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Poor Basic Hygiene Of Thai Men


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Someone once in the UK done a survey on a bowl of peanuts that were on the bar in a pub and found that they contained, I think it was 7 different strains of urine. So I'm told.


I've a feeling that is an urban myth.

I watched a program on tele about germs in an office. Took samples from the loo bum seat, loo handle and loads of other places and the one place with the most nasties was the PC key board. :huh:

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Well let's see, Almost all of the toilets I have ever used prior to my 2 years here were stateside, and ummm hmmm :o . In the future if you are in the states you may want to avoid shaking hands, " I'm just saying"

It's not just in thailand..............


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Well let's see, Almost all of the toilets I have ever used prior to my 2 years here were stateside, and ummm hmmm :o . In the future if you are in the states you may want to avoid shaking hands, " I'm just saying"

It's not just in thailand..............


I thought the USA was good until l had a burger at Wendy's at Daytona Beach. :bah:

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Laugh all you want at the guys that wash their hands before and after using the restroom or before eating. However, those are the people with a lower incidence of the common cold, warts, and general infections of the eyes and mouth. It is not so much the body parts that have the bugs, but the door handles, faucets and countertops that one touches. I have only had one mild cold in 3 years and I've been in close proximity to a lot of people coughing up a lung. Urine is somewhat clean when it comes out. Least of your worries, so ypu Continental Europeans pee away and enjoy the teutonic fetish delight. It's the pants, zipper and genitalia from some of you that I could culture 101 amazing deadly beasties laugh.gif

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Cleanliness is of course a good thing, and cleanliness in the part of food preparers is a desirable goal.

But too much of anything can be a bad thing.

With the advances in the medical sciences, and particularly prenatal and neonatal care, infant mortality has decreased, weak infants that would not have survived in the past , now survive and have a chance to pass their genes. We have removed the “survival of the fittest” part of the evolutionary equation with “ survival of the advantaged” thus tipping the balance toward a physically weaker human.

In addition Antibacterial soap problems arise from its excessive and unnecessary use. The main chemical, triclosan acts by killing the bacteria. That includes killing of good as well as bad bacteria.. The organisms or bacteria that are not susceptible to triclosan are left with no competition . This and other antibiotics escape in the environment, and in their diluted state kill many of the weak bacteria and organisms, the strong that survive , reproduce,, creating the so called “supper bugs” that are resistant to most known antibiotics and provide a threat to the human race ..

So….. With the creation of a weaker human race, and a stronger pathogen environment, one could make the case that too much of a good thing , could be a bad thing .

Think about that next time you use your hand sanitizer.

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OK, hubby dear was preparing dinner and heard me snorting outloud so had to explain about the question; his aghast answer: what, farang hold to aim? .... :) ive watched many a guy going for a quick pee here among the workers, and they invariably pull up one side of their trousers/shorts, tilt their body a bit back, and perfect aim w/o handling the handle...

Many with dirty hands, wash hands before using toilet

Man with dirty penis wash hands after using toilet

-- that was his second response 'i wash myself every time im in the bathroom, shower at least twice a day, unlike you and the others around here (the non thais)... so, he thinks we are less clean in general. i might even agree..


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OP Your right, and l have noticed it too.

In my house l put liquid soap dispensers on the wall near wash basins to make it easy to use as people just put their hands under the tap. Our 15 year old when finished his Lao hand fed food puts his hands under the water yet the soap is there for easy use. I yell, SOAP, get a grin and he washes properly. It's laziness.

When outlaws come for a visit they rather go out the gate and piss up the wall than use the three toilets on site, laziness.

Nobody washes their hands after the loo, l tell the mrs, she says it's laziness, though she does have a go at the kids to try and TEACH cleanliness.

Loads of restaurants near me have soap and water but no towel, or a towel that's been hanging there for months that holds more germs than you've put down the loo. :huh:

Never thought we'd agree on much but we do on this. Just yesterday I was in Future Park with my boys and on the restaurant floor and while we're washing our hands a cook from one of the restaurants comes out of a stall and dashes his hands under the water and then walks out. I asked him what restaurant he works in AS IF I was interested in going there and made mention I'd never eat in there and then went to notify the management..

Not surprising I guess in a country that frowns upon public kissing but men grow one long pinky nail routinely to pick their nose with and do so openly and often.. Someone up the thread mentioned that's why they wai and not shake hands but with a smile so I don't know if they're serious but it's true that is why..

Hand washing is the best way possible to avoid spreading illness and disease and those talking about the cleanliness of their privates are clueless to the fact that other people don't have any interest in touching their privates and are seriously and egotistically inconsiderate to think anyone does..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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This is stuff you don't think about while enjoying a nice isan meal on the floor.

The thais come in from all over and just sit down. Some frown at the farang that DARES to eat with his hands the same way they do.

I try to wash my hands before but as they never see this i guess they imagine i juggle my own turds or something before eating.

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Laugh all you want at the guys that wash their hands before and after using the restroom or before eating. However, those are the people with a lower incidence of the common cold, warts, and general infections of the eyes and mouth. It is not so much the body parts that have the bugs, but the door handles, faucets and countertops that one touches. I have only had one mild cold in 3 years and I've been in close proximity to a lot of people coughing up a lung. Urine is somewhat clean when it comes out. Least of your worries, so ypu Continental Europeans pee away and enjoy the teutonic fetish delight. It's the pants, zipper and genitalia from some of you that I could culture 101 amazing deadly beasties laugh.gif

Urine is sterile when it comes out but that doesn't last long and still I don't want to share my own, let alone someone elses on my hands unless I'm dying in the desert and need it to save my life, the rest of your post is poignant..

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Yet another thread that invites disparaging words against Thai people, one of Thai visa rules is that posters will not slag off Thailand or Thai people willy nilly, nearly every thread ends up slagging off Thailand and the people of Thailand.

:passifier: :passifier: :passifier:

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Feces contain germs. Urine does not. Urine can actually be used as an antiseptic if nothing else is available. The pygmies in Africa use urine in many ways, including as an antidote from cobra venom sprayed in their eyes.

There are far worse problems... including coughing on food and saliva on food.

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That is a bit rich coming from a farang. If you asked the locals how they feel regarding farangs' hygiene, they would have a few things to complain about. For example, I am sure most Bangkokians have to hold their breath every time they stand next to a farang on the BTS. The cheesy smelly bodies of some foreigners are so overpowering. I wish these farangs would shower themselves with formaline. It might help to assuage the rancid odour of their bodies.

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lmao that's nothing in Cambodia a friend threw a party for all his local staff. After a night of boozing, ( about 4 hours into the dinner ) the men showed their gratitute by peeing in the garden lmao............ you should've been there. like ten of them just peeing away in a perfectly manicured garden laugh.gif

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I have noticed that a MAJORITY of Thai men do not rinse their hands after using the urinals!

do you wash your hand after touching your nose or ears? is your pecker dirtier than your nose or ears that requires washing your hands after peeing?

or do you have the bad habit of peeing on your hands? :huh:

My Grandfather told this story about an encounter with a "college boy lieutenant" while in the latrine at basic training during WW1....

After going pee, he started to walk out without washing his hands. The Lt. hollered at him.. "Didn't your father teach you to wash your hands after peeing?"

"No Sir, my father taught me not to pee on my hands."

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Here I think there are many valid reasons why there is a lot less handwashing and accept it. Street food vendors just don't have the facilities...matter of availability.

NZ def. doesn't lack facilities yet food workers walk out without washing which is why I don't eat at malls. In fact Charles Sturt, head of the Serious Fraud Office, commented on policeman there not washing their hands after using urinals! Happens everywhere - there it's due to upbringing.

I seldom been offended by the smell of locals, but my son encourages his kiwi guests to shower a lot as they often stink despite being clean people.

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Yet another thread that invites disparaging words against Thai people, one of Thai visa rules is that posters will not slag off Thailand or Thai people willy nilly, nearly every thread ends up slagging off Thailand and the people of Thailand.

Chill out Mrs, think thats what the moderation team are for, you tell them. :rolleyes:

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Not washing your hands after going to the bathroom is kinda skeezy for sure. However if we are on the topic of over all hygiene, at least I can get in a elevator full of Thai men and not want to gag, try that in India sick.gif

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I agree with you OP. It is disgusting. We were out to dinner last night with thai friends at a very long established large restaurant that has a big turnover of customers, mostly thai, but some farlang. On the walls in several places in both Thai and English was a sign that read '1st place - best public toilet' - It was clearly a cunning attempt to get everyone to observe hygiene. So there was much handwashing being done, and paper towels dumped, all over the floor.

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I agree with you OP. It is disgusting. We were out to dinner last night with thai friends at a very long established large restaurant that has a big turnover of customers, mostly thai, but some farlang. On the walls in several places in both Thai and English was a sign that read '1st place - best public toilet' - It was clearly a cunning attempt to get everyone to observe hygiene. So there was much handwashing being done, and paper towels dumped, all over the floor.

Yes quite disgusting, I actually overheard a couple of Thai waiters talking about how they could introduce the Bubonic Plague to Farang customers, one even suggested an Anthrax attack in the restaurant, this was quelled when yet another Thai citizen suggested that they just spray the Farang based restaurants with AK47's and petrol bombs.

Maybe these Thai people read all the Farang hate Thai people and Thailand posts on ThaiVisa and think all Farang are the same, who knows.

Edited by MrsMills
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I was told that some university students did a survey of the free

nibbles that you might find in your local bar.

The analysis showed a high content of urine, as people do not wash their hands,

and that was NOT in Thailand. It was a western "educated" country.

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I wash my hands before I use the toilet.

Yup, me too.

that's normal for people who have dirty hands. i'd do the same, wouldn't want to touch my clean pecker with dirty hands.

especially not after driving a dirty poor boy Fortuner :lol:


yes, i would feel filthy stepping out of one of those fortunas as well......there should be taps built into the side of them for washing purposes wink.gif

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As a matter of interest, what dreaded disease will I get if I don't wash my hands after peeing? Other than the not-nice factor, I wonder sometimes if it really matters from a medical viewpoint. Also, surely how you wash also determines how effective it is...not the perfunctory rinse I see people doing, and that's not just restricted to Thais!

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I've been in a number of toilets where men seem to be more observant than is normal....I just never thought they were the hygiene police!

I hate to agree with Jingthing, really, I do, but if I go in for a pee and nobody is around there's a good chance I won't wash my hands.

I do, however, usually wash them before eating and they good a good thorough scrubbing before I prepare food for anyone, even myself.

By the way, I find that people are a lot more likely to wash their hands here than in most Western Countries. I very seldom see people wash their hands, except maybe at restaurants.

I'd never do a # 2, though without washing my hands.

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