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Thaksin To Write Book On Solutions To Thai Economic Woes

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Another thinly wailed attack against...

Unpleasant and dishonest smear.

My criticism is of the absurd hysteria of Government propaganda, and nothing else.

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Another thinly wailed attack against...

Unpleasant and dishonest smear.

My criticism is of the absurd hysteria of Government propaganda, and nothing else.

There has not been any government propaganda in resent times that only one person now part of the active government is the only way forward.

So your statement is either false or you are attacking...


I didn't know he could string two words together let alone write a book.

I wonder who is doing it for him?

Perhaps his hamster ? :whistling:

"Woger, Thaiwiza waff at me. What you do?"

"I shall immediately quote, for my interim-fees, for drafting a response to their laughter !" :rolleyes:

But to be more-serious, I can only eagerly await this book, which will clearly be a mature & significant addition, to the published-literature of global economic-theory. Or perhaps not. :o

My wife has a hamster. Looks like Mr T


I didn't know he could string two words together let alone write a book.

I wonder who is doing it for him?

Perhaps his hamster ? :whistling:

"Woger, Thaiwiza waff at me. What you do?"

"I shall immediately quote, for my interim-fees, for drafting a response to their laughter !" :rolleyes:

But to be more-serious, I can only eagerly await this book, which will clearly be a mature & significant addition, to the published-literature of global economic-theory. Or perhaps not. :o

My wife has a hamster. Looks like Mr T

My condolences to the Mrs.!

One always hopes to have handsome pets.

Unless this is the other Mr. T. im which case is the mohawk real or shaved daily?


Another thinly wailed attack against...

Unpleasant and dishonest smear.

My criticism is of the absurd hysteria of Government propaganda, and nothing else.

Hopefully Thaksin's forthcoming book will answer all that absurdity eh?


jayboy>> I read your post as such since it specifically says 'one person' etc, but if you mean something else then I am looking forward to read the clarification.


jayboy>> I read your post as such since it specifically says 'one person' etc, but if you mean something else then I am looking forward to read the clarification.

It's all completely clear already.If some want to take offence where none is intended (far from it) so be it.

The target was of course the hysterical government propaganda machine , abetted by the military at election times in particular.


jayboy>> I read your post as such since it specifically says 'one person' etc, but if you mean something else then I am looking forward to read the clarification.

It's all completely clear already.If some want to take offence where none is intended (far from it) so be it.

The target was of course the hysterical government propaganda machine , abetted by the military at election times in particular.

No, it wasn't clear and partly still isn't. You are saying that the government propaganda is saying that Abhisit and Abhisit only can fix everyone's problems?


jayboy>> I read your post as such since it specifically says 'one person' etc, but if you mean something else then I am looking forward to read the clarification.

It's all completely clear already.If some want to take offence where none is intended (far from it) so be it.

The target was of course the hysterical government propaganda machine , abetted by the military at election times in particular.

No, it wasn't clear and partly still isn't. You are saying that the government propaganda is saying that Abhisit and Abhisit only can fix everyone's problems?

It is completely clear and because there are a number of malicious people who deliberately misunderstand, not necessarily you - I don't know, that is my last word on the matter.


jayboy>> I read your post as such since it specifically says 'one person' etc, but if you mean something else then I am looking forward to read the clarification.

It's all completely clear already.If some want to take offence where none is intended (far from it) so be it.

The target was of course the hysterical government propaganda machine , abetted by the military at election times in particular.

No, it wasn't clear and partly still isn't. You are saying that the government propaganda is saying that Abhisit and Abhisit only can fix everyone's problems?

It is completely clear and because there are a number of malicious people who deliberately misunderstand, not necessarily you - I don't know, that is my last word on the matter.

Deliberately malicious in mis-understanding you.... WOW!!!

Oh wait, no, you 'called the people malicious', and the misunderstanding of you intentional, to make you look bad...

Oh how our hearts bleed over this slight.

I am sure that soooo many people have nothing better to do than than to work hard at misunderstanding your every word out of pure spite.... So many people, so little time to be unclear in, or alienate. It's a lifestyle choice you could write a book about, but you would need experts and lawyers and oh heck even a personal spokesman to tell all and sundry how to think about your life's work.

Even then you might remain 'sooo mis-understood!'

But sacrifices must be made. Any last words?


More brainwashing on Thaksin's part to contradict the 'Sufficiency Economy'...

someone please clip this fool.

The "sufficiency economy" has been quietly dropped if you hadn't noticed.

My point relates to Thailand's "economic woes".Again if anybody hadn't noticed the economy is in extremely good shape.

- Economic policy

Inflation has been maintained at an appropriate level. Taxes have been collected more efficiently. The percentage of government debt compared to the annual budget has stayed at no more than 15 per cent. The sufficiency economy philosophy has been stressed. On industrial output, attempts at greater efficiency and better products have been supported by the government. Taxes have been reduced for those in the tourism industry. Support of intellectual property rights registration has led to a 9.3-per-cent increase in intellectual property rights registration. Telecommunication systems in anticipation of 3G technology have been set up.


I have heard on very reliable information that the book will be delayed as the proof reader is busy on other matters. Mr Gaddafi said he should be back on the job in a month or so.


The sufficiency economy philosophy has been stressed.

I'm not saying it isn't part of the rhetoric rather in the way Marxism is part of the rhetoric of government in China.But in in both instances one would be hard pressed to find practical implementation.Actually the sufficiency economy is in many ways an excellent approach and I think this has been demonstrated in the economic vicissitudes of recent years.But Thailand is for better or worse part of an interconnected world, and has to live with globalisation.One effect of this is a more dynamic and fluid economy which works against the old stratified class system which some proponents of the sufficiency economy would like to see preserved.Actually there are echos of the English nineteenth century rural movement led by William Morris and others.Personally I am sympathetic but it's like fighting a tidal wave.


Chapter 1 Drop all charges against me

Chapter 2 Give me back my money

Chapter 3 Let me return to Thailand

Chapter 4 Elect me Prime Minister

Chapter 5 Economic problems solved!


If you guys would simply come to the realization that Thaksin doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would quickly understand why he has done everything he has, in his entire life.

Thaksin is a dirtbag. Case Closed


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.

Not sure what way of thinking you are using but in North America stating facts and disliking people is not considered hate.

Speaking of facts did Thaksin get 80% of the vote?:cheesy:


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.

Not sure what way of thinking you are using but in North America stating facts and disliking people is not considered hate.

Speaking of facts did Thaksin get 80% of the vote?:cheesy:

Dislike is a mature emotion, particularly if based on solid facts. Most comments here are simply hateful, childish gibes.

The 80% liking Thaksin was not a reference to a vote, just a subjective impression, as is my subjective impression that 80% of Thaivisa writers hate him.

I'm sorry if my way of thinking does not conform to North American standards. Would you care to extradite me to the USA to stand trial for un American thinking?:cheesy:

This seems to be standard American policy.


Proposed titles:

  • Mein Kampf (English: My Struggle)
  • The Communist Thaksin Manifesto
  • I did it My way.

[*]How to Have Fun & Make Money Running a Country.

[*]Taksinomics Part-II


If you guys would simply come to the realization that Thaksin doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would quickly understand why he has done everything he has, in his entire life.

Thaksin is a dirtbag. Case Closed

It is surely entirely natural & understandable, that he seems to focus on making a few more billions-of-dollars, to support his hungry children ? IMO the problem is more that a Prime Minister needs to focus, on the benefit of the entire-country, and not just a few friends/supporters/family. A higher-standard is required of national leaders. :jap:

80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

Do you have a source for this figure ? <_<

The last election gave a party-vote of less than half that number, since which there have been major-desertions/expulsions from the ranks, and public-demonstrations last year fell 90%-short of the then-claimed level-of-support (of 1 million people who would actually attend).

Thaksin has also been charged, judged & sentenced, by the Thai judicial-system, which may have altered public-sympathy/support for him personally. There have also been a few years of bloody protests, which may have changed the way he is seen, by the electorate.

I agree that he still has serious-levels of popularity in certain parts of the country, but "80% of the Thai people love him", surely that is an over-statement of the current position ? The election later this year will present further-evidence about the current support he personally enjoys. B)


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.

80% he claims and then also references that other posters disagreeing might have adopted a black and white thinking...irony in action.


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.

80% he claims and then also references that other posters disagreeing might have adopted a black and white thinking...irony in action.

Well spotted!

Hyperbol as an argument tactic is never a game winner.


80% of Thaivisa writers hate Thaksin, 80% of the Thai people love him.

This particular thread seems to have concentrated the haters, there is a total lack of sensible discussion, just outpourings of hate. I guess most of the writers have been in Thailand too long, they have adopted the Thai way of black and white thinking.

Not sure what way of thinking you are using but in North America stating facts and disliking people is not considered hate.

Speaking of facts did Thaksin get 80% of the vote?:cheesy:

Dislike is a mature emotion, particularly if based on solid facts. Most comments here are simply hateful, childish gibes.

The 80% liking Thaksin was not a reference to a vote, just a subjective impression, as is my subjective impression that 80% of Thaivisa writers hate him.

I'm sorry if my way of thinking does not conform to North American standards. Would you care to extradite me to the USA to stand trial for un American thinking?:cheesy:

This seems to be standard American policy.

Many cartoonists and writers have done charactiture of the vilest despots, mass murderers, and despicable leaders as relief of tension for readers emotions about such bad players on the world stage. And as away of diminishing their stature in general, and thus their powerfulness of impression. It is an age old political tradition. If it is used here for the same reasons then it is as valid as on the Op Ed page of The TImes.

Subjective comments as black and white as the obviously unbelievable '80% of Thais love Thaksin', stated in parallel with denigrating posters as emotionally infantile for parodying, and bring down to a regular guy kind of level, a public figure as well known and divisive as Thaksin, is showing a precise correlation to WHY he is vilified here so often: As a counteractant for the parallel of incessant and undeserved hagiography of said Thaksin by many other white or black ONLY viewing posters here.

Yes tis true: "Dislike is a mature emotion, particularly if based on solid facts" . One must also find that hate can tangent off from dislike for equally valid reasons. There are solid facts available for an unbiased observer to find Thaksin on the far side of the Dislike Curve and veering solidly into the easily hatable zone. Just having the sense that his return could cause irreparable damage to your personal situation is enough to go past simple dislike, if that also adds a great harm to the Thai nation and people in general that also works.

I dislike raw tomatoes, but I do not hate them, I dislike Thaksin, but I hate the idea of his returning to power, so belittling him is one way of keeping him in perspective, for myself and others, and not the all powerful personage he would have his 'myth makers' have us believe he is.

He has his image makers working hard, those that would like that image to match reality, have as much right to tear down his PR facade, as he has to attempt to create it.

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