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'Post Office' @ Big C, Hang Dong


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Earlier last year I posted two important letters at the above mail office. They did not reach the destinations.

In July, our house guests posted 15 postcards to the UK. Not one arrived.

In November another house guest posted 7 postcards. Not one arrived.

You would have thought we'd learnt our lesson by now.

Avoid this place. I wonder how much they are scamming from people?

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You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand. I mean have you actually been to the Hang Dong PO and seen the way they sort mail? What a joke. I have only had 100% success with mailing from Thailand to the USA using two places, any FedEx location and the PO inside Suvarnabhumi airport. I have used both numerous times in the past 5+ years and everything has gone through. Getting something here via the International postal system is a 'hit or miss' occurrence, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I tend to believe that the disconnect is probably on the Thailand side.

I try to do everything I can online these days.... and Postcards are a thing of the past, 'old school' and just a novelty thing, why waste your time and money? Send your friends and relatives your pictures of Thailand via email or start a blog, they'll probably enjoy that more.

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I've told this story a couple of times in recent months. Recently my misses didnt receive some mail, it was important & it was sent a couple of times and never arrived. Being the suspicious type, she went down the road 2km to the head PO for the area and mailed herself 4 letters all in different sized envelopes. 3 weeks later none of them had arrived.

Another time we were waiting for mail to arrive from Australia, it didnt arrive so we went down to the PO to see the supervisor. After explaining all to him you know what he said? He said, "Australia Post No Good"! What surprised me the most was he actually managed to say this to me and keep a straight face. bah.gif

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We've had a 100% success rate in mailing letters from the PO branch in the basement of KSK. It really seems to be an actual PO branch, not a sub-contractor. We always stand there and make sure that stamps are placed on our items and they are placed in what seems to be an outgoing mail bin. For a brief time, Hubby and I each worked as holiday temp help for the U.S. postal system and know that problems can occur even in first world POs.

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You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand. I mean have you actually been to the Hang Dong PO and seen the way they sort mail? What a joke. I have only had 100% success with mailing from Thailand to the USA using two places, any FedEx location and the PO inside Suvarnabhumi airport. I have used both numerous times in the past 5+ years and everything has gone through. Getting something here via the International postal system is a 'hit or miss' occurrence, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I tend to believe that the disconnect is probably on the Thailand side.

Well I couldn't disagree more. I've never had a single problem out of literally hundreds and hundreds of post cards, letters, and packages I've sent from almost every different post office in Chiang Mai over the last 4 years to destinations around the world. Every one arrived without a single problem. The one problem I did have was with the sub-station at Meechok Plaza last year. I posted 2 packages registered airmail at the same time, one to the USA and one to Poland and more than 9 months later they have never arrived. I did get about 4,000 Baht from the Postal Service however when I filed claims. Never, never use a "sub-station".

Edited by elektrified
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You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand. I mean have you actually been to the Hang Dong PO and seen the way they sort mail? What a joke. I have only had 100% success with mailing from Thailand to the USA using two places, any FedEx location and the PO inside Suvarnabhumi airport. I have used both numerous times in the past 5+ years and everything has gone through. Getting something here via the International postal system is a 'hit or miss' occurrence, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I tend to believe that the disconnect is probably on the Thailand side.

I try to do everything I can online these days.... and Postcards are a thing of the past, 'old school' and just a novelty thing, why waste your time and money? Send your friends and relatives your pictures of Thailand via email or start a blog, they'll probably enjoy that more.

True but e-mail is so impersonal.It how ever like you say allows one to send pictures. So does facebook.

I c an only speak for my self but post cards have a personal touch and a heck of a lot better pictures than I can take.

I use the main post office on the river by the narawhat bridge. Sorry for the spelling.

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Had 2 packages go missing from KSK (Kad Suan Kaew) branch.

Switched to Ratchadamnoen branch and no more problems, I did however explain to them that KSK stole my packages.

this was 9 months ago.

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You guys have got me worried now, I sent 3 letters from the branch in Assunan Market a few days ago.

The woman behind the counter did not put the stickers on like they do at AP Plaza..so I asked for a receipt , and got a hand written one, though I suppose a fat lot of good that will do me if they don't arrive :angry:

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Went to post a letter at the Big C Hangdong "post office" I was asked for 45baht. I declined and later went to the airport PO where it was 17 baht and arrived at the destination safely..

Can't remember having mail sent from here going astray although a parcel sent from Japan never arrived here.

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You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand. I mean have you actually been to the Hang Dong PO and seen the way they sort mail? What a joke. I have only had 100% success with mailing from Thailand to the USA using two places, any FedEx location and the PO inside Suvarnabhumi airport. I have used both numerous times in the past 5+ years and everything has gone through. Getting something here via the International postal system is a 'hit or miss' occurrence, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I tend to believe that the disconnect is probably on the Thailand side.

Well I couldn't disagree more. I've never had a single problem out of literally hundreds and hundreds of post cards, letters, and packages I've sent from almost every different post office in Chiang Mai over the last 4 years to destinations around the world. Every one arrived without a single problem. The one problem I did have was with the sub-station at Meechok Plaza last year. I posted 2 packages registered airmail at the same time, one to the USA and one to Poland and more than 9 months later they have never arrived. I did get about 4,000 Baht from the Postal Service however when I filed claims. Never, never use a "sub-station".

" I've never had a single problem".......

"Every one arrived without a single problem"........

"The one problem I did have".........

Hmmmmmmm............. Well have you had a problem or not, kind of hard to tell........... whistling.gif

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The only problems we have had with missing mail have been from the Royal mail in the UK and that is in 3 years.We have just moved house and not had any problems with the mail being delivered to our new address.I would only use a thai post office do not use agents .

We had a tracked parcel from the Uk that went missing for 3 weeks We were being told by Royal Mail that it was in South Africa .It arrived at our door the same day that the Royal mail were telling us that .It had been in Thailand less than 24 hours .In the end when we put the complaint form in to the Royal mail in the UK it transpired that it had never even been to South Africa but had been at Heathrow airport postal service for the 3 weeks.

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..I've had some good responses from Thai Post re Registered items if that helps the OP

[email protected]

They can only tell you it arrived in the country of destination..at least that assists tracing it.

PS. To avoid the agency at Big 'C' Hang Dong, why not go to the Post Office 50 metres over the intersection from Big 'C heading south on Hang Dong Road..Mae Hia (or similar) I think its name is.

Edited by rodcourt49
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I've lived in Hang Dong area for three and a half years and always use the main Post Office on the main drag. I send regular mail to Europe including Postcards and I have never had one problem caused by the Thai Post Office. Any delayed delivery has always been the fault of European Post Office's through strikes or backlogs. I receive a lot of mail too and have never lost one item (yet). The delay to Airmail from the UK recently affected all countries and what normally arrives from there in 5-7 days has been taking up to 21 days but they all eventually arrive. When I enquired about these delays to the British Royal Mail I was told that there was quote, 'a massive pile up of backlogged mail at Heathrow'. The attitude was 'hard luck chum, we don't give a stuff'. Typical Britain these days.

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I think it REALLY depends on the post office. I've mailed many letters with photographs in them to my family in Canada and never had one go missing. I've sent other mail to various parts of Thailand and most have gone through. BUT, I always use the same official Post Office located near the Lanna Palace Hotel on Chang Khlan road.

However, I've had MANY letters go missing from other locations in Thailand. It's a hit or miss situation. It's better to mail a few unimportant items to people just to see how reliable your local Post Office is. I like the idea of going to various outlets and mailing stuff to yourself. Thanks for that tip.

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I still question why anyone would use 'snail mail' over the modern technology of the Internet. I mean with a scanner and an Internet connection you can get 99% of the things needed done, whether it is business or personal. The 1% where I used the postal service is where my scanned/electronic signature was not allowed (one Tax Return) and sending a few checks that arrived here in LOS rather than being direct deposited into my account like I requested. Five plus years living here and I have had to mail approx. 4 or 5 items.

As for a post card being more personal, what a load of crap.... When was the last time you sent a post card with you or your family's picture on it? And with the small amount of writable space on a post card how much more can you write other than, 'miss you - wish you were here'? My family and friends enjoy the numerous family pictures as well as local scenery and other things they would not ordinary see back in the USA on the blog I created or in the emails I send. And yes, I send jokes and funny pictures via email but I also take the time, sit down, and write lengthy personal letters to my close friends and family members....do you?

I have friends in the USA that for the past 15-20 years write a Christmas letter and send to all their friends and families. The letter tells all what the family has done through the year as well as wishing everyone Happy Holidays. Up until about 7 or 8 years ago this letter was always sent using the postal system. Now they are doing it electronically through the Internet. Is it less personal, no way. I actually enjoy it more these days because they are attaching pictures to it whereas before there were no pictures.

I'm sure those that are still stuck in the 'dark ages' with sending post cards are the ones that usually take the boat when they go back to visit their home country... laugh.gif

Just because I don't really agree with some of you please don't take any offence and 'Go Postal' on me.... ermm.gif

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I haven't had any letters or packages go missing either to or from the US. I've used the main post office and the one on Chang Klan Road. However some letters and post cards have taken up to 3 weeks to arrive.

I experimented by sending letters to myself to see how well formed the address needed to be. I've done this for all 3 places that I've lived in Chiang Mai. I tried using addresses in both English and Thai, left off the house number, left off the soi, left off the moo ban, left off the main road, left off the T&A, left off the city, and left off the postal code. I mailed them at different times from several different post offices. The amazing thing is that all letters with minimal necessary information arrived.

So then I tried using less than the minimal address information and even wrong information and some of these letters even arrived. On one letter I used only my name, moo ban name and postal code and the letter arrived. On another letter I left off the city and used the wrong postal code (but still a Chiang Mai postal code) and the letter arrived.

It seems obvious that much of the address information is redundant and also that from my experiments that the post office is plenty intelligent at figuring out where to deliver. In general I found that the minimal information needed on the address is the house number, moo ban name, and the postal code.

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I still question why anyone would use 'snail mail' over the modern technology of the Internet. I mean with a scanner and an Internet connection you can get 99% of the things needed done, whether it is business or personal. The 1% where I used the postal service is where my scanned/electronic signature was not allowed (one Tax Return) and sending a few checks that arrived here in LOS rather than being direct deposited into my account like I requested. Five plus years living here and I have had to mail approx. 4 or 5 items.

As for a post card being more personal, what a load of crap.... When was the last time you sent a post card with you or your family's picture on it? And with the small amount of writable space on a post card how much more can you write other than, 'miss you - wish you were here'? My family and friends enjoy the numerous family pictures as well as local scenery and other things they would not ordinary see back in the USA on the blog I created or in the emails I send. And yes, I send jokes and funny pictures via email but I also take the time, sit down, and write lengthy personal letters to my close friends and family members....do you?

I have friends in the USA that for the past 15-20 years write a Christmas letter and send to all their friends and families. The letter tells all what the family has done through the year as well as wishing everyone Happy Holidays. Up until about 7 or 8 years ago this letter was always sent using the postal system. Now they are doing it electronically through the Internet. Is it less personal, no way. I actually enjoy it more these days because they are attaching pictures to it whereas before there were no pictures.

I'm sure those that are still stuck in the 'dark ages' with sending post cards are the ones that usually take the boat when they go back to visit their home country... laugh.gif

Just because I don't really agree with some of you please don't take any offence and 'Go Postal' on me.... ermm.gif

Christmas or Birthday cards are for putting on the mantle piece, in my case a dresser, to look at, to FEEL your family or friends. VERY sad if you think everything including cards should be on your PC, next you will be looking at pictures of a BigMac on your PC instead of going out to eat one. :D

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Christmas or Birthday cards are for putting on the mantle piece, in my case a dresser, to look at, to FEEL your family or friends. VERY sad if you think everything including cards should be on your PC, next you will be looking at pictures of a BigMac on your PC instead of going out to eat one. :D

NEWS FLASH: In the modern world today they make and sell those things called 'All-In-Ones' which is not only a scanner....but..... get this..... A PRINTER!!

Yes, for those of you that want that nostalgic FEELING of having the picture of your friends and family on your mantle/dresser/wherever you now can do so.... You could even print 100s of copies and place them throughout your entire home so that the FEELING of your loved ones will be with you at every single minute of every single day... You could even tack some copies up in your bathroom so when you're relieving yourself of that REAL Big Mac (yuck, who eats that crap) you can still have that reminder of FEELING your loved ones with you.

..and when you tire of all those pictures you can take them down, fold them neatly, and place them in that shoe box under your bed with the rest of past years mementos.

<Geez.... I'm feeling so sentimental I'm about to shed a tear....crying.gif>

Edited by dingdongrb
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Christmas or Birthday cards are for putting on the mantle piece, in my case a dresser, to look at, to FEEL your family or friends. VERY sad if you think everything including cards should be on your PC, next you will be looking at pictures of a BigMac on your PC instead of going out to eat one. :D

NEWS FLASH: In the modern world today they make and sell those things called 'All-In-Ones' which is not only a scanner....but..... get this..... A PRINTER!!

Yes, for those of you that want that nostalgic FEELING of having the picture of your friends and family on your mantle/dresser/wherever you now can do so.... You could even print 100s of copies and place them throughout your entire home so that the FEELING of your loved ones will be with you at every single minute of every single day... You could even tack some copies up in your bathroom so when you're relieving yourself of that REAL Big Mac (yuck, who eats that crap) you can still have that reminder of FEELING your loved ones with you.

..and when you tire of all those pictures you can take them down, fold them neatly, and place them in that shoe box under your bed with the rest of past years mementos.

<Geez.... I'm feeling so sentimental I'm about to shed a tear....crying.gif>

Thats the Spirit. :D

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I still question why anyone would use 'snail mail' over the modern technology of the Internet. I mean with a scanner and an Internet connection you can get 99% of the things needed done, whether it is business or personal. The 1% where I used the postal service is where my scanned/electronic signature was not allowed (one Tax Return) and sending a few checks that arrived here in LOS rather than being direct deposited into my account like I requested. Five plus years living here and I have had to mail approx. 4 or 5 items.

As for a post card being more personal, what a load of crap.... When was the last time you sent a post card with you or your family's picture on it? And with the small amount of writable space on a post card how much more can you write other than, 'miss you - wish you were here'? My family and friends enjoy the numerous family pictures as well as local scenery and other things they would not ordinary see back in the USA on the blog I created or in the emails I send. And yes, I send jokes and funny pictures via email but I also take the time, sit down, and write lengthy personal letters to my close friends and family members....do you?

I have friends in the USA that for the past 15-20 years write a Christmas letter and send to all their friends and families. The letter tells all what the family has done through the year as well as wishing everyone Happy Holidays. Up until about 7 or 8 years ago this letter was always sent using the postal system. Now they are doing it electronically through the Internet. Is it less personal, no way. I actually enjoy it more these days because they are attaching pictures to it whereas before there were no pictures.

I'm sure those that are still stuck in the 'dark ages' with sending post cards are the ones that usually take the boat when they go back to visit their home country... laugh.gif

Just because I don't really agree with some of you please don't take any offence and 'Go Postal' on me.... ermm.gif

Christmas or Birthday cards are for putting on the mantle piece, in my case a dresser, to look at, to FEEL your family or friends. VERY sad if you think everything including cards should be on your PC, next you will be looking at pictures of a BigMac on your PC instead of going out to eat one. :D

..reminds me of the time I visited a car club member, he was only ever an also-ran..however he had various cups and plaques engraved with his name, car, dates etc of many 1sts and other high field placings displayed around his home to impress..hmm..himself!!

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<Geez.... I'm feeling so sentimental I'm about to shed a tear....crying.gif>

laugh.gif Ohhh you are still up to your old tricks. I recall you often crying or was it whining like a stuck pig when Prufrock use to slap you around back in the Mango days laugh.gif always shedding a tear tongue.gif

You such a homeboy. wink.gif

Edited by neverdie
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Never never never never understand now/ NEVER use a subcontractor to mail any letter in Thailand.

I used a sub I think it was in the building of the McDonalds next to Burger King at Night B and I know the VA (veterans admin...in Seattle) got it no problem...

I don't have a name of the place but it is inside up the stairs, I think maybe a subway and many other shops...seems very legit because they were making sure I had US postal codes

But good to know anyway as I only sent one thing out of CM

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<Geez.... I'm feeling so sentimental I'm about to shed a tear....crying.gif>

laugh.gif Ohhh you are still up to your old tricks. I recall you often crying or was it whining like a stuck pig when Prufrock use to slap you around back in the Mango days laugh.gif always shedding a tear tongue.gif

You such a homeboy. wink.gif

LOL.... you following me around again Never? Always good to have a stalker on my arse...... laugh.gif

Yeah, good ole Pru and the Mango .......but I don't recall crying even though I was getting kicked in the nads from all angles..... Always 'pick on the American' no matter where you're at... sad.gif

Back to the topic......... Postal service sux pretty much anywhere in the world and it's all a gamble whether you receive what's supposed to come or your recipient gets what you sent.... Can't recall the many stories back in the USA where the delivery man didn't deliver and just stacked the mail at his house while he pretended to be delivering. I say, don't take the risk and use the conveniences of modern technology....

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'You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand.'.....what complete and utter rubbish! I think the Thai Postal system is one of the most efficient in the world and I am not joking! The only things I have ever had lost is due to the postal system at the destination country, NOT Thai Post.

Also, I would never ever use one of those ridiculous mailing service type operations you find in shopping centres.

One thing I would say though, getting stuff sent from abroad to here can be a bit 'hit and miss'.

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'You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand.'.....what complete and utter rubbish! I think the Thai Postal system is one of the most efficient in the world and I am not joking! The only things I have ever had lost is due to the postal system at the destination country, NOT Thai Post.

Also, I would never ever use one of those ridiculous mailing service type operations you find in shopping centres.

One thing I would say though, getting stuff sent from abroad to here can be a bit 'hit and miss'.

I I started this thread. I've never had a problem with the Hang Dong Post Office, only a problem w ith this mailing operation at BigC. Don't use!

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'You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand.'.....what complete and utter rubbish! I think the Thai Postal system is one of the most efficient in the world and I am not joking! The only things I have ever had lost is due to the postal system at the destination country, NOT Thai Post.

Also, I would never ever use one of those ridiculous mailing service type operations you find in shopping centres.

One thing I would say though, getting stuff sent from abroad to here can be a bit 'hit and miss'.

I I started this thread. I've never had a problem with the Hang Dong Post Office, only a problem w ith this mailing operation at BigC. Don't use!

Amazing how threads are hijacked....:lol:

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'You can't even trust the Post Offices in Thailand.'.....what complete and utter rubbish! I think the Thai Postal system is one of the most efficient in the world and I am not joking! The only things I have ever had lost is due to the postal system at the destination country, NOT Thai Post.

Also, I would never ever use one of those ridiculous mailing service type operations you find in shopping centres.

One thing I would say though, getting stuff sent from abroad to here can be a bit 'hit and miss'.

I I started this thread. I've never had a problem with the Hang Dong Post Office, only a problem w ith this mailing operation at BigC. Don't use!

I stand corrected, just re-read your initial post!

To be honest, if you are talking about those 'Post Office' type of things in Carrefour/Big C and the like, I am not even sure whether they are even part of Thai Post?

Always better to use a real Thai Post office, they are excellent.

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