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My friend re-formatted his 2Gb SD chip in error..he did it from his camera menu. I can't remember exactly what it was called, but think he said something like a Low Level Format.

Fortunately he has got a back-up of some of the pictures.

Is it possible to recover what is on the chip..he hasn't tried to use the chip again. I put it in my computer and it just says...CANNON_DC (F:) and This folder is empty.

Also can it be used again. I seem to recall on my camera That it has DCIM and 100Casio folders, or something like that, will the camera sort that out............thanks.


Hi Mate, there are a number of free picture recovery applications available (try a Google), (or you can wait until next week when I'm home on parole from India).

I've used "Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery" in the past http://www.brothersoft.com/zero-assumption-digital-image-recovery-17741.html and it worked well.

Much depends upon what the format actually did, mostly, formatting just removes the file index so special software can un-format the card, a low-level format will likely do something more destructive :(

You can re-use it, just format it in your camera (but obviously the images will be even more deleted).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks Dave..done it..it only took a few minutes

So I re-formatted the chip in my camera, it's now showing only 1GB and can only take about half the number of photos it used to be able to, my camera takes about the same 'size' pictures (MBs) as the owners camera. I checked it in my computer, tried FAT16 and FAT32 formatting with the same results.

Also tried to copy the original 'recovered' files back and it said NO you are 960MB short.

UM..any suggestions as to the problem..has half the chip died? thanks


About your formatting issues.

With digital camera flash memory cards. ALWAYS format them in the camera. Never on the PC. If you've already tried that.. try formatting the card in another device until you get the full capacity back, THEN format it in the device you're going to use it in.

I only use Sandisk flash memory and I keep a copy of their Rescue Pro software on all my PC's.. just in case. Despite formatting, it will go back and retrieve any images/files not already written over. Its actually fun to find all your old memory cards and run them to find stuff you're forgotten about.. :)

You see, each memory card has its only physical controller which has its own controlling firmware to run it. For the best/safest results you want the recovery software matched to the controller. Of course other programs will work, but they'll often miss images or create strange problems you didn't expect.


Hmmm, is your camera actually capable of handling a 2G card?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Hmmm, is your camera actually capable of handling a 2G card?

Thats a good question, maybe/maybe not.........Maybe time to invest in another camera!........it's a 2003 Vintage.

I did look at the Casio Web site..it's a EX-Z4B and it says in a Q&A

Q6 What is total memory capacity when a memory card is loaded in the camera? Is it built-in memory capacity plus memory card capacity?

A6 While a memory card is loaded in the camera, total memory capacity is the capacity of the memory card only. If you wish to use built-in memory for storage of images after the memory card becomes full, you need to remove the memory card from the camera.

However, around that time the 248MB card was popular!.............thanks


The EX-Z4B only supports up to 1G SD :(

Look here http://www.memoryx.net/caexexme8.html

You are much better at Google than I am!!!!

David, I have just looked at that site thanks, Yes it says 1GB Max.

Now reformatting the chip in the camera shows that I can take about 480 pictures (picture size is coming out at about 1.8MBs disc space each).

I then re-formatted the SD Chip, using the Recovery Program...chip must be getting dizzy by now!…replace the chip in the camera and it showed that I could take about 946 pictures. Took one and the countdown went to 945, checked in the PC and the picture took 1.8MBs on the chip.

I wonder what will happen when I get half way through the chip………………….

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