actually want us to work, employ local staff and make money for ourselves and the country........... unlike thailand.......... too blinkered to see what is actually happening

Perhaps your sports bar and the type of customer it attracts is not the sort of business the authorities wish to encourage? What some see as colourful, others see as sleazy.

I remember how beautiful Phuket used to be before all the gogo bars, pubs, cafes and hotels appeared. Certainly wouldn't want to return there any more after you've wrecked it with your 'improvements'.


Bangkok would become very boring and a horrible place to live without the plentory of street stalls, particularly food stalls!

I am not sure how crime could be related to the vendors? Seems like another distraction of the public to me: make everyone think the government is doing something about 'problems', meanwhile scams and police exploits go on and on, while the poor who make Bangkok as colorful as it is and who help to distract of the bad smell from black clouds of exhaust fumes are cracked down.

No where does it say crime is related to vendors. Read don't skim if your going to comment.


"The Royal Thai Police would boost security at 300 spots prone to crime by improving lighting and landscapes"

what a lovely image - a police sergeant major up a step ladder with his garden shears, trimming the errant branches of the overhanging trees obscuring the newly polished and rewired streetlamp....

public service at its finest...


"Street vendors will be allowed to sell goods at 201 sites around Bangkok and the registration of new motorcycle taxis and stands will open in about two weeks, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday. ... police officials reported that since the national reform plan was launched, average figures from last year (2010) showed they had reduced crime by 40 per cent compared to 2008. ... Police also had adjusted landscapes and put up lights at 209 locations, cleared 169 wooded and abandoned spots"

the pm running municipal office now, on top of the head of the country and chasing after street vendors - the idea of the street vendor is to go to every street, directy to the customer, so restricting them to 201 sites is a sheer utopia.

police, and repeating them also the pm, are telling lies about reduced crime by 40% - on top of reported crime there is also unreported crime, because victims don't bother/are scared to go to police. Police is ineffective, busy with clearing wooden and abandon spots and similar - jobs usually done by the municipal gardening department

Thank you for your post; I agree. I have gotten to the point where I do not believe one word the politicians/rich/police etc. say. Why bother to print such b/s i.e. hub this crack down that???????? GEEZE This is not a country of Rule of Law. It's only a circle jerk of pigs sucking the money and life blood from Thailand. There is little if any love for the country but only opportunists wanting to gain more and more money and power.

Thailand will continue its downward spiral.

What a garbage post. Do you know anything about Thailand? Thailand isn't spiralling downward at all. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd in the wrong places. Maybe your life is spirally downwards. Leave if you don't like it here. Do something constructive with your life instead of wasting your time making nonsense comments.

Some people are actually trying to improve things. Maybe they're not perfect, but at least they are trying. And what is your contribution? A bunch of pathetic comments!

Some people have a bad habit of projecting there own personalities onto others. the reason they have so much insight is because they are talking about people just like them.

Some times I wonder if the reason these so called Sage's don't leave and go back where they come from is because where they came from dosen't want them. I don't know just a thought.


What a garbage post. Do you know anything about Thailand? Thailand isn't spiralling downward at all. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd in the wrong places. Maybe your life is spirally downwards. Leave if you don't like it here. Do something constructive with your life instead of wasting your time making nonsense comments.

Some people are actually trying to improve things. Maybe they're not perfect, but at least they are trying. And what is your contribution? A bunch of pathetic comments!

I await to read with interest why you think Thailand is not going down hill fast?? Whats hanging out with crowds got to do with anything. ....... Personally I think the poster you was critising made some valid points and not nonsense comments..... Who is trying to improve things here???

Here is where i am coming from. My thoughts on Thailand and its downward spiral.

I have a Sports bar (a successful one i may add) in Phuket, and 3 other businesses in bangkok. The governor of phuket has decided in his wisdom to close all bars at 1am!!! During high season when there are many guys wanting to party on holiday........ where is the sense in that???

Many tourists are now leaving phuket or thailand and going elsewhere to spend there money...... great for the thai economy..... that means hotels lose out, restaurants, shops and bars......... where is the improvement there???

Why does the government not weaken the baht a little bit to help bring business to thailand.

Everything this government /country does at the minute is aimed at keeping business away from thailand.......... ranging from the exchange rates to visas. I went a couple of weeks back to get a new Non imm B visa........... with all the paperwork i usually have to be told i now need to have a receipt for my paperwork from either a lawyer or the labour office........... so i had travelled from phuket to penang for nothing other than wasting 3 days........... and then had to go to the labour office and literally a 30 second visit for a piece of paper with a stamp and a tick on it!!!!!!!!!!!! And you say they are being contructive!!!!! B/S

Its about time you and a few others took your head out your backside and acutally looked around and saw what is going on in a once fantastic country............ and guess what......... i along with quite a few other businessmen in thailand are selling up and moving to places that actually want us to work, employ local staff and make money for ourselves and the country........... unlike thailand.......... too blinkered to see what is actually happening

Perhaps your sports bar and the type of customer it attracts is not the sort of business the authorities wish to encourage? What some see as colourful, others see as sleazy.

I remember how beautiful Phuket used to be before all the gogo bars, pubs, cafes and hotels appeared. Certainly wouldn't want to return there any more after you've wrecked it with your 'improvements'.

so you never play pool, or darts or table football in a bar.... sit down and drink with friends watching the footie...... ohhh you cant out here your a Notts County fan......... they not good enough to be seen on tv here hahahaha???? yet another poster with his head up his own ass


I wish someone would do something about the footpaths and street vendors all over Thailand. Seems anyone can set up, block pedestrian traffic - at will - as long as they pay off the BiB. Sukhumvit is now simply a joke - with porn, shirts, trinkets and no room to pass. The we have to contend with idiots on motorbikes driving along the footpath!!!

All the rhetoric about licensing etc - is such a croc. Fix up the crap before introducing the laws and stupid bureaucracy of a lame attempt to justify a vote gaining action! annoyed.gif


Street Vendors will be able to sell at 201 sites around Bangkok. That's about 50mts of Sukhumvit then?

In my humble opinion M/C Taxi's. The drivers/riders, should be licensed by the local authority (if not already)They should hold a current M/C license + Insurance and road tax, also the bike should have a 6month check over to make sure they are road worthy, Maybe another requirement for the license should be a reading & written test. If all this was brought into force, I think it would help to make the roads much safer at least. That is as long as the BIB enforced it properly? Hmm, sorry just a thought lol



Street Vendors will be able to sell at 201 sites around Bangkok. That's about 50mts of Sukhumvit then?

In my humble opinion M/C Taxi's. The drivers/riders, should be licensed by the local authority (if not already)They should hold a current M/C license + Insurance and road tax, also the bike should have a 6month check over to make sure they are road worthy, Maybe another requirement for the license should be a reading & written test. If all this was brought into force, I think it would help to make the roads much safer at least. That is as long as the BIB enforced it properly? Hmm, sorry just a thought lol


Why not start with making sure that all M/C taxis have yellow number plates. Even the BiB could manage this, donchathink?

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