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Himalayan Cat

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Our Himalayan cat (had for about a year and a half) disappeared for about a week. Yesterday, to everyone's surprise and happiness, she turned up again.

She ate for a while and then went into the room under the stairs, where she stayed.

Today, concerned that she might not have eaten or drank since then, I decided to get her out into the fresh air.

As I gently started to move her, I noticed a nice surprise, a kitten.

Our cat seems quite content with her new addition. I put a plate of food and a dish of milk in front of her. She's allowing the kitten to feed off her, so all seems ok.

What's the general consensus of this situation? Should I take both to the vet to be check them both out?

Both seem quite lively!



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hey . . . congratulation !

I guess you may able to see her 'belly' before she disappeared for a week :-) and, usually the kitten comes with brother and sisters too, check it out :-)

if the kitten just couple of days, then wait a while and bring them to the vet ! a lot of deceases and virus these days especially for the young one.

have fun then :-)

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Thanks. Yea, her belly looked a bit bigger, but, she's quite hairy so it didn't really stand out.

I haven't moved the mother, but I've only seen one feeding off her.

Yea, I'll let her settle for a couple of days before taking a trip to the vet.

Still trying to figure out which cat in the estate is the father so that I can sort out a wedding.

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The first round of vaccination is not until 8 - 10 weeks old (i.e. 2+ months) so no need to rush. As long as they both seem healthy, the only thing you need to do is to make sure Momma has plenty of nutritious food to eat, and she'll see to the kitten's needs.

The kitten should start to take solid food (in addition to the breast-feeding, which will continue0 at about 3-4 weeks of age. If your cat normally eats dried food, the kitten needs something softer. Whiskas has little packets of moist food specifically for kittens.

Around the time you take baby to the vet to start his/her immunizations, you should also take Momma in to be spayed, unless you want a repeat performance in the near future.....

The kitten can be spayed/neutered when 5+ months old. Don't leave it too long or you'll became a great-grandparent....!

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