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Marriage Customs

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I would like to know courting, marriage customs including the legal age for both men and women.

:D I am not sure where you intend meeting your intended. However if it is in "Nana Plaza" "Walking Street" or Bangla then the book "Private Dancer" by Stephen Leather would be a good read. Although this book is a novel, in my short time in Thailand I can think of an example of each and every story in that book.

Do not follow in the steps of the poor Japaneese businessman who got married there.It should be compolsury reading for every farang seeking romance in Thailand as a result of a short holiday to this wonderful country.

You can download 30% preview of this book online or PM and I will let you know how you can get hold of it :o in acrobat reader format.

I hope that you are not offended by this just trying to advise. The best of luck. My friend had a wedding "ceremony" albeit without documents and he was unaware what was happening :D

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Thai Wedding Ceremony

One of the most important occastions of the person's life after birth is the wedding ceremony as it places value on that particular moment when man and woman have decided to be united in a bond that will influence the rest of their lives. Therefore, the ceremony must be held in a beautiful and sacred way. Above all, astrologers will be consulted beforehand in order to find out if the stars of those to be married are compatible and if so what should be the auspicious day and time for the ceremony. But mostly the ceremony will be held in August which is considered as the most auspicious month for wedding.

Usually in the countryside, a marriage takes place at the age of 20 while in the city this maybe late, up to 28 - 35. This depends on the readiness of the persons who want to enter into marriage. At the same time, nowadays most young people choose their own marriage partners while arranged marriage is very rare.

The most interresting part of the wedding ceremony is a procession of "Khan Mark" (offering items) as relatives and friends of the groom dance their way to the house of the bride with their hands full of offering.

The engagement ceremony must take place before the wedding, however, some couples may prefer to hold the engagement and wedding ceremony on the same day as a means of saving money. The engagement ceremony is usually done through the offering of an engagement ring to the girl while the wedding cremony will be incomplete without the offering of "Sin-sod" which is the money to be given to the bride's parents by the groom's parents of the amount they demand.

The wedding ceremony begins in the morning with the chanting of monks, then the couple and relatives offer food to the monks who, after their meal, will chant again while the senior monk will go around to bless the couple and the whole gathering with holy water before they go back to the temple.

After the dinner reception, the last ceremony to be performed is the sending-off of the bride and groom to the room specially arranged with the decoration of roses. The ceremony will usually be guided by the elder villager and eventually, the ceremony ends here

From thailandlife

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Thai Wedding Ceremony

One of the most important occastions of the person's life after birth is the wedding ceremony as it places value on that particular moment when man and woman have decided to be united in a bond that will influence the rest of their lives. Therefore, the ceremony must be held in a beautiful and sacred way. Above all, astrologers will be consulted beforehand in order to find out if the stars of those to be married are compatible and if so what should be the auspicious day and time for the ceremony. But mostly the ceremony will be held in August which is considered as the most auspicious month for wedding.

Usually in the countryside, a marriage takes place at the age of 20 while in the city this maybe late, up to 28 - 35. This depends on the readiness of the persons who want to enter into marriage. At the same time, nowadays most young people choose their own marriage partners while arranged marriage is very rare.

The most interresting part of the wedding ceremony is a procession of "Khan Mark" (offering items) as relatives and friends of the groom dance their way to the house of the bride with their hands full of offering.

The engagement ceremony must take place before the wedding, however, some couples may prefer to hold the engagement and wedding ceremony on the same day as a means of saving money. The engagement ceremony is usually done through the offering of an engagement ring to the girl while the wedding cremony will be incomplete without the offering of "Sin-sod" which is the money to be given to the bride's parents by the groom's parents of the amount they demand.

The wedding ceremony begins in the morning with the chanting of monks, then the couple and relatives offer food to the monks who, after their meal, will chant again while the senior monk will go around to bless the couple and the whole gathering with holy water before they go back to the temple.

After the dinner reception, the last ceremony to be performed is the sending-off of the bride and groom to the room specially arranged with the decoration of roses. The ceremony will usually be guided by the elder villager and eventually, the ceremony ends here

From  thailandlife

I was going to say , that looked very type written , But if thats the way you really feel than its OK . Me , I did not get the roses , I got the thorns . :o

Its ok , I get to live in Thailand...sometimes . Where were you when I was looking ? Dont tell TMI

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I would like to know courting, marriage customs including the legal age for both men and women.

One important distinction that westerners may not be familiar with is in Thailand (and many other Asian countries as well) the marriage ceremony is separate from the legal aspects of marriage. In other words, you can have the ceremony and not be legally married in anyway; conversely, you can be legally married and not have had any sort of ceremony.


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If they are under age they have to get their parents to sign at the wedding. If under a certian age (about 15 i think) they have to get a court order that they can get married.

Out in the country it's rare but not unheard of for young girls to get married, just the religious ceremony and the wait until they are 17 to do the paper work

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If they are under age they have to get their parents to sign at the wedding. If under a certian age (about 15 i think) they have to get a court order that they can get married.

Out in the country it's rare but not unheard of for young girls to get married, just the religious ceremony and the wait until they are 17 to do the paper work

All seems a bit complicated when you can get married when the girl's 17, but you cannot have sex with a prostitute until she is 18, although prostitution is of course illegal :o However the legal age of consent is 15 for non prostitutes. This all seems to be interpreted by police to mean farangs cannot have sex with anyone under 18, and there are posters to this effect in Pattaya.

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If they are under age they have to get their parents to sign at the wedding. If under a certian age (about 15 i think) they have to get a court order that they can get married.

Out in the country it's rare but not unheard of for young girls to get married, just the religious ceremony and the wait until they are 17 to do the paper work

All seems a bit complicated when you can get married when the girl's 17, but you cannot have sex with a prostitute until she is 18, although prostitution is of course illegal :o However the legal age of consent is 15 for non prostitutes. This all seems to be interpreted by police to mean farangs cannot have sex with anyone under 18, and there are posters to this effect in Pattaya.

The leagl age of consent for sex I belive is 15 with parental permission, 17 without. What usually happens here is that if the parents find out thier daughter has been having sex, they may give the boy 2 choices....get married or they go to the police (obviously if she is under age). If the girl was under 15 and had gotten pregnant the court may grant and order for her to marry. Not an expert but I think what I said if fairly accurate

Prostitution is illegal and I belive the age to working in "entertainment" venues is 18, but to go for a drink in them you have to be 20

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