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Obtaining Non Imm O Visa From Loas

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My Filipina wife applied for, and successfully obtained a non-O from Vientiane, a month ago, based on my retirement (O-A) visa. I submitted a brief letter explaining why she was applying, along with our marriage contract (copy). the standard document copies, and it was painless.

The Lao guys in front of the gate will give you the form, help you fill it out, and make any required copies, even glue your photos on, as well as check it over, all for 100 baht. I believe they are worth their fee, although I was well prepared in advance. Get there early.

I will say, however, that the Thai staff at the new Consulate, are typical. Interpret that as you will, but be prepared to deal with a bit of frustration.

The new consulate is all shiny, full of wood and glass, but they can't be bothered to put up signage, or a rope lane to indicate where you must go to drop off your documents, and, especially, to pick them up the next day. There were several people seriously jostled when people started to head to the place where the numbers were given out the previous day, and then, after waiting for an hour in the sun, they suddenly ended up at the back of the line when the staff told them to go inside the main building. Some shouting at the Consulate staff, and one guy taking photos of the unduly nasty one resulted in more chaos inside, as there was no crowd control of any kind. It was as near to turning ugly as I have ever seen.

For the benefit of those applying in Vientiane:

1) When dropping off your paperwork, head STRAIGHT ahead to the outdoor seating area, and get a number from the Consular staff, who will be standing in front of the seats. Sit down until your number is called, and then proceed to the window in front of the seats to drop of your papers. The staff there will check them, and put them in proper order (assuming they are complete). Then go inside the main building, and wait to be called to get a receipt for your passport. You are done, until 1 PM the next day.

2) When picking up your paperwork, head to the entrance to the RIGHT side of the main building, to the LEFT of the area where you dropped off your paperwork. Go to the counter, and bring the receipt you were given the day before. Hope they recognize a line, but be prepared to deal with the usual queue-jumping.

3) Bring water and an umbrella, because it gets hot, especially when picking up your passport (afternoon).

4) BE polite, even if they aren't.

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Quite the vague question indeed. :whistling: ...

I think a little more info from you would go a long way towards securing accurate info from the forum experts (of which I am NOT! :) ).

You'd be applying for a Non-O visa based on what exactly?

Marriage to a Thai national, Retirement, etc. ..

FWIW: I applied for and received a 90 day, single entry, Non-Immigrant Type-O visa from the Thai Embassy in Lao PDR based on retirement several years ago. At the time I was on a Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa and Thai Immigrations wouldn't do the conversion from ED to an O based on retirement inside the country.

I think with proper documentation you could most likely get a Single entry, and then extend that for a year inside the country providing you meet the criteria Thai Immigrations has set out for that particular visa.

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