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Bent Thai Cop Arrested On Kidnapping Charge.

Lite Beer

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The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

Absolutely right.. Thai society has the government and policing they wholeheartedly deserve..

This is what happens when nobody gives a dam (mai bpen rai), but then hardly anyone pays any taxes so go figure..

You paint with a very broad brush. Are you saying that every person in Thai society deserves corrupt police? And that "nobody" gives a dam_n? That's not what I experience. I actually know many Thais that are very good people who hate the corruption. And I'd venture that you do too. If not, then why are you here?

I also know of many Thais who hate the corruption, The problem is majority of foreigners are the ones who point the finger at it, and most Thais don't seem to fight the system of corruption-rarely you see them complain, or argue with authority, as here most bow to people of higher standing, this is the thing that has to change, Thai people know the problems but many dont do anything about change, or vote properly to get a fair government

I also know some good cops, who dislike corruption.

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Corrupt and crooked cops.....zzzzzz.... Please tell me I am not the only one to see the humor of calling this pack of thieves and scroundels " The Royal Thai Police"...... To me this is clearly a case of

ongoing Lesse Majeste......... Fire them all, start fresh, and turn Thailand into a wonderful place...

If the police are that bad who arrested the Bent Thai Policeman.


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Corrupt and crooked cops.....zzzzzz.... Please tell me I am not the only one to see the humor of calling this pack of thieves and scroundels " The Royal Thai Police"...... To me this is clearly a case of

ongoing Lesse Majeste......... Fire them all, start fresh, and turn Thailand into a wonderful place...

Yes, they should be immediately stripped of the title "Royal", they do not deserve it.

It would be a massive loss of face and maybe provide the huge kick up the arse they need.

Re: royale.... maybe they do deserve that word in the org. ......

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There are like half a million people on the Thai police payroll, yet only about 40-50,000 of them are actually working or @ their desks.

We should do what South Korea or Germany did.

1) Mandatory retirement or anyone over 50 or the rank or 1000, Aek or colonel.

2) Fire the entire police force and have everyone rebsubmit their applications if they still want to be in the police force. Select only the officers that do not have shady resumes or history.

3) Close down the police academies and change them from being a 4 year bachelor's degree program and turn them into a sole academy for police training only. Have the police graduate their degrees from other universities. This will remove the nepotism and "class of" preference from the force.

4) Open a force to police the police force. Like the U.S. internal affairs division and have them separate from the politics or government.

5) Mandatory death sentence for corruption would also help.

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There are like half a million people on the Thai police payroll, yet only about 40-50,000 of them are actually working or @ their desks.

We should do what South Korea or Germany did.

1) Mandatory retirement or anyone over 50 or the rank or 1000, Aek or colonel.

2) Fire the entire police force and have everyone rebsubmit their applications if they still want to be in the police force. Select only the officers that do not have shady resumes or history.

3) Close down the police academies and change them from being a 4 year bachelor's degree program and turn them into a sole academy for police training only. Have the police graduate their degrees from other universities. This will remove the nepotism and "class of" preference from the force.

4) Open a force to police the police force. Like the U.S. internal affairs division and have them separate from the politics or government.

5) Mandatory death sentence for corruption would also help.

If I may add one item here please...

6) Check ALL their bank accounts and land title deeds before they time to move the money and / or change names on said documents.

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There are like half a million people on the Thai police payroll, yet only about 40-50,000 of them are actually working or @ their desks.

We should do what South Korea or Germany did.

1) Mandatory retirement or anyone over 50 or the rank or 1000, Aek or colonel.

2) Fire the entire police force and have everyone rebsubmit their applications if they still want to be in the police force. Select only the officers that do not have shady resumes or history.

3) Close down the police academies and change them from being a 4 year bachelor's degree program and turn them into a sole academy for police training only. Have the police graduate their degrees from other universities. This will remove the nepotism and "class of" preference from the force.

4) Open a force to police the police force. Like the U.S. internal affairs division and have them separate from the politics or government.

5) Mandatory death sentence for corruption would also help.

If I may add one item here please...

6) Check ALL their bank accounts and land title deeds before they time to move the money and / or change names on said documents.

Yes a background check is needed.

But if the current government is in power then they will let it be and let them keep their assets for "reconciliation" purposes.

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Welcome to the Third World.

So; why don't all you righteous beholders of this so terribly flawed Thai society just pack your bags and return to your perfect "first world" home countries where all the politicians are honest, all the police above corruption and all the citizens committed to behaving within the framework of their flawless society and where everybody drives with the utmost care and nobody ever dies in accidents.

What is difficult to figure is where you are all going to go? Great Britain?, I don't think so, not according to the Daily Sun. How about France?..whoops, forgot about the PM and his wife. Maybe you can all go to Germany or Sweden, I never read anything bad about those countries in their press; of course, I can't read German or Swedish. I don't need to read Italian to know that Italy isn't going to cut it these days

America?.. Canada?..OK, lets really have a laugh: Australia!! I hear New Zealand is quite orderly.

Don't forget to close the door behind you.

Ah the traditional close door behind you post. May I suggest that if you don't want matters like this discussed it would be helpful that they never made the press then we can all happily continue living in utopia. I guess you do have a point in so far as nothing will change until a majority of Thais want it to and are prepared to demand it, until then ignorance is bliss.

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There are like half a million people on the Thai police payroll, yet only about 40-50,000 of them are actually working or @ their desks.

We should do what South Korea or Germany did.

1) Mandatory retirement or anyone over 50 or the rank or 1000, Aek or colonel.

2) Fire the entire police force and have everyone rebsubmit their applications if they still want to be in the police force. Select only the officers that do not have shady resumes or history.

3) Close down the police academies and change them from being a 4 year bachelor's degree program and turn them into a sole academy for police training only. Have the police graduate their degrees from other universities. This will remove the nepotism and "class of" preference from the force.

4) Open a force to police the police force. Like the U.S. internal affairs division and have them separate from the politics or government.

5) Mandatory death sentence for corruption would also help.

If I may add one item here please...

6) Check ALL their bank accounts and land title deeds before they time to move the money and / or change names on said documents.

Yes a background check is needed.

But if the current government is in power then they will let it be and let them keep their assets for "reconciliation" purposes.

Correct in one mate! Ostrich syndrome with heavy wallets!

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Welcome to the Third World.

So; why don't all you righteous beholders of this so terribly flawed Thai society just pack your bags and return to your perfect "first world" home countries where all the politicians are honest, all the police above corruption and all the citizens committed to behaving within the framework of their flawless society and where everybody drives with the utmost care and nobody ever dies in accidents.

What is difficult to figure is where you are all going to go? Great Britain?, I don't think so, not according to the Daily Sun. How about France?..whoops, forgot about the PM and his wife. Maybe you can all go to Germany or Sweden, I never read anything bad about those countries in their press; of course, I can't read German or Swedish. I don't need to read Italian to know that Italy isn't going to cut it these days

America?.. Canada?..OK, lets really have a laugh: Australia!! I hear New Zealand is quite orderly.

Don't forget to close the door behind you.

Ah the traditional close door behind you post. May I suggest that if you don't want matters like this discussed it would be helpful that they never made the press then we can all happily continue living in utopia. I guess you do have a point in so far as nothing will change until a majority of Thais want it to and are prepared to demand it, until then ignorance is bliss.

This stuttering man ddddave, sounds as if he belongs to this govt.!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEW!!! Can't talk about that, can we! Freedom of speech in an open forum (abiding by the forum rules) is allowed. If you, Mr. stutter, prefer some REAL chaos, try moving to the ME, S. America, or the dark continent.

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