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Tourism Entrepreneurs Ask Thai Govt To Scrap Visa Fees

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I expect in time Chinese tourists will be visa exempt, we farangs will see our fees continue to rise.

What would Thaiand do IF Farang blacklisted Thailand as a no go area for tourism - would the Chinese keep the economy going. I have never known any race of people be so outwardly racist and discriminatory against another race of people whom they evidently need. Double pricing, VISA fees, uninvestigated murders - see what they do IF nobody from Europe and the USA and Australasia visits Thailand.


It might entice more Chinese, but it will most likely attract more backpackers who add diddly-squat to the economy.

Well time to buy 7-11 shares then. :whistling:


well-done. No visa fee for the Chinese. Haha...... So there will be no visa fee for the Thai goin' to China as well I guess cos' this's likely to be reciprocal then.

My wife and I both have annual visas for Chinese. Interestingly the British passport holder gets a cheaper visa than the Thai.

Chinese 1 yr Multiple-entry for Thai around 4800

Chinese 1 yr Multiple-entry for British 3800

Its about 1000 baht cheaper for me. However I need to go along and fight with them every year. They won't give me a 1 yr multiple entry. reason? You don't have a work permit in Thailand. "Oh yeah, that old chest nut?!?!"

"What the hell has my work status in Thailand got to do with me visiting China, I say"

Blah blah OK just this once. They've given me the Chinese 1 yr visa in Bangkok for the last 7-8 years but they always want a fight.

My wife gives her visa to the travel agent. A lot less effort.

In my view, if I have to pay for a visa for Thailand then I believe China with its growing economy and nouveau riche should have to pay as well. They already get preferential treatment on long term visas.

When was the last time you saw a Chinese person on a visa run???


So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

Is that the kind of tourists Thailand needs - the ones who cannot/don't want to afford a visa fee of 1,000 baht? :blink:


So this man says that the Thai tourism industry is in dire need of promotion, yet TAT report target busting figures this high season.

One of them is correct.

Or...they are both correct with the excluded fact that people (including the more affluent Asian and Middle-Eastern Tourists who are supposedly spending more) are not spending as much as they hope for...welcome to the global economic crisis...we're STILL not in Kansas, anymore. Sure, I'd love the visa waiver, especially when I am _already_ planning on going back to Thailand.


I expect in time Chinese tourists will be visa exempt, we farangs will see our fees continue to rise.

What would Thaiand do IF Farang blacklisted Thailand as a no go area for tourism - would the Chinese keep the economy going. I have never known any race of people be so outwardly racist and discriminatory against another race of people whom they evidently need. Double pricing, VISA fees, uninvestigated murders - see what they do IF nobody from Europe and the USA and Australasia visits Thailand.

They would do very well on manufacturing and exports.

Less and less "tourist from the west" are coming becuase of the bad economy in the western world. Its just not a cheap destination any more. In contrast Thailand's economy grew an incredible 10% last year which is amazing in its self even more spectacular when you consider they had riots in the streets and most western governments where warning tourists not to come.


BLA BLA foreigners welcome BLA BLA we like you so much BLA BLA we make visa even more free for you BLA BLA we really appreciate you stay here BLA BLA your convenience is top priority for us BLA BLA we even consider a crackdown on double pricing BLA BLA and a crackdown on jetski scams BLA BLA and a crackdown on hotels that kill guests BLA BLA and a crackdown on tuk tuk ripp-offs BLA BLA and a crackdown on gem scams BLA BLA your stay here will be really safe BLA BLA

Foreigners we LOVE YOU !!!


Could be they just give Chinese a free entry and charge everyone else

And why not? The US charges people (not from a visa exempt country) a fee, plus they have to attend a US consolute for an interview just to transit the US (includes thais), let alone visit. A thai pays more then 3000 baht plus costs to attend an interview and get a transit visa, just for the pleasure of transit thro the US, maybe a 2 hour stay. 1900 baht for visa extention, not bad!!!!


It would be better if they just keep giving me double entries in Vientiane -and I really don't care if they are free or not- in stead of saying "we only give you a single entry and it's the last one'' so I can keep in spending 80.000b a month in this developing country, and it's all about money here so what's the point..


My first time in Thailand back in 1987, I felt very welcome indeed. It was truly the land of smiles. Polite, friendly people everywhere I went. Now, 24 years later, it is a very different place; occasional friendliness, occasional hostility, for the most part just indifference.

Annual tourist arrivals were 3 million in 1987, now it is 15 million. Yet, the tourist industry still whines.


I thought Thailand was trying to attract a better class of tourists. I doubt the relatively small visa fee would play any part in such a tourist's decision as to where to vacation. I never give such fees a second thought when traveling, and someone who does is obviously a borderline tourist by Thailand's definition, and they don't want them so why eliminate the fee? Are the Chinese too poor or too cheap? If either, then why does Thailand want them? If not, then why get rid of the fee as they should be able to afford such a nominal amount? Funny thing is that Thailand could have a huge market in the west if they just stopped treating tourists like crap. Remember, all farang rich right? But people with money from the US won't come here because Thailand has a reputation in our country of being a total scam and extremely racist, both of which are true. Without addressing those issues, lowering fees will make no difference to Americans as we don't give a few hundred dollar fee a second thought, but we don't like being scammed and treated like second class citizens in a third world country!.

If the US is so wonderful, you might consider returning soon. By the way, there are no rip off merchants in the good old USofA.................Madoff rings a bell for some reason. His efforts probably paled Thailands little scams into insignificance.


My first time in Thailand back in 1987, I felt very welcome indeed. It was truly the land of smiles. Polite, friendly people everywhere I went. Now, 24 years later, it is a very different place; occasional friendliness, occasional hostility, for the most part just indifference.

Annual tourist arrivals were 3 million in 1987, now it is 15 million. Yet, the tourist industry still whines.

Have you considered the rest of the world??

Granted, in rural areas things may be different, but as for most of the bigger cities in Australia:

I rarely even feel welcome, and im a (minority) Aussie citizen :o

friendliness: rarely, if non existent

More often than not, hostility

I would add to that...you cant be going walking around the streets at night with certain "ethnic" groups of youths roaming around in gangs.

Actually,even if you walk around the streets in the daytime, smiling at someone Thailand style, you will probably get punched in the nose or approached by some tool asking " What the f^ck are smiling at d!ckhead?

Oh, did i forget indifference...errr....luxury in Australia B)


if you read the article it was for all foreign tourists not just chinese

And of course more discrimination about other nationalities ... what about the other tourists ?

I read the same article it looks very much like they're talking about Chinese tourists!

That's probably because you don't know how to read.

The article said they're looking to attract more foreign tourists, "especially" those from China. That doesn't at all mean they are only concentrating on Chinese tourists.


and they should start thinking about visa regulations/conditions for work permits for foreign teachers! we teaching their kids and as thank you we have to pay fees, fees, fees and need visa extantions all 3 month - again to pay fees!


My first time in Thailand back in 1987, I felt very welcome indeed. It was truly the land of smiles. Polite, friendly people everywhere I went. Now, 24 years later, it is a very different place; occasional friendliness, occasional hostility, for the most part just indifference.

Annual tourist arrivals were 3 million in 1987, now it is 15 million. Yet, the tourist industry still whines.

Have you considered the rest of the world??

Granted, in rural areas things may be different, but as for most of the bigger cities in Australia:

I rarely even feel welcome, and im a (minority) Aussie citizen :o

friendliness: rarely, if non existent

More often than not, hostility

I would add to that...you cant be going walking around the streets at night with certain "ethnic" groups of youths roaming around in gangs.

Actually,even if you walk around the streets in the daytime, smiling at someone Thailand style, you will probably get punched in the nose or approached by some tool asking " What the f^ck are smiling at d!ckhead?

Oh, did i forget indifference...errr....luxury in Australia B)

haha yeah I agree, Australia is getting worse each year, I can't wait to get out and make my permanent move to Thailand, wayyyy better country. :D


TAT tries to get more tourists in,

but IMMIGRATION is doing their best to offend them at every chance,

puts them into endless queues, creates chaos about where to apply for Non-Imm-Visas, makes life difficult for married couples etc. etc.

It's like trying to walk with while constantly trying to trip yourself up.


My first time in Thailand back in 1987, I felt very welcome indeed. It was truly the land of smiles. Polite, friendly people everywhere I went. Now, 24 years later, it is a very different place; occasional friendliness, occasional hostility, for the most part just indifference.

Annual tourist arrivals were 3 million in 1987, now it is 15 million. Yet, the tourist industry still whines.

Have you considered the rest of the world??

Granted, in rural areas things may be different, but as for most of the bigger cities in Australia:

I rarely even feel welcome, and im a (minority) Aussie citizen :o

friendliness: rarely, if non existent

More often than not, hostility

I would add to that...you cant be going walking around the streets at night with certain "ethnic" groups of youths roaming around in gangs.

Actually,even if you walk around the streets in the daytime, smiling at someone Thailand style, you will probably get punched in the nose or approached by some tool asking " What the f^ck are smiling at d!ckhead?

Oh, did i forget indifference...errr....luxury in Australia B)

haha yeah I agree, Australia is getting worse each year, I can't wait to get out and make my permanent move to Thailand, wayyyy better country. :D

Why compare Thailand with all kinds of countries in other parts of the world, just compare it with Thailand like it was 10+ years ago, that's much more interesting.


The way I see it Thailand is controlled and owned at the top by ethnic Chinese, their loyalty in rank order is first their family, then their ancestors (in China), then Thailand.

To the Chinese Thais, Thailand is their fatted calf, they do not wish to share this trough with western farangs.

We are welcome to visit and spend our money but have to jump through many hoops to stay here longer than a tourist. We cannot own land, we have to report every 90 days, everyone is encouraged to rip us off at every opportunity and we are maligned in the media.

What this tells me is the Chinese Thais are running scared, we are a threat to their comfortable lives, our basic values of democracy, human rights and equality contradicts all that they have indoctrinated into the native Thais. I see it as no accident that the redshirts home base is also the region with the highest concentration of resident farangs.


If you ever get involved with trying to get a visa for a Thai to visit another country (other than immediate neibours) for tourist purposes you will realise how cheap and simple it is to get a visa to Thailand.

I.E. Tourist visa to NZ; an inch thich stack of paper a couple of intervies and 3 months later, granted.

To OZ; gave up in disgust and did not go.

China and the US have already been mentioned.


sounds like a very good idea, and along with that, the 1,900 THB fee every few months would be nice! :rolleyes:

The number of Chinese travelers in the kingdom would also reach 2 million per year within the next three years, thanks to China’s growing economy and lively tourism, while the Thai-Chinese relationship would be improved.

If Thais would be more educated and not just being the slaves of Chinese "businessmen", they'd start to realize that their own country is ruled by people who were communists before.

I doubt they'd like to see them in Thailand. I'd seen Chinese tourists spitting in a swimming pool near Jomtien while lots of people were swimming inside.

Would Thais know what's really going on in 'their' country, they'd try to get rid of Chinese people.

Why can't a Thai in Thailand run a gold buying and selling business? :jap:


Of course the travel industry as a vested interest is asking for visa fees to be waived, but let's hope the government doesn't fall for it again.

The visa applications still have to be lodged and processed. Who pays for that?? Taxpayers. I'd rather the tourists pay their visa fee and the proceeds pay for the processing, rather than being subsidized by government funds that could be spent on something more worthwhile, like healthcare, schools and infrastructure.

If people can afford to come to Thailand, they can afford to pay the pretty reasonable fees for tourist visas.

I'm with you.

Okay, lets backup on the bullshit.

Why do Chinese have no 14-day stamp at arrival placed in their passport like people from a good number of countries in the world receive upon arrival at Thai Immigration check points?

Or is this a case that Chinese are very slow people due to having to take lots of pictures of Thailand to decide were and what kind business venture(s) to start in Thailand when on vacation and the 14-day stamp in the passport is not enough time.

The more you read this forum the more you find out about the never ending string of shenanigans making the rounds in Thailand.

As for the 90-days reporting, well, stop moving around like a gypsy, buy your own residence and produce the Thai Gov. Land Office Document(s) to show them that you are a serious established in one place resident in Thailand. Thailand already has more than enough trouble keeping track of Thais and their residence address to the point that the Police takes the driver license which will be returned when coming to the police station because half the driver licenses in circulation the residence address is not were the holder of the driver license lives.

In many cases Thailand has screwy ideas, but also in many cases there is a reason for what to a farang looks like screwy ideas. As for the 90-day reporting, it should be made every 30-days with all the undesirables from all over the world using Thailand as a place to hide. After consistently having the same residence address as checked out by Immigration Police for 3-monhs then the person should be given a 90-days reporting.


Have you considered the rest of the world??

Granted, in rural areas things may be different, but as for most of the bigger cities in Australia:

I rarely even feel welcome, and im a (minority) Aussie citizen :o

friendliness: rarely, if non existent

More often than not, hostility

I would add to that...you cant be going walking around the streets at night with certain "ethnic" groups of youths roaming around in gangs.

Actually,even if you walk around the streets in the daytime, smiling at someone Thailand style, you will probably get punched in the nose or approached by some tool asking " What the f^ck are smiling at d!ckhead?

Oh, did i forget indifference...errr....luxury in Australia B)

haha yeah I agree, Australia is getting worse each year, I can't wait to get out and make my permanent move to Thailand, wayyyy better country. :D

Is this ironic?...humm.... Why many of Thai submitted their papers for residency in Aussie.


So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

How about dropping the O visa fee, better yet, make it so I don't have to go to Loa every 90 days, and spend money going into Loa, which would be spent in thailand on family and my community


and they should start thinking about visa regulations/conditions for work permits for foreign teachers! we teaching their kids and as thank you we have to pay fees, fees, fees and need visa extantions all 3 month - again to pay fees!

Let's hope you are not a teacher in English ( extantions ) :giggle::cheesy:


I vote to drop all this nonsense 90day reporting crap + paying for extension of stay visa + re-entry ripp off

When you have the right to vote in Thailand, you can vote for that should anyone ever propose it :)

I do agree with Chatette's post.

sirchai's post ???? Thailand ruled by former communists? I have no idea where he is getting his information! The same can be said about anterian's post :)


So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

correct opinion , even those free visas give more problem to obtain visa arround Thailand, if the fee makes your chance to come .Thailand .:lol: ...then better stay home .... and i am not a big money guy ....:o


and they should start thinking about visa regulations/conditions for work permits for foreign teachers! we teaching their kids and as thank you we have to pay fees, fees, fees and need visa extantions all 3 month - again to pay fees!

I sincerely hope you are not teaching them English if this is the level of your English speaking abilities. If you are teaching another subject but using English as the medium to communicate with your pupils it goes a long way to explain some of the sorry state of English ability coming out of the schools now.

I will never understand how Thai authorities can allow a person for whom English is not their first language being permitted to teach students in that language.

There will always be an exception to the above but on the whole people for whom English is not their first language should not be allowed to teach it, they obviously have a first language and should be encouraged to teach that.


If you ever get involved with trying to get a visa for a Thai to visit another country (other than immediate neibours) for tourist purposes you will realise how cheap and simple it is to get a visa to Thailand.

I.E. Tourist visa to NZ; an inch thich stack of paper a couple of intervies and 3 months later, granted.

To OZ; gave up in disgust and did not go.

China and the US have already been mentioned.

you are right... They treat Thai people bad when askin' for a visa even for a travel purpose. The toughest one is to The States and The EU is quite a hard one though.

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