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Poor Basic Hygiene Of Thai Men


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After many years in Thailand, I have suddenly noticed something very surprising, disappointing, and hazardous.

Working in a large, modern university with excellent toilet facilities, I have noticed that a MAJORITY of Thai men do not rinse their hands after using the urinals! Teachers as well as students!!

Also, my family and I have begun to have occasional early evening meals in the 'food courts' of a couple of supermarkets. It's just the same observation in the hong-nams there, re Thai men of all ages.

Anyone else noticed this - or have any observations?

Ladies? Is it any better on your side of the divide?

Some years ago I do recall a western-run restaurant for sacking a female cook on the spot for not washing her hands after using the toilet for, errr, a long sit.

Would a 100% Thai place have done the same? Or even bothered to notice??

Would large signs in Thai over the washbasins, NOW WASH YOUR HANDS! have any effect?

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I have noticed that a MAJORITY of Thai men do not rinse their hands after using the urinals!

do you wash your hand after touching your nose or ears? is your pecker dirtier than your nose or ears that requires washing your hands after peeing?

or do you have the bad habit of peeing on your hands? :huh:

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OP Your right, and l have noticed it too.

In my house l put liquid soap dispensers on the wall near wash basins to make it easy to use as people just put their hands under the tap. Our 15 year old when finished his Lao hand fed food puts his hands under the water yet the soap is there for easy use. I yell, SOAP, get a grin and he washes properly. It's laziness.

When outlaws come for a visit they rather go out the gate and piss up the wall than use the three toilets on site, laziness.

Nobody washes their hands after the loo, l tell the mrs, she says it's laziness, though she does have a go at the kids to try and TEACH cleanliness.

Loads of restaurants near me have soap and water but no towel, or a towel that's been hanging there for months that holds more germs than you've put down the loo. :huh:

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I couldn't agree more with the OP. The habit of leaving the toilet without washing your hands is revolting. I keep hand sanitizers in my briefcase and wipe my hands thoroughly but discrete if I’m being forced to shake hands with people in a business environment.

Someone (it could have been a biling….triling….multilingual gardener, I don’t know) asked if you wash your hands after touching your ears or nose; my advice is to wash your hands BEFORE touching your face, if you have to. Want to stay away from contracting sicknesses from viruses and bacteria? Don’t stick your hands in your face.

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Yes, it would be easy to rage on the OP for his observation, and point out that there are far more worse thing to get all out your pram about! However I feel the OP has a point, this issue was forced on me yesterday when at a food-court in CM, I had to visit the heads, while in there I was wittiness a food-court worker coming out of one of the stalls and walk out the toilets, avoiding the sinks and wiping his hand on his trousers. I left just behind him and saw him go to his work station….a food handler! So, to everyone who thinks this is a non-issue, good luck with the exotic incurable S E Asian blood or bowl disorder, or any number of exciting debilitating ailments. Me! I will be mainly eating boiled eggs, in the shell, unless I’ve just drunk my weight in alcohol, then I’ll eat anything!

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Yes, it would be easy to rage on the OP for his observation, and point out that there are far more worse thing to get all out your pram about! However I feel the OP has a point, this issue was forced on me yesterday when at a food-court in CM, I had to visit the heads, while in there I was wittiness a food-court worker coming out of one of the stalls and walk out the toilets, avoiding the sinks and wiping his hand on his trousers. I left just behind him and saw him go to his work station….a food handler! So, to everyone who thinks this is a non-issue, good luck with the exotic incurable S E Asian blood or bowl disorder, or any number of exciting debilitating ailments. Me! I will be mainly eating boiled eggs, in the shell, unless I’ve just drunk my weight in alcohol, then I’ll eat anything!

Did he pee all over his hands or just touch hinself? I do wash my hands before preparing food but i don't wash my hands after taking a leak. I shower 2 times a day and clean everything well. I don't pee all over me. Maybe its an age thing. I can imagine if your older and start to loose control over your bodily functions you need to wash your hands a lot more.

Edited by sbk
keep it clean
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The Op must lead a very sheltered life.:whistling:

as clown in a circus? :ermm:


Or his family owned a chain of camping equipment shops.

As an aside I see loads of thai blokes who flush the urinal before taking a piss. What's the dilly with that?

Edited by mca
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Yes, it would be easy to rage on the OP for his observation, and point out that there are far more worse thing to get all out your pram about! However I feel the OP has a point, this issue was forced on me yesterday when at a food-court in CM, I had to visit the heads, while in there I was wittiness a food-court worker coming out of one of the stalls and walk out the toilets, avoiding the sinks and wiping his hand on his trousers. I left just behind him and saw him go to his work station….a food handler! So, to everyone who thinks this is a non-issue, good luck with the exotic incurable S E Asian blood or bowl disorder, or any number of exciting debilitating ailments. Me! I will be mainly eating boiled eggs, in the shell, unless I've just drunk my weight in alcohol, then I'll eat anything!

Did he pee all over his hands or just touch himself ? I do wash my hands before preparing food but i don't wash my hands after taking a leak. I shower 2 times a day and clean everything well. I don't pee all over me. Maybe its an age thing. I can imagine if your older and start to loose control over your bodily functions you need to wash your hands a lot more.

robblok…………………………..? Were you replying to my post…or did your finger slip?

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I wash my hands before I use the toilet.

Yup, me too.

that's normal for people who have dirty hands. i'd do the same, wouldn't want to touch my clean pecker with dirty hands.

especially not after driving a dirty poor boy Fortuner :lol:

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I remember having just ordered food in a place when I went to the toilet to see the chef (I think) come out of a cubical and leave without washing his hands. I told my wife and she refused to eat any of the food served. We should have complained, but hey this is Thailand.

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a pee up the side of a wall whilst letting one rip, then a good old pick of the hooter to examine whats up there. a good hawk, which is then spat out where ever. hand wiped across the mouth, then the front or sides of a shirt are used to clear away all the sweat. all of this can usually be seen on my soi where i live after a bowl of something mid - morning just before the first sip of lao khao before lunch time. biggrin.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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a pee up the side of a wall whilst letting one rip, then a good old pick of the hooter to examine whats up there. a good hawk, which is then spat out where ever. hand wiped across the mouth, then the front or sides of a shirt are used to clear away all the sweat. all of this can usually be seen on my soi where i live after a bowl of something mid - morning just before the first sip of lao khao before lunch time. biggrin.gif

tough luck if you can't afford to live in a better location :ph34r:

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Someone once in the UK done a survey on a bowl of peanuts that were on the bar in a pub and found that they contained, I think it was 7 different strains of urine. So I'm told.


isn't it a well known fact some citizens of the perfide Albion prefer to pee in bowls containing peenuts and that's the reason why they called peenuts? :ermm:

If you say so :bah:


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I advocate total hygiene in all things to the level of fetishism.

I would certainly not share or eat from another's plate.

Bar peanuts ... ugh

The English "round" system which is unfussy about whose glass you get, I avoid.

I even use a paper towel to use on the handle when leaving a toilet.

Maybe a certain amount of "germs" help the system build up immunity, but it is in the head with me.

If I have to shake somebody's hand , I immediately retire to the toilet to wash.

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I advocate total hygiene in all things to the level of fetishism.

I would certainly not share or eat from another's plate.

Bar peanuts ... ugh

The English "round" system which is unfussy about whose glass you get, I avoid.

I even use a paper towel to use on the handle when leaving a toilet.

Maybe a certain amount of "germs" help the system build up immunity, but it is in the head with me.

If I have to shake somebody's hand , I immediately retire to the toilet to wash.

Ah me thinks that you have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We had a guy when I was at work had the same thing. He wore Latex gloves all the time.


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Studies have shown in different kinds of cultures, hand washing greatly increases when people think other people are noticing. When people think nobody is looking, a surprisingly high percentage of people don't wash their hands. In Thailand I have noticed that Thai people seem to do more hand washing in more westernized environments such at a luxury mall but less so in rougher settings.

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Chinese proverb

Many with dirty hands, wash hands before using toilet

Man with dirty penis wash hands after using toilet

American Navy joke

Army man and Navy man go for a pee

After they finish the Army man notices the Navy man didn't wash his hands

Army man says "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands after taking a leak"

Navy man replies "In the Navy the teach us not to pee on our hands"

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