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What'S The Undumbest Thing To Do - Visa Kaput!

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I thought I could overstay mai pen rai, no worries - but then I started reading this:http://www.thaivisa.com/303.0.htmland fear that it won't just be a matter of 500/1000 baht at the border.I just want literally buy some more time, but I'm not made of baht, so... best idea is to:1. Get a VIP overnighter from Phuket to Hat Yai and cross at Sadao a mere 1 day past visa exp? (swear I heard one day they don't even charge you)2. Get a crappy 2nd/1st class bus early enough on V-Day to make it to Hat Yai and across the finish line by midnight?3. Suck it up and pay 1900 baht for a mere seven day extension4. Suck it up and pay what it takes to fly somewhere?

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Oh... finished reading the article, and it looks like a small overstay is okay, but still very slightly risky...

Ummm... ummm... I still don't have def answers on:

1. Do they let one day slide with no 500thb sting most of the time?

2. How regimented is it with last min border crossings? eg; I get out of a minivan at 11.48pm the day of expiry, stand in the queue for 15 mins, and it's 12.03am the day after by the time I cross?

Reading "The Damage Done" by Warren Fellows is making me paranoid about anything that might allow the BIB to bring me in, haha.

Aussie, with a long way to go to retirement age, btw...

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hey thequick - ok, well that's something.

I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

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Oh the hell with it. There's always some nonsensical, roundabout way to get what you want in Thailand. I'll just think it out laterally and maybe get a flight to a border town with an airport, then walk across if I have to. Save a lot of time and bladder-busting 2nd class bus travel that way.

Anyone - is the visa extension office open on Sat in Phuket Town?

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...I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

Yes, that's it, except that your 500 Baht are properly accounted for and recorded in your passport. Simple and painless procedure.

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...I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

Yes, that's it, except that your 500 Baht are properly accounted for and recorded in your passport. Simple and painless procedure.

Cool, well that's a load off.


Meanwhile I asked my old mate Google about the Phuket imm hours - closed on sat and sun - unless the site is out of date, that option is out.


I can get my laundry done at midnight on a Sunday, but these guys can't staff an office for a few hours on a Saturday. $#@%#@ - they could pay a single staff member double the avg daily wage just to take the cash from one overstay victim like myself. But no... This is Thailand. "Solly, no have staff for weekend mai."


Nevermind, they make up for the total lack of logic with smiles and good gestures enough to even things out.

Edited by Soima
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Don't bother with the weekend hassle. In fact, just don't bother at all and do a mans overstay instead. Plenty others in the same boat. Pretty sure that somewhere in the next year or so you will find some liquidity and manage to fork out the 20000 baht when all these smiles and good gestures start to grate and you want to go somewhere else.

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"Man's Overstay" = just manning up and staying without any permission from anyone except yourself, and maxing out the fine after 40 days (20000thb/500thb) and leaving whenever the hell you feel like it?

That's pretty funny.

But this site says it's risky the longer you overstay, so all things considered, maybe just a couple of days waiting for that perfect cheap return flight is safer and cheaper? Beats being passed out on a beach somewhere with all the other human detritus that literally washes up here, tainting paradise for everyone else.

If a few days over stay is no biggie legality-wise, I'll just offset the 500thb per day with the savings I make on holding out for the best flight deal. Or go VIP, diazepam-class ;)

Oh, and find some other way to verify my manliness. Easier to do that in Thailand than find an open immigration office when you need one.

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Also, I'd want to go for the 60 day tourist visa in Penang ideally, unless there's a consulate I can get too quicker for the same kind of price.

Anyone know a site like webjet from Aus that collates all the flight info from other sites together and gives you a quick best price table? Bloody Air Asia site stuffs up on Google Chrome and Mozilla.

Internet Explorer works, but I wish I could just use the browsers I'm used to.

Oh yeah, and Air Asia (for me anyway) doesn't show prices over a date range - you just get "Nup, no flights buddy. Have fun manually searching every day."

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Not sure if there is a locally hosted version of something like kayak or webjet.

I have used amadeus.net for a broad search for schedules and then check on individual airline websites for the prices. amadeus default page is a fare-finder but if you click on one of the blue menu bars, you can opt for timetable-only search.

Good luck!

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...I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

Yes, that's it, except that your 500 Baht are properly accounted for and recorded in your passport. Simple and painless procedure.

Cool, well that's a load off.


Meanwhile I asked my old mate Google about the Phuket imm hours - closed on sat and sun - unless the site is out of date, that option is out.


I can get my laundry done at midnight on a Sunday, but these guys can't staff an office for a few hours on a Saturday. $#@%#@ - they could pay a single staff member double the avg daily wage just to take the cash from one overstay victim like myself. But no... This is Thailand. "Solly, no have staff for weekend mai."


Nevermind, they make up for the total lack of logic with smiles and good gestures enough to even things out.

Unreal!!! in your own country do any goverment offices (outside the Post office) stay open on weekends for regular business? Not in Ameirca

But u expect cause ur a forgetful visitor that cant count to this country that they should be on duty 24 hours for YOU and other like you?

If u had done everything correctly and seen when yoiur visa was due to expire and booked a way out for that time u would not be in this position

My god>>>> unbeliveable !!!!

Edited by phuketrichard
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Ditto what Richard said.

I'd cross the border as soon as possible. An overstay fine is not a 'filling the cookie jar' business but a proper receipted fine. And they make an entry in your passport. If that entry says that it's only a couple of days overstay, then i doubt any other country you try to enter will raise an eyebrow. We're all human and can make a slight oversight/mistake. If you go for the whole hog and do a serious overstay, then there are implications. You 'could' get deported, jailed and/or fined and you also 'could' get refused entry to other countries based on your past history............

Get over the border as soon as you can and pay what you have to pay.

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I can get my laundry done at midnight on a Sunday, but these guys can't staff an office for a few hours on a Saturday. $#@%#@ - they could pay a single staff member double the avg daily wage just to take the cash from one overstay victim like myself. But no... This is Thailand. "Solly, no have staff for weekend mai."


Nevermind, they make up for the total lack of logic with smiles and good gestures enough to even things out.

There's definitely a total lack of logic on display here.

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If you overstayed your vis, you have to pay. And it is wishfull thinking that they let pass the first day. You just pay.

And yes there is a maximum of 20.000 Baht. But........ if you are involved in anything, (example stopped for driving without helmet)

the police is (by law) going to arrest you and hand you over to immigration. Then you will go to court and fined by a judge.

If you can not pay than and there and do not have a flightticket to your homecountry for that same day you WILL go to jail. No.. not a normal jail but to an immigration detention center (IDC)

And you stay there untill there is a flightticket for you for the day that you leave the Kingdom for your homecountry.

And please....please do not think that your embassy will help you out soon.

So as long as you have a chance to leave the Kingdom with just regularly paying the overstayfine, just do it and make it quick.

Don't think you can pay the officers at a walkingbordercrossing just a little bit of teamoney, because it won't work.

You pay the full amount.

And who can you blame except yourself???? NOBODY

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i got charged the 500 baht for just the one day overstay last mth when crossing the border to Laos...

So did I. Supposed to go on New yrs day,but were told by friends they would not be open------sometimes you cant even trust your best friends----500bt thank you sir!!!!!!

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How about a quick boat trip from Ranong to Burma ?

Ever thought of that one ?

Take a $10.00 U S bill to Burma and it's a done deal.

If you don't have one you can buy one on the pier.

And I agree with what many people here have said, this is your fault.

Ignorance is no excuse for the law my friend.

Next time do your research ahead of time and you won't find yourself in this position.

Btw, overstays look bad in your passport, if you care.....

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Overstaying may give you problems in the future. What if you want to come back one day and they refuse entry because you overstayed in the past. In my experience it is best to stick to the rules in all countries. There is no point giving them a reason to question your intentions. I doubt staying a day or two over will affect you, but you never know what will happen in the future. If they clamp down one day, you could be denied entry. Stick to the rules; it makes life much easier.

Another thing is that overstaying in Thailand could also affect visas to other countries. If you overstay in one country it makes it look like you just don't care. So how do they know you also won't overstay in another country you want to visit. A lot depends on your nationality and where you might want to visit in the future. If you are from US or UK then most countries will welcome you with open arms anyway.

Edited by w11guy
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Oh... finished reading the article, and it looks like a small overstay is okay, but still very slightly risky...

Ummm... ummm... I still don't have def answers on:

1. Do they let one day slide with no 500thb sting most of the time?

2. How regimented is it with last min border crossings? eg; I get out of a minivan at 11.48pm the day of expiry, stand in the queue for 15 mins, and it's 12.03am the day after by the time I cross?

Reading "The Damage Done" by Warren Fellows is making me paranoid about anything that might allow the BIB to bring me in, haha.

Aussie, with a long way to go to retirement age, btw...

Nope, at the Land border in Sadao - Or Sungai Golok you'll be charged for 500 Baht (receipt and duly noted in PP as well)!

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...I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

Yes, that's it, except that your 500 Baht are properly accounted for and recorded in your passport. Simple and painless procedure.

Cool, well that's a load off.


Meanwhile I asked my old mate Google about the Phuket imm hours - closed on sat and sun - unless the site is out of date, that option is out.


I can get my laundry done at midnight on a Sunday, but these guys can't staff an office for a few hours on a Saturday. $#@%#@ - they could pay a single staff member double the avg daily wage just to take the cash from one overstay victim like myself. But no... This is Thailand. "Solly, no have staff for weekend mai."


Nevermind, they make up for the total lack of logic with smiles and good gestures enough to even things out.

Unreal!!! in your own country do any goverment offices (outside the Post office) stay open on weekends for regular business? Not in Ameirca

But u expect cause ur a forgetful visitor that cant count to this country that they should be on duty 24 hours for YOU and other like you?

If u had done everything correctly and seen when yoiur visa was due to expire and booked a way out for that time u would not be in this position

My god>>>> unbeliveable !!!!

I think the original poster is just taking the piss. Is seeing what reaction he can stir up here. Don't take the bait and he won't come back.

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...I can live with a 500 baht fine, but I never went through the process before. You just have to stand in line and fill their coffers/cookie jar with ha roy baht, then you can go through the border checkpoint without penalty, yeah?

Yes, that's it, except that your 500 Baht are properly accounted for and recorded in your passport. Simple and painless procedure.

Cool, well that's a load off.


Meanwhile I asked my old mate Google about the Phuket imm hours - closed on sat and sun - unless the site is out of date, that option is out.


I can get my laundry done at midnight on a Sunday, but these guys can't staff an office for a few hours on a Saturday. $#@%#@ - they could pay a single staff member double the avg daily wage just to take the cash from one overstay victim like myself. But no... This is Thailand. "Solly, no have staff for weekend mai."


Nevermind, they make up for the total lack of logic with smiles and good gestures enough to even things out.

You may be interested to know that immigration offices in the UK are open during normal office hours from Monday to Friday. No weekends.

Why should Thai civil servants have longer working hours than those in the UK?

Is arrogance your worst trait or do you have any that are even more unappealing?

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I believe they only not charge a one day overstay at the airport. At land borders they do charge it.

Probably for an easy life, because there are so many flights between midnight and 3am, that passengers checking in and passing immigration before midnight believing they will not have to pay.

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Oh yeah, and Air Asia (for me anyway) doesn't show prices over a date range - you just get "Nup, no flights buddy. Have fun manually searching every day."

You should try Air Asia Plus which shows all available Air Asia fares for any route you choose over a two week date range!

Also available for Tiger, Jetstar and Cebu Pacific flights...

Good when you have flexible travel dates and want to get the best price. :D

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