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Dying Girlfriend?


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i hear a lot on other areas of this forum about pattaya and although i try not to believe bad stuff people say, it does have a bit of an effect.

i'm really sorry richard about all that happened with aom's illness and death. i'm so pleased it was possible for her to have some care, comfort and peace in the end. i wish you well for the future and hope you gain some comfort yourself from your memories of aom.

i've been really impressed and touched by the help richard gave to aom (i'm sure a person who felt less might have walked away). and i've also been really impressed and touched by the help offered to richard (especiallly in that so much of it seems to have been done privately - away from the forum itself). it makes me feel good to be part of a forum where people are so willing to help each other in a time of need.

whenever i read negative stuff about people in pattaya on other threads, i'll be sure to post a reminder that redresses the balance...

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Good story...... strange that there was no mention of Thaivisa. :D

Not important but noticed.

Possibly because, despite having much smaller memberships, both Thailand-UK and Bahtbus members contributed considerably more than those of TV. Of the total 301,000 baht raised, TV members contributed 16,000. :D


I recall a member, now sadly no longer with us, who opined that the majority at TV were low rent, visa runners. The paltry contribution from a forum that bizarrely had aspirations to issuing a credit card is perhaps evidence in support of his contention.

Not sure if udon was refering to the non mention of T Visa and the contributions members made in supporting Richard and Aom and offering personal sympathies ect.

Of course not important but something that needed to be included in the context of the story at the beggining.

I think that T Visa members will have made contributions via other means taking into account how wide spread we all are.

All members rallied round when the need was there and that and more aids awareness are positives we have been given out of this sad story and a feeling we are not alone.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Her sister improved and they took the tubes out but her sister and Kikkie were afraid that at the next downturn the tubes would be put in again. Her sister had not been able to eat for three days but in the end Kikkie got some orange juice down her. Kikkie was very pleased. "I think she drink orange she have power again".

Her sister died the next night. They never got the chance to put those tubes back.


Really moving thread and I am sure not easy writing it all - but I think a good thing nonetheless.

Around pages 5 or 6 I started reading folk saying they had been moved to tears, and I was thinking "yes it is sad and moving, but you need to get out a bit more - especially in Thailand".

.................then I read the line "I think she drink orange she have power again" - some things just ring too many bells - and I was off.

But thank you again for posting the story - even if the "line" that got to me wasn't Aom's story - the fact that somebody cared and showed it by helping in a practical way, when she would have known that it was easier for you (and the others) to walk on by, WILL have meant a lot, especially to those who do not really expect much from people anymore.

The concept of folk dying from insufficient money is easy enough to ignore, until it is folk you know and like - but that's a different thread.

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I think that T Visa members will have made contributions via other means taking into account how wide spread we all are.

All members rallied round when the need was there and that and more aids awareness are positives we have been given out of this sad story and a feeling we are not alone.

It would have been counter-productive for TV to do its own seperate campaign. Many members contributed to the bahtbus and thailand-uk efforts. It was not a time for interforum rivalries, and I'm proud of the efforts our members made, as I was during the tsunami and other events. Don't confuse a donation tally with a scoreboard, thats not what its all about.


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I am new to this forum, having previously resided in Bangkok, and I only moved to Pattaya 8 weeks ago. This thread moved me so much that it took 3 sessions just to get through it without spending all my retirement money on tissues. My heart truly goes out to you, and I can't tell you how gutsy and generous of spirit you have been throughout your recent traumas. Surely so many of us, me included, would have walked away after that very first call. You have certainly humbled me. Having got that off my chest, the purpose of this post is to ask whether you, and all the other conrtibutors to this thread would have any objections if I were to download the whole lot and try to edit it into a short story for commercial publication. If successful, all proceeds would go to the camillian centre in Rayong. I am not sure if the forum rules would permit me to do anything like this - can anyone please advise? An alternative would be to change names/ dates etc, and i could do this anyway, if the majority of contibutors, and especially you, Richard would prefer. The idea would be to structure the story in the format of a forum thread - it works so well as it is is, but until I get into it, I am not sure how much additional material would need to be added. You, and others have written such eloquent, and moving prose, that I would plan to leave much of it untouched. Just in case you think I am some kind of established author, let me hasten to add that I am a retired businessman, and was fortunate to get one volume of short stories based on Thailand published by a a very small ( and I mean small) publisher in the uk, but sales were next to mothing. I tried to get Asia Books interested in publishing here, but after initial positive noises, they declined, advising that 'the material was unsuitable'. One of these stories is about a farang who contracts aids, and I have since completed an unpublushed novel, based part in the Uk and part in Thailand and a chapter is set in a Catholic Children's hospice in Nong Khai where the kids are dying every day from Aids, and there has been little, if any help from the authorities. The local attitudes, steeped in ignorance is shocking. Although a work of fiction, this part is very much based on fact. A good friend of mine in Bangkok had his wife die of Aids last year, and nobody knew she had it until she was on her death bed. The doctors never said anything, and when her family found out, they disowned her - even after her death. My friend planned to do a sponsored walk to raise awareness and help dispell the widespread ignorance - I planned to help him with transport support. Unfortunately, the plans fell apart, I believe he is now drinking himself to death. This wretched desease brings so much misery and heartache. Maybe your published story will not only raise much needed funds, but alo help to educate.

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Sounds good why not

I think these stories need to be told.

But thats just my view.

Too many visitors to Thailand seem to think its all ok

The numbers say otherwise,after all any number above zero is a tragedy for something thats preventable in the main.

I too enjoyed the story and its sensitive portrayal on this forum.

When you do have the time to take the time to visit some of the loosely called refuges/hospices you would understand.

Sensitivity would be key to a successful publication for long term awareness.


I am new to this forum, having previously resided in Bangkok, and I only moved to Pattaya 8 weeks ago. This thread moved me so much that it took 3 sessions just to get through it without spending all my retirement money on tissues. My heart truly goes out to you, and I can't tell you how gutsy and generous of spirit you have been throughout your recent traumas. Surely so many of us, me included, would have walked away after that very first call. You have certainly humbled me. Having got that off my chest, the purpose of this post is to ask whether you, and all the other conrtibutors to this thread would have any objections if I were to download the whole lot and try to edit it into a short story for commercial publication. If successful, all proceeds would go to the camillian centre in Rayong. I am not sure if the forum rules would permit me to do anything like this - can anyone please advise? An alternative would be to change names/ dates etc, and i could do this anyway, if the majority of contibutors, and especially you, Richard would prefer. The idea would be to structure the story in the format of a forum thread - it works so well as it is is, but until I get into it, I am not sure how much additional material would need to be added. You, and others have written such eloquent, and moving prose, that I would plan to leave much of it untouched. Just in case you think I am some kind of established author, let me hasten to add that I am a retired businessman, and was fortunate to get one volume of short stories based on Thailand published by a a very small ( and I mean small) publisher in the uk, but sales were next to mothing. I tried to get Asia Books interested in publishing here, but after initial positive noises, they declined, advising that 'the material was unsuitable'. One of these stories is about a farang who contracts aids, and I have since completed an unpublushed novel, based part in the Uk and part in Thailand and a chapter is set in a Catholic Children's hospice in Nong Khai where the kids are dying every day from Aids, and there has been little, if any help from the authorities. The local attitudes, steeped in ignorance is shocking. Although a work of fiction, this part is very much based on fact. A good friend of mine in Bangkok had his wife die of Aids last year, and nobody knew she had it until she was on her death bed. The doctors never said anything, and when her family found out, they disowned her - even after her death. My friend planned to do a sponsored walk to raise awareness and help dispell the widespread ignorance - I planned to help him with transport support. Unfortunately, the plans fell apart, I believe he is now drinking himself to death. This wretched desease brings so much misery and heartache. Maybe your published story will not only raise much needed funds, but alo help to educate.

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