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Thaksin Encourages Pheu Thai Party Candidates In Meeting

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Former Premier Encourages Pheu Thai Party Candidate in Meeting

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra called in during a Pheu Thai Party meeting to build confidence that the party will win the upcoming election.

During a meeting of Pheu Thai Party members of parliament, pre-elected candidates, and constituent-based candidates, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra phoned in to urge all candidates to keep Thai citizens at heart and to remain determined to fight for justice.

He said if the government loves the people, the people will love the government in return.

Thaksin claims that the current government's failure to tackle corruption has decreased its popularity with the Thai people.

Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme, One Tambon One Product or OTOP program, and drug suppression.

He reiterated that all candidates should work beyond the interests of the red- or yellow-shirt movements.

The former premier said he is sure there will be corruption in the upcoming election, and, therefore, he urged all candidates to keep an eye out for biased authorities.

Thaksin is expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the election.

The former premier emphasized that the Pheu Thai Party's policies are better than those of the Democratic Party.

Thaksin accused the Democrats of copying many of its policies, but that it has been unable to implement them effectively.

The former premier claims that Thailand is still without true democracy, and the governing system still consists of dictatorship and corruption.

He mentioned how the unrest in Tunisia, where the people arose to overthrow their dictator, is a good example of how the world is in great need of true democracy.

He warned that with as information technology has outpaced political censorship, the people are now aware of their rights and will demand them in the near future.

Thanksin asked all candidates to run their election campaigns by going out to meet all range of citizens.

He ended the call by saying the party needs to win the election, as he misses Thailand and wants to return home.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-02



mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.


(Thaksin ) as he misses Thailand and wants to return home.

as i understand it he can come home anytime he wants

i am sure there will be a nice jail cell made available for him

failing that in a box would be nice

for me, the latter is preferable and the sooner the better,,,,,,,,


The former premier said he is sure there will be corruption in the upcoming election, and, therefore, he urged all candidates to keep an eye out for biased authorities.

yes - it will probably start with him too - so after these statements can anyone deny that the red shirt movement isnt all about returning a deposed criminal thief dictator :angry: to power??:annoyed:

As you said previous poster - in a box will do nicely!!


Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme,

does Thaksin not know its no longer 30 baht but absolutely free now?

Abhisit worked out it was costing more money to administrate the 30 baht scheme than it was actually generating so he scrapped the 30 baht payment altogether without reducing services

as to ''The former premier said he is sure there will be corruption in the upcoming election,''

being the acknowledged expert on that particular subject matter, i guess he would know wouldn't he...........

i hope Thaksin keeps helping out like this.

his candidates will look even more stupid than they do already


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

Isn't this a rather tired straw man argument.I'm not aware of anyone (other than a few dreamers, see below) seriously suggesting the Red Shirts have nothing to do with Thaksin, clearly they do a great deal.Obviously on both sides of the fence there are those who make absurd claims.On the Red side the unrealistic section who as you suggest argue the Reds have nothing to do with Thaksin now.On the other side there are those who absurdly dismiss the powerful political and social drivers of the Red Shirt movement, insisting they are motivated by cash handouts etc.

The real argument is surely rather whether over time the Red Shirt movement has the ability to transcend its Thaksinite origins and I suppose whether it needs to/ought to.On this there could be a perfectly reasonable and interesting discussion.But whether it can take place on this forum I don't know.


The real argument is surely rather whether over time the Red Shirt movement has the ability to transcend its Thaksinite origins and I suppose whether it needs to/ought to.

Maybe it could happen if the UDD are successful in installing Thaksin back into power. The protesters may later realize that they made a huge mistake in supporting the so-called "democracy" of the red shirt movement. Then we may see a real grassroots movement against dictatorship.

Pheu Thai Party members of parliament, pre-elected candidates,

So whom ever the bosses decide should be an MP,

becomes an MP just for being listed before the election.

Oh, yes THEN they can't be sent to jail...

A wonderful thank you present for the Red leaders of last springs death match 2010.

Anyone actually think Party List MP's get democratically elected?

Or is it just having registered enough constituency candidates,

based on financial resources, earns ANY party to the right to install anyone they like

regardless of actual qualifications, legal standing and moral fitnese?


Thaksin is expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the election.

Yep.... 300 winners out of 310 candidacies :rolleyes:

Pheu Thai Announces 310 Aspiring Candidates

Opposition Leader Confident His Party Will Win 300 Seats in Next Election


the Pheu Thai Party will certainly win at least 300 MP seats in the next election


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

Isn't this a rather tired straw man argument.


I'm not aware of anyone (other than a few dreamers, see below) seriously suggesting the Red Shirts have nothing to do with Thaksin, clearly they do a great deal.

Looking back at your posts on the topic of the red shirts over the last year or so, it's easy to see why one might form the impression that your view is not that the Red Shirts and Thaksin have a great deal to do with each other, thanks to the fact that you are almost always arguing the opposite.

The real argument is surely rather whether over time the Red Shirt movement has the ability to transcend its Thaksinite origins and I suppose whether it needs to/ought to.On this there could be a perfectly reasonable and interesting discussion.But whether it can take place on this forum I don't know.

Wishful thinking is not much of a basis to have a reasonable or an interesting discussion. That's all talk of the Red Shirts transcending their Thaksinite origins is.

Closest thing that there is any likelihood of happening to the Red Shirt movement transcending Thaksin, would be for a new movement to be born, perhaps out of the remnants of the reds and the yellows, or perhaps out of the fed-up majority who fall in-between the reds and the yellows. Either way, the important thing is that it would have to be something new; something not tainted.


Isn't Thaksin banned from politics? Would his taking part in this political meeting not put the party at risk of being dissolved?


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

The topic is about Puea Thai.


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

The topic is about Puea Thai.

You obviously didn't read the topic very well then.


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

The topic is about Puea Thai.

You obviously didn't read the topic very well then.

I only saw one reference to the red shirts: "He reiterated that all candidates should work beyond the interests of the red- or yellow-shirt movements."

Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme, One Tambon One Product or OTOP program, and drug suppression.

Once again proof that the man and the party is out-dated, irrelevant and useless.

Three focus-points that is already too late, worthless and counter-productive (in that order).

Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme, One Tambon One Product or OTOP program, and drug suppression.

Once again proof that the man and the party is out-dated, irrelevant and useless.

Three focus-points that is already too late, worthless and counter-productive (in that order).


One has to remember that he has been gone for quite a bit, but, of course, that doesn't stop him from proselytizing on what Thailand needs to do and that, naturally, he's the only one capable of doing it.

meanwhile, more news that acts as cement added to the trilogy

Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts


Thaksin is expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the election.

Yep.... 300 winners out of 310 candidacies :rolleyes:

Pheu Thai Announces 310 Aspiring Candidates


Opposition Leader Confident His Party Will Win 300 Seats in Next Election


the Pheu Thai Party will certainly win at least 300 MP seats in the next election

tell him to put his money where his mouth is..!!!!


I'm sure Thaksin, Jatupon et al must be lurkers on this forum and say this stuff just to read the responses.

" Here Jatupon. You make a statement that you have photographic and video evidence that Aphisit smoked crack at the last Democratic conference. Follow that with you firm conviction that there will be in excess of 2000000 people at your next rally and I'll say that the current administration are committing genocide on a scale in excess of the Rwandan one and the only way to save the country is for me to return, retake the helm and have all the completely false allegations about me overturned. Then ask if your 2004 Isuzu HiLander can run on bio-diesel in the motoring forum. :D


Thaksin? The guy who denied anything to do with the PTP? Who's Thaksin anyway? Another one of the convicted criminals associated with Red's (Colour deliberately chosen for its links to communism) wishing to be able to return to steal more from the Thai's. ph34r.gif


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

The topic is about Puea Thai.

Which most of the red shirt leaders have just been accepted as MP candidates for.


mmmm ... who was saying that the Red Shirts aren't about Thaksin?

Maybe a red shirt supporter would like to explain that again.

The topic is about Puea Thai.

Which most of the red shirt leaders have just been accepted as MP candidates for.

Inextricably linked as it were.

Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme, One Tambon One Product or OTOP program, and drug suppression.

Once again proof that the man and the party is out-dated, irrelevant and useless.

Three focus-points that is already too late, worthless and counter-productive (in that order).


One has to remember that he has been gone for quite a bit, but, of course, that doesn't stop him from proselytizing on what Thailand needs to do and that, naturally, he's the only one capable of doing it.

meanwhile, more news that acts as cement added to the trilogy

Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts

This also points to one of Thaksin's main problems in office.

He is surrounded by brown-nosed, sycophant yes-men.

He chronically is told what he wants to hear, because he has so much bleedin' money they ALL want their share and he doesn't tend to share if he doesn't like the news he gets from them, so they feed him what he wants to hear. Thus he is more and more out of touch with reality since the tough parts of reality do not get past the filter of idiots that kiss his ass, in hopes of largess, over and over again.

Is it any wonder he is still touting discredited or past expiry policies from years back?


I'm sure Thaksin, Jatupon et al must be lurkers on this forum and say this stuff just to read the responses.

" Here Jatupon. You make a statement that you have photographic and video evidence that Aphisit smoked crack at the last Democratic conference. Follow that with you firm conviction that there will be in excess of 2000000 people at your next rally and I'll say that the current administration are committing genocide on a scale in excess of the Rwandan one and the only way to save the country is for me to return, retake the helm and have all the completely false allegations about me overturned. Then ask if your 2004 Isuzu HiLander can run on bio-diesel in the motoring forum. :D

:cheesy: nice one ! :thumbsup:

Thaksin? The guy who denied anything to do with the PTP? Who's Thaksin anyway? Another one of the convicted criminals associated with Red's (Colour deliberately chosen for its links to communism) wishing to be able to return to steal more from the Thai's. ph34r.gif

It was the UDD/DAAD, whom he "doesn't know", although obviously since they became party-list candidates for his nominee-party (TRT=PPP=PTP), he will soon get to know these new candidates from 'shopping-visits' to Dubai, where he accidentally meets-and-greets, having "quit Thai politics" long ago. B)

I guess that, as long as he's convinced that PTP will win the election, the cash will continue to flow ... so PTP can hope & expect to be one of the two big minority parties after the election, but they will need to attract others to form a coalition (as last time) and govern. So who does he plan to do a deal with, this time round ? :unsure:


I'm sure Thaksin, Jatupon et al must be lurkers on this forum and say this stuff just to read the responses.

" Here Jatupon. You make a statement that you have photographic and video evidence that Aphisit smoked crack at the last Democratic conference. Follow that with you firm conviction that there will be in excess of 2000000 people at your next rally and I'll say that the current administration are committing genocide on a scale in excess of the Rwandan one and the only way to save the country is for me to return, retake the helm and have all the completely false allegations about me overturned. Then ask if your 2004 Isuzu HiLander can run on bio-diesel in the motoring forum. :D

:cheesy: nice one ! :thumbsup:

Thaksin? The guy who denied anything to do with the PTP? Who's Thaksin anyway? Another one of the convicted criminals associated with Red's (Colour deliberately chosen for its links to communism) wishing to be able to return to steal more from the Thai's. ph34r.gif

It was the UDD/DAAD, whom he "doesn't know", although obviously since they became party-list candidates for his nominee-party (TRT=PPP=PTP), he will soon get to know these new candidates from 'shopping-visits' to Dubai, where he accidentally meets-and-greets, having "quit Thai politics" long ago. B)

I guess that, as long as he's convinced that PTP will win the election, the cash will continue to flow ... so PTP can hope & expect to be one of the two big minority parties after the election, but they will need to attract others to form a coalition (as last time) and govern. So who does he plan to do a deal with, this time round ? :unsure:

Of course his military attaché Sae Dang was included in the Reds, at meetings etc, and there are several photos of him with Thaksin.

Thaksin is in deep well past his Armani tie with the Reds.


Of course his military attaché Sae Dang was included in the Reds, at meetings etc, and there are several photos of him with Thaksin.

Thaksin is in deep well past his Armani tie with the Reds.

Do you mean that it's not just pure coincidence, when DL saunters into Abdul's Truck & Camel-Stop All-You-Can-Eat Cafe in Dubai, and happens to find 40 PTP-MPs smiling back at him, with their hands discretely held-out ? Well I Never ! :lol:

Thaksin urged the Pheu Thai Party to focus on the 30-baht health care scheme, One Tambon One Product or OTOP program, and drug suppression.

Once again proof that the man and the party is out-dated, irrelevant and useless.

Three focus-points that is already too late, worthless and counter-productive (in that order).


One has to remember that he has been gone for quite a bit, but, of course, that doesn't stop him from proselytizing on what Thailand needs to do and that, naturally, he's the only one capable of doing it.

meanwhile, more news that acts as cement added to the trilogy

Thaksin = PTP = Red Shirts

This also points to one of Thaksin's main problems in office.

He is surrounded by brown-nosed, sycophant yes-men.

He chronically is told what he wants to hear, because he has so much bleedin' money they ALL want their share and he doesn't tend to share if he doesn't like the news he gets from them, so they feed him what he wants to hear. Thus he is more and more out of touch with reality since the tough parts of reality do not get past the filter of idiots that kiss his ass, in hopes of largess, over and over again.

Is it any wonder he is still touting discredited or past expiry policies from years back?

He certainly is shoveling enough bull <deleted> one could think it's from his failed 1,000,000 Cows program.

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