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Vientiane Double Visa: Three Strikes And You'Re Out!

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A lawyer posted on her blog that she was refused a Thai double-entry visa in Vientane. Here is what she said:

"I was told I had too many prior entries into Thailand. Note to those applying: Vientiane is strictly applying the 'count the visa stamps' rule!

"I tried to explain that my visas were over the course of 3 years, but his response was "We count stickers, not days. You have 3 stickers. No double visa."

"I've heard from a number of other people who had the same issue."

"the paper he gave me was stamped Dec 10, 2010 so I think their 'crackdown' was pretty recent."

She is referring here to the double-entry visa obtained outside of Thailand, not the 30-day entry stamp at the border.

That's all the information I got.

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You're confirming what I've been saying all along. They don't have time to analyse the length of periods between visas, where they were issued and total time spent in Thailand. They are too busy and just quickly count the stamps. They were doing that in Penang too.

Of course people want to know how many they can get? No clear answer has ever come.

Perhaps in March after the free period ends things may change.

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Without knowing how many "prior entries" or "visa stickers" this blogging lawyer actually has in her passport, it's really tough to say if there's any change to the Vientiane embassy's visa restrictions. I mean is it possible to make three double entry TR visas stretch over 3 years or not?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?
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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

I understand you are only posting to provoke people but to answer your idiotic post seriously:

first: you do understand that some people have 10 year passports and might come to thailand lets say 1-2 times a year for 1-3 months at a time needing a tourist visa each time? this could result in 10+ tourist visas in the 10 year passport for a genuine tourist

second: you do understand that there are people like myself who are under 50, have money, do not need to work (especially in thailand), are not married nor have a child with a thai? what visa would you suggest to me? as far as i know the only options for me to stay in thailand with legal visas are the on year non-immigrant visas from hull or back-to-back tourist visas. i guess i could study thai too but i am too lazy

third: sure, there are people who might be working on tourist visas and they should not be allowed to do so but to reject anyone from getting another visa only because they have 3 existing stickers is just plain retarded thai style decision making without thinking

Edited by wtk
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... under 50, have money, do not need to work (especially in Thailand), are not married nor have a child with a Thai ... Any policy that would prevent (my) unlimited stay in Thailand is just plain retarded Thai style decision making without thinking ... Maybe the policy has been thought out and decided upon quite deliberately.

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... under 50, have money, do not need to work (especially in Thailand), are not married nor have a child with a Thai ... Any policy that would prevent (my) unlimited stay in Thailand is just plain retarded Thai style decision making without thinking ... Maybe the policy has been thought out and decided upon quite deliberately.

A total misquote of the previous poster (WTK) who made very valid points.

What are you trying to say?

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Valid point redux: Any policy by Thai Immigration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs that does not afford one exactly the unlimited stay to which one so feels entitled is just plain retarded Thai style decision making without thinking.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?

I have to add my 10 cents worth too. "Why?" How could this affect you in any way?" It's not possible to properly see all of TL in a year, let alone 3 months! These people are not taking anything from the 'Thais' but are spending every day. You could say it makes it too easy for criminals, but this tiny percentage of the whole, would find a way regardless. Where is the downside?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?



Er, no.

*whisper* you don't need a tourist visa to visit Thailand.

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the VISA rules have to be followed each country he the right to decide for their visa rules .Thailand is no exception and if there are too many "strange" rules then get yourself Legal or the world is big enough with so many countries to visit than thailand ,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

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,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighbouring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

Edited by appropriate
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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?



Er, no.

*whisper* you don't need a tourist visa to visit Thailand.

But noone was talking about VOA. And there's nothing wrong with applying for visas before you go to any country. Especially when you can get longer for free.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

So you only want to come to Thailand twice in your life?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

So you only want to come to Thailand twice in your life?

Ah - I see this loon has been commented on already.

Edited by Deeral
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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Ignorant posts like this really get me going. It is quite reasonable for a tourist to have 4 tourist visas in a 3 year period. As long as these tourists are not working and have the funds to support themselves it is in everyones interest that they are granted a visa. I take it your over 50 and have no issues with your visa.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Ignorant posts like this really get me going. It is quite reasonable for a tourist to have 4 tourist visas in a 3 year period. As long as these tourists are not working and have the funds to support themselves it is in everyones interest that they are granted a visa. I take it your over 50 and have no issues with your visa.

Na he is a Muppet! don't suppose they need visas.......

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They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighbouring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

I know several people here long term on Tourists Visas who do not fall into either of the two categories you've given.

They have favoured Tourist Visas for reasons of cost.

1. They have been free for the past two years, and

2. You don't have to go very far to get them.

Add to that the Double and Treble Entry ones which have been available, sometimes free and I don't blame them for using what is after all a proper, albeit perhaps not correct, Visa.

If TVs are no longer free after March and/or are restricted, then presumably they will travel back to UK/wherever every year (15 months) to get a new One Year Multi Entry.

I think you've gone OTT for whatever reason and I don't think your accusations are (as per your board name) appropriate.

Obviously you enjoy some sort of divine right to be here. biggrin.gif

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This guy is hilarious. If the Thai government is so worried about the criminals they might consider the police, the businesses, and especially the motorcycle shops. That would pretty much fill up their prisons.

,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighbouring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

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THai authorities are obsessed with bureaucracy and bits of paper.

This accompanied by the inherent incompetence of the job-for-life civil servants with no accountability leads to these sort of inconsistencies and other apparently absurd and baseless decisions.

Somewhere along the line Thailand needs to look at ALL its visas and seriously relate them to whoever it wants in the country, from the casual tourist, through business people workers, retirees and spouses. At present it is just a mish-mash of bigotry and guesswork.

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This is where there seems to be a disconnect between Thai govt agencies and illustrates,highlights a lack of cohesion.

Thailand does not need foreigners that are hurting their country.

That means any illegal activities,including owning or operating a business illegally.

If the Thai agencies cannot cooperate to eliminate real 'illegals' there is a disconnect within the system protecting those individuals that should not be allowed to stay in Thailand.

The Immigration system is performing a face-saving measure to the Thai people while the game goes on.

When the rules changed to eliminate all foreigners while protecting those that should really have no right to even enter Thailand I left.

Here in Indonesia I have stayed six months at any one time and then leave the country only to return for another six months.

Legal agencies are used to facilitate one month visas and that is the way it is done up to a six months stay.

Illegal aliens and/or ferang that are not worthy of staying in Thailand is a matter thrust upon Immigration with a blanket solution serving nobody appropriately.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Well, aren't you the grumpy old spoilsport? But honestly, "illegally abusing the system"? "Cracking down" ? This is the equivalent of arresting jaywalkers while a massacre is allowed to continue across the road.

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Simple soultion. Get a new passport. Americans can renew there passport even if the old one is not expired. New passport + blank pages = no stickers to count.

Not really fully legal, but just take some stickers out................................. ( You lost them, like some foreigners their brain while staying here.) :jap:

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