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The Craziest Thing I Ever Heard In Thailand


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I have heard it all now.

I just had True visions installed. i was pushed away from the deal by my girlfriend who took control of everything. I tried to intervene several times, but it was obvious she had 'everything in hand'

I want the Gold package because I want certain channels, and i do not speak or understand Thai too good yet. We had the guys round today and they installed the setup for 3900 baht. Then phoned up to upgrade the package to Gold to get the channels I want..

TrueVisions have told us that we cannot have anything more than 'Silver package' because we are "not on monthly package"

I keep trying to tell them we will be paying monthly when they sign us up.

They keep saying we can only have Gold or platinum if we sign up and pay the 1000 baht for the setup and installation...

This is CRAZY!!!.. so they are saying because I paid 3900 for setup and installation that we are only allowed to sign up to Silver as the maximum... Had i paid just 1000 the skys the limit!!!

I have put my foot down with my gf and her family now.... no more trying to control what i do, obviously there is a huge intelligence problem in Thailand.... I will NEVER allow a Thai to do something I can do from NOW ON.

I also asked for the installers to set up the TV and decoder box to English for me... they said that neither supports english language, i insisted and insisted that they were wrong, and i was right... these things all come out of China and have multi-language and ENGLISH set as default. I know all about electronic manufacturing, having been in the import business. they refused to even attempt it, even though the remote control is in English, with the stickers on the unit 'in English' and both TV and box being CE certified and stamped... Now i cant set the language cos it is stuck in Thai.......GRRRRRRRRR!!!

Holy Crap.... I am so angry!!!!! What a backward nation.

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I have put my foot down with my gf and her family now.... no more trying to control what i do, obviously there is a huge intelligence problem in Thailand.... I will NEVER allow a Thai to do something I can do from NOW ON.

Well done you! That'll teach 'em (True)!

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" and i do not speak or understand Thai too good yet" and "obviously there is a huge intelligence problem in Thailand"

I think I concur.

I am totally missing the point of your reply... i have only been here a few months ... strange post.

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Hi newsite12……Girlfriend and HER family a…….That whole putting the foot down thing! I think you may have missed that boat on that one. How's the family buffalo doing? Good luck.

Lol...At least with Thai channels only, i will probably pick up the language quicker, so I can phone them myself and lay into them..... every cloud.

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It's amazing to me the sorts of problems that expats have. I had True Visions (previously UBC) installed years ago with no problem. Got the Gold, got the English language setting....again, perplexed that the OP would have these sorts of problems. By the way, you can change the language settings yourself.

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I can empathize with you. My wife had ours installed and we were charged about 4,000 baht for installation even though there was a promotion at the time for free installation for the gold we were having installed. Some local reps/installers will try and cheat you out of any thing they can. Recommend you call the main True office in BKK and find out why you are being treated in such a manner. I am of course assuming that you are dealing with a local rep. Good luck and count to 10. Eventually it will all work out.

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I can empathize with you. My wife had ours installed and we were charged about 4,000 baht for installation even though there was a promotion at the time for free installation for the gold we were having installed. Some local reps/installers will try and cheat you out of any thing they can. Recommend you call the main True office in BKK and find out why you are being treated in such a manner. I am of course assuming that you are dealing with a local rep. Good luck and count to 10. Eventually it will all work out.

Yeah.. I am calling them myself, i am sure they have English speaking customer support. i will totally not mention i already have a setup here, and will sign up and then sell this setup for 1000 baht.... Now I have calmed down a bit, i can think laterally again. ;)

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I know all about electronic manufacturing, having been in the import business. they refused to even attempt it, even though the remote control is in English, with the stickers on the unit 'in English' and both TV and box being CE certified and stamped... Now i cant set the language cos it is stuck in Thai.......GRRRRRRRRR!!!

But not so clever that you cannot change the language on this simple remote device :o:blink:

All down to those nasty Thai's though and nothing to do with you coming to a totally different country and expecting them all to speak English to your standard.

It takes all of 3 minutes to just go into the menu and keep selecting different options till you see the ENGLISH word.

Rocket science it isn't and if you are having this much trouble now it doesn't bode well for the future as it ain't going to get easier for you any time soon

Good luck as you are going to need it. :thumbsup:

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" and i do not speak or understand Thai too good yet" and "obviously there is a huge intelligence problem in Thailand"

I think I concur.

I am totally missing the point of your reply... i have only been here a few months ... strange post.

I fully understand.

During my first few years in Thailand I lost thousands and thousands of bahts due to my naivety and inexperience.

I too put my trust in people believing they knew exactly what they were doing and acting for my best interests. At most times everything ended up as a complete disaster, which cost me dear, in money, stress and inconvenience.

My advice is, is not to put your trust in other people, do some research on line first or ask someone who already has a service you are considering to obtain before entering into any venture or commitments.

Don’t worry, you are not alone, we have all been there.

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I know all about electronic manufacturing, having been in the import business. they refused to even attempt it, even though the remote control is in English, with the stickers on the unit 'in English' and both TV and box being CE certified and stamped... Now i cant set the language cos it is stuck in Thai.......GRRRRRRRRR!!!

But not so clever that you cannot change the language on this simple remote device :o:blink:

All down to those nasty Thai's though and nothing to do with you coming to a totally different country and expecting them all to speak English to your standard.

It takes all of 3 minutes to just go into the menu and keep selecting different options till you see the ENGLISH word.

Rocket science it isn't and if you are having this much trouble now it doesn't bode well for the future as it ain't going to get easier for you any time soon

Good luck as you are going to need it. :thumbsup:

Sorry... at this point I should mention that when i hit the settings key on the remote, I am being asked for a 4 digit pin code to access the settings menu.

Anyone know the default engineers passcode?


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Holy Crap.... I am so angry!!!!! What a backward nation

I think you better wind your neck in and remember where you are.

Getting angry over things here is not going to help you at all. The Thai's do not like to lose face. Treating them like idiots will get you nowhere (even if you are right). Get angry with the wrong person, and you will have some trouble on your hands.. You say you don't understand Thai very well. I would suggest that you don't understand Thailand very well !!!

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Try 2321 and then just keep plugging away till you see ENGLISH ;) Or if your GF is speaking to you again just ask her to do it, but nicely. Maybe bribe her with a nice bag of somtam like I do :D

Thank you so much... now i can read everything in the system menu. I will never underestimate the power of the forum.

We are now scheduled for a re-install direct from True. with first month free.

Sheesh, I saw this last week on their website.

If you want something doing....

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Put the phone down

Calm down

Dial again. You'll probably get through to another person who will be more helpful. It's a Thai thing to say 'cannot' when the reality is they just don't know.

There is the pearl right there. op pay attention.

And yes I sympathize. There is a learning curve to operating Thai nationals in a way that causes minimum damage. There should be a manual.

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I've had no problems with True. Always been extremely responsive to the various problems we have encountered. Same problems I have had back in the US. Same response times.

My friends box died last week. True responded within hours that they would fix the box...or replace it. And they did! Great service.

With that being said, they are way behind from a technology point of view. Poor HD offerings, poor PVR options. About 10 years behind where the US is currently.

I miss TIVO!!!!!!

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It's amazing to me the sorts of problems that expats have. I had True Visions (previously UBC) installed years ago with no problem. Got the Gold, got the English language setting....again, perplexed that the OP would have these sorts of problems. By the way, you can change the language settings yourself.

I suspect that many problems of this type are not the fault of the service providers, but a disconnect between expat and "wife".

Many who are unwilling to fend for themselves have live in translators who cannot be arsed to to get the initial spec right for various reasons.

The labourers arrive to provide one thing and buddy claims he orders one thing when wifey has ordered another.

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yeah, wait to the Aircon guys come to clean your aircon, then break it and charge you for the repairs !

Don't even go there mate. Please don't even go there.

When I had aircon installed in my living room one of the lads was up in my loft and put his foot straight through my living room ceiling. They tried to bullshit there way out of it by saying " Your ceiling's not strong"

You're not supposed to walk on the ceiling dullard you're supposed to walk on the joists.

Later got another crew in to service the units. One bod had a little water gun rigged up to a mini compressor and when I walked in the room was happily spraying away on a stepladder cleaning out the unit. He was also happily spraying away all over my 30000 baht PC,22 inch Samsung monitor and LG Android phone sitting on the computer desk. Soaking the lot.

I'm certainly not of the " All Thais are stupid " school of moronic thought and am polite to a " T " but I shouted the Thai equivalent of " What the fuc_k?" with such force he nearly bailed off his stepladder.

Mistakes I can accept. We all make them. The local car dealer were supposed to have fixed an intermittent electrical fault on my car but after collecting the car the same thing occurred the very next day. No problem. I know sometimes those electrical faults are a bugger to pin down.

But when people are being almost seemingly deliberately obtuse they'll get short shrift from me.

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Most of these problems where people come on here to moan about and bash Thailand are down mainly to the farangs ignorance and misunderstandings. It's funny how I have lived here for several years and have yet to encounter the vast array of rip offs, scams and incompetence that you see people moaning and bashing on about here everyday.

In this case it appears you have paid for a random satellite installation off the street, which has nothing to do with True. So if they charge a 1000 baht joining fee to get gold package it is your problem that you have just bought something else. So no it's not pay more receive less, they are two different products/services for two different prices.

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Most of these problems where people come on here to moan about and bash Thailand are down mainly to the farangs ignorance and misunderstandings. It's funny how I have lived here for several years and have yet to encounter the vast array of rip offs, scams and incompetence that you see people moaning and bashing on about here everyday.

In this case it appears you have paid for a random satellite installation off the street, which has nothing to do with True. So if they charge a 1000 baht joining fee to get gold package it is your problem that you have just bought something else. So no it's not pay more receive less, they are two different products/services for two different prices.

Bloody hell

Why are you so defensive of Thai's all the time?

I'm not keen on those always bashing Thailand myself, but can still recognise that all isn't always rosey. Get off your high horse and stop being so bloody self-righteous all the time. MAN it's boring.

And a random satellite off the street?? Nothing to do with true?? Not only are you self-righteous, but you don't half spout some nonsense as well.


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