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I have been told that in yesterdays Thai newspapers there were reports of a Danish national who had fallen out of a condo in Pattaya. I haven't read it any of the English language papers though.

Anyone got any more details, was he a business man who had been drinking and accidentally fell? Or did his Thai girlfriend report to police that he was feeling a bit depressed lately?


Yesterday's street rumor in the expat community here in Pattaya.A danish was found dead in 9 Karat condo (Pattaya Central,near 3rd road)(sorry for the approximative spelling ).One plastic bag on the head and handcuffed.Police thinks it is a suicide :D .

Third farang "suicide " with same process in 3 month in this place.

I visited it once.Brrrr why comming to Thailand to have a room in such a bad place B)

I become a real expat now I transmit the rumors :o


We have got this in our Thai news feed, and I trying to get the story up within an hour. Not sure I like it sent out to our newsletter subscribers, but will see when I have it here in a few minutes.


My theory is that was unplugging his mobile phone charger when he he tripped on the carpet and fell headfirst into a trashcan lined with a plastic bag. The bag stuck to his face when he stood up and he fell back onto the sofa and suffocated.

Either that or you believe the official version! At least he didn't fall from the 10th floor while taking a shower!


you guys don't really believe that this is an accident or suicide, do you? I would have taken most of you for smarter than that. I think the name for it is "seriel killer". At least that's what the USA calls them. The same types of deaths in the same building over 12 months? Hmmmm..... interesting...

None-the-less, what ever happened to the good news??? I know it's not all peaches and cream, but it's always nice to hear something good about the place we all know and love, eh? Probably just the girly in me , but I was just wondering :o


stranglation is almost impossible unless it is done by hanging yourself. You would pass out first. At least he took the time to cover himself up.

you guys don't really believe that this is an accident or suicide, do you? I would have taken most of you for smarter than that. I think the name for it is "seriel killer". At least that's what the USA calls them. The same types of deaths in the same building over 12 months? Hmmmm..... interesting...

Of course it is no accident, but there may be several reasons for the police to cover it up:

1) murdered tourists scares away other tourists

2) he may have been murdered by one of the gangs and because of ongoing investigations the police don't want to talk too much about it

3) he may have been murdered by one of the gangs and the police is affiliated with them (getting their share of the loot)

4) he may have been murdered by the police (for whatever reason, unpaid debts or something)

...or maybe he just hooked on to the trend of self strangulation by farangs in Pattaya... :o


I hope the Danish embassy follows thru with this case. It's completely absurd to think anybody would kill themselves like that and the Pattaya police or whoever suggested

it was suicide _before_ an autopsy needs to be reprimanded.

There is no violence in Thailand. It's just a country that encourages everybody to top themselves. Murders don't happen here. Suicides do.

Do me a favour.

I hope the Danish embassy follows thru with this case. It's completely absurd to think anybody would kill themselves like that and the Pattaya police or whoever suggested

it was suicide _before_ an autopsy needs to be reprimanded.

This is not the first one. There have been a long series of odd "suicides" in Pattaya, around 1-2 per week. The embassies couldn't care less and even if they did, the police obviously have some reason to cover it up.



According to circumstances I know (from this article ) are not pointing to any kind of self destruction.

Indeed several cases, past 18 years, are obviously conducted in almost same or similar manor, and had been put ad acta as suicides. Not one embassy – so far as I got to known – had opposed the official explanation of death – with or without an autopsy.

The reason for this is, that the embassy has to wait at least 1 – 3 months to receive an official report ( whereby relatives of the victim are allowed to take the corpus after autopsy, immediately back and to burn it ).

In several cases stuff of embassy changed. In other cases the corpus had been sent back to the country of origin and there, relatives are not taking action.

Nearly almost of all such cases had been burned in Thailand prior to the release of an official autopsy. Both foreign and Thai authorities are suggesting this way – verbally – and relatives are saving substantially money by not returning the corpus to its home country.

Everybody becomes happy - except the one who had been killed.


Folks, this place sounds haunted to me. Unbelieveable to even read that the police would think this is suicide. Who can put a bag on their head, then strangle yourself and then cover yourself up. Get the point. Impossible. First your body will become violent to get air and you will by instinct let go to get air, and if you get that far and still strangle yourself you will pass out. No time to cover your head and body. This is what I am saying. Does this make any sense to anyone here?????????

They got a killer on the loose over there. Time to bring out the armour and get your Ninja outfit out of the closets :o

aahhhhhhhhhhayeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaayeaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have already posted this on another forum.

A bit more detail(Don't miss the bit at the end)

Know you won't all understand, however.... 53 year old Dane killed in

Pattaya.... involved in narcotics and lending business. Apparently amongst

other things, lending money to Thai prostitutes at very high rates. Should look

like suicide, but it's definitely(?) murder. Girlfriend disappeared. 400000

baht(borrowed from Chinese) disappeared (?)from the flat.

Originally worked on the sea, then settled in Thailand where he for years

had a restaurant in Bangkok which was a meeting place for Danish sailors.

In '93 he moved to Pattaya. In '96 he opened the Danish restaurant Odins.

Later he had a small hostel, Meinerts Place in North Pattaya but that

closed a few years ago. He is now dead, and a Danish photographer went to

see him in the flat, where the police held 'open house' for about 20-30

press people.......


Dansker myrdet i luder-mekka


Penge-udlån og narko sættes i forbindelse med drabet på en 53-årig dansker, der har boet 30 år i Thailand

Mordet på en 53-årig dansker, der har boet i Thailand i omkring 30 år, sættes i forbindelse med både narkotika og

åger-virksomhed. Men foreløbigt er motivet til det mystiske og uhyggelige drab på den tidligere sømand Meinert Lynge

Badstue Madsen, der var et kendt ansigt i den danske koloni i badebyen Pattaya, ukendt.

Han slog sig ned i Thailand og drev først i en snes år en restaurant i Bangkok, der var mødested for danske sømænd.

I 1993 flyttede...

...han til Pattaya, der er berygtet for sit prostitutions-miljø. I 1996 åbnede han den danske restaurant Odin's.

Senere lejede han et lille pensionat med restaurant, Meinert's Place, i det nordlige Pattaya, men det lukkede for et

par år siden.

I går morges blev Meinert Lynge fundet dræbt i sin to-værelses lejlighed i et højhus i Pattya-bydelen Klang. Han

blev fundet med en plasticpose over hovedet og med en ledning bundet om halsen.

Der lå hvidt pulver, formentlig narkotika, på brystet af liget, og politiet fandt angiveligt to poser med narkotika

i lejligheden. Der skal også være forsvundet 400.000 bath, cirka 70.000 danske kroner, fra lejligheden.

Kæresten forsvundet

»Det skulle se ud som et selvmord, men ingen er i tvivl om, at han er myrdet,« siger den danske pressefotograf

Preben Hansen, der bor i Pattaya. Han var selv inde på gerningsstedet for at fotografere:

»Det er lidt uhyggeligt. Men hernede holder politiet »åbent hus«, så alle kan komme ind og kigge og tage billeder af

liget. Jeg tror, at der var 20-30 mennesker i lejligheden, da jeg kom,« fortæller Preben Hansen.

Da den danske fotograf kom ind i lejligheden, havde politiet fjernet plasticposen og ledningen fra den dræbte, som

nu lå på gulvet foran dobbeltsengen. Men redaktøren på Pattaya People News siger til B.T., at danskeren blev fundet

dræbt i en lænestol, der var flyttet fra stuen og ind i soveværelset.

»Officielt kalder politiet det et »mistænkeligt dødsfald«, men det er vist en underdrivelse. Teoretisk kan han selv

have taget plasticposen over hovedet og bundet ledningen om sin hals, men det er vist ikke sandsynligt,« siger


Meinert Lynge boede i lejligheden på 11. etage sammen med en kæreste, der nu tilsyneladende er forsvundet: »Politiet

leder efter hende,« siger Preben Hansen.

Tog ågerrenter

Den 53-årige dansker var kendt for at låne penge ud til ågerrenter: »Jeg har hørt fra flere, at han lånte penge ud,

og hernede er det ikke usædvanligt at tage 20 pct. i rente - om måneden,« fortæller danskeren Jan Mouritsen, der

også er bosat i Pattaya. Han tilføjer, at »Meinert ville aldrig begå selvmord.«

Der blev fundet flere låne-kontrakter i Meinert Lynges lejlighed samt en blok med regnskaber, hvor flere sider var

revet ud af blokken og fjernet. Meinert Lynge kom næsten dagligt i en lokal bar i området Soi 3 i Pattayas

prostitutions-område. Han var kendt for at hjælpe bar-pigerne med kortfristede lån.

En dansker i Pattaya, der ikke ønsker sit navn frem, siger til B.T., at Meinert Lynge var kendt i den danske koloni

i byen for sin madlavning: »Han var en rar og gemytlig fyr, der ikke havde nogen fjender.

Hvis man opfører sig ordentligt i Pattaya og ikke generer nogen, så sker der ikke én noget. Men Meinert kan være

undtagelsen,« siger danskeren, der ikke har set Meinert Lynge, siden han lukkede sit lille pensionat.

Formue fjernet

»Jeg ved ikke, hvad han levede af nu,« siger danskeren i Pattaya. Andre forlydender siger, at Meinert Lynge havde

købt et hus sammen med sin kæreste og havde lånt penge til huset af kinesiske udlånere. Lånene var åbenbart løbet

løbsk, så han måtte låne 400.000 bath af en dansk ven i Pattaya for at beholde huset. Udlændinge kan ikke købe fast

ejendom, så skødet på huset stod i kærestens navn, oplyses det.

»Der var ingen penge i lejligheden, da han blev fundet dræbt. Hvis han har haft de 400.000 bath liggende, som han

skal have lånt, kan det være motivet. Det er en formue for thailændere, der måske tjener 1.000 kroner om måneden,«

siger redaktøren på Pattaya People News.

More; http://www.bt.dk/krimi/artikel:aid=240138/

In short, two women have been picked up in relation to the incident. It is suspected that they administered a sleeping drug.....


I know this guy!

He's name was not Magnus, but Meinert.

He was not a millionaire and he didn't own any restaurants.

Yes, he might have been involved in loan bussiness, and

my believe is that that's what led to his faith.

Rumor is that he was getting tired of Thailand, and wanted

to return to Denmark - difficult after about 25years in LOS.

He first came to Thailand in late 70's as a cook in the danish

mercaint fleet. He settled in Bangkok and started working as

cook, serving danish nationals.

Later he managed a restaurant on soi 22 Suk. in Bangkok, for

a good many years. In that period his belovered thai wife

passed away and that never seemed to recovered from that.

Every year after that he hounered the day of her death by

shaving and cutting his hair. The rest of the year he let everything

gro and lived like a hagard.

The look af Saddam Hussein springs to mind.

About middle og the 90's he moved from Bangkok to Pattaya and

started a very small danish restaurant "Meinerts Place" in soi 3 Pattaya.

One house away from "Welkom Inn"

He's daily rutine was to get up about noon, talk a bit with whoever

danish nationals in Pattaya at the moment for some couple of hours,

then around 4-5pm he went in to Welkom Inn (next door) and

chatted with the girls there. From there he went on to the beer bars

near 2. road until very late.

He was a quite well liked fellow, but last time I saw him (about 2yr ago)

I sensed that he was getting involved in dubious affairs.

His wild beard, long hair, uncutted toenails didn't help to give an

impression of a suveivor in LOS.

I'm not the least surprised by his faith.

Someway I believe he sought it.

You can get more info if you like at;

"Kronborg" soi Denmark off 2. road Pattaya.

"Copenhagen" soi Post Office, Pattaya.

"The Staple"/"Mermaid" soi 8 suk, Bangkok.

Btw, he took very well care about his late wifes daughter, and all

together a caring man to friends in need.

May he rest in peace.


ka1234 you're right on the nose. whatever the reason the authorities should not just claim every farang killed to be a suicide. it makes them suspect. your 4 reasons are close to the truth for sure.

it also seems that easy targets are picked. no close relatives or friends nearby. noone to make trouble after the murder. yes, murder.

noone can commit suicide in that fashion, it's impossible. i like the comments of some of you about that.

i'm just wondering when is the EU going to make an issue of it, and contact the thai government about these killings? More EU citizens are being killed here than in the war in Iraq! But then, I guess the EU only cares about money, not about its citizens. And the news agencies in EU only care about the news fed to them by EU governments.


I know this guy

he was not a millionaire ,but he was a verry nice man .I remember hem from soi 22

I d'ont think he was involved in dubious affairs .

May he rest in peace


Well some of you say he may have been a nice man. But he must have done something to trip someone over the plank and got them so pissed off, he became their number so to speak.

Now from what I read, he made loans, and charged interest perhaps out of this world and therefore who knows he might have made a threat or had some ugly scene privately so the plot to terminate began.

I also agree completely when one is all by themselves, yes one becomes quite vulnerable and some obvious target one way or another. This is not only in Thailand but at other places around the world.

With him losing his wife. I feel for him completely. I am sure that person was his light and beacon and his grief had to be unbearable once that was gone. It is one of the worse things for a man to deal with once the man loses his wife forever.

Whatever the case may be, bottom line is his number came up but unfortunately in a violent way. Sigh

Daveyo :o



Foul play not ruled out in death of foreign resident

Investigation continues as police gather evidence

PATTAYA: Criminal investigation officers believe the primary motive in the death of Danish resident, Lund Mejnert (sic) at the Kao Karat Condo was due to the man’s money lending business.

Officers were called to the condominium in central Pattaya, after a friend of the dead man discovered the body. Mejnert was found naked from the waist up with a plastic bag over his head and electrical wire used as a seal around his neck.

Initial examinations revealed bruises on the man’s body and officers suspected that he had been dead for at least 10 hours before being found. Papers and documents were strewn across the room and numerous footprints marked the floor. Three bags of a white powdery substance, were discovered in the room and the substance was sent to a police laboratory for testing.

Investigators questioned the dead man’s friend who told officers that Mejnert had once run a bar in Pattaya but unfortunately went bust, and to supplement his income, Mejnert had turned to money lending to make extra cash from interest charged. Police located the book with a list of names and confiscated it along with the deceased’s bankbook.

Police have two theories as to why Mejnert died. The first is that he was murdered due to a business conflict, in which case there are at least two suspects police want to interview. The other possibility is that he committed a copy-cat suicide similar to two other previous but unrelated deaths.

The body of Lund Mejnert was sent to the forensic institute for a post mortem examination for the cause of death and the investigation continues.

--Pattaya Mail 2003-12-19

stranglation is almost impossible unless it is done by hanging yourself. You would pass out first. At least he took the time to cover himself up.

Why go to all that trouble? Just take a Bangkok taxi! :o


What a horrible fate for big Mejnert!

I used to eat Scandinavian food at his restaurant when he had "Odin's Rest" here in Bangkok and I got to know him a little bit!

He was a skillful cook and served real tasty food!

I never saw any indications that he was involved in any shady business back then,but then again I didn't know him very well!

I hadn't met him for the last ten years but I often thought about going to Pattaya to check out his new restaurant and sample some of his delectable cooking!

I never did!

And...now he's gone forever!

He was a friendly and jovial guy back then and people usually liked him!

He loved Thailand and didn't want to return to Denmark!

I've got a little anecdote Mejnert once told me...

He only went back to Denmark once.That was when his brother invited him to come visit his house in Copenhagen for a re-union.They had a drink and started to argue about something so Mejnert took a taxi back to the airport and went home to the "Big Mango".He only stayed a couple of hours in Denmark!He thought that was enough!

R.I.P. "Old Viking" and may you enjoy many good ales and happy hours in that big saloon up there in the sky!


You can get more info if you like at;

"Kronborg" soi Denmark off 2. road Pattaya.

"Copenhagen" soi Post Office, Pattaya.

"The Staple"/"Mermaid" soi 8 suk, Bangkok.

I'd like to know if anyone has any more information relating to Meinert's murder case?Any up-dates on the investigation?

Doubtlessly,he was killed and the Thai police is trying to make people forget about it!Bangkok Post reported it as a suicide because they have gotten directives to impose self-censorship!Now they've been told not to report deaths as suicide either anymore;so, it's probable they won't report at all from now onwards!

They are protecting Thailand and themselves this way! :o

What's the news from the rumour-mill and talk of the town among Meinert's friends and acquaintances?

Any more reports from Danish news media?

Has there been any arrests?

What's the motive?

Who's presumed to have committed the crime?

What's the latest in the investigation?

Any snippet of info concerning this murder would be appreciated!


  • 11 months later...

So what is the latest news in the investigation into his death????? :o

Anyone around here from the Danish embassy who knows what has happened since last year? :D

Any rumours? :D

Anything at all?? :D

It's one year since he died.


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