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UK Ambassador Puts Phuket Safety On Common Agenda


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On the Thais I hang with; Maybe I should stay away from the the cabinet ministers and the Queen's doctor whose numbers I have on my phone and meet regularly. They obviously give me the wrong impression of how Thais think.

Yes, for a good idea of 'how Thais think' stay away from those sources, just like anywhere in the world they have no idea, and only care when they can use it for their own political rhetoric. Stay close to that doctor though, he is doing an excellent job.

Regarding the ambassador: of course he is right, he seems a very sensible man, there are many things that can be improved here, and everybody wearing a safety helmet would improve safety tremendously. On the other hand, here I am able to ride around on my bike without helmet and fear of the BIB, and I must say I like life that way.

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Video with comments by new British Ambassador, Asif Ahmad, on first visit to Phuket; recorded at Millenium Hotel, Patong, on Sunday 27 February 2011.
Video starts with his comments on free trade area in ASEAN; then new requirement for UK visa residency applicants who are spouses of British citizens having to pass an English language test before entry is given; then on safety issues for tourists, jet skis and tuk tuks, to be raised with the Phuket Governor in a meeting today; the quarterly meeting of Hon Consuls with Governor; declining comment on Thai PM's possible dual nationality status; Thai visa rules on foreign resident's applications; help for Thai police who lack English skills;
(after about 15 mins) British Hon Consul Martin Carpenter joins in with comments on tourist & normal police assistance; his contact details not currently being on Embassy website; any upgrading to consulate level & requests for visa applications in Phuket; police help in accidents;
(after 20 mins) Ambassador said Consular staff would soon visit Phuket for temporary services 'surgery'
(after 21 mins) British Consul Micheal Hancock comments on UK staff being cut back and replaced by local staff; decision on whether to upgrade to a consulate here;
(after 23 mins) Hon Consul on the number of British residents, prisoners, and tourists in Phuket & region; assistance in other southern provinces
(after 27 mins) Ambassador on Locate system for British residents to register on but increasing use of social media/mobiles for communications in emergency; using Twitter to announce his visit here and his support for Liverpool FC and the upcoming Legend Team tour to Phuket in June (see
) .......
Most of audio of this was broadcast on FM90.5 Radio Thailand Phuket's Good Morning Andaman program at 8-9am on Monday 28 Feb & Tuesday 1 March. Edited by GrantPhuket
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What you can be sure of is Britain scoured the civil service for a PC appointment, thereby using racism to make a non-racist appointment which is in itself inherently racist. Are you sure that this is actually the best man for the job? No! Chances are his skin color helped him get it. That is racist.

On the Thais I hang with; Maybe I should stay away from the the cabinet ministers and the Queen's doctor whose numbers I have on my phone and meet regularly. They obviously give me the wrong impression of how Thais think.

Perhaps you have inside information on the selection of the gentleman in question as to his suitability for the post he now holds, possibly gleaned from your influential friends or is this just an assunption on your part.

The old saying springs to mind concerning "One being judged by the company one keeps" of course you understand that I would never cast aspersions on any politicians integrity :lol:

I know what you mean about politicos; You only have to look at Abhisit. Being educated in the UK further sullies his rep.

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Why does it matter to so many the colour of this mans skin? This is the first I've seen or heard of him and he is making a lot of sense, give the guy a chance he was probably born in Britain and has clearly studied and worked hard.

No problem with skin color, just his membership in the Islamic Brotherhood. Of course this is normal fare for Brit.'s liberals and other class junkies.

It's curious that islamophobes resident in Thailand are blind to the presence, acceptance and indeed prominent positions of thai muslims, and islam, in Thailand: the ubiquitous mosque and humble rotee seller to a recent head of the army and foreign minister, and many others, testify to the fact. It is sad that foreigners bring such bigotry to a tolerant and open host country. .

Edited by triffid
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What about the poor ol Brits in Pattaya? Or are the ones in Phuket more worthy of representation? :whistling:

I don't think any of the "'Brits in Pattaya" are poor, one way or another, as to those in Phuket, they - and Phuket - seem to keep a lower profile than Pattaya...............As to Indians in Thailand, they own banks, hospitals and multi National corporations. They are among the most "Premiere" Doctors in the private hospitals, both here and in many other parts of the world - the list goes on. They have been here for generations, as they are in most major cities around the world and you rarely if ever, see them befoul the law. I think it was a good choice made by Britain.

Edited by newtronbom
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It's curious that islamophobes resident in Thailand are blind to the presence, acceptance and indeed prominent positions of thai muslims, and islam, in Thailand: the ubiquitous mosque and humble rotee seller to a recent head of the army and foreign minister, and many others, testify to the fact. It is sad that foreigners bring such bigotry to a tolerant and open host country. .

You almost had me, till that last part triffid.... whistling.gif

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