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Abhisit Government Trumpets 10 'Successes'

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Abhisit government trumpets 10 'successes'

By The Nation

The government on Tuesday released a list of 10 "successful policies" it has achieved during its first 12 months in office.

The list, covering the year beginning December 30, 2008, will be presented to Parliament today.

Here are some of the highlights:

- Alleviating the negative economic impact.

The government has reduced the negative economic impact on nine groups of people, including farmers, non-agricultural workers, people with low incomes and the elderly. The government achieved this by setting up an economic fund benefiting 21,716 villages in the kingdom, spending some Bt5.36 billion. About 5.44 million elderly people have benefited from a stipend handed out by the government, amounting to Bt21 billion. The health-volunteer promotion fund benefited 976,343 people, at a cost of Bt3.51 billion. As many as 12.4 million students have taken advantage of the 15-year free-education programme and 62.36 million Thais are covered by the universal healthcare scheme.

- National security

The Abhisit Vejjajiva administration has succeeded in defending the royal institution. Seventy-five centres for monitoring actions deemed dangerous to the monarchy have been set up in 75 provinces. Lese majeste laws have been strictly enforced. The government has publicised and enhanced the benefits of various royal projects. Peaceful co-existence with neighbouring countries has been promoted.

- Local administration

Funding for local administrative bodies increased 9.2 per cent from the previous year to Bt177.9 billion. The prime minister also introduced measures to detect corruption at the local administrative level along with government graft. Damage of Bt5.24 billion has been reported due to corruption, with Bt17.9 million recovered.

- Social, religious, culture and health policies.

Some 9.27 million workers are covered by the employment fund. The government has contributed Bt280 per month per worker to the fund.

- Justice and legal policies

The Office of Criminal Case Prosecution has been established.

- Foreign policy

Strengthened Asean solidarity; efforts for border demarcation with Laos, Cambodia and Burma; new frameworks for trade and investment have been explored.

- Economic policy

Inflation has been maintained at an appropriate level. Taxes have been collected more efficiently. The percentage of government debt compared to the annual budget has stayed at no more than 15 per cent. The sufficiency economy philosophy has been stressed. On industrial output, attempts at greater efficiency and better products have been supported by the government. Taxes have been reduced for those in the tourism industry. Support of intellectual property rights registration has led to a 9.3-per-cent increase in intellectual property rights registration. Telecommunication systems in anticipation of 3G technology have been set up.

- Land, natural resources and environmental policies

A total of 196,725 people have benefited from a land distribution scheme covering 2.04 million rai. More than 345,000 rai of water sources for irrigation have been secured.

- Science, energy and intellectual property rights policy

Research has been supported and the development of science-related professionals has been speeded up.

- Public-participation policy

Websites for public view regarding the problem of Map Ta Phut industrial waste have been set up. Eight out of 21 problems facing the Assembly of the Poor have been resolved.

The report also noted problems, including securing enough funds to procure more modern weapons for the armed forces, the varying strengths of local administrative bodies and the lack of genuine public hearings.


-- The Nation 2011-02-24


For every one of those I can come up with many that shows that those problems have got worse, however I don't have time right now, but I am sure others will point out negatives for each of these things the dems are heralding, while no doubt certain other posters will fall at the feet of their deity abhisit and deny the negatives even though they are glaring.


For every one of those I can come up with many that shows that those problems have got worse, however I don't have time right now, but I am sure others will point out negatives for each of these things the dems are heralding, while no doubt certain other posters will fall at the feet of their deity abhisit and deny the negatives even though they are glaring.

whatever political camp you fall into as defined by this poster

the truth is simply this:

Thailands doing ok and there is no credible alternative to Abhisit, Korn and the Democrat coalition


The glaring omission to this government's sucesses is in the area of land reform. Sanitsuda Ekachai makes the point very well in her current Bangkok Post Op/Ed piece. The bureaucracy/amartya have been a real impediment to progress in this area and the Democrats have been less than effective in batling them. The Red Shirts were entirely in the wrong by trying to label the Democrats as the amartya. The amartya is a power unto itself and is the enemy of all Thais, Democrat and Red Shirt alike.


For every one of those I can come up with many that shows that those problems have got worse, however I don't have time right now, but I am sure others will point out negatives for each of these things the dems are heralding, while no doubt certain other posters will fall at the feet of their deity abhisit and deny the negatives even though they are glaring.

whatever political camp you fall into as defined by this poster

the truth is simply this:

Thailands doing ok and there is no credible alternative to Abhisit, Korn and the Democrat coalition

Could not agree more - there are no alternatives and the sooner the Thai's figure it out and let well enough alone - the sooner things will get back on track.


For every one of those I can come up with many that shows that those problems have got worse, however I don't have time right now, but I am sure others will point out negatives for each of these things the dems are heralding, while no doubt certain other posters will fall at the feet of their deity abhisit and deny the negatives even though they are glaring.

Are you one of those who blames Abhisit for all the mess that Thaksin and his people caused?

In what way would you profit if PTP or Thaksin was to return to power?


Might - just might -

a previous administration, forcibly removed, also have been able to trumpet nice things about itself, had it been allowed to complete its second, and possibly subsequent elected term(s)? :ermm::huh:


If I understand correctly this is something the Govt had by law to do.

At this point they would probably have prefered not to because there are many negative points as well.

However given what the PM has had to work with and against he has probably done better than could be expected.

Things like the world financial crisis, Thaksins red gang and their antics and now the yellow loonies trying to make war.

Then there are the coalition partners he has been forced to work with to form any sort of Govt.

Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.


Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.

They'll have plenty of time to re-jig things when they are back in opposition.


Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.

They'll have plenty of time to re-jig things when they are back in opposition.

Not what the polls suggest.

You may like to enlighten us as to who will beat them in an election.

PTP is falling to bits, look how many voted with the Govt in the last two important votes and how few the whips could get to either walk out or abstain.

None of the other parties have enough support.

Oh yes I see now, PTP will have 7 new list MP's who will be there to avoid jail, that should sway the voters.


Might - just might -

a previous administration, forcibly removed, also have been able to trumpet nice things about itself, had it been allowed to complete its second, and possibly subsequent elected term(s)? :ermm::huh:

In the interest of accuracy, the second term of the Thaksin controlled parliament was dissolved by Thaksin himself in Feb 2006 some 6 months into the 4 year term. At the time of the September 2006 coup, there had not been a sitting parliament for some 6 months.




Might - just might -

a previous administration, forcibly removed, also have been able to trumpet nice things about itself, had it been allowed to complete its second, and possibly subsequent elected term(s)? :ermm::huh:

Pardon me ... but they DID complete their second term (Thaksin dissolved parliament and called for elections.) The third time resulted in failed elections.

The Abhisit Vejjajiva administration has succeeded in defending the royal institution. Seventy-five centres for monitoring actions deemed dangerous to the monarchy have been set up in 75 provinces. Lese majeste laws have been strictly enforced.

While in England....

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12551726 :)


Thailand is doing ok?

Civil war raging in the South and almost at war with Cambodia.

I'd hate to see it doing badly.

i have asked you 1000 times not to exaggerate...........


Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.

They'll have plenty of time to re-jig things when they are back in opposition.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-and then you woke up from that nightmare........


For every one of those I can come up with many that shows that those problems have got worse, however I don't have time right now, but I am sure others will point out negatives for each of these things the dems are heralding, while no doubt certain other posters will fall at the feet of their deity abhisit and deny the negatives even though they are glaring.

whatever political camp you fall into as defined by this poster

the truth is simply this:

Thailands doing ok and there is no credible alternative to Abhisit, Korn and the Democrat coalition

Sums it up early on in the thread.


Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.

They'll have plenty of time to re-jig things when they are back in opposition.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-and then you woke up from that nightmare........

You need to wake up to the fact that the Thais won't elect Abhisit now he's practically admitted having British citizenship.

Wonder how the staunch nationalists in the PAD will react to this one.



You need to wake up to the fact that the Thais won't elect Abhisit now he's practically admitted having British citizenship.

Wonder how the staunch nationalists in the PAD will react to this one.


The 2-3000 PAD already hate him. How will his possible UK citizenship change that?


Thailand is doing ok?

Civil war raging in the South and almost at war with Cambodia.

I'd hate to see it doing badly.

i have asked you 1000 times not to exaggerate...........

The criteria to call it a Civil War in the South has already been surpassed.

There's no exaggeration. It has spiralled out of control under the Democrats and is worse now than it was at any time under Thaksin.


Thailand is doing ok?

Civil war raging in the South and almost at war with Cambodia.

I'd hate to see it doing badly.

i have asked you 1000 times not to exaggerate...........

The criteria to call it a Civil War in the South has already been surpassed.

There's no exaggeration. It has spiralled out of control under the Democrats and is worse now than it was at any time under Thaksin.

i searched for an emoticon to show how bored i was by this over-reactionary, stereotypical statement

i could not find one

so i will just tell you, its been said thousands of times before

its become no more true in the re-telling and its becoming boring, as are those who continue to say it

your red factions came closer to bringing Thailand to Civil War than the South has ever done

thank fully they failed, just as they will at the next election.........


Look forward to after the election when the Dems can rid themselve of a lot of the dead and crooked wood.

They'll have plenty of time to re-jig things when they are back in opposition.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-and then you woke up from that nightmare........

You need to wake up to the fact that the Thais won't elect Abhisit now he's practically admitted having British citizenship.

Wonder how the staunch nationalists in the PAD will react to this one.


it won't make the slightest difference

you are clutching at dying red straws......


Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. One post removed.

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