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hii guys just letting you know my wife got txt today her passport ready to pick up,, dont know outcome yet as she on her way now ,,hope it good news,, let you all know result as soon as i know,, omg so nervous now :ermm:

Fingers crossed for you matey.....

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hii guys just letting you know my wife got txt today her passport ready to pick up,, dont know outcome yet as she on her way now ,,hope it good news,, let you all know result as soon as i know,, omg so nervous now :ermm:

Good luck to and your wife


Please add us to the list,we applied for my wife and her twin daughters on June 9th.It looks recently that the wait is down to 8 or 9 weeks,perhaps the Embassy have put extra staff on the case or there are less applications!!


Hasn't been updated for a while

Waiting times on the 19 / 07 / 2011

shadyacres29, 7th March - 1st April = 3 weeks and 5 days, successful

tigerjohn 15th March - 26th May = 10 weeks and 3 days, successful

englishinsiam, 28th March - 12thMay = 6 weeks and 4days, successful (expeditedon compassionate grounds)

contractor, 31st March - 1st June = 8 weeks and 6 days, successful

neilo, 5th April -9th June = 9 weeks and 2 days, successful

samcled, 5th April - 14thJune = 10 weeks and 0 days, successful

thaiscouse, 7th April - 22ndJune = 10 weeks and 6 days, successful

lingyaiyai, 11th April - 24th June = 10 weeks and 4 days, successful

storeman, 12th April - 27 June = 10 weeks and 5 days, successful

space1999, 5th April - 5th July = 12 weeks and 6 days, successful

brynpugh, 7th April = 12 weeks and 4 days,- 8/7 Refused

farrangkeenok (Fiancee Visa),

17th May = 7 weeks and 0 days, - 12/7 Successful

leafmould, 11th May = 7 weeks and 6 days, = 14/7 Successful

keith1 20th May = 15/7 Successful

jasonr3255, 20th May = 6 weeks and 4 days, waiting...

stabbo-lad,25th May = 5 weeks and 6 days, waiting...

aland2012, 26th May = 5 weeks and 5 days, waiting...

all4one, 27th May = 5weeks and 4 days, waiting...

chronos, 27th May = 5 weeks and 4 days, waiting...

brumdave, 9th June = 3 weeks and 5 days, waiting...

kunash 13th July waiting...

cleverD June 9th waiting.


Whats the story Phil ???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: my heart is beginning to race now.

sorry mate ,, the wife could not make it yesterday , she there now as i write this she been told she have to wait till 15.00 its now 13.00 as i write this, i said to her do they not realise we have waited 2 months for this day why make us wait longer??? grrrr. all they have to do is hand the letter over?/. i will post result as soon as i know,, cheers :unsure:


sorry mate ,, the wife could not make it yesterday , she there now as i write this she been told she have to wait till 15.00 its now 13.00 as i write this, i said to her do they not realise we have waited 2 months for this day why make us wait longer??? grrrr. all they have to do is hand the letter over?/. i will post result as soon as i know,, cheers :unsure:

Sadly thats always been the case the only way they let you in earlier is if you say you have to confirm flights by such a time.

I'll check back here in 2 hours to see how you've done.


if no one has taken over updating the list - i can do it. let me know

That would be great if you can Kunash.................. Thanx

Alan Day


Settlement visa waiting times as at Sunday the 24th July 2011.

shadyacres29, 7th March- 1st April = 3 weeks and 5 days, successful

tigerjohn 15th March- 26th May = 10 weeks and 3 days, successful

englishinsiam, 28thMarch - 12thMay = 6 weeks and 4days, successful (compassionategrounds)

contractor, 31st March - 1st June = 8 weeks and 6 days,successful

neilo, 5th April -9th June = 9 weeks and 2 days,successful

samcled, 5th April - 14thJune = 10 weeks,successful

thaiscouse, 7th April - 22ndJune = 10 weeks and 6 days,successful

lingyaiyai, 11th April - 24th June = 10 weeks and 4days, successful

storeman, 12th April - 27 June = 10 weeks and 5days, successful

space1999, 5th April - 5th July = 12 weeks and 6days, successful

brynpugh, 7th April - 8th July = 12weeks and 4 days, Refused

farrangkeenok, 17th May - 12thJuly = 7 weeks, Successful

leafmould, 11th May - 14thJuly = 7 weeks and 6 days, Successful

keith1, 20th May - 15thJuly = 9 weeks, Successful

geordiephil,19th May - 20thJuly = 8 weeks and 6 days, Refused

jasonr3255, 20th May =9 weeks and 2 days, waiting...

stabbo-lad,25th May = 8 weeks and 4days, waiting...

aland2012, 26th May = 8 weeks and 3 days,waiting...

all4one, 27th May = 8 weeks and 2 days,waiting...

chronos, 27th May = 8 weeks and 2 days,waiting...

brumdave, 9th June = 6 weeks and 3 days,waiting...

cleverD, 9th June = 6 weeks and 3 days,waiting...

Kunash, 13th July = 1 week and 4 days, waiting...

Hopefully we will get some good news this week!!! Fingers crossed for you.


Well done for keeping the updating going Kunash.

I'm sure most of you on the list will be okay. Over 80% get passed.

Anyone reading this who are about to submit go to the Sticky's at the front of the forum there are a number of posts with Index's and good information on correct submission.


Hi Guys...just a quick update...It looks like things are beginning to progress a bit further...My wife received a phone call today from the British Embassy in BKK...I can only imagine that this was the ' phone interview'!

It would appear that a woman (don't know if she was Thai or Farang) from the Embassy spoke to her and gave her the third degree...according to my missus the lady asked lots of questions and from the line of questioning it sounds like the questions were based on the information that was on the application form...which makes sense.

Fortunately the wife knows pretty much everything about me and was able to give the correct answers and make the right 'noises' to this lady even to the point that the lady laugh at some point that caused amusement ( I hope that's a positive sign!), naturally this lady did not give any indication as to whether the application would be successful or not.

Therefore, my question...is directed at any members who have enjoyed recent successful applications who had the same sort of 'phone interview'....how long did it take after the phone call to get the result? Or is there anybody else who may have the answer?...the anticipation is causing my already frayed nerves to go into meltdown!

Would really appreciate some speedy responses as I am running out of Valium!



Hi Guys...just a quick update...It looks like things are beginning to progress a bit further...My wife received a phone call today from the British Embassy in BKK...I can only imagine that this was the ' phone interview'!

It would appear that a woman (don't know if she was Thai or Farang) from the Embassy spoke to her and gave her the third degree...according to my missus the lady asked lots of questions and from the line of questioning it sounds like the questions were based on the information that was on the application form...which makes sense.

Fortunately the wife knows pretty much everything about me and was able to give the correct answers and make the right 'noises' to this lady even to the point that the lady laugh at some point that caused amusement ( I hope that's a positive sign!), naturally this lady did not give any indication as to whether the application would be successful or not.

Therefore, my question...is directed at any members who have enjoyed recent successful applications who had the same sort of 'phone interview'....how long did it take after the phone call to get the result? Or is there anybody else who may have the answer?...the anticipation is causing my already frayed nerves to go into meltdown!

Would really appreciate some speedy responses as I am running out of Valium!


i can see why you are on the valium lol. a 2 month wait for the phone interview. fingers crossed for you - you must be on the home straight now


Our passports arrived back at VFS yesterday - 9 weeks to the day.

The wife's just received them by courier and its.....







That is fantastic news Stabbo. You and the Mrs must be over the moon :D


great news Stabbo thats awesome.

The UK is quite warm right now and believe it or not she can buy clothes cheaper here than Thailand with all the sales going on.

My wifes wardrobe has doubled in 8 weeks


Thanks guys,

I can't believe its all over. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

A big thank you to everyone who contributes here for all the help, advise, information, support and encouragement etc, etc. I don't think I'd have done it without your help :wai:

Btw, the only contact we had from the ECO's was a phonecall to my employer this Monday, just one question asked - do I work there? No phone interview for the wife, nothing.


Btw, the only contact we had from the ECO's was a phonecall to my employer this Monday, just one question asked - do I work there? No phone interview for the wife, nothing.

that is interesting to know


Our passports arrived back at VFS yesterday - 9 weeks to the day.

The wife's just received them by courier and its.....







Well done stabbo lad congrats mate !


Just looked on computer, 2 Childrens Passports ready for collection too.

Submitted 20th May. will post the result tomorrow. Fingers crossed

i have 2 children's visa's applied for also, so double fingers crossed for you


Our passports arrived back at VFS yesterday - 9 weeks to the day.

The wife's just received them by courier and its.....







congrats stabbo, great news, very happy for you both :thumbsup:


I had hoped that out of the 16 'concluded' applications since shadyacres that some of them would have received a 'phone interview' and given some response to my question.

Therefore, my question...is directed at any members who have enjoyed recent successful applications who had the same sort of 'phone interview'....how long did it take after the phone call to get the result? Or is there anybody else who may have the answer?...the anticipation is causing my already frayed nerves to go into meltdown!'

Another question: I read in the 2010 Settlement thread that a phone call from a ECO 'normally precedes a refusal'...which has really unsettled me....Is this true?...or can anyone, especially 7by7 and TV give any indication if that statement is inaccurate...can anybody provide some positive information?....the nerves are failing me as I search for a length of rope and a box to stand on!!



Another question: I read in the 2010 Settlement thread that a phone call from a ECO 'normally precedes a refusal'...which has really unsettled me.....Is this true?...

No. It is not true.

The entry clearance officers try to decide as many applications as possible on the paperwork alone.

If the paperwork shows that, on the balance of probabilities, the criteria for the visa are met they will issue it.

If the paperwork fails to show this, they will refuse.

Only if there is an area of doubt, but not enough doubt to refuse, will they contact the applicant; either for a phone interview or to arrange a full face to face interview at the embassy. If in the interview those doubts satisfied, then they will issue the visa.


@ 7by7...Many thanks for the input...your last comment makes a lot of sense!

From what the wifey has said..the questions posed by the ECO (female Thai ) appear to have be gleaned from the information that we submitted ie. what is his job?...his sports interests?...has he been married before?...why do you want to go to the Uk?..when did I ask you to get married?...

do we have intention to live in Thailand in the future (that one caused me some concern!)...what do l do in my leisure time?...Why do you love him?....All seemed pretty innocuous questions and the wife indicated that they were singing off the same hymn sheet (she could hear the shuffling of papers as they spoke).

If the wife has satisfied the ECO's doubt's, are you saying that a positive outcome would be the result?....and do you have any indication as to when the decision would be made after the 'phone interview'?

Still 'bricking it !'




A BIG THANK YOU to everyone which has helped me in the process in getting the spouse visa , and helping before that with the holiday visa, and any other silly questions that I have asked in the passed..... Once the wife has sorted the apartment in BKK and gone to say goodbye to her family in Si Saket, she will be coming to the UK. I feel like I can relax now, but I also feel this is just the begining 555555555555555555. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN.

Alan Day :jap:

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