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Thai Airways Begins Flights From Don Muang To Suvarnabhumi


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WHYBOTHER writes : "I hope they build the train line out to Don Mueng too. It might befaster to go out there and catch the plane to Suv rather than goingthrough Suv immigration"

Indeed a train line between Don Muang and the Suvarnabhumi airport ....has this been never considered?

Don Muang has plenty of parking space and could remove a lot of traffic coming from the northern regions trying to reach Suvarnabhumi airport.

I am living at 15 minutes from Don Muang and I still resent the idea to drive to Suvarnabhumi because I have to compete more and more with traffic jams going to the city.

From my house to the new airport should take average 50 minutes but I need to add minimum 60 minutes just in case I get stuck in traffic jams.

Yes. It was considered before Suv was built but abandoned because of the '97 financial crisis (hence the stone henge structures going out to Don Mueng). It's in the pipeline again. I can't remember where it fits in to the current rail construction time lines.

But hopefully it will be there soon for the inter-airport flights. :ph34r:

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I can think of a few reasons for doing it.

1. Transfer and transit passengers. Thai can conveniently move the flights so people have choice but use the service.

2 Same passengers sold tickets with this incorporated( many many newbies would not know of alternatives.

3.Due to whatever tine to time can "change"airport and passengers will be forced to use it

1 thing I have to question is the 10 flights per day, I can only see some kind of scam being inbuilt or behind it.

Mate, you have a real low scam threshold. I mean, THAI is just a business, if people want it, they will pay for it.

If you want scam, look no further than the bridge they built between Australia and New Zealand. 2000km of taxpayer funded structure, with a green strip down the middle so sheep could be migrated back and forth when there was a drought in the southern half of Australia.


I think you should not suggest that someone has a low scam threshold.

"Kettle Calls Pot Black"

George - can you do a headline with this?

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My guess is typo. Must be B798 or at least I hope so. In any case still crazy. Easier to take a cab or drive u r own car.

Faster also. My guess is this new service will fly with empty seats and will be short lived no matter what the price is.

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Although this article is a joke, I think slow, low flying flights over Bangkok between the airports as a sightseeing, touristy gimmick aren't actually such a bad idea. Would be some great views if flying low enough, especially at night. Passengers could then airport-link back into town when they're done (no luggage, so easy to hop on the city-line train to Phaya Thai).

In this scenario you'd want the flight to be more than the quoted 4 minutes 30 seconds, but for those who think that's a ridiculous flight time, there is a scheduled flight in Scotland which takes only 2 minutes. Link.

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I can think of a few reasons for doing it.

1. Transfer and transit passengers. Thai can conveniently move the flights so people have choice but use the service.

2 Same passengers sold tickets with this incorporated( many many newbies would not know of alternatives.

3.Due to whatever tine to time can "change"airport and passengers will be forced to use it

1 thing I have to question is the 10 flights per day, I can only see some kind of scam being inbuilt or behind it.

Mate, you have a real low scam threshold. I mean, THAI is just a business, if people want it, they will pay for it.

If you want scam, look no further than the bridge they built between Australia and New Zealand. 2000km of taxpayer funded structure, with a green strip down the middle so sheep could be migrated back and forth when there was a drought in the southern half of Australia.


I think you should not suggest that someone has a low scam threshold.

"Kettle Calls Pot Black"

George - can you do a headline with this?

You still taking this story seriously? Sad, sad.

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Did I miss the environmental impact study that was carried out ?

Cost of the flight and emissions cost vs printing a message on each landing card:

"Check your departure airport... etc."

I wonder how many tourists are taken by taxi drivers to Don Muang hoping that they will get booked to take them or the passengers dropped off 20 minutes prior to go "quickly quickly" to Swampie for a 1,000 Baht mercy dash fare?


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In danger of missing their flight? R U jokin'? Playin' with the language? Have they studied about the feasibility? How long would it take to get from S to D and vice versa? I have no doubt that they lost from the last year operation.

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They must of heard about another airline company that flies for the sake of joining the "Mile High Club".

Good name for this service could be "Short Time Air Services". Have bed resevations not seat allocation. :lol:

Edited by thommo46
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I do not think I want to put any monies into this airline plan. 10,000 flew into the wrong airport? The are probably really going to be happy when notified that for the small fee of 7980 baht (more than the ticket they purchased to get to the wrong airport) This man should be selling time shares, in Siberia.

Didn't say "flew" said "went".

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Years ago there was a plan to shuttle passengers from Don Muang to downtown Bkk via canal. This is not satire but should have been. I don't think this got off the ground (no pun intended) although I think a couple of hotels on the River tried it a few times.

But this makes me think .... there is probably a short cut via canal between Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi although the canal water is probably as toxic in these canals as it is in the downtown canals.


Then there was suppose to be a "easy to use" (although expensive) helicopter service. Again this was several years ago when building regulations started requiring the new high rise buildings to have heli-pads. Again this didn't seem to get off the ground ( sorry again :P ).


The train is an obvious alternative for Don Muang and during times of flooded expressways, I know people/passengers who used that train, as well as some residents at Don Muang used it to commute . But it too wasn't so fast and efficient, especially for someone with baggage, and the Railway Authority of Thailand ( RAT ? ) never developed such a service.

Edited by rogerdee123
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there is a scheduled flight in Scotland which takes only 2 minutes. Link.

Despite the original article being a joke, it's surprising that short in-country inter-airport flights has actually been done.

How much does that 2 minute flight in Scotland between Westray Airport and Papa Westray Airport cost?

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I hope they build the train line out to Don Mueng too. It might be faster to go out there and catch the plane to Suv rather than going through Suv immigration.

They ain't spend any cent to the train system for the last 2 decades. If the train is efficient ,we wouldn't see this joke around. Where is this country goin' to be after a 5 years from now? Backwards?

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I hope they build the train line out to Don Mueng too. It might be faster to go out there and catch the plane to Suv rather than going through Suv immigration.

They ain't spend any cent to the train system for the last 2 decades. If the train is efficient ,we wouldn't see this joke around. Where is this country goin' to be after a 5 years from now? Backwards?

Did they get the recently opened Airport - Makkasan train link for free? And I'm sure they spent a lot of money on the Hopewell project out to Don Meung until it went bust in '97 (less than 2 decades ago).

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My 1st thought along with others:- Georges 1st April prank is early this year.

Based on personal experience with over 10,000 hours flying as a Transport Pilot the most accident prone part is the Takeoff and Landing section of every flight. Being of this short duration the aircraft must stay at or below 3000 Ft ASL (±1,000 meter) this is also were Helicopters dart in and out of between buildings. As for the flight deck crew, any qualified pilot will not bid for this duty. Get the idea; Thai Airways pilot training department most likely is the operator to give trainee copilots hands-on experience. The difference is, in the real world you are not allowed by aviation laws to conduct for profit flights with trainee(s) at the controls. Still wonder why Thais and a good number of farangs in Thailand drive as they do? Laws, what Laws? Remember this flight is internal and does not come under International Aviation Laws. On Internal Flights Thailand can do in aviation whatever it wants to do including making up aviation rules as they go?

In addition this idiotic flight is 4 minutes 30 second the rest of the time is all taken up by takeoff and landing.

Thai Airways must have gotten this idea from Gulf Air with its Dhahran – Bahrain flight; the difference is, with Gulf Air it is a feed-in into the Bahrain Main Hub and part of the flight from Bahrain to wherever a person goes – Europe, Asia, Australasia. As for the aircraft B-737 it was its last hop of a Gulf Air Arabia flight. Not a flight just by itself as this idiotic Thai Airways flight Dong Muang – Savarnabhumi / Suvarnabhumi – Dong Muang.

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I just did that return trip. The inflight food and entertainment is horrible, but I have to admit the journey was rather quick. :rolleyes:

You missed the bit in the OP about it "Beginning April 30".

Yeah, but I was invited on the trial run - so there! :lol:

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Wrong airport, legal scam? Oh ... NotTheNation

10,000 went to the wrong airport last year, that's quite a number, wonder if Thai or AOT have ealized that they need to reconsider their advertising / the written documentation given /received when people buy tickets etc., so that there is no confusion.

Edited by scorecard
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I hear Jetstar are starting a similar service between Tullamarine and Avalon, the 2 airports in Melbourne. BA are also looking at it for the London airports. :ph34r:

This is another almost plausible and therefore brilliant item from NotTheNation. It is a tribute to the nonsense we expect to be announced by Thai officials on a daily basis.

However, some of us are old enough to remember the helicopter shuttle between London Heathrow and London Gatwick, which was regularly used to get passengers from the "wrong" airport to the "right" one.

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My 1st thought along with others:- Georges 1st April prank is early this year.

Based on personal experience with over 10,000 hours flying as a Transport Pilot the most accident prone part is the Takeoff and Landing section of every flight. Being of this short duration the aircraft must stay at or below 3000 Ft ASL (±1,000 meter) this is also were Helicopters dart in and out of between buildings. As for the flight deck crew, any qualified pilot will not bid for this duty. Get the idea; Thai Airways pilot training department most likely is the operator to give trainee copilots hands-on experience. The difference is, in the real world you are not allowed by aviation laws to conduct for profit flights with trainee(s) at the controls. Still wonder why Thais and a good number of farangs in Thailand drive as they do? Laws, what Laws? Remember this flight is internal and does not come under International Aviation Laws. On Internal Flights Thailand can do in aviation whatever it wants to do including making up aviation rules as they go?

In addition this idiotic flight is 4 minutes 30 second the rest of the time is all taken up by takeoff and landing.

Thai Airways must have gotten this idea from Gulf Air with its Dhahran – Bahrain flight; the difference is, with Gulf Air it is a feed-in into the Bahrain Main Hub and part of the flight from Bahrain to wherever a person goes – Europe, Asia, Australasia. As for the aircraft B-737 it was its last hop of a Gulf Air Arabia flight. Not a flight just by itself as this idiotic Thai Airways flight Dong Muang – Savarnabhumi / Suvarnabhumi – Dong Muang.

My goodness, let go! Eject Eject Eject.

The article is from a online PARODY of the news. I mean, some people are so gullible.

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My 1st thought along with others:- Georges 1st April prank is early this year.

Based on personal experience with over 10,000 hours flying as a Transport Pilot the most accident prone part is the Takeoff and Landing section of every flight. Being of this short duration the aircraft must stay at or below 3000 Ft ASL (±1,000 meter) this is also were Helicopters dart in and out of between buildings. As for the flight deck crew, any qualified pilot will not bid for this duty. Get the idea; Thai Airways pilot training department most likely is the operator to give trainee copilots hands-on experience. The difference is, in the real world you are not allowed by aviation laws to conduct for profit flights with trainee(s) at the controls. Still wonder why Thais and a good number of farangs in Thailand drive as they do? Laws, what Laws? Remember this flight is internal and does not come under International Aviation Laws. On Internal Flights Thailand can do in aviation whatever it wants to do including making up aviation rules as they go?

In addition this idiotic flight is 4 minutes 30 second the rest of the time is all taken up by takeoff and landing.

Thai Airways must have gotten this idea from Gulf Air with its Dhahran – Bahrain flight; the difference is, with Gulf Air it is a feed-in into the Bahrain Main Hub and part of the flight from Bahrain to wherever a person goes – Europe, Asia, Australasia. As for the aircraft B-737 it was its last hop of a Gulf Air Arabia flight. Not a flight just by itself as this idiotic Thai Airways flight Dong Muang – Savarnabhumi / Suvarnabhumi – Dong Muang.

My goodness, let go! Eject Eject Eject.

The article is from a online PARODY of the news. I mean, some people are so gullible.

Samran, I wouldnt take too much notice of the above post, he certainly doesnt write about any aviation like any of the pilots I know....suspect all he may have piloted is the Wikkipedia pages....if he really is a pilot...remind me not to get on a flight he is driving...:whistling:

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My 1st thought along with others:- Georges 1st April prank is early this year.

Based on personal experience with over 10,000 hours flying as a Transport Pilot the most accident prone part is the Takeoff and Landing section of every flight. Being of this short duration the aircraft must stay at or below 3000 Ft ASL (±1,000 meter) this is also were Helicopters dart in and out of between buildings. As for the flight deck crew, any qualified pilot will not bid for this duty. Get the idea; Thai Airways pilot training department most likely is the operator to give trainee copilots hands-on experience. The difference is, in the real world you are not allowed by aviation laws to conduct for profit flights with trainee(s) at the controls. Still wonder why Thais and a good number of farangs in Thailand drive as they do? Laws, what Laws? Remember this flight is internal and does not come under International Aviation Laws. On Internal Flights Thailand can do in aviation whatever it wants to do including making up aviation rules as they go?

In addition this idiotic flight is 4 minutes 30 second the rest of the time is all taken up by takeoff and landing.

Thai Airways must have gotten this idea from Gulf Air with its Dhahran – Bahrain flight; the difference is, with Gulf Air it is a feed-in into the Bahrain Main Hub and part of the flight from Bahrain to wherever a person goes – Europe, Asia, Australasia. As for the aircraft B-737 it was its last hop of a Gulf Air Arabia flight. Not a flight just by itself as this idiotic Thai Airways flight Dong Muang – Savarnabhumi / Suvarnabhumi – Dong Muang.

Oh God, are you for real???

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