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Why Do Expats Wear Shorts In Thailand


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and thais dont wear shorts?

Not when they go to a restaurant, bank, etc. B)

Semper, why don't you spell it out to us exactly what you see as the issue with expats wearing shorts here

Well, they really look like tourists or overaged boy scouts. :lol:

Happy now? :rolleyes:

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Only a few weeks ago my students were discussing cultural differences between Westerners and Thais.

One of the comments they came up with was that Westerners went against Thai culture by "wearing flip flops and shorts in public" and that Thais would never do this.

I disagree completely as I daily see Thai (males, females and third gender) wearing shorts, flip flops and pyjamas on the streets.

It's just a matter of convenience, comfort and I guess for many it's a question of economy.

Personally I don't like to wear shorts in shopping centres or when going out although I admit I do it sometimes.

Right and who exactly is it you see wearing shorts? The educated and hard working Thai citizen? NO. I am not saying it is right but Thailand is a classist society and they judge EVERYTHING on its appearance. The reason any Thai that has money or wants to look like someone above the bottom of society does not wear shorts is because only poor people wear shorts and flip flops here. Again I'm not saying its right, but when a falang wears shorts and flip flops he's wearing a "loser" sign. Sad but true, the guy could be a billionaire but he's still wearing the sign to Thai people and they will treat him accordingly. In Canada we wear shorts when its still cold out but the snow is melting, party time! And in Canada millionaires dress like bums... to drive their BMW roadster around. But this is Thailand. Anyway, this is my experience in Bangkok, no idea what its like in small towns and villages.

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Last week he fretted over what was in peoples backpacks. Agree with Mobi. Harmless troll.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, should have stuck with the handbag....Sorry backpack topic, come on semper, you know you want too post a 'Socks and Sandals' topic. With a sub heading of; 'Asian chic…yes or no?':rolleyes:

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Right and who exactly is it you see wearing shorts? The educated and hard working Thai citizen? NO.

I know wealthy, educated Thai businessmen who wear shorts frequently. The times they are a-changing.

So maybe we influenced their culture? Serves them right.

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Right and who exactly is it you see wearing shorts? The educated and hard working Thai citizen? NO.

I know wealthy, educated Thai businessmen who wear shorts frequently. The times they are a-changing.

They haven't changed yet, but ya I agree, now its sexy and cute for hot "normal" girls to wear those stylish nice shorts when going out to party. I like the changes. You won't see a dude wearing shorts at a disco though, not yet. Hard to pick up chicks and get laid when wearing the loser sign. Real hard.

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ok since i have to work night shift today u have all made my morning a fun one... and the dogs think im nuts for laughing out loud.

here we have the reverse question: why do thai labourers who have shoes and long pants prefer to wear shorts and flip flops when going out in freezing rain to buy stuff at the local store.? well, it bothered me so i asked (thinking that maybe i should find more pants/shoes for them to wear)- the answer: shoes get wet, pants get wet and then u sit in the house with them. legs and feet get wet, u dry off, and stay in warm house.

so somewhere there is a farang answer for the shorts question. most probably there is not much tropical weight pants for men that arent meant for fly fishermen et al, and jeans make u sweat. girls can wear skirts or capris, men cant therefore farang men that sweat alot prefer shorts ok?


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Only a few weeks ago my students were discussing cultural differences between Westerners and Thais.

One of the comments they came up with was that Westerners went against Thai culture by "wearing flip flops and shorts in public" and that Thais would never do this.

I disagree completely as I daily see Thai (males, females and third gender) wearing shorts, flip flops and pyjamas on the streets.

It's just a matter of convenience, comfort and I guess for many it's a question of economy.

Personally I don't like to wear shorts in shopping centres or when going out although I admit I do it sometimes.

Right and who exactly is it you see wearing shorts? The educated and hard working Thai citizen? NO. I am not saying it is right but Thailand is a classist society and they judge EVERYTHING on its appearance. The reason any Thai that has money or wants to look like someone above the bottom of society does not wear shorts is because only poor people wear shorts and flip flops here. Again I'm not saying its right, but when a falang wears shorts and flip flops he's wearing a "loser" sign. Sad but true, the guy could be a billionaire but he's still wearing the sign to Thai people and they will treat him accordingly. In Canada we wear shorts when its still cold out but the snow is melting, party time! And in Canada millionaires dress like bums... to drive their BMW roadster around. But this is Thailand. Anyway, this is my experience in Bangkok, no idea what its like in small towns and villages.

Yes your so right about the Thai, Hi-So attitude to dress, in the main they are a bunch of blow hards, same as, so called Hi-So anywhere in the world, you could be dressed like little lord Fauntleroy they would still look down on you, unless you had “old money” Who the hell feels they need to impress a bunch of snobs, regardless of nationality. As for them looking down on me, (even if I was a billionaire) I hope they really enjoy a good farang low-so dripping fest! Its shorts all the way for me, and dare I say it….I break the law every day here in Thailand, I always leave the house “Commando” anyway. Farang in shorts ….so what, what’s the deal with Hi-So male Thais and them little leather handbags.

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and thais dont wear shorts?

Not when they go to a restaurant, bank, etc. B)

While I understand that some restaurant may have a dress code, I don't see the point of wearing long pants when visiting a bank, bankers usually care only about the figures that appear on their screen when they type you name ...

Dressing casual is what make the difference between a customer and an employee

If you pay attention, you will notice that the only people who are properly dressed in an aircraft business class are company employees travelling with staff tickets ....

Same, Tuxedo is really an american stuff, only in America you can't make the difference between a guest and a waiter ...

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I'm not talking about the 2-4 weeks tourists, but about long time expats who are wearing shorts an short sleeve shirts.

Why do they do this? :rolleyes:


I have seen alot of things asked on Thai Visa, but this is the stupidest question I have ever seen.

FD :)

:lol: Could'nt agree more.

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and thais dont wear shorts?

Not when they go to a restaurant, bank, etc. B)

They do if they are from issan...have even seen a guy pull up and tie is buffalo to a tree outside the bank and then proceeded into the bank to do is business rolleyes.gif

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It makes a dam_n sight more sense wearing shorts here in Thailand than it did in primary school in the middle of winter in the UK freezing your nuts off.

But in those far off days of old you had no nuts anyway unless you dropped 'em early.

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Semper, why don't you spell it out to us exactly what you see as the issue with expats wearing shorts here

Well, they really look like tourists or overaged boy scouts.

Happy now?

Really & I always thought the people wearing long duds are in the wrong country. Snow or cold country perfect … here a waste of my time! Still personal taste: WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT

They haven't changed yet, but ya I agree, now its sexy and cute for hot "normal" girls to wear those stylish nice shorts when going out to party. I like the changes. You won't see a dude wearing shorts at a disco though, not yet. Hard to pick up chicks and get laid when wearing the loser sign. Real hard.

Shorts never once stopped me from scoring at yes even a disco. In Hawaii one looks like a fool when it is 32-38 degrees & your trying to look like a well dressed man. Girls don’t seem overly obsessed by what you wear (unless they are gold diggers) And from what I can tell they are more interested in a charmer with a good personality & fun to be with. Don’t get me wrong I occasionally like to go out with friends dressed to kill, but it is always cool to cold suit & tie(Goat Roper) only is comfortable in cool weather.

These the guys? I ran too!

Lets not even go there YUK :annoyed:


Edited by Beardog
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Quetion to the OP - why is this a bad thing? I mean I do agree that even in the states many younger folks wear cargo pants. boring tshirts and flip flops. They even do it when it's a bit chily. But why the question? I had on long pants and long shorts yesterday walking around and literally felt faint. I had to stop at one of the rip off tourist booths and purchase and overpriced tshirt for fear of fainting.

Is it seen as rude? I've also seen quite a bit of Thai men in shorts.

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I'm not talking about the 2-4 weeks tourists, but about long time expats who are wearing shorts an short sleeve shirts.

Why do they do this? :rolleyes:


I have seen alot of things asked on Thai Visa, but this is the stupidest question I have ever seen.

FD :)

Oh, I think I've seen worse, but a more serious question would be, why would anyone wear Speedos anywhere, ever.

2nd'd.....unless your a competitive swimmer or a lifeguard

Totally agree, budgie smugglers are never a good look!

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