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British Criminals In Thailand Aided By British Law


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I will try and keep this short.

The story first kick's off when I went and had a meal with friend's of mine a few week's ago on sukumvit.

It was my first night back for quite some time so when ( and this is true) Batman suddenly appeared and started abusing some 50 'ish european man and his lady friend, looking as though they wanted to enter I thought it was some kind of floor show or perhaps a prank arranged by my friend's or that I had been drinking too much!

What started out as a sort of quite amusing, if a little odd drama between The batman and the other ( who I later learnt was british and a regular not well well liked) soon became distasteful when it became obvious that some real violence was being meted out to his 'victim".

Not that he did much to defend himself against any of it and I gather from the staff that he was quite keen not to have the police involved. I later gather that the victim claimed a knife was used. Nobody I knew or asked including the staff saw this. Face saving no doubt.

Anyway, it was surreal, imagine the scene....I like a number of others reached for our phones to record the event which must of lasted a good few minute's. I turned away when I saw which way it was going, young children were present and the language was crude- it was all so weird.

The batman made some pretty heavy claim's and dished out some pretty heavy treatment. The man was totally humilated .

A few days later I went back into the restaurant and asked the staff about it.

What was going? In short I was told the 'victim" was "well known" and had upset the batman( seriously, they said this as one might expect being told that someone in the tax department was upset, completely deadpan and matter of fact)

Who is the batman I asked " a good customer" I was told to cheeky ,smiling face who then produced a name card with his photo on it! apparently after dishing out his brand of street justice the batman has changed close by and gone back to the place for a meal and a laugh with some patron's!

I was given a sort of leaflet with a photo of two men and all sorts of links. One of the batman( and it really looked like him too), the other of the victim( from a set of passport photo's-all in different names) that had been left on the street and was reportedly seen in other location's.

There was even a link of the event with running commentary( not always so clear) on youtube for awhile ( I am against youtube being used to glamorize overt acts of violence).

I have to say, it was very interesting, in the batman makes some heavy claims about a man he call's a rapist, human trafficker, a drug dealer, a drug smuggler. He claims if true and unchecked are amazing.

All this was accompanied by "evidence" We see several address in Thailand which have been bought illegally with the proceeds of drug revenues, we see the gentleman being followed around the big shopping centre ( the names escapes me) close by making phone calls from his mobile and from public phones. It was definitely the same man.

He( the batman obviously) provides a wealth of information , even an FBI document which basically list's this man as ' someone to watch" ( the batman obviously has some pretty well connected friends although everything could be doctored and BM, even asks us to check ourselves and provide numbers to do so! )and some distasteful footage of a man he claims was his partner receiving a very heavy beating by a gang of other men ( all Asian) This is not pleasant viewing and lost the batman many points.

Surely if true the law enforcement authority's could be the ones to dish out any form of punishment.

What made me think this was all a hoax was the amazing claim that a UK person was able to completely change his name on his travel document ( passport) with no reference to the previous name! So, in effect becoming a completely new person and free of any hassles any previous name may of incurred.

I checked into and found it to be true. It is called " deedpoll"

I am amazed . How can this be thought of as okay? why is this condoned by the government which claims to want to stop this sort of things and lectures other poorer nations on how they should behave.

We hear so many complaints about the local system here ( BM claims this man has paid of his local police) and yet here we have the Brits who allow a law that surely cannot have any place in the current world climate. All these mans names are listed( how did the BM get them) , as are many of his associate's and so are many of his asset's( houses, bank account names,etc).

I am told it is illegal to do many of the things he did and yet it is aided by the outdated, ridiculous law.

Would any British official care to comment? is this really true or are my sources incorrect. If it is and it really seems to be- how on earth can this be allowed?

No wonder Thailand has been given a name of safe haven for British criminals- and who is at fault?

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I agree, <deleted>?

The only thing I think I got was you mentioned the police should be the ones to meet out justice? DID YOU MEAN THAILAND?! Newsflash buddy, the police here are not actually police in the standard sense where they uphold laws, protect the innocent and punish the law breakers. Its simply not like that here so no idea why you would say something that makes you sound even more foolish and naive.

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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

Indeed, a majority of Western women change their names when they get married.

Is the OP against that practice also?

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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

Indeed, a majority of Western women change their names when they get married.

Is the OP against that practice also?

Anybody can change their name, just by telling people their name is something other than it actually is, deed poll is the legal way to change your name, and as I have said you are still the same person, nothing else changes, you still have debts etc

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In the UK one can use whatever name one wishes, as long as there is no intention to deceive or criminal intent. However, doing so does not cut any links with previous names used, especially on official records such as passports.

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I once knew a guy in the UK that changed his name too "Penfold Ooh Ahh Orange Pants". Interesting chap he was, a vagrant who always seemed to find himself invited to stay at plush houses where he held great parties.

I digress. You can change your name to whatever you want in the UK, freedom of speech and all that. I don't know about other countries but I expect it's the same fro most, if not all, democracies. Maybe that's how batman got his name.

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I don't understand what batman was doing there!

Batman out on the town with out robin never in a million years they are always together ...rolleyes.gif

think the op as some serious dreaming problems....rolleyes.gif

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I think some tw#t in a black cape turned up and started doing a superhero/comic hero act. Pointing his finger at some ne'er-do-well from the UK and giving him a mouthfull.

On the other hand, he could just as easily be talking about someone's personal servant. I mean, if he's talking about some caped crusader surely batman would be capitalised.

On second thoughts, the language is so butchered I am probably wrong in both instances. It wouldn't be the first time.

Edited by GarryP
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the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

It doesn't need to go through a court. I think so long as it's witnessed by a lawyer or pretty much anyone else just sending the letter into the passport office, renouncing your old name and declaring your new one will get you a new passport, driving license, etc.

Many women who divorce change their last name back to their maiden name - this is done by 'deed poll'. I know someone who did this, all it took was a letter signed by the person changing their name from what I remember. There are all sorts of fancy services offering 'official' name changes but from what I understand they are all completely unnecessary.

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the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

It doesn't need to go through a court. I think so long as it's witnessed by a lawyer or pretty much anyone else just sending the letter into the passport office, renouncing your old name and declaring your new one will get you a new passport, driving license, etc.

Pretty much correct.


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I have read the OP three times now and for the life of me I can’t make head nor tail of it…..I must be having an off day.:huh:

Not at all. The problem would have been if you had managed to understand it. You have also made the classic TV error of thinking that some posts become more understandable when you re-read them :whistling:

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I have read the OP three times now and for the life of me I can't make head nor tail of it…..I must be having an off day.:huh:

Not at all. The problem would have been if you had managed to understand it. You have also made the classic TV error of thinking that some posts become more understandable when you re-read them :whistling:

Or in some cases need to have a certain amount of beers also for a post to make any sense rolleyes.gif

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I have read the OP three times now and for the life of me I can’t make head nor tail of it…..I must be having an off day.:huh:

Give that man a medal. I struggled and still didn't manage once. lol


The OP is referring to an incident which happened a week or two ago in a Sukhumvit restaurant, there was another thread about this on here somewhere. During this incident someone disguised in a batman costume (yes like the Batman character from the movies) confronted another expat about his various transgressions and apparently listed his crimes, false identities, addresses, etc, etc and he says a knife was involved - this is new to me - it wasn't mentioned in the other thread. Also they then proceeded to humiliate the guy by handing out a leaflet containing various pieces of evidence of this guys ill gotten gains. Presumably the spoils from his drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

The OP then goes onto mention how surprised he is that a British person can change their name so easily by using the 'deed poll' route and says that he's amazed that Britain allows people to get a new passport after having changed their name. He also assumes that the British government allows people to change their names at will so they can cover up crimes, etc which is horseshit but nevertheless this is what's annoying the OP more than anything else. Another thing that appears to get him riled is that the British government appear to be helping their nationals cover up crimes, etc whilst they often lecture poorer nations on how 'things should be done'........

That wasn't that hard was it.

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I have read the OP three times now and for the life of me I can’t make head nor tail of it…..I must be having an off day.:huh:

Give that man a medal. I struggled and still didn't manage once. lol


The OP is referring to an incident which happened a week or two ago in a Sukhumvit restaurant, there was another thread about this on here somewhere. During this incident someone disguised in a batman costume (yes like the Batman character from the movies) confronted another expat about his various transgressions and apparently listed his crimes, false identities, addresses, etc, etc and he says a knife was involved - this is new to me - it wasn't mentioned in the other thread. Also they then proceeded to humiliate the guy by handing out a leaflet containing various pieces of evidence of this guys ill gotten gains. Presumably the spoils from his drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

The OP then goes onto mention how surprised he is that a British person can change their name so easily by using the 'deed poll' route and says that he's amazed that Britain allows people to get a new passport after having changed their name. He also assumes that the British government allows people to change their names at will so they can cover up crimes, etc which is horseshit but nevertheless this is what's annoying the OP more than anything else. Another thing that appears to get him riled is that the British government appear to be helping their nationals cover up crimes, etc whilst they often lecture poorer nations on how 'things should be done'........

That wasn't that hard was it.

Beats me.


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You can also change your name by buying a forged passport; in Thailand that seems more likely than most of the other scenarios.

Its easier to get a forged birth certificate, or borrow someone else's, and then use that as the basis for applying for a good passport.

Maybe they should put photos on birth certificates to stop people doing that...


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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

In fact you just have to start calling yourself , "what ever you like" its legal.

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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

In fact you just have to start calling yourself , "what ever you like" its legal.

well you try and get a passport without a birth certificate or deed poll conirmation, you will see your statement is incorrect

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In britain we can change our name by deed poll, but changing our name does not change you.

the deed poll has to go through the courts and is recorded as such, changing name by deed poll does not absolve you of any crimes or debts incurred before the name change. as far as i am aware nam changes are also common in other countries

In fact you just have to start calling yourself , "what ever you like" its legal.

well you try and get a passport without a birth certificate or deed poll conirmation, you will see your statement is incorrect

There's more to having an identity than just a passport.

I sometimes pass myself off by a different name, but I refuse to accept that I am not....


the nature of streetcowboy was



Or are you saying I am not he, since I don;t have a birth certificate or passport in that name?

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