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Sharp Drop In Temperatures Felt In Thailand As Mercury Plummets Nationwide


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My thick furry persian cats feel right at home...

Both my American Shorthair cats have been freezing their asses off! Seriously, they have buried themselves under the blankets the last two days.

nothing worse than a cold pussy ;)

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For the jetstream to drop down this far which is totally out of character for this time of year, it needs a low pressure place to go. One way that can be accomplished is by pushing the upper atmosphere up which seems to be exactly what happened, you can read it here: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=1624 So for Somchai to say it has nothing to do with the earthquake off of Japan is totally out of line and misinformation. The HAARP technology was designed to do just this, divert jetstreams and therefore control the weather. Not a myth, not a theory, just facts you can search out for yourself there is a ton of information out there about it.

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My thick furry persian cats feel right at home...

Both my American Shorthair cats have been freezing their asses off! Seriously, they have buried themselves under the blankets the last two days.

nothing worse than a cold pussy ;)

+1 :lol:

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For the jetstream to drop down this far which is totally out of character for this time of year, it needs a low pressure place to go. One way that can be accomplished is by pushing the upper atmosphere up which seems to be exactly what happened, you can read it here: http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=1624 So for Somchai to say it has nothing to do with the earthquake off of Japan is totally out of line and misinformation. The HAARP technology was designed to do just this, divert jetstreams and therefore control the weather. Not a myth, not a theory, just facts you can search out for yourself there is a ton of information out there about it.

I see you've opened your mind. Not many of us out here. A few years ago my friends were calling me a crazy, paranoid survivalist because I bought a Katadyn emergency water filter and potassium iodide tablets. Right now, my friends and probably half the population of Japan would die to have my water filter and potassium iodide tablets (no pun intended).

Funny, huh? :whistling:

Yep, HAARP can do this! Just what it was designed for.

But most of the population don't have a clue as to what HAARP is, and if they do they've probably drank the mass media Kool-Aid and will vehemently deny that HAARP technology can do anything like this. <_<

Oh well, we live in interesting times ;)

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I know next month will be the hottest month,real summer. This absolutely is at odds. Many phenomenons have been around since the new year. A research found that the day is shorter by 1.8 millionths of a second, and the Earth's axis shifted by 17 centimeters (6.5 inches). The earth quake in Japan is one of the 5th largest since 1900.

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Further Temperature Drop

The Meteorological Department has reported of a further temperature drop by 1-2 degrees Celsius today while rain should still be seen nationwide. Waves will continue to be high at coastal areas so small boats should remain onshore.

Another high pressure cell from China is expected to reach Thailand again on March 22-23, causing cool temperatures and rain again.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-18


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All the American Global Warming deniers are out today, The Al Gore haters,. the gas guzzlers in their pick ups in Thailand who complain about 4 dollars a gallon in their old country, You know what , global warmer means all manner of climate changes , The scientific facts are clear. Now go and watch your fox news on TV or online to re enforce your denial.

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its funny that the country does it meteorological research on message boards instead of Google. this week (saturday) the moon will be the closest its been to Earth since 1983 (completing an 18 year cycle) and will cause extreme gravitational pull.

"Super full Moons occur whenever the Moon's perigee period — the time when it is closest to our home planet — coincides with the middle of its lunar cycle. It's a rare occasion that only occurs about once every 18 years."


"This proxigean cycle is when the moon has its strongest gravitational pull and so a maximum tidal effect on the earth. Some research suggests that seismic activity is more likely to occur around this time, but is still dependent on the nature of the dynamics in tectonic plates."


all heil the SuperMoon.

Think you got that wrong Vahak-----if it's a 18 yr cycle then we had one in 2001 and the next one is in 2019------if this is due as you say to the Moon's period then all I can say is----she must be a woman----all sorts of nasty things can happen during that period !!!!!!!!!

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Yep, HAARP can do this! Just what it was designed for.

But most of the population don't have a clue as to what HAARP is, and if they do they've probably drank the mass media Kool-Aid and will vehemently deny that HAARP technology can do anything like this. <_<

Oh well, we live in interesting times ;)

Where's the proof?

The crackpot conspiracy theory link above certainly doesn't add credibility. The entire article talks about how the 2.5Hz measurement is "proof" that the USA did this, using their Sea-based X-band Radar. Admittedly, that radar looks like something out of a James Bond movie, like one of those props where one would say "yeah, right". But, it's real! Nevertheless, nothing about it says "able to generate a 2.5Hz ionospheric wave".

It's interesting that HAARP measured a 2.5Hz wave (of what? I am not sure) that started a few days before the quake, and ended abruptly a few hours after.

But the website fails to provide any proof or explanation on where that wave came from - maybe it was caused by the processes that produced the quake. Maybe it's unrelated (it happens). Who knows. If, as the conspiracy theory proposes, the people operating HAARP know that it can cause earthquakes, then why would they use it? Like most conspiracy theories, this one suffers from two things: Lack of motive, and even if there was a motive, lack of capability. Not to mention it's pretty hard to keep stuff like that under wraps.

Wikipedia's article on HAARP is here. It concludes with this:

HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project. Journalist Sharon Weinberger called HAARP "the Moby Dick of conspiracy theories" and said the popularity of conspiracy theories often overshadows the benefits HAARP may provide to the scientific community.[14][15] Skeptic computer scientist David Naiditch called HAARP "a magnet for conspiracy theorists", saying the project has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes in Pakistan and the Philippines aimed to "shake up" terrorists. Naiditch says HAARP has been blamed for diverse events including major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Conspiracy theorists have also suggested links between HAARP and the work of Nikola Tesla (particularly potential combinations of HAARP energy with Tesla's work on pneumatic small-scale earthquake generation) and physicist Bernard Eastlund. According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because "its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed".[16] Conspiracy theorists have linked HAARP to numerous earthquakes. An opinion piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel's website named HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.[17][18][19]

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Al Gore will probably try to say it's " climate change" caused by our SUV's!

Right on Miami Bob!

Mr. Gore and his cartel of elites, who produced the movie on global warming called An Inconvenient Truth, would probably tell you that all of this cold weather is being caused by global warming. Yes, Mr. Gore and his friends spent a few million dollars to convince you that cold weather really means hot weather :blink:

What Mr. Gore did not tell you in his film is that he and his friends own very lucrative companies that deal in the marketing of Carbon Credits, and that they stand to make billions of dollars if they can convince you to support your government's plans to pass legislation to limit carbon emissions and to legally mandate the global, international trading of Carbon Credits. Hummm. That was just a small, inconvenient truth that was left out of the movie. Darn! :whistling:

So everyone! Open up those beautiful minds of yours and connect the dots... and enjoy this wonderful cool weather we are experiencing in the middle of the hot season. 'Tis just a small proclivity of Mother Nature for your enjoyment. :rolleyes:

"Gee Whiz! Thanks Mother Nature!!!" :)

And of course, the concept of climate change was entirely dereamed up by Al Gore, so the conspiracy is entirely of his making. When you are talking about average temperatures going up globally by say, one degree celsius over a decade, it isn't going to manifest (or be perceived by individuals) as hotter seasons all year round everywhere in the world. It is mainly going to manifest as buggered up weather due to alterations in sea and air currents - sometimes hotter, sometimes colder, but averaging out over the seas and the land masses as slightly, imperceptibly (to humans) warmer. That climate change is occurring is not really in dispute. What is in dispute is the cause of it. I personally don't think it is absurd to believe that the amount of fuel we are burning and tossing into the atmosphere is having an effect on the climate, but doubtless it isn't the only factor - there are longer term cycles that the earth can be going through - it is one thing to measure global weather and another thing entirely to analyse it. But one thing is sure; some guy shivering in his armchair reckoning that as the temperature in Thailand is unseasonably low, this whole global warming malarky is just a conspiracy by Al Gore, is not really in much of a position to share much more on the subject than his ignorance.

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Further Temperature Drop

The Meteorological Department has reported of a further temperature drop by 1-2 degrees Celsius today while rain should still be seen nationwide. Waves will continue to be high at coastal areas so small boats should remain onshore.

Another high pressure cell from China is expected to reach Thailand again on March 22-23, causing cool temperatures and rain again.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-18


More cold weather??? Way Cool!!! (pun intended) :lol: Bring it on. This Scottish, Irish, Bavarian Farang just Loves this wonderful, chilly weather. Agat Dee Maak! อากาศดีมาก

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All the American Global Warming deniers are out today, The Al Gore haters,. the gas guzzlers in their pick ups in Thailand who complain about 4 dollars a gallon in their old country, You know what , global warmer means all manner of climate changes , The scientific facts are clear. Now go and watch your fox news on TV or online to re enforce your denial.

Yep sure brings the bozoes out of the woodwork.

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Yep, HAARP can do this! Just what it was designed for.

But most of the population don't have a clue as to what HAARP is, and if they do they've probably drank the mass media Kool-Aid and will vehemently deny that HAARP technology can do anything like this. <_<

Oh well, we live in interesting times ;)

Where's the proof?

Suppressed for reasons of National Security B) <chuckle> Now it's time to take a walk in this wonderful, new, cool Thai weather... เดินไป!!! :D

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All the American Global Warming deniers are out today, The Al Gore haters,. the gas guzzlers in their pick ups in Thailand who complain about 4 dollars a gallon in their old country, You know what , global warmer means all manner of climate changes , The scientific facts are clear. Now go and watch your fox news on TV or online to re enforce your denial.

Yep sure brings the bozoes out of the woodwork.

Emotional, aren't they? <grin> :rolleyes:

Edited by connda
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The opposition will be blamed soon for the waves and the drop in temperature. The DSI is already preparing to petition the courts in order to revoke the red shirt leaders bail.

What?What?What?What?What?What?What?................................ da hell is this? drop me out dude.......

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Al Gore will probably try to say it's " climate change" caused by our SUV's!

Right on Miami Bob!

Mr. Gore and his cartel of elites, who produced the movie on global warming called An Inconvenient Truth, would probably tell you that all of this cold weather is being caused by global warming. Yes, Mr. Gore and his friends spent a few million dollars to convince you that cold weather really means hot weather :blink:

What Mr. Gore did not tell you in his film is that he and his friends own very lucrative companies that deal in the marketing of Carbon Credits, and that they stand to make billions of dollars if they can convince you to support your government's plans to pass legislation to limit carbon emissions and to legally mandate the global, international trading of Carbon Credits. Hummm. That was just a small, inconvenient truth that was left out of the movie. Darn! :whistling:

So everyone! Open up those beautiful minds of yours and connect the dots... and enjoy this wonderful cool weather we are experiencing in the middle of the hot season. 'Tis just a small proclivity of Mother Nature for your enjoyment. :rolleyes:

"Gee Whiz! Thanks Mother Nature!!!" :)

Forget Al Gore and the other limousine liberals, they make me want to puke too. Regardless there is a well established scientific model that dictates the earth's carbon equilibrium is directly linked to the earth's weather. That model holds up across time. It is the reason for the ice age and it applies today also.

Global warming means human's pump way too much carbon in the atmosphere and we artificially warm the planet in an unnatural amount of time. What mother nature does to react to that is up to her. Cold weather, hot weather, no rain, too much rain, high winds, no winds, or what ever fits her fancy. In the end she will win.

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They don't keep it under wraps. It's also not theory, just go to the HAARP website. If you don't know what the 2.5hz wave is go to the HAARP website. If you don't know how they accidently discovered it causes earthquakes search it on youtube and see it for yourself. Plenty of motives, Japan holds the largest amount of US debt, look into that. The only uninformed are those that don't seek out information. How HAARP works and how it can and does control the weather is not theory. If you don't think it had something to do with the Haiti earthquake and the one in China, you are grossly uninformed. If you want theory, steel buildings collapsing in their footprint from a diesel fire and military weapon grade thermocite found at the scene had nothing to do with it. WOW! you're post is just amazing! <_< No such thing as a conspiracy, and the US government has never done anything for profit that involved killing huge numbers of people. :jap:

Yep, HAARP can do this! Just what it was designed for.

But most of the population don't have a clue as to what HAARP is, and if they do they've probably drank the mass media Kool-Aid and will vehemently deny that HAARP technology can do anything like this. <_<

Oh well, we live in interesting times ;)

Where's the proof?

The crackpot conspiracy theory link above certainly doesn't add credibility. The entire article talks about how the 2.5Hz measurement is "proof" that the USA did this, using their Sea-based X-band Radar. Admittedly, that radar looks like something out of a James Bond movie, like one of those props where one would say "yeah, right". But, it's real! Nevertheless, nothing about it says "able to generate a 2.5Hz ionospheric wave".

It's interesting that HAARP measured a 2.5Hz wave (of what? I am not sure) that started a few days before the quake, and ended abruptly a few hours after.

But the website fails to provide any proof or explanation on where that wave came from - maybe it was caused by the processes that produced the quake. Maybe it's unrelated (it happens). Who knows. If, as the conspiracy theory proposes, the people operating HAARP know that it can cause earthquakes, then why would they use it? Like most conspiracy theories, this one suffers from two things: Lack of motive, and even if there was a motive, lack of capability. Not to mention it's pretty hard to keep stuff like that under wraps.

Wikipedia's article on HAARP is here. It concludes with this:

HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project. Journalist Sharon Weinberger called HAARP "the Moby Dick of conspiracy theories" and said the popularity of conspiracy theories often overshadows the benefits HAARP may provide to the scientific community.[14][15] Skeptic computer scientist David Naiditch called HAARP "a magnet for conspiracy theorists", saying the project has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes in Pakistan and the Philippines aimed to "shake up" terrorists. Naiditch says HAARP has been blamed for diverse events including major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Conspiracy theorists have also suggested links between HAARP and the work of Nikola Tesla (particularly potential combinations of HAARP energy with Tesla's work on pneumatic small-scale earthquake generation) and physicist Bernard Eastlund. According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because "its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed".[16] Conspiracy theorists have linked HAARP to numerous earthquakes. An opinion piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel's website named HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.[17][18][19]

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I know it is a lovely moment for all us and the weather like this isn't a reason for us to cry... however, I believe it is a sign to worry... specially if you start adding... waves destroying homes and boats... What's next? :unsure:

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