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Britain To Crackdown On UK Child-Abuse Offenders In Thailand


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Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

Edited by pjclark1
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Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

Not even under Thai laws?? Although I think your comment could open another can of worms.


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emmigration services in both countries have some job to do - like asking why the person is comimg often to thailand (and refusing entry, if something is not right), why is extending their visa or what was doing in thailand on his visit. There are tell tell signs why somebody is travelling if you watch carefully. The extreme measure is to check luggage and laptop by customs (happens in the usa) for pictures.

the process of selection can start already in consulates issuing visas, at least to compare with police database. Short interviews can be done, if needed, as they are done for thai applying for visas to the uk.

thai, when applying to move or work abroad, are required to present their clean police record - similar can be required by thai consulates and emmigration offices.

also police in both countries can watch out for those on the database and their international movements.

certainly there is a lot to do on thai side, including educational programs and rising social awareness of the problem

Be quiet! Your saying an oil worker who is spending his shore leave in Thailand every 2weeks should be interrogated as to whether he is fiddling with kids ? And have his laptop plundered??

Who resigned and made you the Boss?

Most of what you imply could be done IS in fact done - such as having to provide evidence of a clean police record (for a previous term of several years I think). It is a mystery as to how these sex offenders manage to evade these checks and sneak into Thailand and SE Asian countries unchallenged to ply their sick trade. Either money talks or a blind eye is turned to this (both highly doubtful practises that would jeopardise the officer's involved's employment) which beggars the question as to how it is done and allowed to happen. This doesn't apply of course to those paedophiles that have not been prosecuted in their home country as they have either not been caught or have insufficient evidence against a conviction but travel to Asia intent on perpetrating their evil fantasies on some impoverished and largely defencive child victims.

Loser1 is not suggesting that everyone travelling with a laptop has their laptop plundered as you put it and investigated for child porn downloads. Only if their is justification ('in extreme cases') whereby something (someone) has alerted them to suspect something is amiss or they pose a possible risk for whatever reason they have surmised this to be the case - should this severe suitability check be implemented.

I doubt that a paedophile would likely pose as (or get a job) as an oil-worker on a rig simply as cover as to his real reason for being in Thailand - do you?

Your reply to Loser1's post 'smacks of immaturity' and is a meaningless one not worthy of this "subject" forum!!!

In YOUR opinion! I think he's got it right! I have been to Thailand more times than I can remember in the past many years, and I don't see why I should have to justify my visits to anyone!

As for the subject, there's a lot of huffing and puffing about supposed farang child sex in Thailand, but I've only seen a few arrests reported for such, and a lot of them seem more of an attemp to extort money than genuine cases. As said, most paedophilia is Thai on Thai, and I doubt the intepid duo will be getting involved in that scene!

So, does anyone have any actual facts on the number of British paedophiles in Thailand, and the number of CONVICTIONS of such, in Thailand, or is this just another "hang em high" thread?

Can you answer me this? Have you ever had to justify your coming to Thailand or had your laptop "plundered once in the 'many times' you say you've visited" the LOS. My guess is that you have never been challenged - not on the subject of commiting sex offences on children anyway. This is precisely my point, I don't have knowledge about what he is saying about being the case in the States but unless they have strong grounds or proof for believing you might be involved in the sex trade then your laptop won't be consficated by the police or immigration for investigational purposes so you won't be inconvenienced in this way.

What's all this nonsense about "who's resigned and made you boss" as he was just expressing his opinion on events and formulating ways in which they could go about making check's on those involved in this inexcusable exploitation of innocent children to satisfy their sick tendencies.

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emmigration services in both countries have some job to do - like asking why the person is comimg often to thailand (and refusing entry, if something is not right), why is extending their visa or what was doing in thailand on his visit. There are tell tell signs why somebody is travelling if you watch carefully. The extreme measure is to check luggage and laptop by customs (happens in the usa) for pictures.

Ever thought about a career as a politician? I don't think the answer is to treat everyone like a paedophile, people are getting very tired of the guilty until proven innocent approach.

Lets not take any inspiration from the USA, its a very messed up nation.

I wouldn't argue against you're final point, as messed up - they most definitely are!!!! The more things that remain in America the better off the rest of the world will be as a result.

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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

Yes, but a short time later: Davies insisted that "statistics tell us very little". Throughout the report they seem confused, and as usual, state many things we need to do without out much detail in how to do it.

Davies, and his colleague Tim Gerrish, were in Bangkok earlier this week to exchange views with the Thai police and the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) - a sign that the British government was taking the issue of child-sex offences by UK nationals seriously.

How does an NGO "exchanging views" with a law enforcement farce show that the British Gov is taking this seriously?

It's "measures" like this that empowers the peds, not the children. When governments take seriously the garbage these peds do to kids, they could stop it overnight - without the help from NGO's.

True, but if they stop this overnight then no money could be extorted from the offenders. It's like catching a fish and throwing it back in the water. You can catch it again another day!:jap:

Ahhhh, how refreshing. Someone WITH a brain. If all crime stopped overnight, economies throughout the world would crash and we would be in the dark ages for a thousand years.

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My opinion is that the world has gone nuts! - I started my screwing around in the 60s and then did 20 years of it all around Asia inc L.O.S. stopping due to marriage about 10 years ago. When I first went to Changmai its almost only "Massage" Parlour (before Soi Nana had a Plaza) was full of young chicks and no one bothered what age they were. In my experience all over Thailand the Gals wanted to be in the bars doing their stuff and it was lots of fun roaring around with them on big bikes. It seems that the fun bit has gone and it is more a predatory business from all sides including the do gooders and to me it is very sad. Its not only Boys who want to get laid Gals do too - has that been forgotten? I posted the youngest Grandma just as point that some as young as 10 are getting pregnant in Europe -Nuts!.

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Report: World's Youngest Grandmother Is 23

from The Daily Beast - Cheat Sheet

Here's something you don't see every day. At just 23 years of age, Rifca Stanescu of Investi, Romania, is the world's youngest grandmother, according to The Sun. Rifca married jewelry salesman Ionel Stanescu when she was 11 and he was 13

What they don't say is that these people are gypsies and that it's how they live. They marry a have kids at very young age and they've been doing it for thousands of years...

No gypsy think it's wrong and they sure won't let any government or NGO tell them at what age they should have kids or get married...

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People on the UK watchlist are fully aware that when they book an air ticket or other form of transport out of the UK the once their passport number and destination come up the details are automatically flagged to the destination country which then means the destination can check their record and if they see fit they can then bar the the person involved

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"his government had more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist, and had enlisted some 50,000 volunteers to disseminate useful information and preventive advice, which has reached up to 7 million people so far"

This is just the UK how about all the other countries too, numbers are staggering but are they real? -very complicated -definitions leave a lot to be desired and if a tourist is in a massage parlour and unknowingly has sex with an underage girl who is to blame? Beats me how a European can always judge correctly a 15 year old from a 17 years old and I have been around SE Asia for 30 years.

Don't know about you, but would've thought sex with anyone in a massage parlour would raise suspicions as to the veracity of it being a 'massage' parlour? Come off it ...

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People on the UK watchlist are fully aware that when they book an air ticket or other form of transport out of the UK the once their passport number and destination come up the details are automatically flagged to the destination country which then means the destination can check their record and if they see fit they can then bar the the person involved

Crap. I have English(male) friends who visit me on a regular basis here but have never hired prostitutes. Indeed, one of which took offence to being offered a box of condoms when recently presenting himself for the usual jabs for Thailand.

AND, by the way, how is it, bearing in mind your optimum sentence, a predominantly large proportion of 'kiddie fiddlers' are English? When was the last time you heard of a preponderance of English nonces being nabbed?

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My opinion is that the world has gone nuts! - I started my screwing around in the 60s and then did 20 years of it all around Asia inc L.O.S. stopping due to marriage about 10 years ago. When I first went to Changmai its almost only "Massage" Parlour (before Soi Nana had a Plaza) was full of young chicks and no one bothered what age they were. In my experience all over Thailand the Gals wanted to be in the bars doing their stuff and it was lots of fun roaring around with them on big bikes. It seems that the fun bit has gone and it is more a predatory business from all sides including the do gooders and to me it is very sad. Its not only Boys who want to get laid Gals do too - has that been forgotten? I posted the youngest Grandma just as point that some as young as 10 are getting pregnant in Europe -Nuts!.

With you being worldly wise . i would have thought you knew Thai culture, Most girls do not want to sell there body , they have to by necessity and from pressure to get money , When you have nothing the only thing you can sell is your body.So how do you get they like/want to screw around. Also many things get reported because there is freedom of speech in A lot of country's , so crimes get reported How do you account for crimes that We know go on but does not get reported, just because some parents give permission to abuse a 17 year old Thai girl does not make it right , its till acrime but does not get reported.

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"his government had more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist, and had enlisted some 50,000 volunteers to disseminate useful information and preventive advice, which has reached up to 7 million people so far"

This is just the UK how about all the other countries too, numbers are staggering but are they real? -very complicated -definitions leave a lot to be desired and if a tourist is in a massage parlour and unknowingly has sex with an underage girl who is to blame? Beats me how a European can always judge correctly a 15 year old from a 17 years old and I have been around SE Asia for 30 years.

An interesting point. When I first came to Thailand My Wife and I started going to one restaurant in particular on a regular basis. The owner and his wife are absolutely charming (except he suports Man U, but there we go). The food is delicious, but we noticed they had a little girl doing the waitressing - she is about four foot ten, very slim and quite reserved, but in a sweet innocent way. The restaurant used to be open quite late and when I got to know the owner better I gently challenged him about employing a little girl in his restaurant and quite often keeping her up until gone midnight. He asked me who was I talking about and when I said "little Ping", he roared with laughter and told me she was 27 years old, was married and had a four year old child. My Wife and I were absolutely dumb struck, we could have sworn she was about eleven or twelve years old. A similar thing happened very recently with another girl we know who has just had a baby. We thought it was her first, but she blushed and laughed and said she was twenty nine years old and had a seven year old son!

I also wonder if paedophilia is more prevalent in the developed Countries than in say developing Countries like Thailand, as one seems to hear very little about it in the local press, or is it a case of the children being less educated in matters of abuse?

It beats me how you and your wife can mistake 27/29 year olds as looking like 11 or 12 year olds!!!!!! If you had said 25 or 26 year olds looking like 18 or 19 year olds then that would at least be a bit more understandable.

Not sure about what you mean about "the children being less educated in matters of abuse" though!!!! As if they choose to do it and are unaware that it is improper and wrong - they simply need the money they can obtain by selling their bodies to farang's so that they can carry out their despicable and disgusting abuses on some poor innocent, in return.

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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

I guess your powers of observation are very limited and your highly offended by so many of your countrymen being held to account .. Just to enlighten you , Australia has a register of sex offenders and it prosecutes any Australian here or in any other country for child sex offences and has done for a very long time . It is something to be proud of that your country respects the safety and values of all children , not just their own . I hope to see it worldwide with such strong and effective deterrents in place that all children are safe .

Applaud this type of action , dont be embarrassed by something that is good .

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My opinion is that the world has gone nuts! - I started my screwing around in the 60s and then did 20 years of it all around Asia inc L.O.S. stopping due to marriage about 10 years ago. When I first went to Changmai its almost only "Massage" Parlour (before Soi Nana had a Plaza) was full of young chicks and no one bothered what age they were. In my experience all over Thailand the Gals wanted to be in the bars doing their stuff and it was lots of fun roaring around with them on big bikes. It seems that the fun bit has gone and it is more a predatory business from all sides including the do gooders and to me it is very sad. Its not only Boys who want to get laid Gals do too - has that been forgotten? I posted the youngest Grandma just as point that some as young as 10 are getting pregnant in Europe -Nuts!.

With you being worldly wise . i would have thought you knew Thai culture, Most girls do not want to sell there body , they have to by necessity and from pressure to get money , When you have nothing the only thing you can sell is your body.So how do you get they like/want to screw around. Also many things get reported because there is freedom of speech in A lot of country's , so crimes get reported How do you account for crimes that We know go on but does not get reported, just because some parents give permission to abuse a 17 year old Thai girl does not make it right , its till acrime but does not get reported.

Age of consent in the UK is 16 (only the 16 YOs permission required)

Age of consent in Thailand (with parental permission) is 15 (with a judges permission) is 13

Please explain how having consensual sex with a 17YO is either abuse or a crime in either country?

Edited by pjclark1
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my friend told me how warm the welcome party is in there.

it's everywhere in the world.

in some countries, like in the uk, they have special wards, for protection of those prisoners. They might not have long life on the general wards

When I was in my teens in the UK I well remember the dumped naked body of a young boy found in woods near my home. Perpetrator was caught, tried and sentenced. Within months of his incarceration he had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs in a fatal 'accident'. :D

How sad :-)

When I lived in the states I had a mate who served a couple of sentences in jail in the 60's-70's. Back then at least, they didn't segregate sex offenders and he had some very interesting stories of what happened to them!

One child molester ended up missing and was found a few days later under a pile of coal in the boiler room. His head was found a few feet away along with the shovel they used to do the deed! True story. (He worked in the boiler room but of course saw nothing lol) Another was hit by EVERY inmate who passed him, sometimes just a slap, sometimes much more. After a couple of years of this he went looney, They also made sure each one suffered in the same way their victims suffered IE sexually. My friend was a hard hard man, but he had 7 daughters himself. As he said "we are fathers too!"

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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

I wonder if it would be possible for Thailand to obtain lists from the UK or any other country that such information is kept and bar these pedophiles from entry as undesirables. Also the UK or any other country who has this information could restrict travel for these individuals, by canceling their visa, or refusing to issue one or requiring a stamp identifying this individual as a sex offender to alert any country that they travel to.

Part of the rules is that a registered offender must notify the police of any foreign travel arrangements. How well this works in reality, I don't know, although here is a real example.


thank you 'thai at heart' a good example indeed how well the powers above can do us all good. before other nationals rip us blighties apart,

statistics fr other other nations ??????

no. of course,paedaphilia doesn't exist outside or uk or s.e. asia.....

gary glttier luckilly easily got labelled because of his fame,others doing worse travelling freely meyhinks.........

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In 1958 an observant and inquisitive freelance reporter in the UK made known that the current wife (his third) of Jerry Lee Lewis, then touring the UK was all of 13 years old. Lewis and his management denied this and stated that she was in fact 15 years old and a distant cousin. Lewis was at the time an ancient 23 years so one might think that he didn't like old ladies of 18 or more. The tour was immediately cancelled and he returned to the US where his career also took a nosedive.

This thread is now on its fifth page and nobody has mentioned the Roman Catholic Church. Short memories? How many Catholic priests are English?

As for tattoos on paedophiles foreheads should we do the same for bank robbers? How about wife beaters? Riding a bicycle at night without lights? Paedophilia is a reprehensible and unnatural practice and all the World's children be shielded from it, but does any sane person really think that imprisonment is going to stop the practice and bring about a change in sexual desires? Thankfully the vast majority of people recoil from this aberration of a persons psyche but then many would do so when confronted with a leper. Should they be kept under lock and key and subject to continual abuse also? Does prison reform a thief? Isn't reformation the desired end result? I believe that science will at some future time come up with a reasonable response. It is known that drugs help to a degree, aversion therapy might. or might not, have helped some, and who is to say that burning out a nodule or two of the brain may prove effective. We live in a sick society and anybody who thinks that violence is the answer in any situation may be numbered as being amongst the sick.

BTW I find it odd that so many posters do not know the difference between an English person and a Brit. It is like defining an American as a Californian. I would advise those who cannot differentiate to steer well clear of Northern Ireland. I think that the Scots and Welsh wouldn't take too kindly either.

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My opinion is that the world has gone nuts! - I started my screwing around in the 60s and then did 20 years of it all around Asia inc L.O.S. stopping due to marriage about 10 years ago. When I first went to Changmai its almost only "Massage" Parlour (before Soi Nana had a Plaza) was full of young chicks and no one bothered what age they were. In my experience all over Thailand the Gals wanted to be in the bars doing their stuff and it was lots of fun roaring around with them on big bikes. It seems that the fun bit has gone and it is more a predatory business from all sides including the do gooders and to me it is very sad. Its not only Boys who want to get laid Gals do too - has that been forgotten? I posted the youngest Grandma just as point that some as young as 10 are getting pregnant in Europe -Nuts!.

With you being worldly wise . i would have thought you knew Thai culture, Most girls do not want to sell there body , they have to by necessity and from pressure to get money , When you have nothing the only thing you can sell is your body.So how do you get they like/want to screw around. Also many things get reported because there is freedom of speech in A lot of country's , so crimes get reported How do you account for crimes that We know go on but does not get reported, just because some parents give permission to abuse a 17 year old Thai girl does not make it right , its till acrime but does not get reported.

Age of consent in the UK is 16 (only the 16 YOs permission required)

Age of consent in Thailand (with parental permission) is 15 (with a judges permission) is 13

Please explain how having consensual sex with a 17YO is either abuse or a crime in either country?

Most consentual sex as you call it . is because of pressure from the Family because they have no money, Maybe that makes you feel good because the girl says yes, but take a look at the persons life and back ground.

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I like how this is just so important that it warranted a special 'breaking news' email. Makes me wonder how many pedophiles do lurk on this board. So sad, I hope they are serious about it, castration is too light of a punishment for these people. Absolutely sick to take advantage of a child because they are living in poverty.

Edited by RaoulDuke
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My opinion is that the world has gone nuts! - I started my screwing around in the 60s and then did 20 years of it all around Asia inc L.O.S. stopping due to marriage about 10 years ago. When I first went to Changmai its almost only "Massage" Parlour (before Soi Nana had a Plaza) was full of young chicks and no one bothered what age they were. In my experience all over Thailand the Gals wanted to be in the bars doing their stuff and it was lots of fun roaring around with them on big bikes. It seems that the fun bit has gone and it is more a predatory business from all sides including the do gooders and to me it is very sad. Its not only Boys who want to get laid Gals do too - has that been forgotten? I posted the youngest Grandma just as point that some as young as 10 are getting pregnant in Europe -Nuts!.

With you being worldly wise . i would have thought you knew Thai culture, Most girls do not want to sell there body , they have to by necessity and from pressure to get money , When you have nothing the only thing you can sell is your body.So how do you get they like/want to screw around. Also many things get reported because there is freedom of speech in A lot of country's , so crimes get reported How do you account for crimes that We know go on but does not get reported, just because some parents give permission to abuse a 17 year old Thai girl does not make it right , its till acrime but does not get reported.

Age of consent in the UK is 16 (only the 16 YOs permission required)

Age of consent in Thailand (with parental permission) is 15 (with a judges permission) is 13

Please explain how having consensual sex with a 17YO is either abuse or a crime in either country?

Most consentual sex as you call it . is because of pressure from the Family because they have no money, Maybe that makes you feel good because the girl says yes, but take a look at the persons life and back ground.

You're joking right?

My son in the UK was 15 and his gf was 16, she wanted to stay the night.

I said not until my son was 16.

When he was 16 she slept over .... no pressure from either family, apart from to keep the law.

There are some right loons on TV!

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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

I'm sure the US is working on this.


Others are as well.

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"and some of that is about social issues, which can take a long time to tackle,"

That social issue is about jobs and education both of which lead to why this very terrible thing happens. It is about money, for what ever purpose the money is used it is still the lowest of the lowest.

Mothers, fathers and even sisters and brothers sell their young to whom has the MONEY :(

Let's see what was it? The new rage iPhone,iPad or was it utter destitution and poverty?

The horror of this event is profound no matter the 'reason'

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i wonder if the governments of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are

going to 'crack down' on the main abusers of children, the native men

from those counties themselves?

<_<, try never. So many monks and teachers here, Thais, who abuse boys and girls, and almost always walk away scot free. In the papers all the time.

Also, Christ-pimpin' organizations like World Vision consider a 'child' to be anybody 23 years old or younger. That way they can grossly inflate their numbers and get more funding for thier deluxe condo living in the Sukhumvit and Silom areas. Believe me, I've know several people who worked for that organization....what a gravy train!

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If you actually read the story,you will see this is nothing to do with the UK government.

A couple of NGOs are out to make some money for themselves, they are quoted as not bothering to track down 'hotspots' of such activity around the world.

When asked to compare the severity of the situation in Thailand vis-?-vis other nations, both Davies and Gerrish said such comparisons were unhelpful.

"We will not look for hot spots because it limits our work," Gerrish said, adding that the centre might "miss what is going on elsewhere"

as a result. Though CEOP has contacts in South American and Eastern European nations, Davies insisted that "statistics tell us very little".

So I assume they are just visiting places that will get them free publicity, news reports and a bit of cash for their organisation. Gerrish also seems to have a bit of a penchant for visits to Thailand.

In other words, Thai bashing!

You've hit the nail on the head!

Perhaps they should actually be going to the US, which according to an article I recently read has the highest rate of child abuse in the world.

But it wouldn't be such an "exotic" destination, nudge nudge, would it!

Being from the US, I can confirm your child abuse statement, but most of it comes from female teachers having sex with boys and then not prosecuted.

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Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

Technically a paedophile engages with children under the age of puberty. At 17 it's down to the law in whatever country it takes place. Not sure what the situation on this is in Thailand.

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If you actually read the story,you will see this is nothing to do with the UK government.

A couple of NGOs are out to make some money for themselves

they are part of the police force www.ceop.police.uk

Absolutely right. Part of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)

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Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

Not a pedophile IMHO.

And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

This is clearly a set up and extortion operation by Thailand's corrupt police force. They know they will have trouble getting a conviction in this situation because the act took place in his apartment, in "a place of prostitution", as specified in Section 8 of the Preventation of Prostitution Act which is aimed at brothel operations and is the only section of Thai statutory law that covers sex with a 17 year old. The Pattaya police should occupy themselves in fighting real criminals.

"Section 8. Any person who, in order to gratify the sexual desire of oneself or another person, has sexual intercourse with or acts otherwise against a person over fifteen but not over eighteen years of age in a prostitution establishment, with or without his or her consent, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of one to three years and to a fine of twenty thousand to sixty thousand Baht."

Otherwise the age of consent is 15 under the Penal Code.

If the British police get into business with the boys in brown on sleazy operations like this, can they prosecuted in the UK under the UK's new Bribery Act?

Edited by Arkady
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It beats me how you and your wife can mistake 27/29 year olds as looking like 11 or 12 year olds!!!!!! If you had said 25 or 26 year olds looking like 18 or 19 year olds then that would at least be a bit more understandable.

It's very possible even more so.

A couple of years ago, I was in Bangkok with my (at that time) Thai wife. A Scandanavian couple stopped me in the street with the comment 'it is not right'. When I pressed them to clarify their statement, they said that it was not right that I was with an underage girl.

'How old do you think she is' I asked?

'No more than 13 years old' came the reply

At that time, my ex was 33 years old, and had 3 children... the eldest at 10 years old was already taller than her

(But dangerous things can come in small packages... :) )

So, for visiting tourists who are perhaps not used to the physique of some Thai ladies (and men), it is indeed possible to assume the worse, and to maybe act or speak out when the better option would be to confirm the facts first


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From the article: "more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist - the UK is not a nation of sex offenders"

Not a nation of sex offenders really??

You dont state which country your from - but i dont notice anyone else cracking down on it - only britain. hence this PROVES the UK is the nation LEAST full of sex offenders. Pity we cant crack down on illegal immigrants with equal vigour.

"Only Britain" and they are just starting ! The Australian govt have been at it for years :realangry:

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